
213 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2006-2018, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2018/10/28 Bernard The unify RISC-V porting implementation
* 2018/12/27 Jesven Add SMP support
#include "cpuport.h"
#define rt_hw_interrupt_disable rt_hw_local_irq_disable
#define rt_hw_interrupt_enable rt_hw_local_irq_enable
* rt_base_t rt_hw_interrupt_disable(void);
.globl rt_hw_interrupt_disable
csrrci a0, mstatus, 8
* void rt_hw_interrupt_enable(rt_base_t level);
.globl rt_hw_interrupt_enable
csrw mstatus, a0
* #ifdef RT_USING_SMP
* void rt_hw_context_switch_to(rt_ubase_t to, stuct rt_thread *to_thread);
* #else
* void rt_hw_context_switch_to(rt_ubase_t to);
* #endif
* a0 --> to
* a1 --> to_thread
.globl rt_hw_context_switch_to
LOAD sp, (a0)
mv a0, a1
jal rt_cpus_lock_status_restore
LOAD a0, 2 * REGBYTES(sp)
csrw mstatus, a0
j rt_hw_context_switch_exit
* #ifdef RT_USING_SMP
* void rt_hw_context_switch(rt_ubase_t from, rt_ubase_t to, struct rt_thread *to_thread);
* #else
* void rt_hw_context_switch(rt_ubase_t from, rt_ubase_t to);
* #endif
* a0 --> from
* a1 --> to
* a2 --> to_thread
.globl rt_hw_context_switch
/* saved from thread context
* x1/ra -> sp(0)
* x1/ra -> sp(1)
* mstatus.mie -> sp(2)
* x(i) -> sp(i-4)
addi sp, sp, -32 * REGBYTES
STORE sp, (a0)
STORE x1, 0 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x1, 1 * REGBYTES(sp)
csrr a0, mstatus
andi a0, a0, 8
beqz a0, save_mpie
li a0, 0x80
STORE a0, 2 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x4, 4 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x5, 5 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x6, 6 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x7, 7 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x8, 8 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x9, 9 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x10, 10 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x11, 11 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x12, 12 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x13, 13 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x14, 14 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x15, 15 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x16, 16 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x17, 17 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x18, 18 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x19, 19 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x20, 20 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x21, 21 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x22, 22 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x23, 23 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x24, 24 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x25, 25 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x26, 26 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x27, 27 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x28, 28 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x29, 29 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x30, 30 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x31, 31 * REGBYTES(sp)
/* restore to thread context
* sp(0) -> epc;
* sp(1) -> ra;
* sp(i) -> x(i+2)
LOAD sp, (a1)
mv a0, a2
jal rt_cpus_lock_status_restore
#endif /*RT_USING_SMP*/
j rt_hw_context_switch_exit
* void rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt(void *context, rt_ubase_t from, rt_ubase_t to, struct rt_thread *to_thread);
* a0 --> context
* a1 --> from
* a2 --> to
* a3 --> to_thread
.globl rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt
STORE a0, 0(a1)
LOAD sp, 0(a2)
move a0, a3
call rt_cpus_lock_status_restore
j rt_hw_context_switch_exit
.global rt_hw_context_switch_exit
mv a0, sp
csrr t0, mhartid
/* switch interrupt stack of current cpu */
la sp, __stack_start__
addi t1, t0, 1
li t2, __STACKSIZE__
mul t1, t1, t2
add sp, sp, t1 /* sp = (cpuid + 1) * __STACKSIZE__ + __stack_start__ */
call rt_signal_check
mv sp, a0
/* resw ra to mepc */
LOAD a0, 0 * REGBYTES(sp)
csrw mepc, a0
LOAD x1, 1 * REGBYTES(sp)
li t0, 0x00001800
csrs mstatus, t0
LOAD a0, 2 * REGBYTES(sp)
csrs mstatus, a0
LOAD x4, 4 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x5, 5 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x6, 6 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x7, 7 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x8, 8 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x9, 9 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x10, 10 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x11, 11 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x12, 12 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x13, 13 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x14, 14 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x15, 15 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x16, 16 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x17, 17 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x18, 18 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x19, 19 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x20, 20 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x21, 21 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x22, 22 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x23, 23 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x24, 24 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x25, 25 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x26, 26 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x27, 27 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x28, 28 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x29, 29 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x30, 30 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x31, 31 * REGBYTES(sp)
addi sp, sp, 32 * REGBYTES