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| Project : Device Filesystem
| Copyright 2004, 2005 www.fayfayspace.org.
| All rights reserved.
| File : dfs_raw.h, the raw APIs of Device FileSystem
| Chang Logs:
| Date Author Notes
| 2005-01-26 ffxz The first version
#ifndef __DFS_RAW_H__
#define __DFS_RAW_H__
#include <dfs_def.h>
#include <dfs_fs.h>
int dfile_raw_open(struct dfs_fd* fd, const char *path, int flags);
int dfile_raw_close(struct dfs_fd* fd);
int dfile_raw_ioctl(struct dfs_fd* fd, int cmd, void *args);
int dfile_raw_read(struct dfs_fd* fd, void *buf, rt_size_t len);
int dfile_raw_getdents(struct dfs_fd* fd, struct dfs_dirent* dirp, rt_size_t nbytes);
int dfile_raw_unlink(const char *path);
int dfile_raw_write(struct dfs_fd* fd, const void *buf, rt_size_t len);
int dfile_raw_lseek(struct dfs_fd* fd, rt_off_t offset);
int dfile_raw_stat(const char *path, struct dfs_stat *buf);
int dfile_raw_rename(const char* oldpath, const char* newpath);
/* FD APIs */
int fd_new(void);
struct dfs_fd* fd_get(int fd);
void fd_put(struct dfs_fd* fd);