/********************************************************************** * $Id$ lpc177x_8x_clkpwr.c 2011-06-02 *//** * @file lpc177x_8x_clkpwr.c * @brief Contains all functions support for Clock and Power Control * firmware library on LPC177x_8x * @version 1.0 * @date 02. June. 2011 * @author NXP MCU SW Application Team * * Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor * All rights reserved. * *********************************************************************** * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only * which provides customers with programming information regarding the * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties. * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent, * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors * reserves the right to make changes in the software without * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified * use without further testing or modification. **********************************************************************/ /* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @addtogroup CLKPWR * @{ */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "lpc177x_8x_clkpwr.h" uint32_t USBFrequency = 0; uint32_t SPIFIFrequency = 0; /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @addtogroup CLKPWR_Public_Functions * @{ */ /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Set value of each Peripheral Clock Selection * @param[in] ClkType clock type that will be divided, should be: * - CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_CPU : CPU clock * - CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_PER : Peripheral clock * - CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_EMC : EMC clock * - CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_USB : USB clock * @param[in] DivVal Value of divider. This value should be set as follows: * - CPU clock: DivVal must be in range: 0..31 * - Peripheral clock: DivVal must be in range: 0..31 * - EMC clock: DivVal must be: * + 0: The EMC uses the same clock as the CPU * + 1: The EMC uses a clock at half the rate of the CPU * - USB clock: DivVal must be: * + 0: the divider is turned off, no clock will * be provided to the USB subsystem * + 4: PLL0 output is divided by 4. PLL0 output must be 192MHz * + 6: PLL0 output is divided by 6. PLL0 output must be 288MHz * @return none * Note: Pls assign right DivVal, this function will not check if it is illegal. **********************************************************************/ void CLKPWR_SetCLKDiv (uint8_t ClkType, uint8_t DivVal) { switch(ClkType) { case CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_CPU: LPC_SC->CCLKSEL = DivVal; SystemCoreClockUpdate(); //Update clock break; case CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_PER: LPC_SC->PCLKSEL = DivVal; SystemCoreClockUpdate(); //Update clock break; case CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_EMC: LPC_SC->EMCCLKSEL = DivVal; SystemCoreClockUpdate(); //Update clock break; case CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_USB: LPC_SC->USBCLKSEL &= ~(0x0000001F); LPC_SC->USBCLKSEL |= DivVal; break; default: while(1);//Error Loop; } } /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Get current clock value * @param[in] ClkType clock type that will be divided, should be: * - CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_CPU : CPU clock * - CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_PER : Peripheral clock * - CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_EMC : EMC clock * - CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_USB : USB clock **********************************************************************/ uint32_t CLKPWR_GetCLK (uint8_t ClkType) { switch(ClkType) { case CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_CPU: return SystemCoreClock; case CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_PER: return PeripheralClock; case CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_EMC: return EMCClock; case CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_USB: return USBClock; default: while(1);//error loop } } /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Configure power supply for each peripheral according to NewState * @param[in] PPType Type of peripheral used to enable power, * should be one of the following: * - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCLCD : LCD * - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM0 : Timer 0 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM1 : Timer 1 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART0 : UART 0 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART1 : UART 1 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCPWM0 : PWM 0 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCPWM1 : PWM 1 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C0 : I2C 0 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART4 : UART4 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCRTC : RTC - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP1 : SSP 1 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCEMC : EMC - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCADC : ADC - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN1 : CAN 1 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN2 : CAN 2 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPIO : GPIO - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCMC : MCPWM - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCQEI : QEI - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C1 : I2C 1 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP2 : SSP 2 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP0 : SSP 0 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM2 : Timer 2 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM3 : Timer 3 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART2 : UART 2 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART3 : UART 3 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C2 : I2C 2 - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2S : I2S - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSDC : SDC - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPDMA : GPDMA - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCENET : Ethernet - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUSB : USB * * @param[in] NewState New state of Peripheral Power, should be: * - ENABLE : Enable power for this peripheral * - DISABLE : Disable power for this peripheral * * @return none **********************************************************************/ void CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (uint32_t PPType, FunctionalState NewState) { if (NewState == ENABLE) { LPC_SC->PCONP |= PPType; } else if (NewState == DISABLE) { LPC_SC->PCONP &= ~PPType; } } #if 0 // nxp21346 /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Configure hardware reset for each peripheral according to NewState * @param[in] PPType Type of peripheral used to enable power, * should be one of the following: * - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_LCD : LCD * - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_TIM0 : Timer 0 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_TIM1 : Timer 1 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_UART0 : UART 0 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_UART1 : UART 1 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_PWM0 : PWM 0 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_PWM1 : PWM 1 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_I2C0 : I2C 0 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_UART4 : UART 4 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_RTC : RTC - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_SSP1 : SSP 1 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_EMC : EMC - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_ADC : ADC - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_CAN1 : CAN 1 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_CAN2 : CAN 2 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_GPIO : GPIO - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_MCPWM : MCPWM - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_QEI : QEI - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_I2C1 : I2C 1 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_SSP2 : SSP 2 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_SSP0 : SSP 0 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_TIM2 : Timer 2 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_TIM3 : Timer 3 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_UART2 : UART 2 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_UART3 : UART 3 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_I2C2 : I2C 2 - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_I2S : I2S - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_SDC : SDC - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_GPDMA : GPDMA - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_ENET : Ethernet - CLKPWR_RSTCON0_USB : USB * * @param[in] NewState New state of Peripheral Power, should be: * - ENABLE : Enable power for this peripheral * - DISABLE : Disable power for this peripheral * * @return none **********************************************************************/ void CLKPWR_ConfigReset(uint8_t PType, FunctionalState NewState) { if(PType < 32) { if(NewState == ENABLE) LPC_SC->RSTCON0 |=(1<<PType); else LPC_SC->RSTCON0 &=~(1<<PType); } else { if(NewState == ENABLE) LPC_SC->RSTCON1 |= (1<<(PType - 31)); else LPC_SC->RSTCON1 &= ~(1<<(PType - 31)); } } // nxp21346 #endif /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Enter Sleep mode with co-operated instruction by the Cortex-M3. * @param[in] None * @return None **********************************************************************/ void CLKPWR_Sleep(void) { LPC_SC->PCON = 0x00; /* Sleep Mode*/ __WFI(); } /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Enter Deep Sleep mode with co-operated instruction by the Cortex-M3. * @param[in] None * @return None **********************************************************************/ void CLKPWR_DeepSleep(void) { /* Deep-Sleep Mode, set SLEEPDEEP bit */ SCB->SCR = 0x4; LPC_SC->PCON = 0x8; /* Deep Sleep Mode*/ __WFI(); } /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Enter Power Down mode with co-operated instruction by the Cortex-M3. * @param[in] None * @return None **********************************************************************/ void CLKPWR_PowerDown(void) { /* Deep-Sleep Mode, set SLEEPDEEP bit */ SCB->SCR = 0x4; LPC_SC->PCON = 0x09; /* Power Down Mode*/ __WFI(); } /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Enter Deep Power Down mode with co-operated instruction by the Cortex-M3. * @param[in] None * @return None **********************************************************************/ void CLKPWR_DeepPowerDown(void) { /* Deep-Sleep Mode, set SLEEPDEEP bit */ SCB->SCR = 0x4; LPC_SC->PCON = 0x03; /* Deep Power Down Mode*/ __WFI(); } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */