修改文件头信息 修改ACM32F030 BSP的文件格式 新增BSP驱动中的lib文件 IAR和GCC支持备份 1. 修复不能包含HAL_EFLASH.h问题, 2. 消除GCC编译的几个警告 1. gcc启动文件重命名;2. 文件头信息修改; 3. 硬件timer支持修改 移动 .ignore_format.yml到bsp的目录下 修改目录成相对目录
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* @file HAL_LCD.c
* @version V1.0.0
* @date 2020
* @brief LCD HAL module driver.
* This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
* functionalities of the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Peripheral (LCD).
* @ Initialization and de-initialization functions
* @ IO operation functions
* @ Peripheral Control functions
#include "ACM32Fxx_HAL.h"
* Function : HAL_LCD_MspInit
* Description : Initialize the LCD MSP.
* Input : hcan : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
__weak void HAL_LCD_MspInit(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd)
/* NOTE : This function only enable lcd clk and config NVIC
Because lcd's SEG and COM is different,so the gpio of lcd need user config self.*/
/* Enable LCD clock */
/* Enable the LCD Frame interrupt */
hlcd->Instance->CR1 |= LCD_CR1_IE;
NVIC_SetPriority(LCD_IRQn, 5);
* Function : HAL_LCD_MspDeInit
* Description : DeInitialize the LCD MSP.
* Input : hcan : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
void HAL_LCD_MspDeInit(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd)
/* Disable LCD clock */
* Function : HAL_LCD_Init
* Description : Initialize the LCD.
* Input : hcan : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_LCD_Init(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd)
/* Check the parameters */
if(!IS_LCD_PERIPH(hlcd->Instance)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_DUTY(hlcd->Init.Duty)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_BIAS(hlcd->Init.Bias)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_Driving_Waveform(hlcd->Init.Driving_Waveform)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_BiasSrc(hlcd->Init.BiasSrc)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_DisplayMode(hlcd->Init.DisplayMode)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_LCDFrequency(hlcd->Init.LCDFrequency)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_BlinkEN(hlcd->Init.BlinkEN)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_BlinkFrequency(hlcd->Init.BlinkFrequency)) return HAL_ERROR;
/* Reset the RST_LCD */
if(!IS_LCD_StaticPower(hlcd->Init.StaticPower)) return HAL_ERROR;
return HAL_OK;
* Function : HAL_LCD_DeInit
* Description : DeInitialize the LCD.
* Input : hcan : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_LCD_DeInit(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd)
/* Check the parameters */
if(!IS_LCD_PERIPH(hlcd->Instance)) return HAL_ERROR;
/* Reset the CAN peripheral */
CLEAR_BIT(hlcd->Instance->CR0, LCD_CR0_LCDEN);
/* Return function status */
return HAL_OK;
* Function : HAL_LCD_InResConfig
* Description : Initialize the LCD When LCD BiasSrc is LCD_BiasSrc_InRes_Seg31_35_Normal or LCD_BiasSrc_InRes_Seg31_35_Cap.
* Input : hlcd : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* LCD_InResInitStruct:LCD_InResInitTypeDef
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_LCD_InResConfig(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd,LCD_InResInitTypeDef* LCD_InResInitStruct)
/* Check the parameters */
if(!IS_LCD_PERIPH(hlcd->Instance)) return HAL_ERROR;
/* Config when BiasSrc is Inside Resistance Mod */
/* Check the parameters */
if(!IS_LCD_BiasRes(LCD_InResInitStruct->BiasRes)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_DriveMod(LCD_InResInitStruct->DriveMod)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_FastCharge(LCD_InResInitStruct->FastCharge)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(!IS_LCD_Contrast(LCD_InResInitStruct->Contrast)) return HAL_ERROR;
/* Config LCD Contrast and Bias Resistance and DriveMod */
/* Config LCD PONTime when DriveMod is Fast Charge and Fast Charge(FCC) is Enable. */
if(LCD_InResInitStruct->FastCharge==LCD_FastCharge_Enable && LCD_InResInitStruct->DriveMod==LCD_DriveMod_FC)
if(!IS_LCD_PONTime(LCD_InResInitStruct->PONTime)) return HAL_ERROR;
return HAL_OK;
* Function : HAL_LCD_SegComConfig
* Description : Config the LCD SEG and COM enable/disable.
* Input : hlcd : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* SegCom:LCD_SegComInitTypeDef
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_LCD_SegComConfig(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd,LCD_SegComInitTypeDef *SegCom)
/* Check the parameters */
if(!IS_LCD_PERIPH(hlcd->Instance)) return HAL_ERROR;
return HAL_OK;
* Function : HAL_LCD_Write
* Description : Write LCD RAMx.
* Input : hlcd : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* LCDRAMIndex:LCD RAM index
* Data:The data you want to write
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_LCD_Write(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd, uint32_t LCDRAMIndex, uint32_t Data)
/* Check the parameters */
if(!IS_LCD_PERIPH(hlcd->Instance)) return HAL_ERROR;
if(LCDRAMIndex>15) return HAL_ERROR;
/* Wrete Data bytes to LCD RAM register */
return HAL_OK;
* Function : HAL_LCD_Clear
* Description : Clear LCD RAMx.
* Input : hlcd : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_LCD_Clear(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd)
uint8_t LCDRAMIndex=0;
/* Check the parameters */
if(!IS_LCD_PERIPH(hlcd->Instance)) return HAL_ERROR;
/* Clear the LCD_RAM registers */
for(LCDRAMIndex = 0; LCDRAMIndex <= 15; LCDRAMIndex++)
hlcd->Instance->LCD_RAM[LCDRAMIndex] = 0U;
return HAL_OK;
* Function : HAL_LCD_Start_DMA
* Description : Start lcd dma transfer
* Input : hlcd : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* pData:The data want to transfer
* Length:transfer Size
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_LCD_Start_DMA(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd, uint32_t *pData, uint32_t Length)
/* Check the parameters */
if(!IS_LCD_PERIPH(hlcd->Instance)) return HAL_ERROR;
hlcd->Instance->CR1 |= LCD_CR1_DMAEN;
if (HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hlcd->DMA_Handle,(uint32_t)pData,(uint32_t)(&hlcd->Instance->LCD_RAM[0]), Length))
return HAL_ERROR;
return HAL_OK;
* Function : HAL_LCD_Stop_DMA
* Description : Stop lcd dma transfer
* Input : hlcd : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* pData:The data want to transfer
* Length:transfer Size
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_LCD_Stop_DMA(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd)
HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
/* Check the parameters */
if(!IS_LCD_PERIPH(hlcd->Instance)) return HAL_ERROR;
hlcd->Instance->CR1 &=~ LCD_CR1_DMAEN;
status = HAL_DMA_Abort(hlcd->DMA_Handle);
return status;
* Function : HAL_LCD_IRQHandler
* Description : HAL_LCD_IRQHandler
* Input : hlcd : pointer to a LCD structure that contains
* the configuration information for LCD module
* Output :
* Author : CWT Data : 2020年
void HAL_LCD_IRQHandler(LCD_HandleTypeDef *hlcd)
hlcd->Instance->INTCLR &=~ (LCD_INTCLR_INTFT);