/* generated HAL header file - do not edit */ #ifndef HAL_DATA_H_ #define HAL_DATA_H_ #include #include "bsp_api.h" #include "common_data.h" #include "r_ether_phy.h" #include "r_ether_phy_api.h" #include "r_sci_uart.h" #include "r_uart_api.h" FSP_HEADER /** ether_phy on ether_phy Instance. */ extern const ether_phy_instance_t g_ether_phy0; /** Access the Ethernet PHY instance using these structures when calling API functions directly (::p_api is not used). */ extern ether_phy_instance_ctrl_t g_ether_phy0_ctrl; extern const ether_phy_cfg_t g_ether_phy0_cfg; /** UART on SCI Instance. */ extern const uart_instance_t g_uart7; /** Access the UART instance using these structures when calling API functions directly (::p_api is not used). */ extern sci_uart_instance_ctrl_t g_uart7_ctrl; extern const uart_cfg_t g_uart7_cfg; extern const sci_uart_extended_cfg_t g_uart7_cfg_extend; #ifndef user_uart7_callback void user_uart7_callback(uart_callback_args_t * p_args); #endif void hal_entry(void); void g_hal_init(void); FSP_FOOTER #endif /* HAL_DATA_H_ */