/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2020-08-07 NU-LL first version */ #include <rtthread.h> #include <board.h> #include <drv_qspi.h> #include <rtdevice.h> #include <rthw.h> #include <finsh.h> #ifdef BSP_USING_QSPI_FLASH #include <fal.h> #include <sfud.h> #include "dfs_fs.h" #include "drv_spi.h" #include "spi_flash.h" #include "spi_flash_sfud.h" //#define DRV_DEBUG #define LOG_TAG "drv.qspiflash" #include <drv_log.h> #define FS_PARTITION_NAME "fs_qspi" #define FAL_USING_NOR_FLASH_2_DEV_NAME "W25Q64_q" static sfud_flash_t sfud_dev = NULL; static int init(void); static int read(long offset, uint8_t *buf, size_t size); static int write(long offset, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size); static int erase(long offset, size_t size); struct fal_flash_dev nor_flash1 = { .name = FAL_USING_NOR_FLASH_2_DEV_NAME, .addr = 0, .len = 8 * 1024 * 1024, .blk_size = 4096, .ops = {init, read, write, erase}, .write_gran = 4 }; static int init(void) { #ifdef RT_USING_SFUD /* RT-Thread RTOS platform */ sfud_dev = rt_sfud_flash_find_by_dev_name(FAL_USING_NOR_FLASH_2_DEV_NAME); #else /* bare metal platform */ extern sfud_flash nor_flash1; sfud_dev = &nor_flash1; #endif if (NULL == sfud_dev) { return -1; } /* update the flash chip information */ nor_flash1.blk_size = sfud_dev->chip.erase_gran; nor_flash1.len = sfud_dev->chip.capacity; return 0; } static int read(long offset, uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { assert(sfud_dev); assert(sfud_dev->init_ok); sfud_read(sfud_dev, nor_flash1.addr + offset, size, buf); return size; } static int write(long offset, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { assert(sfud_dev); assert(sfud_dev->init_ok); if (sfud_write(sfud_dev, nor_flash1.addr + offset, size, buf) != SFUD_SUCCESS) { return -1; } return size; } static int erase(long offset, size_t size) { assert(sfud_dev); assert(sfud_dev->init_ok); if (sfud_erase(sfud_dev, nor_flash1.addr + offset, size) != SFUD_SUCCESS) { return -1; } return size; } char w25qxx_read_status_register2(struct rt_qspi_device *device) { /* 0x35 read status register2 */ char instruction = 0x35, status; rt_qspi_send_then_recv(device, &instruction, 1, &status, 1); return status; } void w25qxx_write_enable(struct rt_qspi_device *device) { /* 0x06 write enable */ char instruction = 0x06; rt_qspi_send(device, &instruction, 1); } void w25qxx_enter_qspi_mode(struct rt_qspi_device *device) { char status = 0; /* 0x38 enter qspi mode */ char instruction = 0x38; char write_status2_buf[2] = {0}; /* 0x31 write status register2 */ write_status2_buf[0] = 0x31; status = w25qxx_read_status_register2(device); if (!(status & 0x02)) { status |= 1 << 1; w25qxx_write_enable(device); write_status2_buf[1] = status; rt_qspi_send(device, &write_status2_buf, 2); rt_qspi_send(device, &instruction, 1); rt_kprintf("flash already enter qspi mode\n"); rt_thread_mdelay(10); } } static int rt_qspi_flash_init(void) { extern rt_spi_flash_device_t rt_sfud_flash_probe(const char *spi_flash_dev_name, const char *spi_dev_name); rt_hw_qspi_device_attach("qspi1", "qspi10", RT_NULL, 4, w25qxx_enter_qspi_mode, RT_NULL); if (RT_NULL == rt_sfud_flash_probe(FAL_USING_NOR_FLASH_2_DEV_NAME, "qspi10")) { LOG_E("Failed to probe flash device "FAL_USING_NOR_FLASH_2_DEV_NAME); return -RT_ERROR; } return RT_EOK; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(rt_qspi_flash_init); #endif/* BSP_USING_QSPI_FLASH */