wangyq2018 96fd9a5039 [bsp]1.update es32f0334 libraries.
2.adapt to the new power management interface.
     3.move es32f0334 folder to essemi folder.
2019-11-18 10:54:38 +08:00

125 lines
2.7 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2018 Shanghai Eastsoft Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2019-11-01 wangyq first version
#include <board.h>
#include <drv_lptim.h>
#include <ald_lptim.h>
static lptim_handle_t h_lptim;
void LPTIM0_SPI2_Handler(void)
/* LPTIM Intetrupt */
if (ald_lptim_get_it_status(&h_lptim, LPTIM_IT_ARRMAT) &&
ald_lptim_get_flag_status(&h_lptim, LPTIM_FLAG_ARRMAT))
/* enter interrupt */
ald_lptim_clear_flag_status(&h_lptim, LPTIM_FLAG_ARRMAT);
/* leave interrupt */
* This function get current count value of LPTIM
* @return the count vlaue
rt_uint32_t es32f0_lptim_get_current_tick(void)
return READ_REG(h_lptim.perh->CNT);
* This function get the max value that LPTIM can count
* @return the max count
rt_uint32_t es32f0_lptim_get_tick_max(void)
return (0xFFFF);
* This function start LPTIM with reload value
* @param reload The value that LPTIM count down from
* @return RT_EOK
rt_err_t es32f0_lptim_start(rt_uint32_t reload)
h_lptim.init.arr = reload;
return (RT_EOK);
* This function stop LPTIM
void es32f0_lptim_stop(void)
* This function get the count clock of LPTIM
* @return the count clock frequency in Hz
rt_uint32_t es32f0_lptim_get_countfreq(void)
return 1000000;
* This function initialize the lptim
int es32f0_hw_lptim_init(void)
lptim_clock_source_init_t clock_config;
lptim_trigger_init_t trigger_config;
/* Enable LPTIM clock */
ald_cmu_perh_clock_config(CMU_PERH_LPTIM0, ENABLE);
/* LPTIM Configuration */
h_lptim.perh = LPTIM0;
h_lptim.init.psc = LPTIM_PRESC_1; // can not select other premeter
h_lptim.init.arr = 0x0FFF;
h_lptim.init.clock = CMU_LP_PERH_CLOCK_SEL_HRC_1M;
h_lptim.init.mode = LPTIM_MODE_SINGLE;
/* Initialize clock source */
clock_config.sel = LPTIM_CKSEL_INTERNAL;
clock_config.polarity = LPTIM_CKPOL_RISING;
ald_lptim_clock_source_config(&h_lptim, &clock_config);
/* Initialize toggle */
trigger_config.mode = LPTIM_TRIGEN_SW;
ald_lptim_trigger_config(&h_lptim, &trigger_config);
ald_lptim_interrupt_config(&h_lptim, LPTIM_IT_ARRMAT, ENABLE);
NVIC_SetPriority(LPTIM0_SPI2_IRQn, 0);
return 0;