Fan YANG e03342ff6b [bsp][hpmicro] add HPM5300EVK,HPM5301EVKLITE and HPM6800EVK support & update hpm_sdk
- added new boards: hpm5300evk, hpm5301evklite and hpm6800evk
- upgaded hpm_sdk
- driver updates and bugfixes
- add hpmicro BSPs to CI

Signed-off-by: Fan YANG <>
2024-06-03 18:05:20 +08:00

20 lines
429 B

from building import *
cwd = GetCurrentDir()
# add the startup files
src = Glob('*.c')
if rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'gcc':
src += [os.path.join('toolchains', 'gcc', 'start.S')]
src += [os.path.join('toolchains', 'gcc', 'port_gcc.S')]
CPPPATH = [cwd]
CPPDEFINES=['D25', rtconfig.CHIP_NAME]
group = DefineGroup('Startup', src, depend = [''], CPPPATH = CPPPATH, CPPDEFINES = CPPDEFINES)