//***************************************************************************** // // sysexc.c - Routines for the System Exception Module. // // Copyright (c) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. // Software License Agreement // // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source // software in order to form a larger program. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY // CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 8264 of the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library. // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! \addtogroup sysexc_api //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** #include "inc/hw_ints.h" #include "inc/hw_sysexc.h" #include "inc/hw_types.h" #include "interrupt.h" //***************************************************************************** // //! Registers an interrupt handler for the system exception interrupt. //! //! \param pfnHandler is a pointer to the function to be called when the system //! exception interrupt occurs. //! //! This function places the address of the system exception interrupt handler //! into the interrupt vector table in SRAM. This function also enables the //! global interrupt in the interrupt controller; specific system exception //! interrupts must be enabled via SysExcIntEnable(). It is the interrupt //! handler's responsibility to clear the interrupt source. //! //! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt //! handlers. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SysExcIntRegister(void (*pfnHandler)(void)) { // // Register the interrupt handler. // IntRegister(INT_SYSEXC, pfnHandler); // // Enable the system exception interrupt. // IntEnable(INT_SYSEXC); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Unregisters the system exception interrupt handler. //! //! This function removes the system exception interrupt handler from the //! vector table in SRAM. This function also masks off the system exception //! interrupt in the interrupt controller so that the interrupt handler is no //! longer called. //! //! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt //! handlers. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SysExcIntUnregister(void) { // // Disable the system exception interrupt. // IntDisable(INT_SYSEXC); // // Unregister the system exception interrupt handler. // IntUnregister(INT_SYSEXC); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Enables individual system exception interrupt sources. //! //! \param ulIntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be enabled. //! //! This function enables the indicated system exception interrupt sources. //! Only the sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor //! interrupt; disabled sources have no effect on the processor. //! //! The \e ulIntFlags parameter is the logical OR of any of the following: //! //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IXC - Floating-point inexact exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_OFC - Floating-point overflow exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_UFC - Floating-point underflow exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IOC - Floating-point invalid operation interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_DZC - Floating-point divide by zero exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IDC - Floating-point input denormal exception interrupt //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SysExcIntEnable(unsigned long ulIntFlags) { // // Enable the specified interrupts. // HWREG(SYSEXC_IM) |= ulIntFlags; } //***************************************************************************** // //! Disables individual system exception interrupt sources. //! //! \param ulIntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled. //! //! This function disables the indicated system exception interrupt sources. //! Only sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt; //! disabled sources have no effect on the processor. //! //! The \e ulIntFlags parameter is the logical OR of any of the following: //! //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IXC - Floating-point inexact exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_OFC - Floating-point overflow exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_UFC - Floating-point underflow exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IOC - Floating-point invalid operation interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_DZC - Floating-point divide by zero exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IDC - Floating-point input denormal exception interrupt //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SysExcIntDisable(unsigned long ulIntFlags) { // // Disable the specified interrupts. // HWREG(SYSEXC_IM) &= ~(ulIntFlags); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the current system exception interrupt status. //! //! \param bMasked is \b false if the raw interrupt status is required and //! \b true if the masked interrupt status is required. //! //! This function returns the system exception interrupt status. Either the //! raw interrupt status or the status of interrupts that are allowed to //! reflect to the processor can be returned. //! //! \return Returns the current system exception interrupt status, enumerated //! as the logical OR of \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IXC, \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_OFC, //! \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_UFC, \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IOC, \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_DZC, and //! \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IDC. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long SysExcIntStatus(tBoolean bMasked) { // // Return either the interrupt status or the raw interrupt status as // requested. // if(bMasked) { return(HWREG(SYSEXC_MIS)); } else { return(HWREG(SYSEXC_RIS)); } } //***************************************************************************** // //! Clears system exception interrupt sources. //! //! \param ulIntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared. //! //! This function clears the specified system exception interrupt sources, so //! that they no longer assert. This function must be called in the interrupt //! handler to keep the interrupt from being recognized again immediately upon //! exit. //! //! The \e ulIntFlags parameter is the logical OR of any of the following: //! //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IXC - Floating-point inexact exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_OFC - Floating-point overflow exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_UFC - Floating-point underflow exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IOC - Floating-point invalid operation interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_DZC - Floating-point divide by zero exception interrupt //! - \b SYSEXC_INT_FP_IDC - Floating-point input denormal exception interrupt //! //! \note Because there is a write buffer in the Cortex-M processor, it may //! take several clock cycles before the interrupt source is actually cleared. //! Therefore, it is recommended that the interrupt source be cleared early in //! the interrupt handler (as opposed to the very last action) to avoid //! returning from the interrupt handler before the interrupt source is //! actually cleared. Failure to do so may result in the interrupt handler //! being immediately reentered (because the interrupt controller still sees //! the interrupt source asserted). //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SysExcIntClear(unsigned long ulIntFlags) { // // Clear the requested interrupt sources. // HWREG(SYSEXC_IC) = ulIntFlags; } //***************************************************************************** // // Close the Doxygen group. //! @} // //*****************************************************************************