and implement examples in MB9BF506R and LPC176x branches define RT_USING_BSP_CMSIS in rtconfig.h will use CMSIS in bsp define RT_USING_RTT_CMSIS in rtconfig.h will use CMSIS in components git-svn-id: bbd45198-f89e-11dd-88c7-29a3b14d5316
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#include "cmsis_os.h"
// Kernel Control Public API
/// Start the RTOS Kernel with executing the specified thread
osStatus osKernelStart(osThreadDef_t *thread_def, void *argument)
osThreadCreate(thread_def, argument);
return osOK;
/// Check if the RTOS kernel is already started
int32_t osKernelRunning(void)
return (rt_thread_self() != RT_NULL) ? 1 : 0;
// Thread Public API
/// Create a thread and add it to Active Threads and set it to state READY
osThreadId osThreadCreate(osThreadDef_t *thread_def, void *argument)
osThreadId thread;
thread = rt_thread_create(thread_def->name, thread_def->entry, argument, thread_def->stack_size, thread_def->priority, thread_def->tick);
if (thread != RT_NULL)
return thread;
/// Return the thread ID of the current running thread
osThreadId osThreadGetId(void)
return rt_thread_self();
/// Terminate execution of a thread and remove it from ActiveThreads
osStatus osThreadTerminate(osThreadId thread_id)
rt_err_t result;
result = rt_thread_delete(thread_id);
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
/// Pass control to next thread that is in state READY
osStatus osThreadYield(void)
rt_err_t result;
result = rt_thread_yield();
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
/// Change prority of an active thread
osStatus osThreadSetPriority(osThreadId thread_id, osPriority priority)
rt_err_t result;
if (thread_id == RT_NULL)
return osErrorOS;
if (priority < osPriorityIdle || priority > osPriorityRealtime)
return osErrorPriority;
result = rt_thread_control(thread_id, RT_THREAD_CTRL_CHANGE_PRIORITY, &priority);
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
/// Get current prority of an active thread
osPriority osThreadGetPriority(osThreadId thread_id)
if (thread_id == RT_NULL)
return osErrorOS;
if (thread_id->current_priority < osPriorityIdle || thread_id->current_priority > osPriorityRealtime)
return osPriorityError;
return thread_id->current_priority;
// Generic Wait API
/// Wait for Timeout (Time Delay)
osStatus osDelay(uint32_t millisec)
rt_err_t result;
rt_tick_t ticks;
ticks = rt_tick_from_millisecond(millisec);
result = rt_thread_delay(ticks);
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
/// Wait for Signal, Message, Mail, or Timeout
osEvent osWait(uint32_t millisec)
rt_err_t result;
rt_tick_t ticks;
ticks = rt_tick_from_millisecond(millisec);
result = rt_thread_delay(ticks);
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
// Timer Management Public API
/// Create timer
osTimerId osTimerCreate(osTimerDef_t *timer_def, os_timer_type type, void *argument)
return rt_timer_create(timer_def->name, timer_def->timeout, timer_def->parameter, timer_def->time, timer_def->flag);
/// Start or restart timer
osStatus osTimerStart(osTimerId timer_id, uint32_t millisec)
rt_err_t result;
result = rt_timer_start(timer_id);
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
/// Stop timer
osStatus osTimerStop(osTimerId timer_id)
rt_err_t result;
result = rt_timer_stop(timer_id);
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
// Mutex Public API
/// Create and Initialize a Mutex object
osMutexId osMutexCreate(osMutexDef_t *mutex_def)
return rt_mutex_create(mutex_def->name, mutex_def->flag);
/// Wait until a Mutex becomes available
osStatus osMutexWait(osMutexId mutex_id, uint32_t millisec)
rt_err_t result;
rt_tick_t ticks;
ticks = rt_tick_from_millisecond(millisec);
result = rt_mutex_take(mutex_id, ticks);
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
/// Release a Mutex that was obtained with osMutexWait
osStatus osMutexRelease(osMutexId mutex_id)
rt_err_t result;
result = rt_mutex_release(mutex_id);
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
// Semaphore Public API
/// Create and Initialize a Semaphore object
osSemaphoreId osSemaphoreCreate(osSemaphoreDef_t *semaphore_def, int32_t count)
return rt_sem_create(semaphore_def->name, count, semaphore_def->flag);
/// Wait until a Semaphore becomes available
int32_t osSemaphoreWait(osSemaphoreId semaphore_id, uint32_t millisec)
rt_tick_t ticks;
if (semaphore_id == RT_NULL)
return -1;
ticks = rt_tick_from_millisecond(millisec);
rt_sem_take(semaphore_id, ticks);
return semaphore_id->value;
/// Release a Semaphore
osStatus osSemaphoreRelease(osSemaphoreId semaphore_id)
rt_err_t result;
result = rt_sem_release(semaphore_id);
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
// Memory Management Public API
/// Create and Initialize memory pool
osPoolId osPoolCreate(osPoolDef_t *pool_def)
return rt_mp_create(pool_def->name, pool_def->block_count, pool_def->block_size);
/// Allocate a memory block from a memory pool
void *osPoolAlloc(osPoolId pool_id)
return rt_mp_alloc(pool_id, 0);
/// Allocate a memory block from a memory pool and set memory block to zero
void *osPoolCAlloc(osPoolId pool_id)
/// Return an allocated memory block back to a specific memory pool
osStatus osPoolFree(osPoolId pool_id, void *block)
return osOK;
// Message Queue Management Public API
/// Create and Initialize Message Queue
osMessageQId osMessageCreate(osMessageQDef_t *queue_def, osThreadId thread_id)
return rt_mq_create(queue_def->name, queue_def->msg_size, queue_def->max_msgs, queue_def->flag);
/// Put a Message to a Queue
osStatus osMessagePut(osMessageQId queue_id, uint32_t info, uint32_t millisec)
rt_err_t result;
result = rt_mq_send(queue_id, &info, 1);
if (result == RT_EOK)
return osOK;
return osErrorOS;
/// Get a Message or Wait for a Message from a Queue
osEvent osMessageGet(osMessageQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec)
// Mail Queue Management Public API
/// Create and Initialize mail queue
osMailQId osMailCreate(osMailQDef_t *queue_def, osThreadId thread_id)
/// Allocate a memory block from a mail
void *osMailAlloc(osMailQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec)
/// Allocate a memory block from a mail and set memory block to zero
void *osMailCAlloc(osMailQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec)
/// Free a memory block from a mail
osStatus osMailFree(osMailQId queue_id, void *mail)
/// Put a mail to a queue
osStatus osMailPut(osMailQId queue_id, void *mail)
/// Get a mail from a queue
osEvent osMailGet(osMailQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec)
osEvent ret;
if (queue_id == NULL) {
ret.status = osErrorParameter;
return ret;
ret = osMessageGet(*((void **)queue_id), millisec);
if (ret.status == osEventMessage) ret.status = osEventMail;
return ret;