
160 lines
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* @file eadc.c
* @version V2.00
* $Revision: 8 $
* $Date: 15/08/11 10:26a $
* @brief M451 series EADC driver source file
* @note
* Copyright (C) 2014~2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#include "M451Series.h"
/** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
/** @addtogroup EADC_Driver EADC Driver
/** @addtogroup EADC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS EADC Exported Functions
* @brief This function make EADC_module be ready to convert.
* @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
* @param[in] u32InputMode Decides the input mode.
* - \ref EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_SINGLE_END :Single end input mode.
* - \ref EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_DIFFERENTIAL :Differential input type.
* @return None
* @details This function is used to set analog input mode and enable A/D Converter.
* Before starting A/D conversion function, ADCEN bit (EADC_CTL[0]) should be set to 1.
* @note
void EADC_Open(EADC_T *eadc, uint32_t u32InputMode)
eadc->CTL &= (~EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_Msk);
eadc->CTL |= (u32InputMode | EADC_CTL_ADCEN_Msk);
* @brief Disable EADC_module.
* @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module..
* @return None
* @details Clear ADCEN bit (EADC_CTL[0]) to disable A/D converter analog circuit power consumption.
void EADC_Close(EADC_T *eadc)
eadc->CTL &= ~EADC_CTL_ADCEN_Msk;
* @brief Configure the sample control logic module.
* @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
* @param[in] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number, valid value are from 0 to 15.
* @param[in] u32TriggerSrc Decides the trigger source. Valid values are:
* - \ref EADC_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER : Disable trigger
* - \ref EADC_FALLING_EDGE_TRIGGER : STADC pin falling edge trigger
* - \ref EADC_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER : STADC pin rising edge trigger
* - \ref EADC_FALLING_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER : STADC pin both falling and rising edge trigger
* - \ref EADC_ADINT0_TRIGGER : ADC ADINT0 interrupt EOC pulse trigger
* - \ref EADC_ADINT1_TRIGGER : ADC ADINT1 interrupt EOC pulse trigger
* - \ref EADC_TIMER0_TRIGGER : Timer0 overflow pulse trigger
* - \ref EADC_TIMER1_TRIGGER : Timer1 overflow pulse trigger
* - \ref EADC_TIMER2_TRIGGER : Timer2 overflow pulse trigger
* - \ref EADC_TIMER3_TRIGGER : Timer3 overflow pulse trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM0TG0_TRIGGER : PWM0TG0 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM0TG1_TRIGGER : PWM0TG1 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM0TG2_TRIGGER : PWM0TG2 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM0TG3_TRIGGER : PWM0TG3 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM0TG4_TRIGGER : PWM0TG4 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM0TG5_TRIGGER : PWM0TG5 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM1TG0_TRIGGER : PWM1TG0 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM1TG1_TRIGGER : PWM1TG1 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM1TG2_TRIGGER : PWM1TG2 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM1TG3_TRIGGER : PWM1TG3 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM1TG4_TRIGGER : PWM1TG4 trigger
* - \ref EADC_PWM1TG5_TRIGGER : PWM1TG5 trigger
* @param[in] u32Channel Specifies the sample module channel, valid value are from 0 to 15.
* @return None
* @details Each of ADC control logic modules 0~15 which is configurable for ADC converter channel EADC_CH0~15 and trigger source.
* sample module 16~18 is fixed for ADC channel 16, 17, 18 input sources as band-gap voltage, temperature sensor, and battery power (VBAT).
void EADC_ConfigSampleModule(EADC_T *eadc, \
uint32_t u32ModuleNum, \
uint32_t u32TriggerSrc, \
uint32_t u32Channel)
eadc->SCTL[u32ModuleNum] |= (u32TriggerSrc | u32Channel);
* @brief Set trigger delay time.
* @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
* @param[in] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number, valid value are from 0 to 15.
* @param[in] u32TriggerDelayTime Decides the trigger delay time, valid range are between 0~0xFF.
* @param[in] u32DelayClockDivider Decides the trigger delay clock divider. Valid values are:
* - \ref EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_1 : Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/1
* - \ref EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_2 : Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/2
* - \ref EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_4 : Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/4
* - \ref EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_16 : Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/16
* @return None
* @details User can configure the trigger delay time by setting TRGDLYCNT (EADC_SCTLn[15:8], n=0~15) and TRGDLYDIV (EADC_SCTLn[7:6], n=0~15).
* Trigger delay time = (u32TriggerDelayTime) x Trigger delay clock period.
void EADC_SetTriggerDelayTime(EADC_T *eadc, \
uint32_t u32ModuleNum, \
uint32_t u32TriggerDelayTime, \
uint32_t u32DelayClockDivider)
eadc->SCTL[u32ModuleNum] |= ((u32TriggerDelayTime << EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYCNT_Pos) | u32DelayClockDivider);
* @brief Set ADC internal sample time.
* @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
* @param[in] u32SampleTime Decides the internal sampling time, the range is from 1~8 ADC clock. Valid value are from 1 to 8.
* @return None
* @details When A/D operation at high ADC clock rate, the sampling time of analog input voltage may not enough
* if the analog channel has heavy loading to cause fully charge time is longer.
* User can set SMPTSEL (EADC_CTL[18:16]) to select the sampling cycle in ADC.
void EADC_SetInternalSampleTime(EADC_T *eadc, uint32_t u32SampleTime)
eadc->CTL |= (u32SampleTime - 1) << EADC_CTL_SMPTSEL_Pos;
* @brief Set ADC extend sample time.
* @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
* @param[in] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number, valid value are from 0 to 18.
* @param[in] u32ExtendSampleTime Decides the extend sampling time, the range is from 0~255 ADC clock. Valid value are from 0 to 0xFF.
* @return None
* @details When A/D converting at high conversion rate, the sampling time of analog input voltage may not enough if input channel loading is heavy,
* user can extend A/D sampling time after trigger source is coming to get enough sampling time.
void EADC_SetExtendSampleTime(EADC_T *eadc, uint32_t u32ModuleNum, uint32_t u32ExtendSampleTime)
eadc->SCTL[u32ModuleNum] &= ~EADC_SCTL_EXTSMPT_Msk;
eadc->SCTL[u32ModuleNum] |= (u32ExtendSampleTime << EADC_SCTL_EXTSMPT_Pos);
/*@}*/ /* end of group EADC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
/*@}*/ /* end of group EADC_Driver */
/*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2014~2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/