/* * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2019-11-01 wangyq update libraries * 2020-01-14 wangyq the first version * 2021-04-20 liuhy the second version */ #include #include #include #include "board.h" #include "drv_i2c.h" #ifdef RT_USING_I2C #define TIMEOUT 0x0FFF /* I2C struct definition */ #ifdef BSP_USING_I2C0 static ald_i2c_handle_t _h_i2c0; #endif #ifdef BSP_USING_I2C1 static i2c_handle_t _h_i2c1; #endif static void _i2c_init(void) { ald_gpio_init_t gpio_instruct; /* Initialize I2C Pin */ gpio_instruct.mode = ALD_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT; gpio_instruct.od = ALD_GPIO_OPEN_DRAIN; gpio_instruct.pupd = ALD_GPIO_PUSH_UP; gpio_instruct.odrv = ALD_GPIO_OUT_DRIVE_NORMAL; gpio_instruct.flt = ALD_GPIO_FILTER_DISABLE; gpio_instruct.type = ALD_GPIO_TYPE_CMOS; #ifdef BSP_USING_I2C0 #if defined(ES_I2C0_SCL_GPIO_FUNC)&&defined(ES_I2C0_SCL_GPIO_PORT)&&defined(ES_I2C0_SCL_GPIO_PIN) gpio_instruct.func = ES_I2C0_SCL_GPIO_FUNC; ald_gpio_init(ES_I2C0_SCL_GPIO_PORT, ES_I2C0_SCL_GPIO_PIN, &gpio_instruct); #endif #if defined(ES_I2C0_SDA_GPIO_FUNC)&&defined(ES_I2C0_SDA_GPIO_PORT)&&defined(ES_I2C0_SDA_GPIO_PIN) gpio_instruct.func = ES_I2C0_SDA_GPIO_FUNC; ald_gpio_init(ES_I2C0_SDA_GPIO_PORT, ES_I2C0_SDA_GPIO_PIN, &gpio_instruct); #endif /* Initialize I2C Function */ _h_i2c0.perh = I2C0; _h_i2c0.init.module = ALD_I2C_MODULE_MASTER; _h_i2c0.init.clk_speed = ES_I2C0_CLK_SPEED; _h_i2c0.init.own_addr1 = ES_I2C0_OWN_ADDR1; _h_i2c0.init.addr_mode = ES_I2C0_ADDR_MODE; _h_i2c0.init.general_call = ES_I2C0_GENERAL_CALL; _h_i2c0.init.no_stretch = ES_I2C0_STRETCH; ald_i2c_reset(&_h_i2c0); ald_i2c_init(&_h_i2c0); #endif #ifdef BSP_USING_I2C1 #if defined(ES_I2C1_SCL_GPIO_FUNC)&&defined(ES_I2C1_SCL_GPIO_PORT)&&defined(ES_I2C1_SCL_GPIO_PIN) gpio_instruct.func = ES_I2C1_SCL_GPIO_FUNC; ald_gpio_init(ES_I2C1_SCL_GPIO_PORT, ES_I2C1_SCL_GPIO_PIN, &gpio_instruct); #endif #if defined(ES_I2C1_SDA_GPIO_FUNC)&&defined(ES_I2C1_SDA_GPIO_PORT)&&defined(ES_I2C1_SDA_GPIO_PIN) gpio_instruct.func = ES_I2C1_SDA_GPIO_FUNC; ald_gpio_init(ES_I2C1_SDA_GPIO_PORT, ES_I2C1_SDA_GPIO_PIN, &gpio_instruct); #endif /* Initialize i2c function */ _h_i2c1.perh = I2C1; _h_i2c1.init.module = I2C_MODULE_MASTER; _h_i2c1.init.clk_speed = ES_I2C1_CLK_SPEED; _h_i2c1.init.own_addr1 = ES_I2C1_OWN_ADDR1; _h_i2c1.init.addr_mode = ES_I2C1_ADDR_MODE; _h_i2c1.init.general_call = ES_I2C1_GENERAL_CALL; _h_i2c1.init.no_stretch = ES_I2C1_STRETCH; ald_i2c_reset(&_h_i2c1); ald_i2c_init(&_h_i2c1); #endif } #define _I2C_NO_START 0x1 #define _I2C_NO_STOP 0x2 int _i2c_master_req(ald_i2c_handle_t *hperh, uint16_t dev_addr, uint32_t timeout,uint32_t req_write) { if (hperh->init.addr_mode == ALD_I2C_ADDR_7BIT) { CLEAR_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_ADD10_MSK); } else { SET_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_ADD10_MSK); } MODIFY_REG(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_SADD_MSK, dev_addr << I2C_CON2_SADD_POSS); if (req_write) CLEAR_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_RD_WRN_MSK); else SET_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_RD_WRN_MSK); return ALD_OK; } int _i2c_wait_flag(ald_i2c_handle_t *hperh, uint32_t flag, flag_status_t status, uint32_t timeout) { uint32_t tickstart = 0; tickstart = ald_get_tick(); while (ALD_I2C_GET_FLAG(hperh, flag) == status) { if ((timeout == 0) || ((ald_get_tick() - tickstart ) > timeout)) { hperh->error_code |= ALD_I2C_ERROR_TIMEOUT; return TIMEOUT; } } return ALD_OK; } int _i2c_wait_txe(ald_i2c_handle_t *hperh, uint32_t timeout) { uint32_t tickstart = ald_get_tick(); while (ALD_I2C_GET_FLAG(hperh, ALD_I2C_STAT_TXE) == RESET) { if (ALD_I2C_GET_IT_FLAG(hperh, ALD_I2C_IT_ARLO)) { hperh->error_code |= ALD_I2C_ERROR_ARLO; return ALD_ERROR; } if (ALD_I2C_GET_IT_FLAG(hperh, ALD_I2C_IT_NACK) == SET) { hperh->error_code |= ALD_I2C_ERROR_AF; return ALD_ERROR; } if ((timeout == 0) || ((ald_get_tick() - tickstart) > timeout)) { hperh->error_code |= ALD_I2C_ERROR_TIMEOUT; return ALD_ERROR; } } return ALD_OK; } int _i2c_master_send(ald_i2c_handle_t *hperh, uint16_t dev_addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size, uint32_t timeout,uint32_t flag) { if (hperh->state != ALD_I2C_STATE_READY) return ALD_BUSY; if ((buf == NULL) || (size == 0)) return ALD_ERROR; if ((flag&_I2C_NO_START)==0x0) //NOSTART==0 { if (_i2c_wait_flag(hperh, ALD_I2C_STAT_BUSY, SET, 100) != ALD_OK) return ALD_BUSY; _i2c_master_req(hperh, dev_addr, timeout,1); } assert_param(IS_I2C_TYPE(hperh->perh)); __LOCK(hperh); hperh->state = ALD_I2C_STATE_BUSY_TX; hperh->mode = ALD_I2C_MODE_MASTER; hperh->error_code = ALD_I2C_ERROR_NONE; hperh->p_buff = buf; hperh->xfer_size = size; hperh->xfer_count = 0; if ((flag&_I2C_NO_STOP)!=0) //NOSTOP==1 SET_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_RELOAD_MSK); else CLEAR_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_RELOAD_MSK); if (size <= 0xFF) { MODIFY_REG(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_NBYTES_MSK, size << I2C_CON2_NBYTES_POSS); } else { MODIFY_REG(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_NBYTES_MSK, 0xFF << I2C_CON2_NBYTES_POSS); SET_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_RELOAD_MSK); } if ((flag&_I2C_NO_START)==0x0) SET_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_START_MSK); while (size > 0) { hperh->perh->TXDATA = (*buf++); size--; hperh->xfer_count++; if (_i2c_wait_txe(hperh, timeout) != ALD_OK) goto ERROR; if (((hperh->xfer_count % 0xFF) == 0) && (READ_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_RELOAD_MSK))) { if (_i2c_wait_flag(hperh, ALD_I2C_STAT_TCR, RESET, 10) == ALD_OK) { if (size > 0xFF) { MODIFY_REG(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_NBYTES_MSK, 0xFF << I2C_CON2_NBYTES_POSS); } else { MODIFY_REG(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_NBYTES_MSK, size << I2C_CON2_NBYTES_POSS); if ((flag&_I2C_NO_STOP)==0) CLEAR_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_RELOAD_MSK); } } else { goto ERROR; } } } if (READ_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_AUTOEND_MSK) == SET) goto SUCCESS; if ((flag&_I2C_NO_STOP)!=0&&_i2c_wait_flag(hperh, ALD_I2C_STAT_TCR, RESET, 10) == ALD_OK) { goto SUCCESS; } if (_i2c_wait_flag(hperh, ALD_I2C_STAT_TC, RESET, 10) == ALD_OK) { if ((flag&_I2C_NO_STOP)==0x0) SET_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_STOP_MSK); goto SUCCESS; } else { goto ERROR; } ERROR: SET_BIT(hperh->perh->CON2, I2C_CON2_STOP_MSK); hperh->state = ALD_I2C_STATE_READY; hperh->mode = ALD_I2C_MODE_NONE; __UNLOCK(hperh); return ALD_ERROR; SUCCESS: hperh->state = ALD_I2C_STATE_READY; hperh->mode = ALD_I2C_MODE_NONE; __UNLOCK(hperh); return ALD_OK; } static rt_size_t es32f3_master_xfer(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *bus, struct rt_i2c_msg msgs[], rt_uint32_t num) { struct rt_i2c_msg *msg; rt_uint32_t i; rt_err_t ret = RT_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { msg = &msgs[i]; if (msg->flags & RT_I2C_RD) { if (ald_i2c_master_recv(bus->priv, msg->addr << 1, msg->buf, msg->len, TIMEOUT) != 0) { LOG_E("i2c bus write failed,i2c bus stop!\n"); goto out; } } else { uint32_t f=((msg->flags&RT_I2C_NO_START)?0x1:0)|((msg->flags&RT_I2C_NO_STOP)?0x2:0); if (_i2c_master_send(bus->priv, msg->addr << 1, msg->buf, msg->len, TIMEOUT,f) != 0) { LOG_E("i2c bus write failed,i2c bus stop!\n"); goto out; } } } ret = i; out: //LOG_E("send stop condition\n"); return ret; } const struct rt_i2c_bus_device_ops es32f3_i2c_ops = { es32f3_master_xfer, RT_NULL, RT_NULL, }; int rt_hw_i2c_init(void) { int result = RT_EOK; _i2c_init(); #ifdef BSP_USING_I2C0 /* define i2c Instance */ static struct rt_i2c_bus_device _i2c_device0; rt_memset((void *)&_i2c_device0, 0, sizeof(struct rt_i2c_bus_device)); _i2c_device0.ops = &es32f3_i2c_ops; _i2c_device0.priv = &_h_i2c0; result = rt_i2c_bus_device_register(&_i2c_device0, ES_DEVICE_NAME_I2C0); if (result != RT_EOK) { return result; } #endif #ifdef BSP_USING_I2C1 /* define i2c Instance */ static struct rt_i2c_bus_device _i2c_device1; rt_memset((void *)&_i2c_device1, 0, sizeof(struct rt_i2c_bus_device)); _i2c_device1.ops = &es32f3_i2c_ops; _i2c_device1.priv = &_h_i2c1; rt_i2c_bus_device_register(&_i2c_device1, ES_DEVICE_NAME_I2C1); if (result != RT_EOK) { return result; } #endif return RT_EOK; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(rt_hw_i2c_init); #endif