/** ******************************************************************************* * @file hc32f4a0_mpu.c * @brief This file provides firmware functions to manage the Memory Protection * Unit(MPU). @verbatim Change Logs: Date Author Notes 2020-06-12 Yangjp First version @endverbatim ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2020, Huada Semiconductor Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This software component is licensed by HDSC under BSD 3-Clause license * (the "License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause * ******************************************************************************* */ /******************************************************************************* * Include files ******************************************************************************/ #include "hc32f4a0_mpu.h" #include "hc32f4a0_utility.h" /** * @addtogroup HC32F4A0_DDL_Driver * @{ */ /** * @defgroup DDL_MPU MPU * @brief Memory Protection Unit Driver Library * @{ */ #if (DDL_MPU_ENABLE == DDL_ON) /******************************************************************************* * Local type definitions ('typedef') ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Local pre-processor symbols/macros ('#define') ******************************************************************************/ /** * @defgroup MPU_Local_Macros MPU Local Macros * @{ */ /* Number of MPU unit */ #define MPU_UNIT_NUM (5UL) /* Number of MPU region */ #define MPU_REGION_NUM (16UL) /* MPU Register Combination Mask */ #define MPU_UNIT_CONFIG_MASK (MPU_S1CR_SMPU1BRP | MPU_S1CR_SMPU1BWP | MPU_S1CR_SMPU1ACT) /* DMA units with only 8 regions */ #define MPU_NORMAL_UNIT (MPU_UNIT_USBFS_DMA | MPU_UNIT_USBHS_DMA | MPU_UNIT_ETH_DMA) /* Get the specified register address of the MPU Intrusion Control */ #define MPU_RGD(__NUM__) ((uint32_t)(&(M4_MPU->RGD0)) + ((uint32_t)(__NUM__) << 2U)) #define MPU_RGE(__UNIT__) ((uint32_t)(&(M4_MPU->S1RGE)) + (uint32_t)(__UNIT__)) #define MPU_RGWP(__UNIT__) ((uint32_t)(&(M4_MPU->S1RGWP)) + (uint32_t)(__UNIT__)) #define MPU_RGRP(__UNIT__) ((uint32_t)(&(M4_MPU->S1RGRP)) + (uint32_t)(__UNIT__)) #define MPU_CR(__UNIT__) ((uint32_t)(&(M4_MPU->S1CR)) + (uint32_t)(__UNIT__)) /** * @defgroup MPU_Check_Parameters_Validity MPU Check Parameters Validity * @{ */ #define IS_MPU_UNIT(x) \ ( ((x) != 0UL) && \ (((x) | MPU_UNIT_ALL) == MPU_UNIT_ALL)) #define IS_MPU_REGION(x) \ ( ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM0) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM1) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM2) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM3) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM4) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM5) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM6) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM7) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM8) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM9) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM10) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM11) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM12) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM13) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM14) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_NUM15)) #define IS_MPU_UNIT_REGION(unit, region) \ ( (((unit) & MPU_NORMAL_UNIT) == 0UL) || \ (((region) == MPU_REGION_NUM0) || \ ((region) == MPU_REGION_NUM1) || \ ((region) == MPU_REGION_NUM2) || \ ((region) == MPU_REGION_NUM3) || \ ((region) == MPU_REGION_NUM4) || \ ((region) == MPU_REGION_NUM5) || \ ((region) == MPU_REGION_NUM6) || \ ((region) == MPU_REGION_NUM7))) #define IS_MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT(x) \ ( ((x) == MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE) || \ ((x) == MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT_ENABLE)) #define IS_MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT(x) \ ( ((x) == MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE) || \ ((x) == MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT_ENABLE)) #define IS_MPU_EXP_TYPE(x) \ ( ((x) == MPU_EXP_TYPE_NONE) || \ ((x) == MPU_EXP_TYPE_BUS_ERR) || \ ((x) == MPU_EXP_TYPE_NMI) || \ ((x) == MPU_EXP_TYPE_RST)) #define IS_MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT(x) \ ( ((x) == MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT_ENABLE)) #define IS_MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT(x) \ ( ((x) == MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT_ENABLE)) #define IS_MPU_REGION_SIZE(x) \ ( ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_32BYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_64BYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_128BYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_256BYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_512BYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_1KBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_2KBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_4KBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_8KBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_16KBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_32KBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_64KBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_128KBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_256KBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_512KBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_1MBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_2MBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_4MBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_8MBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_16MBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_32MBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_64MBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_128MBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_256MBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_512MBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_1GBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_2GBYTE) || \ ((x) == MPU_REGION_SIZE_4GBYTE)) #define IS_MPU_REGION_BASE_ADDER(addr, size) \ ( ((addr) & ((uint32_t)(~((uint64_t)0xFFFFFFFFUL << ((size) + 1U))))) == 0UL) #define IS_MPU_FLAG(x) \ ( ((x) != 0UL) && \ (((x) | MPU_FLAG_ALL) == MPU_FLAG_ALL)) #define IS_MPU_IP_TYPE(x) \ ( ((x) != 0UL) && \ (((x) | MPU_IP_ALL) == MPU_IP_ALL)) #define IS_MPU_IP_EXP_TYPE(x) \ ( ((x) == MPU_IP_EXP_TYPE_NONE) || \ ((x) == MPU_IP_EXP_TYPE_BUS_ERR)) #define IS_MPU_UNLOCK() ((M4_MPU->WP & MPU_WP_MPUWE) == MPU_WP_MPUWE) /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /******************************************************************************* * Global variable definitions (declared in header file with 'extern') ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Local function prototypes ('static') ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Local variable definitions ('static') ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Function implementation - global ('extern') and local ('static') ******************************************************************************/ /** * @defgroup MPU_Global_Functions MPU Global Functions * @{ */ /** * @brief De-Initialize MPU. * @param None * @retval None */ void MPU_DeInit(void) { uint32_t i; __IO uint32_t *RGD; __IO uint32_t *RGE; __IO uint32_t *RGWP; __IO uint32_t *RGRP; __IO uint32_t *CR; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); for (i = 0UL; i < MPU_REGION_NUM; i++) { RGD = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGD(i); WRITE_REG32(*RGD, 0UL); } WRITE_REG32(M4_MPU->ECLR, 0x1FUL); WRITE_REG32(M4_MPU->IPPR, 0UL); for (i = 0UL; i < MPU_UNIT_NUM; i++) { RGE = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGE(i << 4); WRITE_REG32(*RGE, 0UL); RGWP = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGWP(i << 4); WRITE_REG32(*RGWP, 0UL); RGRP = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGRP(i << 4); WRITE_REG32(*RGRP, 0UL); CR = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_CR(i << 4); WRITE_REG32(*CR, 0UL); } } /** * @brief Initialize MPU. * @param [in] pstcMpuInit Pointer to a @ref stc_mpu_init_t structure * @retval An en_result_t enumeration value: * - Ok: Initialize success * - ErrorInvalidParameter: Invalid parameter */ en_result_t MPU_Init(const stc_mpu_init_t *pstcMpuInit) { en_result_t enRet = Ok; if (NULL == pstcMpuInit) { enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter; } else { /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_EXP_TYPE(pstcMpuInit->stcDma1.u32ExceptionType)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_EXP_TYPE(pstcMpuInit->stcDma2.u32ExceptionType)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_EXP_TYPE(pstcMpuInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32ExceptionType)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_EXP_TYPE(pstcMpuInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32ExceptionType)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_EXP_TYPE(pstcMpuInit->stcEthDma.u32ExceptionType)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT(pstcMpuInit->stcDma1.u32BackgroundWriteProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT(pstcMpuInit->stcDma2.u32BackgroundWriteProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT(pstcMpuInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32BackgroundWriteProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT(pstcMpuInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32BackgroundWriteProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT(pstcMpuInit->stcEthDma.u32BackgroundWriteProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT(pstcMpuInit->stcDma1.u32BackgroundReadProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT(pstcMpuInit->stcDma2.u32BackgroundReadProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT(pstcMpuInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32BackgroundReadProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT(pstcMpuInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32BackgroundReadProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT(pstcMpuInit->stcEthDma.u32BackgroundReadProtect)); MODIFY_REG32(M4_MPU->S1CR, MPU_UNIT_CONFIG_MASK, (pstcMpuInit->stcDma1.u32ExceptionType | pstcMpuInit->stcDma1.u32BackgroundWriteProtect | pstcMpuInit->stcDma1.u32BackgroundReadProtect)); MODIFY_REG32(M4_MPU->S2CR, MPU_UNIT_CONFIG_MASK, (pstcMpuInit->stcDma2.u32ExceptionType | pstcMpuInit->stcDma2.u32BackgroundWriteProtect | pstcMpuInit->stcDma2.u32BackgroundReadProtect)); MODIFY_REG32(M4_MPU->FCR, MPU_UNIT_CONFIG_MASK, (pstcMpuInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32ExceptionType | pstcMpuInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32BackgroundWriteProtect | pstcMpuInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32BackgroundReadProtect)); MODIFY_REG32(M4_MPU->HCR, MPU_UNIT_CONFIG_MASK, (pstcMpuInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32ExceptionType | pstcMpuInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32BackgroundWriteProtect | pstcMpuInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32BackgroundReadProtect)); MODIFY_REG32(M4_MPU->ECR, MPU_UNIT_CONFIG_MASK, (pstcMpuInit->stcEthDma.u32ExceptionType | pstcMpuInit->stcEthDma.u32BackgroundWriteProtect | pstcMpuInit->stcEthDma.u32BackgroundReadProtect)); } return enRet; } /** * @brief Fills each stc_mpu_init_t member with default value. * @param [out] pstcMpuInit Pointer to a @ref stc_mpu_init_t structure * @retval An en_result_t enumeration value: * - Ok: stc_mpu_init_t member initialize success * - ErrorInvalidParameter: Invalid parameter */ en_result_t MPU_StructInit(stc_mpu_init_t *pstcMpuInit) { en_result_t enRet = Ok; if (NULL == pstcMpuInit) { enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter; } else { pstcMpuInit->stcDma1.u32ExceptionType = MPU_EXP_TYPE_NONE; pstcMpuInit->stcDma2.u32ExceptionType = MPU_EXP_TYPE_NONE; pstcMpuInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32ExceptionType = MPU_EXP_TYPE_NONE; pstcMpuInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32ExceptionType = MPU_EXP_TYPE_NONE; pstcMpuInit->stcEthDma.u32ExceptionType = MPU_EXP_TYPE_NONE; pstcMpuInit->stcDma1.u32BackgroundWriteProtect = MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcMpuInit->stcDma2.u32BackgroundWriteProtect = MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcMpuInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32BackgroundWriteProtect = MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcMpuInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32BackgroundWriteProtect = MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcMpuInit->stcEthDma.u32BackgroundWriteProtect = MPU_BKGRD_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcMpuInit->stcDma1.u32BackgroundReadProtect = MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcMpuInit->stcDma2.u32BackgroundReadProtect = MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcMpuInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32BackgroundReadProtect = MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcMpuInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32BackgroundReadProtect = MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcMpuInit->stcEthDma.u32BackgroundReadProtect = MPU_BKGRD_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE; } return enRet; } /** * @brief Set the exception type of the unit. * @param [in] u32Unit The type of MPU unit. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA1: System DMA_1 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA2: System DMA_2 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBFS_DMA: USBFS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBHS_DMA: USBHS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_ETH_DMA: ETH_DMA MPU * @param [in] u32ExceptionType Exception type of MPU unit. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg MPU_EXP_TYPE_NONE: The host unit access protection regions will be ignored * @arg MPU_EXP_TYPE_BUS_ERR: The host unit access protection regions will be ignored and a bus error will be triggered * @arg MPU_EXP_TYPE_NMI: The host unit access protection regions will be ignored and a NMI interrupt will be triggered * @arg MPU_EXP_TYPE_RST: The host unit access protection regions will trigger the reset * @retval None */ void MPU_SetExceptionType(uint32_t u32Unit, uint32_t u32ExceptionType) { __IO uint32_t *CR; uint32_t u32UnitPos = 0UL; uint32_t u32Temp; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNIT(u32Unit)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_EXP_TYPE(u32ExceptionType)); u32Temp = u32Unit; while (0UL != u32Temp) { if (0UL != (u32Temp & 0x1UL)) { CR = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_CR(u32UnitPos); MODIFY_REG32(*CR, MPU_S1CR_SMPU1ACT, u32ExceptionType); } u32Temp >>= 1UL; u32UnitPos += 0x10U; } } /** * @brief Enable or disable the write protection of the unit for background space. * @param [in] u32Unit The type of MPU unit. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA1: System DMA_1 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA2: System DMA_2 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBFS_DMA: USBFS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBHS_DMA: USBHS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_ETH_DMA: ETH_DMA MPU * @param [in] enNewState The function new state. * @arg This parameter can be: Enable or Disable. * @retval None */ void MPU_BackgroundWriteProtectCmd(uint32_t u32Unit, en_functional_state_t enNewState) { __IO uint32_t *CR; uint32_t u32UnitPos = 0UL; uint32_t u32Temp; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNIT(u32Unit)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(enNewState)); u32Temp = u32Unit; while (0UL != u32Temp) { if (0UL != (u32Temp & 0x1UL)) { CR = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_CR(u32UnitPos); if (Disable != enNewState) { SET_REG32_BIT(*CR, MPU_S1CR_SMPU1BWP); } else { CLEAR_REG32_BIT(*CR, MPU_S1CR_SMPU1BWP); } } u32Temp >>= 1UL; u32UnitPos += 0x10U; } } /** * @brief Enable or disable the read protection of the unit for background space. * @param [in] u32Unit The type of MPU unit. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA1: System DMA_1 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA2: System DMA_2 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBFS_DMA: USBFS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBHS_DMA: USBHS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_ETH_DMA: ETH_DMA MPU * @param [in] enNewState The function new state. * @arg This parameter can be: Enable or Disable. * @retval None */ void MPU_BackgroundReadProtectCmd(uint32_t u32Unit, en_functional_state_t enNewState) { __IO uint32_t *CR; uint32_t u32UnitPos = 0UL; uint32_t u32Temp; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNIT(u32Unit)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(enNewState)); u32Temp = u32Unit; while (0UL != u32Temp) { if (0UL != (u32Temp & 0x1UL)) { CR = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_CR(u32UnitPos); if (Disable != enNewState) { SET_REG32_BIT(*CR, MPU_S1CR_SMPU1BRP); } else { CLEAR_REG32_BIT(*CR, MPU_S1CR_SMPU1BRP); } } u32Temp >>= 1UL; u32UnitPos += 0x10U; } } /** * @brief Enable or disable the access control of the unit. * @param [in] u32Unit The type of MPU unit. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA1: System DMA_1 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA2: System DMA_2 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBFS_DMA: USBFS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBHS_DMA: USBHS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_ETH_DMA: ETH_DMA MPU * @param [in] enNewState The function new state. * @arg This parameter can be: Enable or Disable. * @retval None */ void MPU_UnitCmd(uint32_t u32Unit, en_functional_state_t enNewState) { __IO uint32_t *CR; uint32_t u32UnitPos = 0UL; uint32_t u32Temp; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNIT(u32Unit)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(enNewState)); u32Temp = u32Unit; while (0UL != u32Temp) { if (0UL != (u32Temp & 0x1UL)) { CR = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_CR(u32UnitPos); if (Disable != enNewState) { SET_REG32_BIT(*CR, MPU_S1CR_SMPU1E); } else { CLEAR_REG32_BIT(*CR, MPU_S1CR_SMPU1E); } } u32Temp >>= 1UL; u32UnitPos += 0x10U; } } /** * @brief Gets the status of MPU flag. * @param [in] u32Flag The type of MPU flag. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_FLAG_SMPU1EAF: System DMA_1 error flag * @arg MPU_FLAG_SMPU2EAF: System DMA_2 error flag * @arg MPU_FLAG_FMPUEAF: USBFS_DMA error flag * @arg MPU_FLAG_HMPUEAF: USBHS_DMA error flag * @arg MPU_FLAG_EMPUEAF: ETH_DMA error flag * @arg MPU_FLAG_ALL: All of the above * @retval An en_flag_status_t enumeration value: * - Set: Flag is set * - Reset: Flag is reset */ en_flag_status_t MPU_GetStatus(uint32_t u32Flag) { en_flag_status_t enFlagSta = Reset; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_FLAG(u32Flag)); if (0UL != (READ_REG32_BIT(M4_MPU->SR, u32Flag))) { enFlagSta = Set; } return enFlagSta; } /** * @brief Clear the flag of MPU. * @param [in] u32Flag The type of MPU flag. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_FLAG_SMPU1EAF: System DMA_1 error flag * @arg MPU_FLAG_SMPU2EAF: System DMA_2 error flag * @arg MPU_FLAG_FMPUEAF: USBFS_DMA error flag * @arg MPU_FLAG_HMPUEAF: USBHS_DMA error flag * @arg MPU_FLAG_EMPUEAF: ETH_DMA error flag * @arg MPU_FLAG_ALL: All of the above * @retval None */ void MPU_ClearStatus(uint32_t u32Flag) { /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_FLAG(u32Flag)); SET_REG32_BIT(M4_MPU->ECLR, u32Flag); } /** * @brief Initialize the region. * @note 'MPU_REGION_NUM8' to 'MPU_REGION_NUM15' are only valid when the MPU unit is 'MPU_UNIT_DMA1' or 'MPU_UNIT_DMA2'. * @note The effective bits of the 'u32BaseAddr' are related to the 'u32Size' of the region, * and the low 'u32Size+1' bits are fixed at 0. * @param [in] u32Num The number of the regsion. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM0: MPU region number 0 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM1: MPU region number 1 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM2: MPU region number 2 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM3: MPU region number 3 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM4: MPU region number 4 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM5: MPU region number 5 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM6: MPU region number 6 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM7: MPU region number 7 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM8: MPU region number 8 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM9: MPU region number 9 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM10: MPU region number 10 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM11: MPU region number 11 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM12: MPU region number 12 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM13: MPU region number 13 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM14: MPU region number 14 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM15: MPU region number 15 * @param [in] pstcRegionInit Pointer to a @ref stc_mpu_region_init_t structure * @retval An en_result_t enumeration value: * - Ok: Initialize success * - ErrorInvalidParameter: Invalid parameter */ en_result_t MPU_RegionInit(uint32_t u32Num, const stc_mpu_region_init_t *pstcRegionInit) { en_result_t enRet = Ok; __IO uint32_t *RGD; __IO uint32_t *RGWP; __IO uint32_t *RGRP; uint32_t i; uint32_t u32UnitNum = MPU_UNIT_NUM; stc_mpu_region_permission_t RegionBuffer[MPU_UNIT_NUM]; if (NULL == pstcRegionInit) { enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter; } else { /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION(u32Num)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_SIZE(pstcRegionInit->u32Size)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_BASE_ADDER(pstcRegionInit->u32BaseAddr, pstcRegionInit->u32Size)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT(pstcRegionInit->stcDma1.u32WriteProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT(pstcRegionInit->stcDma2.u32WriteProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT(pstcRegionInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32WriteProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT(pstcRegionInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32WriteProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT(pstcRegionInit->stcEthDma.u32WriteProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT(pstcRegionInit->stcDma1.u32ReadProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT(pstcRegionInit->stcDma2.u32ReadProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT(pstcRegionInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32ReadProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT(pstcRegionInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32ReadProtect)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT(pstcRegionInit->stcEthDma.u32ReadProtect)); RGD = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGD(u32Num); WRITE_REG32(*RGD, (pstcRegionInit->u32Size | pstcRegionInit->u32BaseAddr)); /* Configure the read/write permission for the region */ RegionBuffer[0] = pstcRegionInit->stcDma1; RegionBuffer[1] = pstcRegionInit->stcDma2; RegionBuffer[2] = pstcRegionInit->stcUsbFSDma; RegionBuffer[3] = pstcRegionInit->stcUsbHSDma; RegionBuffer[4] = pstcRegionInit->stcEthDma; if ((u32Num >= MPU_REGION_NUM8) && (u32Num <= MPU_REGION_NUM15)) { u32UnitNum = 2UL; } for (i = 0UL; i < u32UnitNum; i++) { /* Configure the write permission for the region */ RGWP = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGWP(i << 4); if (MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE != RegionBuffer[i].u32WriteProtect) { SET_REG32_BIT(*RGWP, (0x1UL << u32Num)); } else { CLEAR_REG32_BIT(*RGWP, (0x1UL << u32Num)); } /* Configure the read permission for the region */ RGRP = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGRP(i << 4); if (MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE != RegionBuffer[i].u32ReadProtect) { SET_REG32_BIT(*RGRP, (0x1UL << u32Num)); } else { CLEAR_REG32_BIT(*RGRP, (0x1UL << u32Num)); } } } return enRet; } /** * @brief Fills each stc_mpu_region_init_t member with default value. * @param [out] pstcRegionInit Pointer to a @ref stc_mpu_region_init_t structure * @retval An en_result_t enumeration value: * - Ok: stc_mpu_region_init_t member initialize success * - ErrorInvalidParameter: Invalid parameter */ en_result_t MPU_RegionStructInit(stc_mpu_region_init_t *pstcRegionInit) { en_result_t enRet = Ok; if (NULL == pstcRegionInit) { enRet = ErrorInvalidParameter; } else { pstcRegionInit->u32BaseAddr = 0UL; pstcRegionInit->u32Size = MPU_REGION_SIZE_32BYTE; pstcRegionInit->stcDma1.u32WriteProtect = MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcRegionInit->stcDma2.u32WriteProtect = MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcRegionInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32WriteProtect = MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcRegionInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32WriteProtect = MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcRegionInit->stcEthDma.u32WriteProtect = MPU_REGION_WR_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcRegionInit->stcDma1.u32ReadProtect = MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcRegionInit->stcDma2.u32ReadProtect = MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcRegionInit->stcUsbFSDma.u32ReadProtect = MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcRegionInit->stcUsbHSDma.u32ReadProtect = MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE; pstcRegionInit->stcEthDma.u32ReadProtect = MPU_REGION_RD_PROTECT_DISABLE; } return enRet; } /** * @brief Set the base address of the region. * @note The effective bits of the 'u32Addr' are related to the 'size' of the region, * and the low 'size+1' bits are fixed at 0. * @param [in] u32Num The number of the regsion. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM0: MPU region number 0 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM1: MPU region number 1 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM2: MPU region number 2 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM3: MPU region number 3 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM4: MPU region number 4 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM5: MPU region number 5 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM6: MPU region number 6 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM7: MPU region number 7 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM8: MPU region number 8 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM9: MPU region number 9 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM10: MPU region number 10 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM11: MPU region number 11 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM12: MPU region number 12 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM13: MPU region number 13 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM14: MPU region number 14 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM15: MPU region number 15 * @param [in] u32Addr The base address of the region. * @retval None */ void MPU_SetRegionBaseAddr(uint32_t u32Num, uint32_t u32Addr) { __IO uint32_t *RGD; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION(u32Num)); RGD = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGD(u32Num); /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_BASE_ADDER(u32Addr, READ_REG32_BIT(*RGD, MPU_RGD_MPURGSIZE))); MODIFY_REG32(*RGD, MPU_RGD_MPURGADDR, u32Addr); } /** * @brief Set the size of the region. * @param [in] u32Num The number of the regsion. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM0: MPU region number 0 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM1: MPU region number 1 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM2: MPU region number 2 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM3: MPU region number 3 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM4: MPU region number 4 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM5: MPU region number 5 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM6: MPU region number 6 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM7: MPU region number 7 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM8: MPU region number 8 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM9: MPU region number 9 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM10: MPU region number 10 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM11: MPU region number 11 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM12: MPU region number 12 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM13: MPU region number 13 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM14: MPU region number 14 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM15: MPU region number 15 * @param [in] u32Size The size of the region. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_32BYTE: 32 Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_64BYTE: 64 Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_128BYTE: 126 Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_256BYTE: 256 Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_512BYTE: 512 Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_1KBYTE: 1K Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_2KBYTE: 2K Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_4KBYTE: 4K Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_8KBYTE: 8K Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_16KBYTE: 16K Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_32KBYTE: 32K Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_64KBYTE: 64K Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_128KBYTE: 128K Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_256KBYTE: 256K Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_512KBYTE: 512K Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_1MBYTE: 1M Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_2MBYTE: 2M Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_4MBYTE: 4M Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_8MBYTE: 8M Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_16MBYTE: 16M Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_32MBYTE: 32M Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_64MBYTE: 64M Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_128MBYTE: 128M Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_256MBYTE: 256M Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_512MBYTE: 512M Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_1GBYTE: 1G Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_2GBYTE: 2G Byte * @arg MPU_REGION_SIZE_4GBYTE: 4G Byte * @retval None */ void MPU_SetRegionSize(uint32_t u32Num, uint32_t u32Size) { __IO uint32_t *RGD; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION(u32Num)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION_SIZE(u32Size)); RGD = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGD(u32Num); MODIFY_REG32(*RGD, MPU_RGD_MPURGSIZE, u32Size); } /** * @brief Enable or disable the write protection of the unit for the region. * @note 'MPU_REGION_NUM8' to 'MPU_REGION_NUM15' are only valid when the MPU unit is 'MPU_UNIT_DMA1' or 'MPU_UNIT_DMA2'. * @param [in] u32Num The number of the regsion. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM0: MPU region number 0 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM1: MPU region number 1 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM2: MPU region number 2 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM3: MPU region number 3 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM4: MPU region number 4 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM5: MPU region number 5 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM6: MPU region number 6 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM7: MPU region number 7 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM8: MPU region number 8 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM9: MPU region number 9 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM10: MPU region number 10 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM11: MPU region number 11 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM12: MPU region number 12 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM13: MPU region number 13 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM14: MPU region number 14 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM15: MPU region number 15 * @param [in] u32Unit The type of MPU unit. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA1: System DMA_1 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA2: System DMA_2 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBFS_DMA: USBFS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBHS_DMA: USBHS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_ETH_DMA: ETH_DMA MPU * @param [in] enNewState The function new state. * @arg This parameter can be: Enable or Disable. * @retval None */ void MPU_RegionWriteProtectCmd(uint32_t u32Num, uint32_t u32Unit, en_functional_state_t enNewState) { __IO uint32_t *RGWP; uint32_t u32UnitPos = 0UL; uint32_t u32Temp; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION(u32Num)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNIT(u32Unit)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNIT_REGION(u32Unit, u32Num)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(enNewState)); u32Temp = u32Unit; while (0UL != u32Temp) { if (0UL != (u32Temp & 0x1UL)) { /* Configure the write permission for the region */ RGWP = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGWP(u32UnitPos); if (Disable != enNewState) { SET_REG32_BIT(*RGWP, (0x1UL << u32Num)); } else { CLEAR_REG32_BIT(*RGWP, (0x1UL << u32Num)); } } u32Temp >>= 1UL; u32UnitPos += 0x10U; } } /** * @brief Enable or disable the read protection of the unit for the region. * @note 'MPU_REGION_NUM8' to 'MPU_REGION_NUM15' are only valid when the MPU unit is 'MPU_UNIT_DMA1' or 'MPU_UNIT_DMA2'. * @param [in] u32Num The number of the regsion. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM0: MPU region number 0 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM1: MPU region number 1 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM2: MPU region number 2 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM3: MPU region number 3 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM4: MPU region number 4 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM5: MPU region number 5 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM6: MPU region number 6 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM7: MPU region number 7 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM8: MPU region number 8 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM9: MPU region number 9 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM10: MPU region number 10 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM11: MPU region number 11 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM12: MPU region number 12 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM13: MPU region number 13 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM14: MPU region number 14 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM15: MPU region number 15 * @param [in] u32Unit The type of MPU unit. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA1: System DMA_1 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA2: System DMA_2 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBFS_DMA: USBFS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBHS_DMA: USBHS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_ETH_DMA: ETH_DMA MPU * @param [in] enNewState The function new state. * @arg This parameter can be: Enable or Disable. * @retval None */ void MPU_RegionReadProtectCmd(uint32_t u32Num, uint32_t u32Unit, en_functional_state_t enNewState) { __IO uint32_t *RGRP; uint32_t u32UnitPos = 0UL; uint32_t u32Temp; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION(u32Num)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNIT(u32Unit)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNIT_REGION(u32Unit, u32Num)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(enNewState)); u32Temp = u32Unit; while (0UL != u32Temp) { if (0UL != (u32Temp & 0x1UL)) { /* Configure the read permission for the region */ RGRP = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGRP(u32UnitPos); if (Disable != enNewState) { SET_REG32_BIT(*RGRP, (0x1UL << u32Num)); } else { CLEAR_REG32_BIT(*RGRP, (0x1UL << u32Num)); } } u32Temp >>= 1UL; u32UnitPos += 0x10U; } } /** * @brief Enable or disable the access control of the unit for the region. * @note 'MPU_REGION_NUM8' to 'MPU_REGION_NUM15' are only valid when the MPU unit is 'MPU_UNIT_DMA1' or 'MPU_UNIT_DMA2'. * @param [in] u32Num The number of the regsion. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM0: MPU region number 0 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM1: MPU region number 1 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM2: MPU region number 2 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM3: MPU region number 3 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM4: MPU region number 4 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM5: MPU region number 5 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM6: MPU region number 6 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM7: MPU region number 7 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM8: MPU region number 8 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM9: MPU region number 9 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM10: MPU region number 10 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM11: MPU region number 11 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM12: MPU region number 12 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM13: MPU region number 13 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM14: MPU region number 14 * @arg MPU_REGION_NUM15: MPU region number 15 * @param [in] u32Unit The type of MPU unit. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA1: System DMA_1 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_DMA2: System DMA_2 MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBFS_DMA: USBFS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_USBHS_DMA: USBHS_DMA MPU * @arg MPU_UNIT_ETH_DMA: ETH_DMA MPU * @param [in] enNewState The function new state. * @arg This parameter can be: Enable or Disable. * @retval None */ void MPU_RegionCmd(uint32_t u32Num, uint32_t u32Unit, en_functional_state_t enNewState) { __IO uint32_t *RGE; uint32_t u32UnitPos = 0UL; uint32_t u32Temp; /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_REGION(u32Num)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNIT(u32Unit)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNIT_REGION(u32Unit, u32Num)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(enNewState)); u32Temp = u32Unit; while (0UL != u32Temp) { if (0UL != (u32Temp & 0x1UL)) { RGE = (__IO uint32_t *)MPU_RGE(u32UnitPos); if (Disable != enNewState) { SET_REG32_BIT(*RGE, (0x1UL << u32Num)); } else { CLEAR_REG32_BIT(*RGE, (0x1UL << u32Num)); } } u32Temp >>= 1UL; u32UnitPos += 0x10U; } } /** * @brief Set the type of exception to access the protected IP. * @param [in] u32ExceptionType Exception type of MPU IP. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg MPU_IP_EXP_TYPE_NONE: Access to the protected IP will be ignored * @arg MPU_IP_EXP_TYPE_BUS_ERR: Access to the protected IP will trigger a bus error * @retval None */ void MPU_IP_SetExceptionType(uint32_t u32ExceptionType) { /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_IP_EXP_TYPE(u32ExceptionType)); WRITE_REG32(bM4_MPU->IPPR_b.BUSERRE, (u32ExceptionType >> MPU_IPPR_BUSERRE_POS)); } /** * @brief Enable or disable write protection for the IP. * @param [in] u32Peripheral The peripheral of the chip. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_IP_AES: AES module * @arg MPU_IP_HASH: HASH module * @arg MPU_IP_TRNG: TRNG module * @arg MPU_IP_CRC: CRC module * @arg MPU_IP_FMC: FMC module * @arg MPU_IP_WDT: WDT module * @arg MPU_IP_SWDT: SWDT module * @arg MPU_IP_BKSRAM: BKSRAM module * @arg MPU_IP_RTC: RTC module * @arg MPU_IP_DMPU: DMPU module * @arg MPU_IP_SRAMC: SRAMC module * @arg MPU_IP_INTC: INTC module * @arg MPU_IP_SYSC: SYSC module * @arg MPU_IP_MSTP: MSTP module * @arg MPU_IP_ALL: All of the above * @param [in] enNewState The function new state. * @arg This parameter can be: Enable or Disable. * @retval None */ void MPU_IP_WriteProtectCmd(uint32_t u32Peripheral, en_functional_state_t enNewState) { /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_IP_TYPE(u32Peripheral)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(enNewState)); if (Disable != enNewState) { SET_REG32_BIT(M4_MPU->IPPR, (u32Peripheral << 1U)); } else { CLEAR_REG32_BIT(M4_MPU->IPPR, (u32Peripheral << 1U)); } } /** * @brief Enable or disable read protection for the IP. * @param [in] u32Peripheral The peripheral of the chip. * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values: * @arg MPU_IP_AES: AES module * @arg MPU_IP_HASH: HASH module * @arg MPU_IP_TRNG: TRNG module * @arg MPU_IP_CRC: CRC module * @arg MPU_IP_FMC: FMC module * @arg MPU_IP_WDT: WDT module * @arg MPU_IP_SWDT: SWDT module * @arg MPU_IP_BKSRAM: BKSRAM module * @arg MPU_IP_RTC: RTC module * @arg MPU_IP_DMPU: DMPU module * @arg MPU_IP_SRAMC: SRAMC module * @arg MPU_IP_INTC: INTC module * @arg MPU_IP_SYSC: SYSC module * @arg MPU_IP_MSTP: MSTP module * @arg MPU_IP_ALL: All of the above * @param [in] enNewState The function new state. * @arg This parameter can be: Enable or Disable. * @retval None */ void MPU_IP_ReadProtectCmd(uint32_t u32Peripheral, en_functional_state_t enNewState) { /* Check parameters */ DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_UNLOCK()); DDL_ASSERT(IS_MPU_IP_TYPE(u32Peripheral)); DDL_ASSERT(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(enNewState)); if (Disable != enNewState) { SET_REG32_BIT(M4_MPU->IPPR, u32Peripheral); } else { CLEAR_REG32_BIT(M4_MPU->IPPR, u32Peripheral); } } /** * @} */ #endif /* DDL_MPU_ENABLE */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /****************************************************************************** * EOF (not truncated) *****************************************************************************/