//***************************************************************************** // // hibernate.c - Driver for the Hibernation module // // Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. // Software License Agreement // // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source // software in order to form a larger program. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY // CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 8264 of the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library. // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! \addtogroup hibernate_api //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** #include "inc/hw_hibernate.h" #include "inc/hw_ints.h" #include "inc/hw_sysctl.h" #include "inc/hw_types.h" #include "driverlib/debug.h" #include "driverlib/hibernate.h" #include "driverlib/interrupt.h" #include "driverlib/sysctl.h" //***************************************************************************** // // The delay in microseconds for writing to the Hibernation module registers. // //***************************************************************************** #define DELAY_USECS 95 //***************************************************************************** // // The number of processor cycles to execute one pass of the delay loop. // //***************************************************************************** #define LOOP_CYCLES 3 //***************************************************************************** // // The calculated number of delay loops to achieve the write delay. // //***************************************************************************** static unsigned long g_ulWriteDelay; //***************************************************************************** // //! \internal //! //! Polls until the write complete (WRC) bit in the hibernate control register //! is set. //! //! \param None. //! //! On non-Fury-class devices, the hibernate module provides an indication when //! any write is completed. This mechanism is used to pace writes to the //! module. This function merely polls this bit and returns as soon as it is //! set. At this point, it is safe to perform another write to the module. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateWriteComplete(void) { // // Add a delay here to enforce the required delay between write accesses to // certain Hibernation module registers. // if(CLASS_IS_FURY) { // // Delay a fixed time on Fury-class devices // SysCtlDelay(g_ulWriteDelay); } else { // // Spin until the write complete bit is set, for later devices. // while(!(HWREG(HIB_CTL) & HIB_CTL_WRC)) { } } } //***************************************************************************** // //! Enables the Hibernation module for operation. //! //! \param ulHibClk is the rate of the clock supplied to the Hibernation //! module. //! //! This function enables the Hibernation module for operation. This function //! should be called before any of the Hibernation module features are used. //! //! The peripheral clock is the same as the processor clock. This value is //! returned by SysCtlClockGet(), or it can be explicitly hard-coded if it is //! constant and known (to save the code/execution overhead of a call to //! SysCtlClockGet()). //! //! This function replaces the original HibernateEnable() API and performs the //! same actions. A macro is provided in hibernate.h to map the //! original API to this API. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateEnableExpClk(unsigned long ulHibClk) { // // Turn on the clock enable bit. // HWREG(HIB_CTL) |= HIB_CTL_CLK32EN; // // For Fury-class devices, compute the number of delay loops that must be // used to achieve the desired delay for writes to the hibernation // registers. This value will be used in calls to SysCtlDelay(). // if(CLASS_IS_FURY) { g_ulWriteDelay = (((ulHibClk / 1000) * DELAY_USECS) / (1000L * LOOP_CYCLES)); g_ulWriteDelay++; } else { // // Non-fury parts must wait for write complete following register // load (above). // HibernateWriteComplete(); } } //***************************************************************************** // //! Disables the Hibernation module for operation. //! //! This function disables the Hibernation module for operation. After this //! function is called, none of the Hibernation module features are available. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateDisable(void) { // // Turn off the clock enable bit. // HWREG(HIB_CTL) &= ~HIB_CTL_CLK32EN; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Selects the clock input for the Hibernation module. //! //! \param ulClockInput specifies the clock input. //! //! This function configures the clock input for the Hibernation module. The //! configuration option chosen depends entirely on hardware design. The clock //! input for the module is either a 32.768 kHz oscillator or a 4.194304 MHz //! crystal. The \e ulClockFlags parameter must be one of the following: //! //! - \b HIBERNATE_CLOCK_SEL_RAW - use the raw signal from a 32.768 kHz //! oscillator. //! - \b HIBERNATE_CLOCK_SEL_DIV128 - use the crystal input, divided by 128. //! //! \note The \b HIBERNATE_CLOCK_SEL_DIV128 setting is not available on all //! Stellaris devices. Please consult the data sheet to determine if the //! device that you are using supports the 4.194304 crystal as a source for the //! Hibernation module. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateClockSelect(unsigned long ulClockInput) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT((ulClockInput == HIBERNATE_CLOCK_SEL_RAW) || (ulClockInput == HIBERNATE_CLOCK_SEL_DIV128)); // // Set the clock selection bit according to the parameter. // HWREG(HIB_CTL) = ulClockInput | (HWREG(HIB_CTL) & ~HIB_CTL_CLKSEL); // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Configures the clock input for the Hibernation module. //! //! \param ulConfig is one of the possible configuration options for the clock //! input listed below. //! //! This function is used to configure the clock input for the Hibernation //! module. The \e ulConfig parameter can be one of the following values: //! //! - \b HIBERNATE_OSC_DISABLE specifies that the internal oscillator //! is powered off and either an externally supplied clock source or no clock //! source is being used. //! - \b HIBERNATE_OSC_HIGHDRIVE specifies a higher drive strength when a 24pF //! filter capacitor is used with a crystal. //! - \b HIBERNATE_OSC_LOWDRIVE specifies a lower drive strength when a 12pF //! filter capacitor is used with a crystal. //! //! The \b HIBERNATE_OSC_DISABLE option is used to disable and power down the //! internal oscillator if an external clock source or no clock source is used //! instead of a 32.768 kHz crystal. In the case where an external crystal is //! used, either the \b HIBERNATE_OSC_HIGHDRIVE or \b HIBERNATE_OSC_LOWDRIVE is //! used. This optimizes the oscillator drive strength to match the size of //! the filter capacitor that is used with the external crystal circuit. //! //! \note The ability to configure the clock input in the Hibernation //! module is not available on all Stellaris devices. Please consult the data //! sheet for the Stellaris device that you are using to determine if this //! feature is available. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateClockConfig(unsigned long ulConfig) { unsigned long ulHIBCtl; ASSERT((ulConfig & (HIBERNATE_OSC_HIGHDRIVE | HIBERNATE_OSC_LOWDRIVE | HIBERNATE_OSC_DISABLE)) == 0); ulHIBCtl = HWREG(HIB_CTL); // // Clear the current configuration bits. // ulHIBCtl &= ~(HIBERNATE_OSC_HIGHDRIVE | HIBERNATE_OSC_LOWDRIVE | HIBERNATE_OSC_DISABLE); // // Set the new configuration bits. // ulHIBCtl |= ulConfig & (HIBERNATE_OSC_HIGHDRIVE | HIBERNATE_OSC_LOWDRIVE | HIBERNATE_OSC_DISABLE); // // Set the hibernation clocking configuration. // HWREG(HIB_CTL) = ulHIBCtl; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Enables the RTC feature of the Hibernation module. //! //! This function enables the RTC in the Hibernation module. The RTC can be //! used to wake the processor from hibernation at a certain time, or to //! generate interrupts at certain times. This function must be called before //! using any of the RTC features of the Hibernation module. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateRTCEnable(void) { // // Turn on the RTC enable bit. // HWREG(HIB_CTL) |= HIB_CTL_RTCEN; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Disables the RTC feature of the Hibernation module. //! //! This function disables the RTC in the Hibernation module. After calling //! this function, the RTC features of the Hibernation module are not //! available. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateRTCDisable(void) { // // Turn off the RTC enable bit. // HWREG(HIB_CTL) &= ~HIB_CTL_RTCEN; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Forces the Hibernation module to initiate a check of the battery voltage. //! //! This function forces the Hibernation module to initiate a check of the //! battery voltage immediately rather than waiting for the next check interval //! to pass. After calling this function, the application should call the //! () function and wait for the function to return a zero //! value before calling the HibernateIntStatus() to check if the return code //! has the \b HIBERNATE_INT_LOW_BAT set. If \b HIBERNATE_INT_LOW_BAT is set //! this indicates that battery level is low. The application can also enable //! the \b HIBERNATE_INT_LOW_BAT interrupt and wait for an interrupt to //! indicate that the battery level is low. //! //! \note A hibernation request is held off if a battery check is in progress. //! This function is only available on some Stellaris devices. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateBatCheckStart(void) { // // Initiated a forced battery check. // HWREG(HIB_CTL) |= HIB_CTL_BATCHK; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Returns if a forced battery check has completed. //! //! This function returns if the forced battery check initiated by a call to //! the HibernateBatCheckStart() function has completed. This function //! returns a non-zero value until the battery level check has completed. Once //! this function returns a value of zero, the hibernation module has completed //! the battery check and the HibernateIntStatus() function can be used to //! check if the battery was low by checking if the value returned has the //! \b HIBERNATE_INT_LOW_BAT set. //! //! \note This function is only available on some Stellaris devices. //! //! \return The value is zero when the battery level check has completed or //! non-zero if the check is still in process. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateBatCheckDone(void) { // // Read the current state of the batter check. // return(HWREG(HIB_CTL) & HIB_CTL_BATCHK); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Configures the wake conditions for the Hibernation module. //! //! \param ulWakeFlags specifies which conditions should be used for waking. //! //! This function enables the conditions under which the Hibernation module //! wakes. The \e ulWakeFlags parameter is the logical OR of any combination //! of the following: //! //! - \b HIBERNATE_WAKE_PIN - wake when the external wake pin is asserted. //! - \b HIBERNATE_WAKE_RTC - wake when one of the RTC matches occurs. //! - \b HIBERNATE_WAKE_LOW_BAT - wake from hibernate due to a low battery //! level being detected. //! //! \note The \b HIBERNATE_WAKE_LOW_BAT parameter is only available on some //! Stellaris devices. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateWakeSet(unsigned long ulWakeFlags) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(!(ulWakeFlags & ~(HIBERNATE_WAKE_PIN | HIBERNATE_WAKE_RTC | HIBERNATE_WAKE_LOW_BAT))); // // Set the specified wake flags in the control register. // HWREG(HIB_CTL) = (ulWakeFlags | (HWREG(HIB_CTL) & ~(HIBERNATE_WAKE_PIN | HIBERNATE_WAKE_RTC | HIBERNATE_WAKE_LOW_BAT))); // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the currently configured wake conditions for the Hibernation module. //! //! This function returns the flags representing the wake configuration for the //! Hibernation module. The return value is a combination of the following //! flags: //! //! - \b HIBERNATE_WAKE_PIN - wake when the external wake pin is asserted. //! - \b HIBERNATE_WAKE_RTC - wake when one of the RTC matches occurs. //! - \b HIBERNATE_WAKE_LOW_BAT - wake from hibernate due to a low battery //! level being detected. //! //! \note The \b HIBERNATE_WAKE_LOW_BAT parameter is only available on some //! Stellaris devices. //! //! \return Returns flags indicating the configured wake conditions. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateWakeGet(void) { // // Read the wake bits from the control register and return // those bits to the caller. // return(HWREG(HIB_CTL) & (HIBERNATE_WAKE_PIN | HIBERNATE_WAKE_RTC | HIBERNATE_WAKE_LOW_BAT)); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Configures the low battery detection. //! //! \param ulLowBatFlags specifies behavior of low battery detection. //! //! This function enables the low battery detection and whether hibernation is //! allowed if a low battery is detected. If low battery detection is enabled, //! then a low battery condition is indicated in the raw interrupt status //! register, and can also trigger an interrupt. Optionally, hibernation can be //! aborted if a low battery is detected. //! //! The \e ulLowBatFlags parameter is one of the following values: //! //! - \b HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_DETECT - detect a low battery condition. //! - \b HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_ABORT - detect a low battery condition, and abort //! hibernation if low battery is detected. //! //! The other setting in the \e ulLowBatFlags allows the caller to set one of //! the following voltage level trigger values : //! //! - \b HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_1_9V - voltage low level is 1.9V //! - \b HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_2_1V - voltage low level is 2.1V //! - \b HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_2_3V - voltage low level is 2.3V //! - \b HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_2_5V - voltage low level is 2.5V //! //! \b Example: Abort hibernate if the voltage level is below 2.1V. //! //! \verbatim //! HibernateLowBatSet(HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_ABORT | HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_2_1V); //! \endverbatim //! //! \note The parameters with the specific voltage levels are only available on //! some Stellaris devices. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateLowBatSet(unsigned long ulLowBatFlags) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(!(ulLowBatFlags & ~(HIB_CTL_VBATSEL_M | HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_ABORT))); // // Set the low battery detect and abort bits in the control register, // according to the parameter. // HWREG(HIB_CTL) = (ulLowBatFlags | (HWREG(HIB_CTL) & ~(HIB_CTL_VBATSEL_M | HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_ABORT))); // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the currently configured low battery detection behavior. //! //! This function returns a value representing the currently configured low //! battery detection behavior. //! //! The return value is a combination of the values described in the //! HibernateLowBatSet() function. //! //! \return Returns a value indicating the configured low battery detection. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateLowBatGet(void) { // // Read the supported low bat bits from the control register and return // those bits to the caller. // return(HWREG(HIB_CTL) & (HIB_CTL_VBATSEL_M | HIBERNATE_LOW_BAT_ABORT)); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the value of the real time clock (RTC) counter. //! //! \param ulRTCValue is the new value for the RTC. //! //! This function sets the value of the RTC. The RTC count seconds if the //! hardware is configured correctly. The RTC must be enabled by calling //! HibernateRTCEnable() before calling this function. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateRTCSet(unsigned long ulRTCValue) { // // Write the new RTC value to the RTC load register. // HWREG(HIB_RTCLD) = ulRTCValue; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the value of the real time clock (RTC) counter. //! //! This function gets the value of the RTC and returns it to the caller. //! //! \return Returns the value of the RTC. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateRTCGet(void) { // // Return the value of the RTC counter register to the caller. // return(HWREG(HIB_RTCC)); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the value of the RTC match 0 register. //! //! \param ulMatch is the value for the match register. //! //! This function sets the match 0 register for the RTC. The Hibernation //! module can be configured to wake from hibernation, and/or generate an //! interrupt when the value of the RTC counter is the same as the match //! register. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateRTCMatch0Set(unsigned long ulMatch) { // // Write the new match value to the match register. // HWREG(HIB_RTCM0) = ulMatch; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the value of the RTC match 0 register. //! //! This function gets the value of the match 0 register for the RTC. //! //! \return Returns the value of the match register. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateRTCMatch0Get(void) { // // Return the value of the match register to the caller. // return(HWREG(HIB_RTCM0)); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the value of the RTC match 1 register. //! //! \param ulMatch is the value for the match register. //! //! This function sets the match 1 register for the RTC. The Hibernation //! module can be configured to wake from hibernation, and/or generate an //! interrupt when the value of the RTC counter is the same as the match //! register. //! //! \note The Hibernation RTC Match 1 feature is not available on all Stellaris //! devices. Please consult the data sheet for the Stellaris device that you //! are using to determine if this feature is available. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateRTCMatch1Set(unsigned long ulMatch) { // // Write the new match value to the match register. // HWREG(HIB_RTCM1) = ulMatch; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the value of the RTC match 1 register. //! //! This function gets the value of the match 1 register for the RTC. //! //! \note The Hibernation RTC Match 1 feature is not available on all Stellaris //! devices. Please consult the data sheet for the Stellaris device that you //! are using to determine if this feature is available. //! //! \return Returns the value of the match register. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateRTCMatch1Get(void) { // // Return the value of the match register to the caller. // return(HWREG(HIB_RTCM1)); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the value of the RTC sub second match 0 register. //! //! \param ulMatch is the value for the sub second match register. //! //! This function sets the sub second match 0 register for the RTC in 1/32768 //! of a second increments. The Hibernation module can be configured to wake //! from hibernation, and/or generate an interrupt when the value of the RTC //! counter is the same as the match combined with the sub second match //! register. //! //! \note The Hibernation sub second RTC Match 0 feature is not available on //! all Stellaris devices. Please consult the data sheet for the Stellaris //! device that you are using to determine if this feature is available. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateRTCSSMatch0Set(unsigned long ulMatch) { // // Write the new sub second match value to the sub second match register. // HWREG(HIB_RTCSS) = ulMatch << HIB_RTCSS_RTCSSM_S; // // Wait for write complete to be signaled on later devices. // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Returns the value of the RTC sub second match 0 register. //! //! This function returns the current value of the sub second match 0 register //! for the RTC. The value returned is in 1/32768 second increments. //! //! \note The Hibernation sub second RTC Match 0 feature is not available on //! all Stellaris devices. Please consult the data sheet for the Stellaris //! device that you are using to determine if this feature is available. //! //! \return Returns the value of the sub section match register. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateRTCSSMatch0Get(void) { // // Read the current second RTC count. // return(HWREG(HIB_RTCSS) >> HIB_RTCSS_RTCSSM_S); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Returns the current value of the RTC sub second count. //! //! This function returns the current value of the sub second count for the //! for the RTC in 1/32768 of a second increments. //! //! \note The Hibernation sub second RTC Match 0 feature is not available on //! all Stellaris devices. Please consult the data sheet for the Stellaris //! device that you are using to determine if this feature is available. //! //! \return The current RTC sub second count in 1/32768 seconds. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateRTCSSGet(void) { // // Read the current second RTC count. // return(HWREG(HIB_RTCSS) & HIB_RTCSS_RTCSSC_M); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the value of the RTC predivider trim register. //! //! \param ulTrim is the new value for the pre-divider trim register. //! //! This function sets the value of the pre-divider trim register. The input //! time source is divided by the pre-divider to achieve a one-second clock //! rate. Once every 64 seconds, the value of the pre-divider trim register is //! applied to the predivider to allow fine-tuning of the RTC rate, in order //! to make corrections to the rate. The software application can make //! adjustments to the predivider trim register to account for variations in //! the accuracy of the input time source. The nominal value is 0x7FFF, and it //! can be adjusted up or down in order to fine-tune the RTC rate. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateRTCTrimSet(unsigned long ulTrim) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(ulTrim < 0x10000); // // Write the new trim value to the trim register. // HWREG(HIB_RTCT) = ulTrim; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the value of the RTC predivider trim register. //! //! This function gets the value of the pre-divider trim register. This //! function can be used to get the current value of the trim register prior //! to making an adjustment by using the HibernateRTCTrimSet() function. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateRTCTrimGet(void) { // // Return the value of the trim register to the caller. // return(HWREG(HIB_RTCT)); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Stores data in the battery-backed memory of the Hibernation module. //! //! \param pulData points to the data that the caller wants to store in the //! memory of the Hibernation module. //! \param ulCount is the count of 32-bit words to store. //! //! Stores a set of data in the Hibernation module battery-backed memory. //! This memory is preserved when the power to the processor is turned off, //! and can be used to store application state information which is available //! when the processor wakes. Up to 64 32-bit words can be stored in the //! battery-backed memory. The data can be restored by calling the //! HibernateDataGet() function. //! //! \note The amount of memory available in the Hibernation module varies //! across Stellaris devices. Please consult the data sheet for the Stellaris //! device that you are using to determine the amount of memory available in //! the Hibernation module. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateDataSet(unsigned long *pulData, unsigned long ulCount) { unsigned long ulIdx; // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(ulCount <= 64); ASSERT(pulData != 0); // // Loop through all the words to be stored, storing one at a time. // for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < ulCount; ulIdx++) { // // Write a word to the battery-backed storage area. // HWREG(HIB_DATA + (ulIdx * 4)) = pulData[ulIdx]; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } } //***************************************************************************** // //! Reads a set of data from the battery-backed memory of the Hibernation //! module. //! //! \param pulData points to a location where the data that is read from the //! Hibernation module is stored. //! \param ulCount is the count of 32-bit words to read. //! //! This function retrieves a set of data from the Hibernation module battery- //! backed memory that was previously stored with the HibernateDataSet() //! function. The caller must ensure that \e pulData points to a large enough //! memory block to hold all the data that is read from the battery-backed //! memory. //! //! \note The amount of memory available in the Hibernation module varies //! across Stellaris devices. Please consult the data sheet for the Stellaris //! device that you are using to determine the amount of memory available in //! the Hibernation module. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateDataGet(unsigned long *pulData, unsigned long ulCount) { unsigned long ulIdx; // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(ulCount <= 64); ASSERT(pulData != 0); // // Loop through all the words to be restored, reading one at a time. // for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < ulCount; ulIdx++) { // // Read a word from the battery-backed storage area. No delay is // required between reads. // pulData[ulIdx] = HWREG(HIB_DATA + (ulIdx * 4)); } } //***************************************************************************** // //! Requests hibernation mode. //! //! This function requests the Hibernation module to disable the external //! regulator, thus removing power from the processor and all peripherals. The //! Hibernation module remains powered from the battery or auxiliary power //! supply. //! //! The Hibernation module re-enables the external regulator when one of //! the configured wake conditions occurs (such as RTC match or external //! \b WAKE pin). When the power is restored the processor goes through a //! power-on reset although the Hibernation module is not reset. The processor //! can retrieve saved state information with the HibernateDataGet() function. //! Prior to calling the function to request hibernation mode, the conditions //! for waking must have already been set by using the HibernateWakeSet() //! function. //! //! Note that this function may return because some time may elapse before the //! power is actually removed, or it may not be removed at all. For this //! reason, the processor continues to execute instructions for some time //! and the caller should be prepared for this function to return. There are //! various reasons why the power may not be removed. For example, if the //! HibernateLowBatSet() function was used to configure an abort if low //! battery is detected, then the power is not removed if the battery //! voltage is too low. There may be other reasons, related to the external //! circuit design, that a request for hibernation may not actually occur. //! //! For all these reasons, the caller must be prepared for this function to //! return. The simplest way to handle it is to just enter an infinite loop //! and wait for the power to be removed. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateRequest(void) { // // Set the bit in the control register to cut main power to the processor. // HWREG(HIB_CTL) |= HIB_CTL_HIBREQ; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Enables interrupts for the Hibernation module. //! //! \param ulIntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupts to be enabled. //! //! This function enables the specified interrupt sources from the Hibernation //! module. //! //! The \e ulIntFlags parameter must be the logical OR of any combination of //! the following: //! //! - \b HIBERNATE_INT_WR_COMPLETE - write complete interrupt //! - \b HIBERNATE_INT_PIN_WAKE - wake from pin interrupt //! - \b HIBERNATE_INT_LOW_BAT - low battery interrupt //! - \b HIBERNATE_INT_RTC_MATCH_0 - RTC match 0 interrupt //! - \b HIBERNATE_INT_RTC_MATCH_1 - RTC match 1 interrupt //! //! \note The \b HIBERNATE_INT_WR_COMPLETE and \b HIBERNATE_INT_RTC_MATCH_1 //! settings are not available on all Stellaris devices. Please consult the //! data sheet for the Stellaris device that you are using to determine if //! these interrupt sources are available. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateIntEnable(unsigned long ulIntFlags) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(!(ulIntFlags & ~(HIBERNATE_INT_PIN_WAKE | HIBERNATE_INT_LOW_BAT | HIBERNATE_INT_RTC_MATCH_0 | HIBERNATE_INT_RTC_MATCH_1 | HIBERNATE_INT_WR_COMPLETE))); // // Set the specified interrupt mask bits. // HWREG(HIB_IM) |= ulIntFlags; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Disables interrupts for the Hibernation module. //! //! \param ulIntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupts to be disabled. //! //! This function disables the specified interrupt sources from the //! Hibernation module. //! //! The \e ulIntFlags parameter has the same definition as the \e ulIntFlags //! parameter to the HibernateIntEnable() function. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateIntDisable(unsigned long ulIntFlags) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(!(ulIntFlags & ~(HIBERNATE_INT_PIN_WAKE | HIBERNATE_INT_LOW_BAT | HIBERNATE_INT_RTC_MATCH_0 | HIBERNATE_INT_RTC_MATCH_1 | HIBERNATE_INT_WR_COMPLETE))); // // Clear the specified interrupt mask bits. // HWREG(HIB_IM) &= ~ulIntFlags; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Registers an interrupt handler for the Hibernation module interrupt. //! //! \param pfnHandler points to the function to be called when a hibernation //! interrupt occurs. //! //! This function registers the interrupt handler in the system interrupt //! controller. The interrupt is enabled at the global level, but individual //! interrupt sources must still be enabled with a call to //! HibernateIntEnable(). //! //! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt //! handlers. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateIntRegister(void (*pfnHandler)(void)) { // // Register the interrupt handler. // IntRegister(INT_HIBERNATE, pfnHandler); // // Enable the hibernate module interrupt. // IntEnable(INT_HIBERNATE); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Unregisters an interrupt handler for the Hibernation module interrupt. //! //! This function unregisters the interrupt handler in the system interrupt //! controller. The interrupt is disabled at the global level, and the //! interrupt handler is longer called. //! //! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt //! handlers. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateIntUnregister(void) { // // Disable the hibernate interrupt. // IntDisable(INT_HIBERNATE); // // Unregister the interrupt handler. // IntUnregister(INT_HIBERNATE); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the current interrupt status of the Hibernation module. //! //! \param bMasked is false to retrieve the raw interrupt status, and true to //! retrieve the masked interrupt status. //! //! This function returns the interrupt status of the Hibernation module. The //! caller can use this function to determine the cause of a hibernation //! interrupt. Either the masked or raw interrupt status can be returned. //! //! \return Returns the interrupt status as a bit field with the values as //! described in the HibernateIntEnable() function. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateIntStatus(tBoolean bMasked) { // // Read and return the Hibernation module raw or masked interrupt status. // if(bMasked == true) { return(HWREG(HIB_MIS) & 0xf); } else { return(HWREG(HIB_RIS) & 0xf); } } //***************************************************************************** // //! Clears pending interrupts from the Hibernation module. //! //! \param ulIntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupts to be cleared. //! //! This function clears the specified interrupt sources. This function must //! be called within the interrupt handler or else the handler is called again //! upon exit. //! //! The \e ulIntFlags parameter has the same definition as the \e ulIntFlags //! parameter to the HibernateIntEnable() function. //! //! \note Because there is a write buffer in the Cortex-M processor, it may //! take several clock cycles before the interrupt source is actually cleared. //! Therefore, it is recommended that the interrupt source be cleared early in //! the interrupt handler (as opposed to the very last action) to avoid //! returning from the interrupt handler before the interrupt source is //! actually cleared. Failure to do so may result in the interrupt handler //! being immediately reentered (because the interrupt controller still sees //! the interrupt source asserted). //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void HibernateIntClear(unsigned long ulIntFlags) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(!(ulIntFlags & ~(HIBERNATE_INT_PIN_WAKE | HIBERNATE_INT_LOW_BAT | HIBERNATE_INT_RTC_MATCH_0 | HIBERNATE_INT_RTC_MATCH_1))); // // Write the specified interrupt bits into the interrupt clear register. // HWREG(HIB_IC) |= ulIntFlags; // // Wait for write completion // HibernateWriteComplete(); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Checks to see if the Hibernation module is already powered up. //! //! This function queries the control register to determine if the module is //! already active. This function can be called at a power-on reset to help //! determine if the reset is due to a wake from hibernation or a cold start. //! If the Hibernation module is already active, then it does not need to be //! re-enabled and its status can be queried immediately. //! //! The software application should also use the HibernateIntStatus() function //! to read the raw interrupt status to determine the cause of the wake. The //! HibernateDataGet() function can be used to restore state. These //! combinations of functions can be used by the software to determine if the //! processor is waking from hibernation and the appropriate action to take as //! a result. //! //! \return Returns \b true if the module is already active, and \b false if //! not. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long HibernateIsActive(void) { // // Read the control register, and return true if the module is enabled. // return(HWREG(HIB_CTL) & HIB_CTL_CLK32EN ? 1 : 0); } //***************************************************************************** // // Close the Doxygen group. //! @} // //*****************************************************************************