* 本次提交包括①BSP驱动新增②F103库更新③GCC、IAR适配及MDK更新④README文件及由更新驱动引起的脚本改动。 详情如下: 一、BSP驱动新增 这是本次PR的主要目的,现新增了如下BSP驱动: ADC、DAC、RTC、PWM、HWTIMER、I2C、SPI和WDT等八个驱动文件。 二、F103库更新: 本次提交使用2022年3月初极海官网发布的最新F103库,主要增加了版权声明、USB驱动及其他代码调整。 三、编译器适配: 1、新增GCC编译支持,在ENV工具下编译能成功且输出的bin文件能够使开发板闪灯。 2、新增IAR工程支持。 3、由F103的SDK更新,MDK的工程也进行了相应更新。 四、其他 1、README文件做了修改,加入了scons编译后的jlink下载说明和官网链接。 2、Kconfig、SConscript脚本根据驱动更新做了修改。 * 格式化代码(AStyle + Formatting) * 增加BSP APM版权声明 * 在ci添加当前bsp的路径,以能够验证gcc能否正常编译 * 路径的“\”改为“/”
245 lines
5.8 KiB
245 lines
5.8 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2022-03-04 stevetong459 first version
#include "board.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef RT_USING_I2C
#define LOG_TAG "drv.i2c"
#include <rtdbg.h>
#if !defined(BSP_USING_I2C1) && !defined(BSP_USING_I2C2) && !defined(BSP_USING_I2C3) && !defined(BSP_USING_I2C4)
#error "Please define at least one BSP_USING_I2Cx"
/* apm32 i2c config class */
struct apm32_soft_i2c_config
rt_uint8_t scl_pin;
rt_uint8_t sda_pin;
const char *bus_name;
/* apm32 i2c dirver class */
struct apm32_soft_i2c
struct rt_i2c_bit_ops ops;
struct rt_i2c_bus_device i2c2_bus;
static const struct apm32_soft_i2c_config soft_i2c_config[] =
#ifdef BSP_USING_I2C1
#ifdef BSP_USING_I2C2
#ifdef BSP_USING_I2C3
#ifdef BSP_USING_I2C4
static struct apm32_soft_i2c i2c_obj[sizeof(soft_i2c_config) / sizeof(soft_i2c_config[0])];
* @brief This function will config gpio of soft i2c.
* @param i2c is a pointer to the object of soft i2c.
static void _soft_i2c_gpio_init(struct apm32_soft_i2c *i2c)
struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *cfg = (struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *)i2c->ops.data;
rt_pin_mode(cfg->scl_pin, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_OD);
rt_pin_mode(cfg->sda_pin, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_OD);
rt_pin_write(cfg->scl_pin, PIN_HIGH);
rt_pin_write(cfg->sda_pin, PIN_HIGH);
* @brief This function sets the sda pin.
* @param data is a pointer to the i2c config class.
* @param state is the level of sda pin.
static void _soft_i2c_set_sda(void *data, rt_int32_t state)
struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *cfg = (struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *)data;
rt_pin_write(cfg->sda_pin, state ? PIN_HIGH : PIN_LOW);
* @brief This function sets the scl pin.
* @param data is a pointer to the i2c config class.
* @param state is the level of scl pin.
static void _soft_i2c_set_scl(void *data, rt_int32_t state)
struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *cfg = (struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *)data;
rt_pin_write(cfg->scl_pin, state ? PIN_HIGH : PIN_LOW);
* @brief This function gets the sda pin state.
* @param data is a pointer to the i2c config class.
static rt_int32_t _soft_i2c_get_sda(void *data)
struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *cfg = (struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *)data;
return rt_pin_read(cfg->sda_pin);
* @brief This function gets the scl pin state.
* @param data is a pointer to the i2c config class.
static rt_int32_t _soft_i2c_get_scl(void *data)
struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *cfg = (struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *)data;
return rt_pin_read(cfg->scl_pin);
* @brief The time delay function in microseconds.
* @param us is the microseconds to delay.
static void _soft_i2c_udelay(rt_uint32_t us)
rt_uint32_t count_old = SysTick->VAL;
rt_uint32_t count_now;
rt_uint32_t count = 0;
rt_uint32_t reload = SysTick->LOAD;
rt_uint32_t count_pre_us = (reload * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND) / 1000000;
while (count_pre_us * us > count)
count_now = SysTick->VAL;
if (count_now != count_old)
if (count_now < count_old)
count += count_old - count_now;
count += reload - count_now + count_old;
count_old = count_now;
* @brief This function will unlock i2c, if it is locked.
* @param cfg is a pointer to i2c config class.
* @return RT_EOK indicates successful unlock, other value indicates failed.
static rt_err_t apm32_i2c_bus_unlock(const struct apm32_soft_i2c_config *cfg)
rt_int32_t i = 0;
if (PIN_LOW == rt_pin_read(cfg->sda_pin))
while (i++ < 9)
rt_pin_write(cfg->scl_pin, PIN_HIGH);
rt_pin_write(cfg->scl_pin, PIN_LOW);
if (PIN_LOW == rt_pin_read(cfg->sda_pin))
return -RT_ERROR;
return RT_EOK;
static const struct rt_i2c_bit_ops apm32_bit_ops_default =
.data = RT_NULL,
.set_sda = _soft_i2c_set_sda,
.set_scl = _soft_i2c_set_scl,
.get_sda = _soft_i2c_get_sda,
.get_scl = _soft_i2c_get_scl,
.udelay = _soft_i2c_udelay,
.delay_us = 1,
.timeout = 100
* @brief I2C initialization function.
* @return RT_EOK indicates successful initialization, other value indicates failed;
int rt_hw_i2c_init(void)
rt_size_t obj_num = sizeof(i2c_obj) / sizeof(struct apm32_soft_i2c);
rt_err_t result;
for (int i = 0; i < obj_num; i++)
i2c_obj[i].ops = apm32_bit_ops_default;
i2c_obj[i].ops.data = (void *)&soft_i2c_config[i];
i2c_obj[i].i2c2_bus.priv = &i2c_obj[i].ops;
result = rt_i2c_bit_add_bus(&i2c_obj[i].i2c2_bus, soft_i2c_config[i].bus_name);
RT_ASSERT(result == RT_EOK);
LOG_D("software simulation %s init done, pin scl: %s, pin sda: %s",
return RT_EOK;
#endif /* RT_USING_I2C */