/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2024 RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2023-05-05 vandoul first */ #include #include "cy_gpio.h" #include "cyhal_gpio.h" #include "cyhal_sdhc.h" #ifdef BSP_USING_SDCARD /*#define DRV_DEBUG*/ #define LOG_TAG "drv.sdio" #include #define SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE (512) #if BSP_USING_SDCARD_LED_CTRL_ENANBLE #define SDCARD_LED_CTRL_ENABLE true #else #define SDCARD_LED_CTRL_ENABLE false #endif #if BSP_USING_SDCARD_EMMC_ENANBLE #define SDCARD_EMMC_ENABLE true #else #define SDCARD_EMMC_ENABLE false #endif struct _cy_sdio_pin_and_name_config { const char *name; cyhal_gpio_t cmd; /**< The pin connected to the command signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t clk; /**< The pin connected to the clock signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t data0; /**< The pin connected to the data0 signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t data1; /**< The pin connected to the data1 signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t data2; /**< The pin connected to the data2 signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t data3; /**< The pin connected to the data3 signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t data4; /**< The pin connected to the data4 signal; pass NC when unused. */ cyhal_gpio_t data5; /**< The pin connected to the data5 signal; pass NC when unused. */ cyhal_gpio_t data6; /**< The pin connected to the data6 signal; pass NC when unused. */ cyhal_gpio_t data7; /**< The pin connected to the data7 signal; pass NC when unused. */ cyhal_gpio_t card_detect; /**< The pin connected to the card detect signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t io_volt_sel; /**< The pin connected to the voltage select signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t card_if_pwr_en; /**< The pin connected to the card interface power enable signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t card_mech_write_prot; /**< The pin connected to the write protect signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t led_ctrl; /**< The pin connected to the LED control signal. */ cyhal_gpio_t card_emmc_reset; /**< The pin connected to the eMMC card reset signal. */ }; static const struct _cy_sdio_pin_and_name_config _sdcard_config = { .name = "sd0", .cmd = BSP_USING_SDCARD_CMD_PIN, .clk = BSP_USING_SDCARD_CLK_PIN, .data0 = BSP_USING_SDCARD_DAT0_PIN, .data1 = BSP_USING_SDCARD_DAT1_PIN, .data2 = BSP_USING_SDCARD_DAT2_PIN, .data3 = BSP_USING_SDCARD_DAT3_PIN, .data4 = BSP_USING_SDCARD_DAT4_PIN, .data5 = BSP_USING_SDCARD_DAT5_PIN, .data6 = BSP_USING_SDCARD_DAT6_PIN, .data7 = BSP_USING_SDCARD_DAT7_PIN, .card_detect = BSP_USING_SDCARD_DETECT_PIN, .io_volt_sel = BSP_USING_SDCARD_IO_VOLT_SEL_PIN, .card_if_pwr_en = BSP_USING_SDCARD_CARD_IF_PWR_EN_PIN, .card_mech_write_prot = BSP_USING_SDCARD_CARD_MECH_WRITE_PROT_PIN, #if BSP_USING_SDCARD_LED_CTRL_PIN .led_ctrl = BSP_USING_SDCARD_LED_CTRL_PIN, #else .led_ctrl = -1, #endif .card_emmc_reset = BSP_USING_SDCARD_CARD_EMMC_RESET_PIN, }; #include #include #include struct rthw_sdio { struct rt_device parent; cyhal_sdhc_t sdhc_obj; /**< Object for use with the SDHC HAL driver. */ cyhal_sdhc_config_t sdhc_config; /**< Card configuration structure to be passed to the HAL driver. */ const struct _cy_sdio_pin_config *pins_cfg; struct dfs_partition part; struct rt_device_blk_geometry geometry; }; static rt_err_t rt_mmcsd_init(rt_device_t dev) { return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t rt_mmcsd_open(rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag) { return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t rt_mmcsd_close(rt_device_t dev) { return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t rt_mmcsd_control(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args) { struct rthw_sdio *sdio = (struct rthw_sdio *)dev; struct dfs_partition *part = &sdio->part; struct rt_device_blk_geometry *geometry = &sdio->geometry; struct mmcsd_blk_device *blk_dev = (struct mmcsd_blk_device *)dev->user_data; switch (cmd) { case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BLK_GETGEOME: rt_memcpy(args, geometry, sizeof(struct rt_device_blk_geometry)); break; case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BLK_PARTITION: rt_memcpy(args, part, sizeof(struct dfs_partition)); default: break; } return RT_EOK; } static rt_ssize_t rt_mmcsd_read(rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void *buffer, rt_size_t size) { rt_err_t err = 0; void *rd_ptr = (void *)buffer; struct rthw_sdio *sdio = (struct rthw_sdio *)dev; cyhal_sdhc_t *hw_sdio = &sdio->sdhc_obj; off_t offset = sdio->part.offset; LOG_D("mmc read: off:%d pos:%d size:%d", offset, pos, size); if (dev == RT_NULL) { rt_set_errno(-RT_EINVAL); return 0; } rt_sem_take(sdio->part.lock, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); do { size_t block_count = size; uint32_t addr = (offset + pos); cy_rslt_t result = cyhal_sdhc_read_async(hw_sdio, addr, buffer, &block_count); if(CY_RSLT_SUCCESS != result) { err = -RT_ERROR; break; } /* Waits on a semaphore until the transfer completes, when RTOS_AWARE component is defined. */ result = cyhal_sdhc_wait_transfer_complete(hw_sdio); if(CY_RSLT_SUCCESS != result) { err = -RT_ERROR; break; } }while(0); rt_sem_release(sdio->part.lock); /* the length of reading must align to SECTOR SIZE */ if (err) { rt_set_errno(-RT_EIO); return 0; } return size; } static rt_ssize_t rt_mmcsd_write(rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void *buffer, rt_size_t size) { rt_err_t err = 0; void *rd_ptr = (void *)buffer; struct rthw_sdio *sdio = (struct rthw_sdio *)dev; cyhal_sdhc_t *hw_sdio = &sdio->sdhc_obj; off_t offset = sdio->part.offset; LOG_D("mmc write: off:%d pos:%d size:%d", offset, pos, size); if (dev == RT_NULL) { rt_set_errno(-RT_EINVAL); return 0; } rt_sem_take(sdio->part.lock, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); do { size_t block_count = size ; uint32_t addr = (offset + pos); cy_rslt_t result = cyhal_sdhc_write_async(hw_sdio, addr, buffer, &block_count); if(CY_RSLT_SUCCESS != result) { err = -RT_ERROR; break; } /* Waits on a semaphore until the transfer completes, when RTOS_AWARE component is defined. */ result = cyhal_sdhc_wait_transfer_complete(hw_sdio); if(CY_RSLT_SUCCESS != result) { err = -RT_ERROR; break; } }while(0); rt_sem_release(sdio->part.lock); /* the length of reading must align to SECTOR SIZE */ if (err) { rt_set_errno(-RT_EIO); return 0; } return size; } #ifdef RT_USING_DEVICE_OPS const static struct rt_device_ops mmcsd_blk_ops = { rt_mmcsd_init, rt_mmcsd_open, rt_mmcsd_close, rt_mmcsd_read, rt_mmcsd_write, rt_mmcsd_control }; #endif int rt_hw_sdio_init(void) { struct rthw_sdio *sdio = RT_NULL; struct _cy_sdio_pin_config *pins_cfg; char sname[16]; sdio = rt_malloc(sizeof(struct rthw_sdio)); if (sdio == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("malloc rthw_sdio fail"); return RT_NULL; } rt_memset(sdio, 0, sizeof(struct rthw_sdio)); LOG_D("sdio pins: cmd=%d,clk=%d,d0=%d,d1=%d,d2=%d,d3=%d,d4=%d,d5=%d,d6=%d,d7=%d", _sdio1_pins_and_name.cmd, _sdio1_pins_and_name.clk, _sdio1_pins_and_name.data0, _sdio1_pins_and_name.data1, _sdio1_pins_and_name.data2, _sdio1_pins_and_name.data3, _sdio1_pins_and_name.data4, _sdio1_pins_and_name.data5, _sdio1_pins_and_name.data6, _sdio1_pins_and_name.data7 ); LOG_D("\tdetect=%d,volt_sel=%d,pwr_en=%d,write_prot=%d,led_ctrl=%d,emmc_reset=%d", _sdio1_pins_and_name.card_detect, _sdio1_pins_and_name.io_volt_sel, _sdio1_pins_and_name.card_if_pwr_en, _sdio1_pins_and_name.card_mech_write_prot, _sdio1_pins_and_name.led_ctrl, _sdio1_pins_and_name.card_emmc_reset ); /* register mmcsd device */ sdio->parent.type = RT_Device_Class_Block; #ifdef RT_USING_DEVICE_OPS sdio->parent.ops = &mmcsd_blk_ops; #else sdio->parent.init = rt_mmcsd_init; sdio->parent.open = rt_mmcsd_open; sdio->parent.close = rt_mmcsd_close; sdio->parent.read = rt_mmcsd_read; sdio->parent.write = rt_mmcsd_write; sdio->parent.control = rt_mmcsd_control; #endif do { sdio->sdhc_config.enableLedControl = SDCARD_LED_CTRL_ENABLE; sdio->sdhc_config.isEmmc = SDCARD_EMMC_ENABLE; sdio->sdhc_config.lowVoltageSignaling = false; sdio->sdhc_config.busWidth = BSP_USING_SDCARD_BUS_WIDTH; /* Initialize the SD Card interface. */ int rslt = cyhal_sdhc_init_hw(&sdio->sdhc_obj, &sdio->sdhc_config, _sdcard_config.cmd, _sdcard_config.clk, _sdcard_config.data0, _sdcard_config.data1, _sdcard_config.data2, _sdcard_config.data3, _sdcard_config.data4, _sdcard_config.data5, _sdcard_config.data6, _sdcard_config.data7, _sdcard_config.card_detect, _sdcard_config.io_volt_sel, _sdcard_config.card_if_pwr_en, _sdcard_config.card_mech_write_prot, _sdcard_config.led_ctrl, _sdcard_config.card_emmc_reset, RT_NULL); if(rslt != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS) { LOG_E("sdhc hw init fail: (0x%x)", rslt); break; } rslt = cyhal_sdhc_init_card(&sdio->sdhc_obj); if(rslt != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS) { LOG_E("sdhc init fail: (0x%x)", rslt); break; } rt_uint32_t block_count; rslt = cyhal_sdhc_get_block_count(&sdio->sdhc_obj, &block_count); if(rslt != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS) { LOG_E("get block count fail: (0x%x)", rslt); break; } LOG_D("block count:%d(0x%x)", block_count, block_count); sdio->geometry.bytes_per_sector = 512; sdio->geometry.block_size = 512; sdio->geometry.sector_count = block_count; rt_snprintf(sname, sizeof(sname) - 1, "sem_%s%d", _sdcard_config.name, 0); sdio->part.lock = rt_sem_create(sname, 1, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); if(sdio->part.lock == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("create part.lock fail"); break; } rt_uint8_t *sector = rt_malloc(512); if(sector == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("malloc sector fail"); break; } if(rt_mmcsd_read(&sdio->parent, 0, sector, 1) < 0) { LOG_E("rt_mmcsd_read fail"); rt_free(sector); break; } rslt = dfs_filesystem_get_partition(&sdio->part, sector, 0); rt_free(sector); if(rslt != RT_EOK) { LOG_E("partition not found!"); break; } rslt = rt_device_register(&(sdio->parent), _sdcard_config.name, RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR); if(rslt != RT_EOK) { LOG_E("register device fail!"); break; } return RT_EOK; }while(0); if(sdio) { cyhal_sdhc_free(&sdio->sdhc_obj); if(sdio->part.lock) { rt_sem_delete(sdio->part.lock); } rt_free(sdio); } return -RT_ERROR; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(rt_hw_sdio_init); #endif