/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2021-05-15 Sherman the first version */ #include #include #include #include #define DBG_ENABLE #define DBG_TAG "rtlink_exam" #define DBG_LVL DBG_INFO #include #define TEST_CONTEXT "This message is sent by RT-Link" enum { NONE_TEST = 0, SHORT_FRAME_TEST, LONG_FRAME_TEST }; void rt_link_speed_test(void *paremeter); static rt_uint8_t speed_test_type = NONE_TEST; rt_err_t rt_link_receive_example_callback(void *data, rt_size_t length) { LOG_I("recv data %d",length); LOG_HEX("example",8,data,length); rt_free(data); return RT_EOK; } void create_thead_to_test_speed(rt_uint8_t mutil_num) { rt_uint8_t i = 0; LOG_D("Speed test type [%02d], mutil [%02d]", speed_test_type, mutil_num); for(i = 0; i< mutil_num; i++) { rt_thread_t tid; char tid_name[RT_NAME_MAX + 1] = {0}; rt_snprintf(tid_name, sizeof(tid_name), "lny_s%03d", i + 1); tid = rt_thread_create(tid_name, rt_link_speed_test, RT_NULL, 1024, 20, 10); rt_thread_startup(tid); LOG_I("Speed test thread[%s] startup", tid_name); } } void rt_link_speed_test(void *paremeter) { int ret; rt_uint8_t *send_buf, *data; rt_size_t bufflen = 0; rt_size_t sentlen = 0; rt_size_t count = 0; rt_tick_t tick1, tick2; rt_size_t total = 0; rt_uint32_t integer, decimal; if(speed_test_type == SHORT_FRAME_TEST) { bufflen = 2044; } else { bufflen = 6132; } send_buf = rt_malloc(bufflen); if(send_buf != RT_NULL) { data = send_buf; for(count = 0;count < bufflen; count++) { *data++ = (count % 93 + 33); } } else { rt_kprintf("speed of send buffer malloc failed."); return; } tick1 = rt_tick_get(); while (speed_test_type) { ret = rt_link_send(RT_LINK_SERVICE_RTLINK, send_buf, bufflen); if(ret > 0) { sentlen += ret; } tick2 = rt_tick_get(); if (tick2 - tick1 >= RT_TICK_PER_SECOND)//* 10 { total = sentlen * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND / 125 / (tick2 - tick1); integer = total/1000; decimal = total%1000; LOG_I("%d.%03d0 Mbps!", integer, decimal); sentlen = 0; tick1 = tick2; } } rt_free(send_buf); LOG_W("speed test end, type %d",speed_test_type); } int rt_link_example_send(int argc, char **argv) { char *receive = RT_NULL; rt_size_t length = 0; rt_uint16_t count = 0; if(argc == 1) { receive = rt_malloc(sizeof(TEST_CONTEXT)); rt_memcpy(receive, TEST_CONTEXT, sizeof(TEST_CONTEXT) - 1); length = rt_link_send(RT_LINK_SERVICE_RTLINK, receive, sizeof(TEST_CONTEXT) - 1); LOG_I("send data length: %d.", length); rt_free(receive); } else if(argc >= 3) { if(strcmp(argv[1], "-l") == 0) { receive = rt_malloc(atoi((const char *)argv[2])); for(count = 0;count < atoi((const char *)argv[2]); count++) { *receive++ = (count % 93 + 33); } length = rt_link_send(RT_LINK_SERVICE_RTLINK, receive - atoi((const char *)argv[2]), atoi((const char *)argv[2])); rt_free(receive - atoi((const char *)argv[2])); LOG_I("send data length: %d.", length); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) { if(speed_test_type == NONE_TEST) { rt_uint8_t mutil_num = 1; if(argc > 3) { mutil_num = atoi((const char *)argv[3]); } if(strncmp(argv[2], "-s", rt_strlen(argv[2])) == 0) { speed_test_type = SHORT_FRAME_TEST; } else if(strncmp(argv[2], "-l", rt_strlen(argv[2])) == 0) { speed_test_type = LONG_FRAME_TEST; } create_thead_to_test_speed(mutil_num); } else { speed_test_type = NONE_TEST; LOG_I("set NONE_TEST"); } } else { LOG_E("Invalid parameter."); } } return 0; } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(rt_link_example_send, rt link layer send test); int rt_link_example_init(void) { rt_link_service_attach(RT_LINK_SERVICE_RTLINK, rt_link_receive_example_callback); return RT_EOK; } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(rt_link_example_init, rt link layer example init);