#### 为什么提交这份PR (why to submit this PR) - 修复ch32v307v-r1 board.h 中变量_stack_size未声明BUG - 提供ch32v307v-r1动态堆内存分配(宏开关)代码 - ch32v307v-r1 MD文档新增烧录方式,作为烧录后无运行结果的替代方案 #### 你的解决方案是什么 (what is your solution) - 去掉_stack_size未声明变量 - 动态分配内存堆,将堆起始地址放在.bss段结尾,堆结束地址放在.stack段开头[详情](https://club.rt-thread.org/ask/article/001065082e9ae611.html) - 将烧录工具替换为WCH-LinkUtility #### 在什么测试环境下测试通过 (what is the test environment) - 开发工具: RT-Thread Studio - 测试板卡:ch32v307v-r1评估板 - 烧录工具:WCH-LinkUtility
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# CH32V307V-R1 BSP Introduction
**English** | [中文](README_zh.md)
## 1 Introduction
CH32V307V-R1 is a RISC-V core-based development board with a maximum main frequency of 144Mhz. It delivers the best value for developers to try and get started with RISC-V architecture.
This document records the execution instruction of the BSP (board support package) provided by the RT-Thread community for the CH32V307V-R1 development board.
The document is covered in three parts:
- Board Resources Introduction
- Compiling
- Quickly Get Started
By reading the Quickly Get Started section developers can quickly get their hands on this BSP and run RT-Thread on the board.

- MCU: CH32V307VCT6, main frequency 144MHz,FLASH and RAM are available for configuration.
- LED: 2, user LEDs, LED1(blue), LED2(blue).
- Button: 2, Reset, User.
- USB: 2, Tpye-C.
- Network Port: 1, 10M PHY inside.
- WCH-Link download debugging tools onboard.
For more details about this board, please refer to: [CH32V307](https://www.wch.cn/products/CH32V307.html) and [CH32V307 official document](https://github.com/openwch/ch32v307)
## 2 Compiling
The BSP supports the RISC-V GCC development environment, here's the specific version information:
| IDE/Compiler | Version Tested |
| ------------ | -------------------- |
| GCC | WCH RISC-V GCC 8.2.0 |
## 3 Quickly Get Started
### 3.1 Using [Env](https://www.rt-thread.io/download.html?download=Env) to compile BSP
This section is about to introduce how to use Env to compile the BSP.
#### 3.1.1 Compile BSP
1. [Download WCH Compile Toolchain](https://github.com/NanjingQinheng/sdk-toolchain-RISC-V-GCC-WCH/releases)
2. [Download the Env tool latest version](https://github.com/RT-Thread/env-windows/releases)
3. [Download the RT-Thread latest code](https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/archive/refs/heads/master.zip)
4. Open the Env tool in the current BSP root directory and execute the `scons -j12 --exec-path=D:\sdk-toolchain-RISC-V-GCC-WCH-1.0.0\bin` command, compile it directly while specifying the toolchain location.
5. After compilation, the **rtthread.bin** file will be generated

#### 3.1.2 Hardware Connection
Use a data cable to connect the onboard wch-link to the PC, and turn on the power switch.
#### 3.1.3 Download
Open the WCH RISC-V MCU ProgrammerTool, select the **rtthread.bin** file that we just generated, and download it.

> Note that Chip Mem here is set to 224K ROM + 96K RAM.
#### 3.1.4 Running Result
In the terminal tool, open the onboard wch-link serial port (WCHDapLink SERIAL, default 115200-8-1-N), and after resetting the device, you can see the output information of RT-Thread on the serial port:

#### 3.1.5 If no running result
Replace download tool with WCH-LinkUtility.
### 3.2 Use VSCode to edit and compile the project
In the Env terminal, type command `scons --target=vsc` to generate the VSCode project. Then, type command `code .` in the Env terminal to open the VSCode.
Use **VSCode terminal** to type command `scons -j12 --exec-path=D:\sdk-toolchain-RISC-V-GCC-WCH-1.0.0\bin` to compile the project in VSCode.

<!-- ### 3.3 Import RT-Thread Studio Project
**CH32V307V-R1 is pending upgrade in Studio. It's not encouraged now to use Studio to compile this BSP.**
#### 3.3.1 Import
Open RT-Thread Studio and click: File-> Import:

Select "RT-Thread BSP Project into Workspace":

填写项目信息,Bsp 根目录为 \rt-thread\bsp\wch\risc-v\ch32v307v-r1 目录:
Fill in the project info, the BSP root directory is \rt-thread\bsp\wch\risc-v\ch32v307v-r1:

#### 3.3.2 Compilation Environment
After the project is imported, set the compilation environment, click "Open Build Settings" to enter the setting interface:

将编译链路径复制到 Toolchain path 中:
Copy the compilation chain path into the Toolchain path:

Change Prefix:

Set the tool:

#### 3.3.3 Compiling
The result is shown as below:
![success](./figures/success.png -->