679 lines
18 KiB
679 lines
18 KiB
* @file retarget.c
* @version V3.00
* $Revision: 13 $
* $Date: 15/08/11 10:26a $
* @brief M451 Series Debug Port and Semihost Setting Source File
* @note
* Copyright (C) 2011~2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "M451Series.h"
#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
#if (__ARMCC_VERSION < 400000)
/* Insist on keeping widthprec, to avoid X propagation by benign code in C-lib */
#pragma import _printf_widthprec
/* Global variables */
#if !(defined(__ICCARM__) && (__VER__ >= 6010000))
struct __FILE
int handle; /* Add whatever you need here */
FILE __stdout;
FILE __stdin;
enum { r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, lr, pc, psr};
* @brief Helper function to dump register while hard fault occurred
* @param[in] stack pointer points to the dumped registers in SRAM
* @return None
* @details This function is implement to print r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, lr, pc, psr
static void stackDump(uint32_t stack[])
printf("r0 = 0x%x\n", stack[r0]);
printf("r1 = 0x%x\n", stack[r1]);
printf("r2 = 0x%x\n", stack[r2]);
printf("r3 = 0x%x\n", stack[r3]);
printf("r12 = 0x%x\n", stack[r12]);
printf("lr = 0x%x\n", stack[lr]);
printf("pc = 0x%x\n", stack[pc]);
printf("psr = 0x%x\n", stack[psr]);
* @brief Hard fault handler
* @param[in] stack pointer points to the dumped registers in SRAM
* @return None
* @details Replace while(1) at the end of this function with chip reset if WDT is not enabled for end product
void Hard_Fault_Handler(uint32_t stack[])
printf("In Hard Fault Handler\n");
// Replace while(1) with chip reset if WDT is not enabled for end product
/* Routine to write a char */
/* The static buffer is used to speed up the semihost */
static char g_buf[16];
static char g_buf_len = 0;
# if defined(__ICCARM__)
void SH_End(void)
asm("MOVS R0,#1 \n" //; Set return value to 1
"BX lr \n" //; Return
void SH_ICE(void)
asm("CMP R2,#0 \n"
"BEQ SH_End \n"
"STR R0,[R2] \n" //; Save the return value to *pn32Out_R0
* @brief The function to process semihosted command
* @param[in] n32In_R0 : semihost register 0
* @param[in] n32In_R1 : semihost register 1
* @param[out] pn32Out_R0: semihost register 0
* @retval 0: No ICE debug
* @retval 1: ICE debug
int32_t SH_DoCommand(int32_t n32In_R0, int32_t n32In_R1, int32_t *pn32Out_R0)
asm("BKPT 0xAB \n" //; This instruction will cause ICE trap or system HardFault
"B SH_ICE \n"
"SH_HardFault: \n" //; Captured by HardFault
"MOVS R0,#0 \n" //; Set return value to 0
"BX lr \n" //; Return
return 1; //; Return 1 when it is trap by ICE
* @brief Get LR value and branch to Hard_Fault_Handler function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function is use to get LR value and branch to Hard_Fault_Handler function.
void Get_LR_and_Branch(void)
asm("MOV R1, LR \n" //; LR current value
"B Hard_Fault_Handler \n"
* @brief Get MSP value and branch to Get_LR_and_Branch function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function is use to get stack pointer value and branch to Get_LR_and_Branch function.
void Stack_Use_MSP(void)
asm("MRS R0, MSP \n" //; read MSP
"B Get_LR_and_Branch \n"
* @brief Get stack pointer value and branch to Get_LR_and_Branch function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function is use to get stack pointer value and branch to Get_LR_and_Branch function.
void HardFault_Handler_Ret(void)
asm("MOVS r0, #4 \n"
"MOV r1, LR \n"
"TST r0, r1 \n" //; check LR bit 2
"BEQ Stack_Use_MSP \n" //; stack use MSP
"MRS R0, PSP \n" //; stack use PSP, read PSP
"B Get_LR_and_Branch \n"
* @brief This function is implemented to support semihost
* @param None
* @returns None
* @details This function is implement to support semihost message print.
void SP_Read_Ready(void)
asm("LDR R1, [R0, #24] \n" //; Get previous PC
"LDRH R3, [R1] \n" //; Get instruction
"LDR R2, [pc, #8] \n" //; The special BKPT instruction
"CMP R3, R2 \n" //; Test if the instruction at previous PC is BKPT
"BNE HardFault_Handler_Ret \n" //; Not BKPT
"ADDS R1, #4 \n" //; Skip BKPT and next line
"STR R1, [R0, #24] \n" //; Save previous PC
"BX lr \n" //; Return
"DCD 0xBEAB \n" //; BKPT instruction code
"B HardFault_Handler_Ret \n"
* @brief Get stack pointer value and branch to Get_LR_and_Branch function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function is use to get stack pointer value and branch to Get_LR_and_Branch function.
void SP_is_PSP(void)
"MRS R0, PSP \n" //; stack use PSP, read PSP
"B Get_LR_and_Branch \n"
* @brief This HardFault handler is implemented to support semihost
* @param None
* @returns None
* @details This function is implement to support semihost message print.
void HardFault_Handler (void)
asm("MOV R0, lr \n"
"LSLS R0, #29 \n" //; Check bit 2
"BMI SP_is_PSP \n" //; previous stack is PSP
"MRS R0, MSP \n" //; previous stack is MSP, read MSP
"B SP_Read_Ready \n"
# else
* @brief This HardFault handler is implemented to support semihost
* @param None
* @returns None
* @details This function is implement to support semihost message print.
__asm int32_t HardFault_Handler(void)
LSLS R0, #29 //; Check bit 2
BMI SP_is_PSP //; previous stack is PSP
MRS R0, MSP //; previous stack is MSP, read MSP
B SP_Read_Ready
MRS R0, PSP //; Read PSP
LDR R1, [R0, #24] //; Get previous PC
LDRH R3, [R1] //; Get instruction
LDR R2, =0xBEAB //; The special BKPT instruction
CMP R3, R2 //; Test if the instruction at previous PC is BKPT
BNE HardFault_Handler_Ret //; Not BKPT
ADDS R1, #4 //; Skip BKPT and next line
STR R1, [R0, #24] //; Save previous PC
BX LR //; Return
/* TODO: Implement your own hard fault handler here. */
MOVS r0, #4
MOV r1, LR
TST r0, r1 //; check LR bit 2
BEQ Stack_Use_MSP //; stack use MSP
MRS R0, PSP ;stack use PSP //; stack use PSP, read PSP
B Get_LR_and_Branch
MRS R0, MSP ; stack use MSP //; read MSP
MOV R1, LR ; LR current value //; LR current value
LDR R2,=__cpp(Hard_Fault_Handler) //; branch to Hard_Fault_Handler
B .
* @brief The function to process semihosted command
* @param[in] n32In_R0 : semihost register 0
* @param[in] n32In_R1 : semihost register 1
* @param[out] pn32Out_R0: semihost register 0
* @retval 0: No ICE debug
* @retval 1: ICE debug
__asm int32_t SH_DoCommand(int32_t n32In_R0, int32_t n32In_R1, int32_t *pn32Out_R0)
BKPT 0xAB //; Wait ICE or HardFault
//; ICE will step over BKPT directly
//; HardFault will step BKPT and the next line
SH_HardFault //; Captured by HardFault
MOVS R0, #0 //; Set return value to 0
BX lr //; Return
SH_ICE //; Captured by ICE
//; Save return value
CMP R2, #0
STR R0, [R2] //; Save the return value to *pn32Out_R0
MOVS R0, #1 //; Set return value to 1
BX lr //; Return
# if defined(__ICCARM__)
void Get_LR_and_Branch(void)
asm("MOV R1, LR \n" //; LR current value
"B Hard_Fault_Handler \n"
void Stack_Use_MSP(void)
asm("MRS R0, MSP \n" //; read MSP
"B Get_LR_and_Branch \n"
* @brief This HardFault handler is implemented to show r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, lr, pc, psr
* @param None
* @returns None
* @details This function is implement to print r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, lr, pc, psr.
void HardFault_Handler(void)
asm("MOVS r0, #4 \n"
"MOV r1, LR \n"
"TST r0, r1 \n" //; check LR bit 2
"BEQ Stack_Use_MSP \n" //; stack use MSP
"MRS R0, PSP \n" //; stack use PSP, read PSP
"B Get_LR_and_Branch \n"
# else
* @brief This HardFault handler is implemented to show r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, lr, pc, psr
* @param None
* @return None
* @details The function extracts the location of stack frame and passes it to Hard_Fault_Handler function as a pointer
__asm int32_t HardFault_Handler(void)
MOVS r0, #4
MOV r1, LR
TST r0, r1 //; check LR bit 2
BEQ Stack_Use_MSP //; stack use MSP
MRS R0, PSP //; stack use PSP, read PSP
B Get_LR_and_Branch
MRS R0, MSP //; read MSP
MOV R1, LR //; LR current value
LDR R2,=__cpp(Hard_Fault_Handler) //; branch to Hard_Fault_Handler
* @brief Routine to send a char
* @param[in] ch Character to send to debug port.
* @returns Send value from UART debug port
* @details Send a target char to UART debug port .
void SendChar_ToUART(int ch)
if(ch == '\n')
/* Non-block implement of send char */
#define BUF_SIZE 2048
void SendChar_ToUART(int ch)
static uint8_t u8Buf[BUF_SIZE] = {0};
static int32_t i32Head = 0;
static int32_t i32Tail = 0;
int32_t i32Tmp;
/* Only flush the data in buffer to UART when ch == 0 */
// Push char
i32Tmp = i32Head+1;
if(i32Tmp > BUF_SIZE) i32Tmp = 0;
if(i32Tmp != i32Tail)
u8Buf[i32Head] = ch;
i32Head = i32Tmp;
if(ch == '\n')
i32Tmp = i32Head+1;
if(i32Tmp > BUF_SIZE) i32Tmp = 0;
if(i32Tmp != i32Tail)
u8Buf[i32Head] = '\r';
i32Head = i32Tmp;
if(i32Tail == i32Head)
// pop char
i32Tmp = i32Tail + 1;
if(i32Tmp > BUF_SIZE) i32Tmp = 0;
DEBUG_PORT->DAT = u8Buf[i32Tail];
i32Tail = i32Tmp;
break; // FIFO full
}while(i32Tail != i32Head);
* @brief Routine to send a char
* @param[in] ch Character to send to debug port.
* @returns Send value from UART debug port or semihost
* @details Send a target char to UART debug port or semihost.
void SendChar(int ch)
g_buf[g_buf_len++] = ch;
g_buf[g_buf_len] = '\0';
if(g_buf_len + 1 >= sizeof(g_buf) || ch == '\n' || ch == '\0')
/* Send the char */
if(SH_DoCommand(0x04, (int)g_buf, NULL) != 0)
g_buf_len = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < g_buf_len; i++)
g_buf_len = 0;
* @brief Routine to get a char
* @param None
* @returns Get value from UART debug port or semihost
* @details Wait UART debug port or semihost to input a char.
char GetChar(void)
# if defined (__CC_ARM)
int nRet;
while(SH_DoCommand(0x101, 0, &nRet) != 0)
if(nRet != 0)
SH_DoCommand(0x07, 0, &nRet);
return (char)nRet;
# else
int nRet;
while(SH_DoCommand(0x7, 0, &nRet) != 0)
if(nRet != 0)
return (char)nRet;
# endif
return (0);
return (DEBUG_PORT->DAT);
* @brief Check any char input from UART
* @param None
* @retval 1: No any char input
* @retval 0: Have some char input
* @details Check UART RSR RX EMPTY or not to determine if any char input from UART
int kbhit(void)
* @brief Check if debug message finished
* @param None
* @retval 1: Message is finished
* @retval 0: Message is transmitting.
* @details Check if message finished (FIFO empty of debug port)
int IsDebugFifoEmpty(void)
* @brief C library retargetting
* @param[in] ch Character to send to debug port.
* @returns None
* @details Check if message finished (FIFO empty of debug port)
void _ttywrch(int ch)
* @brief Write character to stream
* @param[in] ch Character to be written. The character is passed as its int promotion.
* @param[in] stream Pointer to a FILE object that identifies the stream where the character is to be written.
* @returns If there are no errors, the same character that has been written is returned.
* If an error occurs, EOF is returned and the error indicator is set (see ferror).
* @details Writes a character to the stream and advances the position indicator.\n
* The character is written at the current position of the stream as indicated \n
* by the internal position indicator, which is then advanced one character.
* @note The above descriptions are copied from http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdio/fputc/.
int fputc(int ch, FILE *stream)
return ch;
* @brief Get character from UART debug port or semihosting input
* @param[in] stream Pointer to a FILE object that identifies the stream on which the operation is to be performed.
* @returns The character read from UART debug port or semihosting
* @details For get message from debug port or semihosting.
int fgetc(FILE *stream)
return (GetChar());
* @brief Check error indicator
* @param[in] stream Pointer to a FILE object that identifies the stream.
* @returns If the error indicator associated with the stream was set, the function returns a nonzero value.
* Otherwise, it returns a zero value.
* @details Checks if the error indicator associated with stream is set, returning a value different
* from zero if it is. This indicator is generally set by a previous operation on the stream that failed.
* @note The above descriptions are copied from http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdio/ferror/.
int ferror(FILE *stream)
return EOF;
# ifdef __ICCARM__
void __exit(int return_code)
/* Check if link with ICE */
if(SH_DoCommand(0x18, 0x20026, NULL) == 0)
/* Make sure all message is print out */
while(IsDebugFifoEmpty() == 0);
goto label; /* endless loop */
# else
void _sys_exit(int return_code)
/* Check if link with ICE */
if(SH_DoCommand(0x18, 0x20026, NULL) == 0)
/* Make sure all message is print out */
while(IsDebugFifoEmpty() == 0);
goto label; /* endless loop */
# endif