* add soft-spi * add spi-bit-ops.c/h to components/drivers/spi * add a drv_soft_spi example for gd32303e-eval Signed-off-by: kyle <kylepengchn@163.com> * Fixed the format and the certificate. Signed-off-by: kyle <kylepengchn@163.com> * Update the certificate data. Signed-off-by: kyle <kylepengchn@163.com>
44 lines
1.1 KiB
44 lines
1.1 KiB
from building import *
import rtconfig
cwd = GetCurrentDir()
src = ['spi_core.c', 'spi_dev.c']
CPPPATH = [cwd, cwd + '/../include']
if GetDepend('RT_USING_SPI_BITOPS'):
src += ['spi-bit-ops.c']
if GetDepend('RT_USING_QSPI'):
src += ['qspi_core.c']
src_device = []
if GetDepend('RT_USING_SPI_WIFI'):
src_device += ['spi_wifi_rw009.c']
if GetDepend('RT_USING_ENC28J60'):
src_device += ['enc28j60.c']
if GetDepend('RT_USING_SPI_MSD'):
src_device += ['spi_msd.c']
if GetDepend('RT_USING_SFUD'):
src_device += ['spi_flash_sfud.c', 'sfud/src/sfud.c']
CPPPATH += [cwd + '/sfud/inc']
if GetDepend('RT_SFUD_USING_SFDP'):
src_device += ['sfud/src/sfud_sfdp.c']
if rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'gcc':
LOCAL_CFLAGS += ' -std=c99'
elif rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'armcc':
LOCAL_CFLAGS += ' --c99'
elif rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'armclang':
LOCAL_CFLAGS += ' -std=c99'
src += src_device
group = DefineGroup('DeviceDrivers', src, depend = ['RT_USING_SPI'], CPPPATH = CPPPATH, LOCAL_CFLAGS = LOCAL_CFLAGS)