//***************************************************************************** // // asmdefs.h - Macros to allow assembly code be portable among toolchains. // // Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. // Software License Agreement // // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source // software in order to form a larger program. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY // CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 8264 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __ASMDEFS_H__ #define __ASMDEFS_H__ //***************************************************************************** // // The defines required for code_red. // //***************************************************************************** #ifdef codered // // The assembly code preamble required to put the assembler into the correct // configuration. // .syntax unified .thumb // // Section headers. // #define __LIBRARY__ @ #define __TEXT__ .text #define __DATA__ .data #define __BSS__ .bss #define __TEXT_NOROOT__ .text // // Assembler nmenonics. // #define __ALIGN__ .balign 4 #define __END__ .end #define __EXPORT__ .globl #define __IMPORT__ .extern #define __LABEL__ : #define __STR__ .ascii #define __THUMB_LABEL__ .thumb_func #define __WORD__ .word #define __INLINE_DATA__ #endif // codered //***************************************************************************** // // The defines required for EW-ARM. // //***************************************************************************** #ifdef ewarm // // Section headers. // #define __LIBRARY__ module #define __TEXT__ rseg CODE:CODE(2) #define __DATA__ rseg DATA:DATA(2) #define __BSS__ rseg DATA:DATA(2) #define __TEXT_NOROOT__ rseg CODE:CODE:NOROOT(2) // // Assembler nmenonics. // #define __ALIGN__ alignrom 2 #define __END__ end #define __EXPORT__ export #define __IMPORT__ import #define __LABEL__ #define __STR__ dcb #define __THUMB_LABEL__ thumb #define __WORD__ dcd #define __INLINE_DATA__ data #endif // ewarm //***************************************************************************** // // The defines required for GCC. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(gcc) // // The assembly code preamble required to put the assembler into the correct // configuration. // .syntax unified .thumb // // Section headers. // #define __LIBRARY__ @ #define __TEXT__ .text #define __DATA__ .data #define __BSS__ .bss #define __TEXT_NOROOT__ .text // // Assembler nmenonics. // #define __ALIGN__ .balign 4 #define __END__ .end #define __EXPORT__ .globl #define __IMPORT__ .extern #define __LABEL__ : #define __STR__ .ascii #define __THUMB_LABEL__ .thumb_func #define __WORD__ .word #define __INLINE_DATA__ #endif // gcc //***************************************************************************** // // The defines required for RV-MDK. // //***************************************************************************** #ifdef rvmdk // // The assembly code preamble required to put the assembler into the correct // configuration. // thumb require8 preserve8 // // Section headers. // #define __LIBRARY__ ; #define __TEXT__ area ||.text||, code, readonly, align=2 #define __DATA__ area ||.data||, data, align=2 #define __BSS__ area ||.bss||, noinit, align=2 #define __TEXT_NOROOT__ area ||.text||, code, readonly, align=2 // // Assembler nmenonics. // #define __ALIGN__ align 4 #define __END__ end #define __EXPORT__ export #define __IMPORT__ import #define __LABEL__ #define __STR__ dcb #define __THUMB_LABEL__ #define __WORD__ dcd #define __INLINE_DATA__ #endif // rvmdk //***************************************************************************** // // The defines required for Sourcery G++. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(sourcerygxx) // // The assembly code preamble required to put the assembler into the correct // configuration. // .syntax unified .thumb // // Section headers. // #define __LIBRARY__ @ #define __TEXT__ .text #define __DATA__ .data #define __BSS__ .bss #define __TEXT_NOROOT__ .text // // Assembler nmenonics. // #define __ALIGN__ .balign 4 #define __END__ .end #define __EXPORT__ .globl #define __IMPORT__ .extern #define __LABEL__ : #define __STR__ .ascii #define __THUMB_LABEL__ .thumb_func #define __WORD__ .word #define __INLINE_DATA__ #endif // sourcerygxx #endif // __ASMDEF_H__