1740 lines
61 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2020, Huada Semiconductor Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
* This software component is licensed by HDSC under BSD 3-Clause license
* (the "License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
/** \file hc32f460_adc.c
** A detailed description is available at
** @link AdcGroup Adc description @endlink
** - 2018-11-30 CDT First version for Device Driver Library of Adc.
* Include files
#include "hc32f460_adc.h"
#include "hc32f460_utility.h"
** \addtogroup AdcGroup
* Local type definitions ('typedef')
* Local pre-processor symbols/macros ('#define')
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC peripherals. */
#define IS_ADC_PERIPH(ADCx) \
( ((ADCx) == M4_ADC1) || \
((ADCx) == M4_ADC2))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC1 channel index. */
#define IS_ADC1_CH_INDEX(x) \
( ((x) < ADC1_CH_COUNT))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC2 channel index. */
#define IS_ADC2_CH_INDEX(x) \
( ((x) < ADC2_CH_COUNT))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC average count. */
( ((AVCNT) == AdcAvcnt_2) || \
(((AVCNT) >= AdcAvcnt_4) && ((AVCNT) <= AdcAvcnt_256)))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC data alignment. */
( ((ALIGN) == AdcDataAlign_Right) || \
((ALIGN) == AdcDataAlign_Left))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC auto clear DR. */
#define IS_ADC_CLREN(EN) \
( ((EN) == AdcClren_Enable) || \
((EN) == AdcClren_Disable))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC resolution. */
( ((RESOLUTION) == AdcResolution_8Bit) || \
((RESOLUTION) == AdcResolution_10Bit) || \
((RESOLUTION) == AdcResolution_12Bit))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC scan convert mode. */
( ((MODE) == AdcMode_SAOnce) || \
((MODE) == AdcMode_SAContinuous) || \
((MODE) == AdcMode_SAOnceSBOnce) || \
((MODE) == AdcMode_SAContinuousSBOnce))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC RSCHSEL. */
( ((SEL) == AdcRschsel_Continue) || \
((SEL) == AdcRschsel_Restart))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC SA trigger source. */
#define IS_ADC_TRGEN(EN) \
( ((EN) == AdcTrgen_Enable) || \
((EN) == AdcTrgen_Disable))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC SA trigger source. */
#define IS_ADC_TRGSEL(SEL) \
( ((SEL) == AdcTrgsel_ADTRGX) || \
((SEL) == AdcTrgsel_TRGX0) || \
((SEL) == AdcTrgsel_TRGX1) || \
((SEL) == AdcTrgsel_TRGX0_TRGX1))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC common trigger. */
#define IS_ADC_COM_TRIGGER(x) \
( ((x) == AdcComTrigger_1) || \
((x) == AdcComTrigger_2) || \
((x) == AdcComTrigger_1_2))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC EOCAIEN/ENCBIEN. */
#define IS_ADC_EOCIEN(EN) \
( ((EN) == AdcEocien_Disable) || \
((EN) == AdcEocien_Enable))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC sampling time. */
( ((TIME) == 255u) || \
(((TIME) >= 5u) && ((TIME) <= 254u)))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC sync trigger mode. */
( ((MODE) == AdcSync_SingleSerial) || \
((MODE) == AdcSync_SingleParallel) || \
((MODE) == AdcSync_ContinuousSerial) || \
((MODE) == AdcSync_ContinuousParallel))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC sync able. */
( ((EN) == AdcSync_Disable) || \
((EN) == AdcSync_Enable))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC ADWIEN */
#define IS_ADC_AWDIEN(EN) \
( ((EN) == AdcAwdInt_Disable) || \
((EN) == AdcAwdInt_Enable))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC AWDSS */
#define IS_ADC_AWDSS(SS) \
( ((SS) == AdcAwdSel_SA_SB) || \
((SS) == AdcAwdSel_SA) || \
((SS) == AdcAwdSel_SB) || \
((SS) == AdcAwdSel_SB_SA))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC AWDMD */
#define IS_ADC_AWDMD(MD) \
( ((MD) == AdcAwdCmpMode_0) || \
((MD) == AdcAwdCmpMode_1))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC AWDEN */
#define IS_ADC_AWDEN(EN) \
( ((EN) == AdcAwd_Disable) || \
((EN) == AdcAwd_Enable))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC PGA control */
#define IS_ADC_PGA_CTL(CTL) \
( ((CTL) == AdcPgaCtl_Invalid) || \
((CTL) == AdcPgaCtl_Amplify))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC gain factor. */
( ((FACTOR) == AdcPgaFactor_2) || \
(((FACTOR) >= AdcPgaFactor_2P133) && ((FACTOR) <= AdcPgaFactor_32)))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC PGA negative. */
( ((N) == AdcPgaNegative_VSSA) || \
((N) == AdcPgaNegative_PGAVSS))
/*! Parameter validity check for ADC trigger source event . */
#define IS_ADC_TRIG_SRC_EVENT(x) \
( ((x) == EVT_PORT_EIRQ0) || \
(((x) > EVT_PORT_EIRQ0) && ((x) <= EVT_PORT_EIRQ15)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_DMA1_TC0) && ((x) <= EVT_DMA2_BTC3)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_EFM_OPTEND) && ((x) <= EVT_USBFS_SOF)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_DCU1) && ((x) <= EVT_DCU4)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMR01_GCMA) && ((x) <= EVT_TMR02_GCMB)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_RTC_ALM) && ((x) <= EVT_RTC_PRD)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMR61_GCMA) && ((x) <= EVT_TMR61_GUDF)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMR61_SCMA) && ((x) <= EVT_TMR61_SCMB)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMR62_GCMA) && ((x) <= EVT_TMR62_GUDF)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMR62_SCMA) && ((x) <= EVT_TMR62_SCMB)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMR63_GCMA) && ((x) <= EVT_TMR63_GUDF)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMR63_SCMA) && ((x) <= EVT_TMR63_SCMB)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMRA1_OVF) && ((x) <= EVT_TMRA5_CMP)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMRA6_OVF) && ((x) <= EVT_TMRA6_CMP)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_USART1_EI) && ((x) <= EVT_USART4_RTO)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_SPI1_SPRI) && ((x) <= EVT_AOS_STRG)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMR41_SCMUH) && ((x) <= EVT_TMR42_SCMWL)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_TMR43_SCMUH) && ((x) <= EVT_TMR43_SCMWL)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_EVENT_PORT1) && ((x) <= EVT_EVENT_PORT4)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_I2S1_TXIRQOUT) && ((x) <= EVT_I2S1_RXIRQOUT)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_I2S2_TXIRQOUT) && ((x) <= EVT_I2S2_RXIRQOUT)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_I2S3_TXIRQOUT) && ((x) <= EVT_I2S3_RXIRQOUT)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_I2S4_TXIRQOUT) && ((x) <= EVT_I2S4_RXIRQOUT)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_ACMP1) && ((x) <= EVT_ACMP3)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_I2C1_RXI) && ((x) <= EVT_I2C3_EEI)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_PVD_PVD1) && ((x) <= EVT_OTS)) || \
((x) == EVT_WDT_REFUDF) || \
(((x) >= EVT_ADC1_EOCA) && ((x) <= EVT_TRNG_END)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_SDIOC1_DMAR) && ((x) <= EVT_SDIOC1_DMAW)) || \
(((x) >= EVT_SDIOC2_DMAR) && ((x) <= EVT_SDIOC2_DMAW)) || \
((x) == EVT_MAX))
* Global variable definitions (declared in header file with 'extern')
* Local function prototypes ('static')
static void ADC_ReadAllData(const M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t *pu16AdcData, uint8_t u8Length);
* Local variable definitions ('static')
* Function implementation - global ('extern')
** \brief Initializes an ADC instance.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] pstcInit Pointer to ADC initialization structure.
** See @ref stc_adc_init_t for details.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_Init(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, const stc_adc_init_t *pstcInit)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if ((NULL != ADCx) && (NULL != pstcInit))
/* Stop ADC conversion. */
ADCx->STR = 0u;
ADCx->CR0_f.ACCSEL = pstcInit->enResolution;
ADCx->CR0_f.DFMT = pstcInit->enDataAlign;
ADCx->CR0_f.CLREN = pstcInit->enAutoClear;
ADCx->CR0_f.MS = pstcInit->enScanMode;
ADCx->CR1_f.RSCHSEL = pstcInit->enRschsel;
/* Disable EOC(End Of Conversion) interrupts default. */
ADCx->ICR = (uint8_t)0x0;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Deinitializes an ADC instance.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_DeInit(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if (NULL != ADCx)
/* Set the value of all registers to the reset value. */
/* Stop ADC conversion. */
ADCx->STR = 0u;
ADCx->CR0 = 0u;
ADCx->CR1 = 0u;
ADCx->TRGSR = 0u;
ADCx->CHSELRA0 = 0u;
ADCx->CHSELRB0 = 0u;
ADCx->AWDCHSR0 = 0u;
ADCx->SSTR0 = (uint8_t)0x0B;
ADCx->SSTR1 = (uint8_t)0x0B;
ADCx->SSTR2 = (uint8_t)0x0B;
ADCx->SSTR3 = (uint8_t)0x0B;
ADCx->SSTR4 = (uint8_t)0x0B;
ADCx->SSTR5 = (uint8_t)0x0B;
ADCx->SSTR6 = (uint8_t)0x0B;
ADCx->SSTR7 = (uint8_t)0x0B;
ADCx->SSTR8 = (uint8_t)0x0B;
ADCx->CHMUXR0 = (uint16_t)0x3210;
ADCx->CHMUXR1 = (uint16_t)0x7654;
ADCx->ISR = 0u;
ADCx->ICR = (uint8_t)0x03;
ADCx->AWDCR = 0u;
ADCx->AWDDR0 = 0u;
ADCx->AWDDR1 = 0u;
ADCx->AWDCHSR0 = 0u;
ADCx->AWDSR0 = 0u;
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
ADCx->CHSELRA1 = 0u;
ADCx->CHSELRB1 = 0u;
ADCx->CHMUXR2 = (uint16_t)0xBA98;
ADCx->CHMUXR3 = (uint16_t)0xFEDC;
ADCx->SYNCCR = (uint16_t)0x0C00;
ADCx->AWDCHSR1 = 0u;
ADCx->AWDSR1 = 0u;
ADCx->PGACR = 0u;
ADCx->PGAGSR = 0u;
ADCx->PGAINSR0 = 0u;
ADCx->PGAINSR1 = 0u;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Set scan mode.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param[in] enMode See @ref en_adc_scan_mode_t for details.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_SetScanMode(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, en_adc_scan_mode_t enMode)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if (NULL != ADCx)
ADCx->CR0_f.MS = enMode;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Set trigger source.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] pstcTrgCfg Pointer to ADC trigger source configuration structure.
** \arg u8Sequence The sequence which you want to set it's trigger source.
** \arg enTrgEnable Enable or disable trigger source.
** \arg enTrgSel The type of trigger source.
** \arg enInTrg0 Event number @ref en_event_src_t.
** \arg enInTrg1 Event number @ref en_event_src_t.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
** \note Sequence A and Sequence B CAN NOT set the same trigger source.
en_result_t ADC_ConfigTriggerSrc(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx,
const stc_adc_trg_cfg_t *pstcTrgCfg)
uint32_t u32TrgSelR;
__IO uint32_t *io32AdcxTrgSelR0;
__IO uint32_t *io32AdcxTrgSelR1;
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if ((NULL != ADCx) &&
(NULL != pstcTrgCfg) &&
(pstcTrgCfg->u8Sequence <= ADC_SEQ_B))
if (ADC_SEQ_A == pstcTrgCfg->u8Sequence)
ADCx->TRGSR_f.TRGSELA = pstcTrgCfg->enTrgSel;
ADCx->TRGSR_f.TRGSELB = pstcTrgCfg->enTrgSel;
if (AdcTrgsel_ADTRGX != pstcTrgCfg->enTrgSel)
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
io32AdcxTrgSelR0 = &(M4_AOS->ADC1_ITRGSELR0);
io32AdcxTrgSelR1 = &(M4_AOS->ADC1_ITRGSELR1);
io32AdcxTrgSelR0 = &(M4_AOS->ADC2_ITRGSELR0);
io32AdcxTrgSelR1 = &(M4_AOS->ADC2_ITRGSELR1);
if ((pstcTrgCfg->enTrgSel & AdcTrgsel_TRGX0) == AdcTrgsel_TRGX0)
u32TrgSelR = *io32AdcxTrgSelR0;
u32TrgSelR &= ~0x1FFul;
u32TrgSelR |= pstcTrgCfg->enInTrg0;
*io32AdcxTrgSelR0 = u32TrgSelR;
if ((pstcTrgCfg->enTrgSel & AdcTrgsel_TRGX1) == AdcTrgsel_TRGX1)
u32TrgSelR = *io32AdcxTrgSelR1;
u32TrgSelR &= ~0x1FFul;
u32TrgSelR |= pstcTrgCfg->enInTrg1;
*io32AdcxTrgSelR1 = u32TrgSelR;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Set trigger source.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u8Seq The sequence which you want to set it's trigger source.
** \param [in] enState Enable or disable trigger source.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_TriggerSrcCmd(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx,
uint8_t u8Seq,
en_functional_state_t enState)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if ((NULL != ADCx) && (u8Seq <= ADC_SEQ_B))
if (ADC_SEQ_A == u8Seq)
ADCx->TRGSR_f.TRGENA = enState;
ADCx->TRGSR_f.TRGENB = enState;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Enable or disable ADC common trigger.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] enTrgSel ADC trigger source type. See @ref en_adc_trgsel_t for details.
** \param [in] enComTrigger ADC common trigger selection. See @ref en_adc_com_trigger_t for details.
** \param [in] enState Enable or disable the specified common trigger.
** \retval None.
void ADC_ComTriggerCmd(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, en_adc_trgsel_t enTrgSel, \
en_adc_com_trigger_t enComTrigger, en_functional_state_t enState)
uint32_t u32ComTrig = enComTrigger;
uint32_t u32ITRGSELRAddr;
DDL_ASSERT(IS_ADC_TRGSEL(enTrgSel) && (enTrgSel != AdcTrgsel_ADTRGX));
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
u32ITRGSELRAddr = (uint32_t)&M4_AOS->ADC1_ITRGSELR0;
u32ITRGSELRAddr = (uint32_t)&M4_AOS->ADC2_ITRGSELR0;
u32ComTrig <<= 30u;
if ((enTrgSel & AdcTrgsel_TRGX0) == AdcTrgsel_TRGX0)
if (enState == Enable)
*(__IO uint32_t *)u32ITRGSELRAddr |= u32ComTrig;
*(__IO uint32_t *)u32ITRGSELRAddr &= ~u32ComTrig;
if ((enTrgSel & AdcTrgsel_TRGX1) == AdcTrgsel_TRGX1)
u32ITRGSELRAddr += 4ul;
if (enState == Enable)
*(__IO uint32_t *)u32ITRGSELRAddr |= u32ComTrig;
*(__IO uint32_t *)u32ITRGSELRAddr &= ~u32ComTrig;
** \brief Add ADC channel.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] pstcChCfg Pointer to ADC channel configuration structure.
** \arg u32Channel The channel(s) you want to configure.
** \arg u8Sequence The sequence which the channel(s) belong(s) to.
** \arg pu8SampTime Pointer to sampling time.
** eg. u32Channel = 1001b
** pu8SampTime[0] = channel 0's time
** pu8SampTime[1] = channel 3's time
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
** \note Sequence A and Sequence B CAN NOT set the same channel!!!
en_result_t ADC_AddAdcChannel(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, const stc_adc_ch_cfg_t *pstcChCfg)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
uint8_t i;
uint8_t j;
uint32_t u32ChannelSel;
__IO uint8_t *io8Sstr;
if ((NULL != ADCx) &&
(NULL != pstcChCfg) &&
(pstcChCfg->u8Sequence <= ADC_SEQ_B))
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
u32ChannelSel = pstcChCfg->u32Channel & ADC1_CH_ALL;
if (ADC_SEQ_A == pstcChCfg->u8Sequence)
ADCx->CHSELRA0 |= (uint16_t)u32ChannelSel;
ADCx->CHSELRA1 |= (uint16_t)(u32ChannelSel >> 16u);
ADCx->CHSELRB0 |= (uint16_t)u32ChannelSel;
ADCx->CHSELRB1 |= (uint16_t)(u32ChannelSel >> 16u);
u32ChannelSel = pstcChCfg->u32Channel & ADC2_CH_ALL;
if (ADC_SEQ_A == pstcChCfg->u8Sequence)
ADCx->CHSELRA0 |= (uint16_t)u32ChannelSel;
ADCx->CHSELRB0 |= (uint16_t)u32ChannelSel;
/* Set sampling time */
i = 0u;
j = 0u;
io8Sstr = &(ADCx->SSTR0);
while (0u != u32ChannelSel)
if (u32ChannelSel & 0x1ul)
io8Sstr[i] = pstcChCfg->pu8SampTime[j++];
u32ChannelSel >>= 1u;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Delete ADC channel(s).
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u32Channel The channel(s) you want to delete.
** \arg ADC1_CH0 ~ ADC1_CH16
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
** \note You can use this function to delete ADC channel(s)
** and then set the corresponding pin(s) of the channel(s)
** to the other mode you need in your application.
en_result_t ADC_DelAdcChannel(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t u32Channel)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
uint16_t u16ChSelR0;
uint16_t u16ChSelR1;
if (NULL != ADCx)
u16ChSelR0 = (uint16_t)u32Channel;
u16ChSelR1 = (uint16_t)(u32Channel >> 16u);
ADCx->CHSELRA0 &= (uint16_t)(~u16ChSelR0);
ADCx->CHSELRB0 &= (uint16_t)(~u16ChSelR0);
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
ADCx->CHSELRA1 &= (uint16_t)(~u16ChSelR1);
ADCx->CHSELRB1 &= (uint16_t)(~u16ChSelR1);
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief ADC interrupt configuration.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u8Seq The sequence to be configured.
** \param [in] enState Enable or Disable sequence conversion done interrupt.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_SeqITCmd(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx,
uint8_t u8Seq,
en_functional_state_t enState)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
uint8_t u8Msk = 0u;
if ((NULL != ADCx) && (u8Seq <= ADC_SEQ_B))
u8Msk = (uint8_t)(0x1ul << u8Seq);
ADCx->ISR &= (uint8_t)(~u8Msk);
if (Enable == enState)
ADCx->ICR |= u8Msk;
ADCx->ICR &= (uint8_t)(~u8Msk);
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief ADC average conversion configuration.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] enAvgCnt Average after enAvgCnt conversions.
** See @ref en_adc_avcnt_t for details.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_ConfigAvg(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, en_adc_avcnt_t enAvgCnt)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if (NULL != ADCx)
ADCx->CR0_f.AVCNT = enAvgCnt;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Add average channel(s).
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u32Channel The channel(s), which will be set as average channel(s).
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
** \note The channel must first be configured as an analog channel
** by function ADC_AddAdcChannel.
en_result_t ADC_AddAvgChannel(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t u32Channel)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
uint16_t u16AvgChR0;
uint16_t u16AvgChR1;
if (NULL != ADCx)
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
u32Channel &= ADC1_CH_ALL;
u32Channel &= ADC2_CH_ALL;
u16AvgChR0 = (uint16_t)u32Channel;
u16AvgChR1 = (uint16_t)(u32Channel >> 16u);
ADCx->AVCHSELR0 |= u16AvgChR0;
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
ADCx->AVCHSELR1 |= u16AvgChR1;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Delete average channel(s).
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u32Channel The average channel(s) which you want to delete.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_DelAvgChannel(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t u32Channel)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
uint16_t u16AvgChR0;
uint16_t u16AvgChR1;
if (NULL != ADCx)
u16AvgChR0 = (uint16_t)u32Channel;
u16AvgChR1 = (uint16_t)(u32Channel >> 16u);
ADCx->AVCHSELR0 &= (uint16_t)(~u16AvgChR0);
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
ADCx->AVCHSELR1 &= (uint16_t)(~u16AvgChR1);
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief ADC AWD(analog watch dog) configuration.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] pstcAwdCfg Pointer to the configuration structure.
** See @ref stc_adc_awd_cfg_t for details.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_ConfigAwd(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, const stc_adc_awd_cfg_t *pstcAwdCfg)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if ((NULL != ADCx) && (NULL != pstcAwdCfg))
ADCx->AWDCR_f.AWDEN = AdcAwd_Disable;
ADCx->AWDCR_f.AWDIEN = AdcAwdInt_Disable;
ADCx->AWDCR_f.AWDMD = pstcAwdCfg->enAwdmd;
ADCx->AWDCR_f.AWDSS = pstcAwdCfg->enAwdss;
ADCx->AWDDR0 = pstcAwdCfg->u16AwdDr0;
ADCx->AWDDR1 = pstcAwdCfg->u16AwdDr1;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Enable or disable ADC AWD(analog watch dog).
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] enState Enable or disable AWD.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_AwdCmd(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, en_functional_state_t enState)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if (NULL != ADCx)
ADCx->AWDCR_f.AWDEN = enState;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Enable or disable ADC AWD(analog watch dog) interrupt.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] enState Enable or disable AWD interrupt.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_AwdITCmd(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, en_functional_state_t enState)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if (NULL != ADCx)
ADCx->AWDCR_f.AWDIEN = enState;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Add AWD channel(s).
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u32Channel The channel(s), which will be set as AWD channel(s).
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
** \note The channel must first be configured as an analog channel
** by function ADC_AddAdcChannel.
en_result_t ADC_AddAwdChannel(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t u32Channel)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
uint16_t u16ChSelR0;
uint16_t u16ChSelR1;
if (NULL != ADCx)
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
u32Channel &= ADC1_CH_ALL;
u32Channel &= ADC2_CH_ALL;
u16ChSelR0 = (uint16_t)u32Channel;
u16ChSelR1 = (uint16_t)(u32Channel >> 16u);
ADCx->AWDCHSR0 |= u16ChSelR0;
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
ADCx->AWDCHSR1 |= u16ChSelR1;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Delete AWD channel(s).
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u32Channel The AWD channel(s) which you are going to delete.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_DelAwdChannel(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t u32Channel)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
uint16_t u16ChSelR0;
uint16_t u16ChSelR1;
if (NULL != ADCx)
u16ChSelR0 = (uint16_t)u32Channel;
u16ChSelR1 = (uint16_t)(u32Channel >> 16u);
ADCx->AWDCHSR0 &= (uint16_t)(~u16ChSelR0);
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
ADCx->AWDCHSR1 &= (uint16_t)(~u16ChSelR1);
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief ADC programmable gain amplifier(PGA) configuration.
** \param [in] enFactor PGA gain factor.
** \param [in] enNegativeIn PGA negative input select.
** \retval None.
** \note Only ADC1 has PGA.
void ADC_ConfigPga(en_adc_pga_factor_t enFactor, en_adc_pga_negative_t enNegativeIn)
M4_ADC1->PGAGSR_f.GAIN = enFactor;
M4_ADC1->PGAINSR1_f.PGAVSSEN = enNegativeIn;
** \brief Enable or disable PGA.
** \param [in] enState Enable or disable PGA.
** \retval None.
void ADC_PgaCmd(en_functional_state_t enState)
if (Enable == enState)
M4_ADC1->PGACR_f.PGACTL = AdcPgaCtl_Amplify;
M4_ADC1->PGACR_f.PGACTL = AdcPgaCtl_Invalid;
** \brief Add PGA channel(s).
** \param[in] u32Channel The channel(s), which you want to gain.
** \retval None.
** \note Only ADC1 has PGA. The channel must first
** be configured as an analog channel
** by function ADC_AddAdcChannel
void ADC_AddPgaChannel(uint32_t u32Channel)
M4_ADC1->PGAINSR0 |= ((uint16_t)(u32Channel & PGA_CH_ALL));
** \brief Delete PGA channel(s).
** \param[in] u32Channel The PGA channel(s) which will be deleted.
** \retval None.
void ADC_DelPgaChannel(uint32_t u32Channel)
M4_ADC1->PGAINSR0 &= (uint16_t)(~u32Channel);
** \brief ADC sync mode configuration.
** \param [in] enMode Synchronous mode types.
** \param [in] u8TrgDelay ADC2 trigger delay time.
** \retval None.
void ADC_ConfigSync(en_adc_sync_mode_t enMode, uint8_t u8TrgDelay)
/* Disable synchronous mode first. */
M4_ADC1->SYNCCR_f.SYNCEN = AdcSync_Disable;
M4_ADC1->SYNCCR_f.SYNCMD = enMode;
M4_ADC1->SYNCCR_f.SYNCDLY = u8TrgDelay;
** \brief Enable or disable sync mode.
** \param [in] enState Enable or disable sync mode.
** \retval None.
void ADC_SyncCmd(en_functional_state_t enState)
M4_ADC1->SYNCCR_f.SYNCEN = enState;
** \brief Start an ADC conversion.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
** \note Software startup only support sequence A.
en_result_t ADC_StartConvert(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if (NULL != ADCx)
ADCx->STR = 1u;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Stop an ADC conversion and clear flags.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval ErrorTimeout Timeout.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_StopConvert(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
__IO uint32_t u32TimeCount = 0u;
if (NULL != ADCx)
enRet = Ok;
/* Make sure the ADC is really stopped. */
while (ADCx->STR == 1u)
/* Stop ADC conversion. */
ADCx->STR = 0u;
if (++u32TimeCount > 10000u)
enRet = ErrorTimeout;
return enRet;
** \brief Get the conversion status flag.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u8Seq The sequence which you want to get
** it's conversion status flag.
** \retval Set ADC converted done.
** \retval Reset ADC is converting or parameter error.
en_flag_status_t ADC_GetEocFlag(const M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t u8Seq)
en_flag_status_t enFlag = Reset;
if (ADCx->ISR & ((uint8_t)(0x1ul << u8Seq)))
enFlag = Set;
return enFlag;
** \brief Clear conversion status flag of sequence A or sequence B.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u8Seq The sequence which you want to clear
** it's conversion status flag.
** \retval None.
void ADC_ClrEocFlag(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t u8Seq)
if (NULL != ADCx)
ADCx->ISR &= (uint8_t)(~(0x1ul << u8Seq));
** \brief ADC start sequence A, check it's EOC status and get the data.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [out] pu16AdcData The address to store ADC value.
** The location of the data store depends on
** the parameter u8Length.
** all of the ADC data regs will be read:
** pu16AdcData[0] = data of Channel 0,
** pu16AdcData[1] = data of Channel 1,
** pu16AdcData[2] = data of Channel 2,
** ...
** only the data of the enabled channles will be read:
** pu16AdcData[0] = data of the 1st enabled channel,
** pu16AdcData[1] = data of the 2nd enabled channel,
** pu16AdcData[2] = data of the 3rd enabled channel,
** ...
** \param [in] u8Length The length of the ADC data to be read.
** \param [in] u32Timeout Timeout value.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval ErrorTimeout Timeout.
** \retval OperationInProgress ADC is converting.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_PollingSa(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx,
uint16_t *pu16AdcData,
uint8_t u8Length,
uint32_t u32Timeout)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
uint8_t u8AllDataLength = 0u;
uint32_t u32Channel = 0u;
uint32_t u32AdcTimeout = 0u;
__IO uint32_t u32TimeCount = 0u;
if ((NULL != ADCx) && (NULL != pu16AdcData) && (0u != u8Length))
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
if (u8Length >= ADC1_CH_COUNT)
u8AllDataLength = ADC1_CH_COUNT;
u32Channel = (uint32_t)ADCx->CHSELRA1;
u32Channel <<= 16u;
u32Channel |= (uint32_t)ADCx->CHSELRA0;
if (u8Length >= ADC2_CH_COUNT)
u8AllDataLength = ADC2_CH_COUNT;
u32Channel = (uint32_t)M4_ADC1->CHSELRA0;
/* Start ADC conversion. */
ADCx->STR = (uint8_t)0x01;
/* 10 is the number of required instructions cycles for the below loop statement. */
u32AdcTimeout = u32Timeout * (SystemCoreClock / 10u / 1000u);
u32TimeCount = 0u;
enRet = ErrorTimeout;
while (u32TimeCount < u32AdcTimeout)
if (ADCx->ISR_f.EOCAF)
/* Get ADC data. */
if (u8AllDataLength)
ADC_ReadAllData(ADCx, pu16AdcData, u8AllDataLength);
ADC_GetChData(ADCx, u32Channel, pu16AdcData, u8Length);
/* Clear sequence A flag. */
ADCx->ISR_f.EOCAF = 0u;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Reading all data regs of an ADC.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [out] pu16AdcData The address where the data will be stored.
** pu16AdcData[0] = data of Channel 0,
** pu16AdcData[1] = data of Channel 1,
** pu16AdcData[2] = data of Channel 2,
** ...
** \param [in] u8Length The length of the ADC data to be read.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_GetAllData(const M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t *pu16AdcData, uint8_t u8Length)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if (((M4_ADC1 == ADCx) && (u8Length >= ADC1_CH_COUNT)) ||
((M4_ADC2 == ADCx) && (u8Length >= ADC2_CH_COUNT)))
ADC_ReadAllData(ADCx, pu16AdcData, u8Length);
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Reading the data of the specified channel(s).
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base
** \param [in] u32TargetCh The specified channel(s)
** \param [out] pu16AdcData The address where the data will be stored.
** pu16AdcData[0] = data of the 1st enabled channel,
** pu16AdcData[1] = data of the 2nd enabled channel,
** pu16AdcData[2] = data of the 3rd enabled channel,
** eg. u32TargetCh = 1001b
** pu16AdcData[0] = Channel 0's data,
** pu16AdcData[1] = Channel 3's data,
** \param [in] u8Length The length of the ADC data to be read.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_GetChData(const M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx,
uint32_t u32TargetCh,
uint16_t *pu16AdcData,
uint8_t u8Length)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
uint8_t i;
uint8_t j;
uint32_t u32Channel;
__IO const uint16_t *pu16DataReg = &(ADCx->DR0);
if ((NULL != ADCx) && (NULL != pu16AdcData) && (0u != u8Length))
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
u32Channel = u32TargetCh & ADC1_CH_ALL;
u32Channel = u32TargetCh & ADC2_CH_ALL;
i = 0u;
j = 0u;
while ((0u != u32Channel) && (0u != u8Length))
if (0u != (u32Channel & 0x1ul))
pu16AdcData[j] = pu16DataReg[i];
u32Channel >>= 1u;
enRet = Ok;
return enRet;
** \brief Get the value of a specified channel via channel index.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base
** \param [in] u8ChIndex The index of the specified channel.
** u8ChIndex < ADC1_CH_COUNT while ADCx == M4_ADC1;
** u8ChIndex < ADC2_CH_COUNT while ADCx == M4_ADC2.
** \retval An uint16_t value -- the ADC value of the specified channel.
uint16_t ADC_GetValue(const M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t u8ChIndex)
__IO const uint16_t *pu16DataReg = &(ADCx->DR0);
return pu16DataReg[u8ChIndex];
** \brief Get all AWD channels status flags.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \retval u32AwdFlag 0 -- No ADC channel meets AWD comparison conditions.
** !0 -- The bit value of the channel that satisfies the
** AWD condition is 1.
uint32_t ADC_GetAwdFlag(const M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
uint32_t u32AwdFlag;
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
u32AwdFlag = ADCx->AWDSR1;
u32AwdFlag <<= 16u;
u32AwdFlag |= ADCx->AWDSR0;
u32AwdFlag = ADCx->AWDSR0;
return u32AwdFlag;
** \brief Clear all AWD channels status flags
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \retval None.
void ADC_ClrAwdFlag(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
if (NULL != ADCx)
ADCx->AWDSR0 = 0u;
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
ADCx->AWDSR0 = 0u;
ADCx->AWDSR1 = 0u;
** \brief Clear AWD specified channels status flags.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u32AwdCh The channel(s) which you want to clear it's flag(s).
** \retval None.
void ADC_ClrAwdChFlag(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t u32AwdCh)
uint16_t u16ChR0;
uint16_t u16ChR1;
if (NULL != ADCx)
u16ChR0 = (uint16_t)u32AwdCh;
u16ChR1 = (uint16_t)(u32AwdCh >> 16u);
ADCx->AWDSR0 &= (uint16_t)(~u16ChR0);
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
ADCx->AWDSR1 &= (uint16_t)(~u16ChR1);
** \brief Remap an ADC pin to channel(s).
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u32DestChannel Destination channel(s).
** \param [in] u8AdcPin ADC pin number.
** \retval ErrorInvalidParameter Parameter error.
** \retval Ok No error occurred.
en_result_t ADC_ChannelRemap(M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx,
uint32_t u32DestChannel,
uint8_t u8AdcPin)
en_result_t enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
uint8_t i;
uint8_t u8OffsetReg;
uint8_t u8ChPos;
uint16_t u16AdcPin = u8AdcPin;
__IO uint16_t *io16Chmuxr = NULL;
if (NULL != ADCx)
enRet = Ok;
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
if (u16AdcPin <= ADC1_IN15)
u32DestChannel &= ADC1_PIN_MASK_ALL;
enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if ((u16AdcPin > ADC12_IN4) && (u16AdcPin < ADC12_IN11))
u16AdcPin -= 4u;
u32DestChannel &= ADC2_PIN_MASK_ALL;
enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter;
if (Ok == enRet)
i = 0u;
while (0u != u32DestChannel)
if (u32DestChannel & 0x1ul)
u8OffsetReg = i / 4u;
u8ChPos = (i % 4u) * 4u;
io16Chmuxr = &(ADCx->CHMUXR0) + u8OffsetReg;
*io16Chmuxr &= (uint16_t)(~(0xFul << u8ChPos));
*io16Chmuxr |= (uint16_t)(u16AdcPin << u8ChPos);
u32DestChannel >>= 1u;
return enRet;
** \brief Get the number of the pin corresponding to the specified channel.
** \param [in] ADCx Pointer to ADC instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC1 ADC unit 1 instance register base.
** \arg M4_ADC2 ADC unit 2 instance register base.
** \param [in] u8ChIndex This channel that you want to get its pin number.
** \retval [0, 15] The correct ADC pin number.
** \retval [0xFF] The invalid ADC pin number.
uint8_t ADC_GetChannelPinNum(const M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t u8ChIndex)
uint8_t u8OffsetPin;
uint8_t u8OffsetReg;
uint8_t u8ChPos;
uint8_t u8AdcPin = ADC_PIN_INVALID;
__IO const uint16_t *io16Chmuxr = NULL;
if (M4_ADC1 == ADCx)
u8OffsetPin = 0u;
u8OffsetPin = 4u;
u8OffsetReg = u8ChIndex / 4u;
u8ChPos = (u8ChIndex % 4u) * 4u;
io16Chmuxr = &(ADCx->CHMUXR0) + u8OffsetReg;
u8AdcPin = (uint8_t)((*io16Chmuxr >> u8ChPos) & ((uint16_t)0xF));
u8AdcPin += u8OffsetPin;
return u8AdcPin;
* Function implementation - local ('static')
** \brief Read all data of an ADC. pu16AdcData[0] = DR0, pu16AdcData[1] = DR1, ...
static void ADC_ReadAllData(const M4_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t *pu16AdcData, uint8_t u8Length)
uint8_t i;
__IO const uint16_t *pu16DataReg = &(ADCx->DR0);
for (i = 0u; i < u8Length; i++)
pu16AdcData[i] = pu16DataReg[i];
//@} // AdcGroup
#endif /* DDL_ADC_ENABLE */
* EOF (not truncated)