# File      : building.py
# This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
# COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 - 2015, RT-Thread Development Team
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Change Logs:
# Date           Author       Notes
# 2015-01-20     Bernard      Add copyright information
# 2015-07-25     Bernard      Add LOCAL_CCFLAGS/LOCAL_CPPPATH/LOCAL_CPPDEFINES for
#                             group definition.

import os
import sys
import string
import utils
import operator
import rtconfig
import platform

from SCons.Script import *
from utils import _make_path_relative
from mkdist import do_copy_file
from options import AddOptions

BuildOptions = {}
Projects = []
Rtt_Root = ''
Env = None

# SCons PreProcessor patch
def start_handling_includes(self, t=None):
    Causes the PreProcessor object to start processing #import,
    #include and #include_next lines.

    This method will be called when a #if, #ifdef, #ifndef or #elif
    evaluates True, or when we reach the #else in a #if, #ifdef,
    #ifndef or #elif block where a condition already evaluated

    d = self.dispatch_table
    p = self.stack[-1] if self.stack else self.default_table

    for k in ('import', 'include', 'include_next', 'define'):
        d[k] = p[k]

def stop_handling_includes(self, t=None):
    Causes the PreProcessor object to stop processing #import,
    #include and #include_next lines.

    This method will be called when a #if, #ifdef, #ifndef or #elif
    evaluates False, or when we reach the #else in a #if, #ifdef,
    #ifndef or #elif block where a condition already evaluated True.
    d = self.dispatch_table
    d['import'] = self.do_nothing
    d['include'] =  self.do_nothing
    d['include_next'] =  self.do_nothing
    d['define'] =  self.do_nothing

PatchedPreProcessor = SCons.cpp.PreProcessor
PatchedPreProcessor.start_handling_includes = start_handling_includes
PatchedPreProcessor.stop_handling_includes = stop_handling_includes

class Win32Spawn:
    def spawn(self, sh, escape, cmd, args, env):
        # deal with the cmd build-in commands which cannot be used in
        # subprocess.Popen
        if cmd == 'del':
            for f in args[1:]:
                except Exception as e:
                    print('Error removing file: ' + e)
                    return -1
            return 0

        import subprocess

        newargs = ' '.join(args[1:])
        cmdline = cmd + " " + newargs

        # Make sure the env is constructed by strings
        _e = dict([(k, str(v)) for k, v in env.items()])

        # Windows(tm) CreateProcess does not use the env passed to it to find
        # the executables. So we have to modify our own PATH to make Popen
        # work.
        old_path = os.environ['PATH']
        os.environ['PATH'] = _e['PATH']

            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, env=_e, shell=False)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Error in calling command:' + cmdline.split(' ')[0])
            print('Exception: ' + os.strerror(e.errno))
            if (os.strerror(e.errno) == "No such file or directory"):
                print ("\nPlease check Toolchains PATH setting.\n")

            return e.errno
            os.environ['PATH'] = old_path

        return proc.wait()

# generate cconfig.h file
def GenCconfigFile(env, BuildOptions):

    if rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'gcc':
        contents = ''
        if not os.path.isfile('cconfig.h'):
            import gcc

        # try again
        if os.path.isfile('cconfig.h'):
            f = open('cconfig.h', 'r')
            if f:
                contents = f.read()

                prep = PatchedPreProcessor()
                options = prep.cpp_namespace


                # add HAVE_CCONFIG_H definition
                env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = ['HAVE_CCONFIG_H'])

def PrepareBuilding(env, root_directory, has_libcpu=False, remove_components = []):

    global BuildOptions
    global Projects
    global Env
    global Rtt_Root


    Env = env
    Rtt_Root = os.path.abspath(root_directory)

    # make an absolute root directory
    RTT_ROOT = Rtt_Root

    # set RTT_ROOT in ENV
    Env['RTT_ROOT'] = Rtt_Root
    # set BSP_ROOT in ENV
    Env['BSP_ROOT'] = Dir('#').abspath

    sys.path = sys.path + [os.path.join(Rtt_Root, 'tools')]

    # {target_name:(CROSS_TOOL, PLATFORM)}
    tgt_dict = {'mdk':('keil', 'armcc'),
                'mdk4':('keil', 'armcc'),
                'mdk5':('keil', 'armcc'),
                'iar':('iar', 'iar'),
                'vs':('msvc', 'cl'),
                'vs2012':('msvc', 'cl'),
                'vsc' : ('gcc', 'gcc'),
                'cb':('keil', 'armcc'),
                'ua':('gcc', 'gcc'),
                'cdk':('gcc', 'gcc'),
                'makefile':('gcc', 'gcc'),
                'eclipse':('gcc', 'gcc'),
                'ses' : ('gcc', 'gcc'),
                'cmake':('gcc', 'gcc'),
                'cmake-armclang':('keil', 'armclang'),
                'xmake':('gcc', 'gcc'),
                'codelite' : ('gcc', 'gcc')}
    tgt_name = GetOption('target')

    if tgt_name:
        # --target will change the toolchain settings which clang-analyzer is
        # depend on
        if GetOption('clang-analyzer'):
            print ('--clang-analyzer cannot be used with --target')

        SetOption('no_exec', 1)
            rtconfig.CROSS_TOOL, rtconfig.PLATFORM = tgt_dict[tgt_name]
            # replace the 'RTT_CC' to 'CROSS_TOOL'
            os.environ['RTT_CC'] = rtconfig.CROSS_TOOL
        except KeyError:
            print('Unknow target: '+ tgt_name+'. Avaible targets: ' +', '.join(tgt_dict.keys()))

    # auto change the 'RTT_EXEC_PATH' when 'rtconfig.EXEC_PATH' get failed
    if not os.path.exists(rtconfig.EXEC_PATH):
        if 'RTT_EXEC_PATH' in os.environ:
            # del the 'RTT_EXEC_PATH' and using the 'EXEC_PATH' setting on rtconfig.py
            del os.environ['RTT_EXEC_PATH']

    # add compability with Keil MDK 4.6 which changes the directory of armcc.exe
    if rtconfig.PLATFORM in ['armcc', 'armclang']:
        if rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'armcc' and not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rtconfig.EXEC_PATH, 'armcc.exe')):
            if rtconfig.EXEC_PATH.find('bin40') > 0:
                rtconfig.EXEC_PATH = rtconfig.EXEC_PATH.replace('bin40', 'armcc/bin')
                Env['LINKFLAGS'] = Env['LINKFLAGS'].replace('RV31', 'armcc')

        # reset AR command flags
        env['ARCOM'] = '$AR --create $TARGET $SOURCES'
        env['LIBPREFIX'] = ''
        env['LIBSUFFIX'] = '.lib'
        env['LIBLINKPREFIX'] = ''
        env['LIBLINKSUFFIX'] = '.lib'
        env['LIBDIRPREFIX'] = '--userlibpath '

    elif rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'iar':
        env['LIBPREFIX'] = ''
        env['LIBSUFFIX'] = '.a'
        env['LIBLINKPREFIX'] = ''
        env['LIBLINKSUFFIX'] = '.a'
        env['LIBDIRPREFIX'] = '--search '

    # patch for win32 spawn
    if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32':
        win32_spawn = Win32Spawn()
        win32_spawn.env = env
        env['SPAWN'] = win32_spawn.spawn

    if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32':
        os.environ['PATH'] = rtconfig.EXEC_PATH + ";" + os.environ['PATH']
        os.environ['PATH'] = rtconfig.EXEC_PATH + ":" + os.environ['PATH']

    # add program path
    env.PrependENVPath('PATH', os.environ['PATH'])
    # add rtconfig.h/BSP path into Kernel group
    DefineGroup("Kernel", [], [], CPPPATH=[str(Dir('#').abspath)])

    # add library build action
    act = SCons.Action.Action(BuildLibInstallAction, 'Install compiled library... $TARGET')
    bld = Builder(action = act)
    Env.Append(BUILDERS = {'BuildLib': bld})

    # parse rtconfig.h to get used component
    PreProcessor = PatchedPreProcessor()
    f = open('rtconfig.h', 'r')
    contents = f.read()
    BuildOptions = PreProcessor.cpp_namespace

    if GetOption('clang-analyzer'):
        # perform what scan-build does
                CC   = 'ccc-analyzer',
                CXX  = 'c++-analyzer',
                # skip as and link
                LINK = 'true',
                AS   = 'true',)
        env["ENV"].update(x for x in os.environ.items() if x[0].startswith("CCC_"))
        # only check, don't compile. ccc-analyzer use CCC_CC as the CC.
        # fsyntax-only will give us some additional warning messages
        env['ENV']['CCC_CC']  = 'clang'
        env.Append(CFLAGS=['-fsyntax-only', '-Wall', '-Wno-invalid-source-encoding'])
        env['ENV']['CCC_CXX'] = 'clang++'
        env.Append(CXXFLAGS=['-fsyntax-only', '-Wall', '-Wno-invalid-source-encoding'])
        # remove the POST_ACTION as it will cause meaningless errors(file not
        # found or something like that).
        rtconfig.POST_ACTION = ''

    # generate cconfig.h file
    GenCconfigFile(env, BuildOptions)

    # auto append '_REENT_SMALL' when using newlib 'nano.specs' option
    if rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'gcc' and str(env['LINKFLAGS']).find('nano.specs') != -1:
        env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = ['_REENT_SMALL'])

    if GetOption('genconfig'):
        from genconf import genconfig

    if GetOption('stackanalysis'):
        from WCS import ThreadStackStaticAnalysis
    if platform.system() != 'Windows':
        if GetOption('menuconfig'):
            from menuconfig import menuconfig

    if GetOption('pyconfig_silent'):    
        from menuconfig import guiconfig_silent

    elif GetOption('pyconfig'):
        from menuconfig import guiconfig


    configfn = GetOption('useconfig')
    if configfn:
        from menuconfig import mk_rtconfig

    if not GetOption('verbose'):
        # override the default verbose command string
            ARCOMSTR = 'AR $TARGET',
            ASCOMSTR = 'AS $TARGET',
            ASPPCOMSTR = 'AS $TARGET',
            CCCOMSTR = 'CC $TARGET',
            CXXCOMSTR = 'CXX $TARGET',

    # fix the linker for C++
    if GetDepend('RT_USING_CPLUSPLUS'):
        if env['LINK'].find('gcc') != -1:
            env['LINK'] = env['LINK'].replace('gcc', 'g++')

    # we need to seperate the variant_dir for BSPs and the kernels. BSPs could
    # have their own components etc. If they point to the same folder, SCons
    # would find the wrong source code to compile.
    bsp_vdir = 'build'
    kernel_vdir = 'build/kernel'
    # board build script
    objs = SConscript('SConscript', variant_dir=bsp_vdir, duplicate=0)
    # include kernel
    objs.extend(SConscript(Rtt_Root + '/src/SConscript', variant_dir=kernel_vdir + '/src', duplicate=0))
    # include libcpu
    if not has_libcpu:
        objs.extend(SConscript(Rtt_Root + '/libcpu/SConscript',
                    variant_dir=kernel_vdir + '/libcpu', duplicate=0))

    # include components
    objs.extend(SConscript(Rtt_Root + '/components/SConscript',
                           variant_dir=kernel_vdir + '/components',
    # include testcases
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(Rtt_Root, 'examples/utest/testcases/SConscript')):
        objs.extend(SConscript(Rtt_Root + '/examples/utest/testcases/SConscript',
                           variant_dir=kernel_vdir + '/examples/utest/testcases',

    return objs

def PrepareModuleBuilding(env, root_directory, bsp_directory):

    global BuildOptions
    global Env
    global Rtt_Root

    # patch for win32 spawn
    if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32':
        win32_spawn = Win32Spawn()
        win32_spawn.env = env
        env['SPAWN'] = win32_spawn.spawn

    Env = env
    Rtt_Root = root_directory

    # parse bsp rtconfig.h to get used component
    PreProcessor = PatchedPreProcessor()
    f = open(bsp_directory + '/rtconfig.h', 'r')
    contents = f.read()
    BuildOptions = PreProcessor.cpp_namespace

    # add program path
    env.PrependENVPath('PATH', rtconfig.EXEC_PATH)

def GetConfigValue(name):
    assert type(name) == str, 'GetConfigValue: only string parameter is valid'
        return BuildOptions[name]
        return ''

def GetDepend(depend):
    building = True
    if type(depend) == type('str'):
        if not depend in BuildOptions or BuildOptions[depend] == 0:
            building = False
        elif BuildOptions[depend] != '':
            return BuildOptions[depend]

        return building

    # for list type depend
    for item in depend:
        if item != '':
            if not item in BuildOptions or BuildOptions[item] == 0:
                building = False

    return building

def LocalOptions(config_filename):
    from SCons.Script import SCons

    # parse wiced_config.h to get used component
    PreProcessor = SCons.cpp.PreProcessor()

    f = open(config_filename, 'r')
    contents = f.read()

    local_options = PreProcessor.cpp_namespace

    return local_options

def GetLocalDepend(options, depend):
    building = True
    if type(depend) == type('str'):
        if not depend in options or options[depend] == 0:
            building = False
        elif options[depend] != '':
            return options[depend]

        return building

    # for list type depend
    for item in depend:
        if item != '':
            if not item in options or options[item] == 0:
                building = False

    return building

def AddDepend(option):
    BuildOptions[option] = 1

def MergeGroup(src_group, group):
    src_group['src'] = src_group['src'] + group['src']
    if 'CFLAGS' in group:
        if 'CFLAGS' in src_group:
            src_group['CFLAGS'] = src_group['CFLAGS'] + group['CFLAGS']
            src_group['CFLAGS'] = group['CFLAGS']
    if 'CCFLAGS' in group:
        if 'CCFLAGS' in src_group:
            src_group['CCFLAGS'] = src_group['CCFLAGS'] + group['CCFLAGS']
            src_group['CCFLAGS'] = group['CCFLAGS']
    if 'CXXFLAGS' in group:
        if 'CXXFLAGS' in src_group:
            src_group['CXXFLAGS'] = src_group['CXXFLAGS'] + group['CXXFLAGS']
            src_group['CXXFLAGS'] = group['CXXFLAGS']
    if 'CPPPATH' in group:
        if 'CPPPATH' in src_group:
            src_group['CPPPATH'] = src_group['CPPPATH'] + group['CPPPATH']
            src_group['CPPPATH'] = group['CPPPATH']
    if 'CPPDEFINES' in group:
        if 'CPPDEFINES' in src_group:
            src_group['CPPDEFINES'] = src_group['CPPDEFINES'] + group['CPPDEFINES']
            src_group['CPPDEFINES'] = group['CPPDEFINES']
    if 'ASFLAGS' in group:
        if 'ASFLAGS' in src_group:
            src_group['ASFLAGS'] = src_group['ASFLAGS'] + group['ASFLAGS']
            src_group['ASFLAGS'] = group['ASFLAGS']

    if 'LOCAL_CFLAGS' in group:
        if 'LOCAL_CFLAGS' in src_group:
            src_group['LOCAL_CFLAGS'] = src_group['LOCAL_CFLAGS'] + group['LOCAL_CFLAGS']
            src_group['LOCAL_CFLAGS'] = group['LOCAL_CFLAGS']
    if 'LOCAL_CCFLAGS' in group:
        if 'LOCAL_CCFLAGS' in src_group:
            src_group['LOCAL_CCFLAGS'] = src_group['LOCAL_CCFLAGS'] + group['LOCAL_CCFLAGS']
            src_group['LOCAL_CCFLAGS'] = group['LOCAL_CCFLAGS']
    if 'LOCAL_CXXFLAGS' in group:
        if 'LOCAL_CXXFLAGS' in src_group:
            src_group['LOCAL_CXXFLAGS'] = src_group['LOCAL_CXXFLAGS'] + group['LOCAL_CXXFLAGS']
            src_group['LOCAL_CXXFLAGS'] = group['LOCAL_CXXFLAGS']
    if 'LOCAL_CPPPATH' in group:
        if 'LOCAL_CPPPATH' in src_group:
            src_group['LOCAL_CPPPATH'] = src_group['LOCAL_CPPPATH'] + group['LOCAL_CPPPATH']
            src_group['LOCAL_CPPPATH'] = group['LOCAL_CPPPATH']
    if 'LOCAL_CPPDEFINES' in group:
        if 'LOCAL_CPPDEFINES' in src_group:
            src_group['LOCAL_CPPDEFINES'] = src_group['LOCAL_CPPDEFINES'] + group['LOCAL_CPPDEFINES']
            src_group['LOCAL_CPPDEFINES'] = group['LOCAL_CPPDEFINES']

    if 'LINKFLAGS' in group:
        if 'LINKFLAGS' in src_group:
            src_group['LINKFLAGS'] = src_group['LINKFLAGS'] + group['LINKFLAGS']
            src_group['LINKFLAGS'] = group['LINKFLAGS']
    if 'LIBS' in group:
        if 'LIBS' in src_group:
            src_group['LIBS'] = src_group['LIBS'] + group['LIBS']
            src_group['LIBS'] = group['LIBS']
    if 'LIBPATH' in group:
        if 'LIBPATH' in src_group:
            src_group['LIBPATH'] = src_group['LIBPATH'] + group['LIBPATH']
            src_group['LIBPATH'] = group['LIBPATH']
    if 'LOCAL_ASFLAGS' in group:
        if 'LOCAL_ASFLAGS' in src_group:
            src_group['LOCAL_ASFLAGS'] = src_group['LOCAL_ASFLAGS'] + group['LOCAL_ASFLAGS']
            src_group['LOCAL_ASFLAGS'] = group['LOCAL_ASFLAGS']

def _PretreatListParameters(target_list):
    while '' in target_list: # remove null strings
    while ' ' in target_list: # remove ' '
        target_list.remove(' ')

    if(len(target_list) == 0):
        return False # ignore this list, don't add this list to the parameter

    return True # permit to add this list to the parameter

def DefineGroup(name, src, depend, **parameters):
    global Env
    if not GetDepend(depend):
        return []

    # find exist group and get path of group
    group_path = ''
    for g in Projects:
        if g['name'] == name:
            group_path = g['path']
    if group_path == '':
        group_path = GetCurrentDir()

    group = parameters
    group['name'] = name
    group['path'] = group_path
    if type(src) == type([]):
        # remove duplicate elements from list
        src = list(set(src))
        group['src'] = File(src)
        group['src'] = src

    if 'CFLAGS' in group:
        target = group['CFLAGS']
        if len(target) > 0:
            Env.AppendUnique(CFLAGS = target)
    if 'CCFLAGS' in group:
        target = group['CCFLAGS']
        if len(target) > 0:
            Env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS = target)
    if 'CXXFLAGS' in group:
        target = group['CXXFLAGS']
        if len(target) > 0:
            Env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = target)
    if 'CPPPATH' in group:
        target = group['CPPPATH']
        if _PretreatListParameters(target) == True:
            paths = []
            for item in target:
            target = paths
            Env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = target)
    if 'CPPDEFINES' in group:
        target = group['CPPDEFINES']
        if _PretreatListParameters(target) == True:
            Env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = target)
    if 'LINKFLAGS' in group:
        target = group['LINKFLAGS']
        if len(target) > 0:
            Env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = target)
    if 'ASFLAGS' in group:
        target = group['ASFLAGS']
        if len(target) > 0:
            Env.AppendUnique(ASFLAGS = target)
    if 'LOCAL_CPPPATH' in group:
        paths = []
        for item in group['LOCAL_CPPPATH']:
        group['LOCAL_CPPPATH'] = paths

    if rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'gcc':
        if 'CFLAGS' in group:
            group['CFLAGS'] = utils.GCCC99Patch(group['CFLAGS'])
        if 'CCFLAGS' in group:
            group['CCFLAGS'] = utils.GCCC99Patch(group['CCFLAGS'])
        if 'CXXFLAGS' in group:
            group['CXXFLAGS'] = utils.GCCC99Patch(group['CXXFLAGS'])
        if 'LOCAL_CCFLAGS' in group:
            group['LOCAL_CCFLAGS'] = utils.GCCC99Patch(group['LOCAL_CCFLAGS'])
        if 'LOCAL_CXXFLAGS' in group:
            group['LOCAL_CXXFLAGS'] = utils.GCCC99Patch(group['LOCAL_CXXFLAGS'])
        if 'LOCAL_CFLAGS' in group:
            group['LOCAL_CFLAGS'] = utils.GCCC99Patch(group['LOCAL_CFLAGS'])
    # check whether to clean up library
    if GetOption('cleanlib') and os.path.exists(os.path.join(group['path'], GroupLibFullName(name, Env))):
        if group['src'] != []:
            print('Remove library:'+ GroupLibFullName(name, Env))
            fn = os.path.join(group['path'], GroupLibFullName(name, Env))
            if os.path.exists(fn):

    if 'LIBS' in group:
        target = group['LIBS']
        if _PretreatListParameters(target) == True:
            Env.AppendUnique(LIBS = target)
    if 'LIBPATH' in group:
        target = group['LIBPATH']
        if _PretreatListParameters(target) == True:
            Env.AppendUnique(LIBPATH = target)

    # check whether to build group library
    if 'LIBRARY' in group:
        objs = Env.Library(name, group['src'])
        # only add source
        objs = group['src']

    # merge group
    for g in Projects:
        if g['name'] == name:
            # merge to this group
            MergeGroup(g, group)
            return objs

    def PriorityInsertGroup(groups, group):
        length = len(groups)
        for i in range(0, length):
            if operator.gt(groups[i]['name'].lower(), group['name'].lower()):
                groups.insert(i, group)

    # add a new group
    PriorityInsertGroup(Projects, group)

    return objs

def GetCurrentDir():
    conscript = File('SConscript')
    fn = conscript.rfile()
    name = fn.name
    path = os.path.dirname(fn.abspath)
    return path

def RegisterPreBuildingAction(act):
    global PREBUILDING
    assert callable(act), 'Could only register callable objects. %s received' % repr(act)

def PreBuilding():
    global PREBUILDING
    for a in PREBUILDING:

def GroupLibName(name, env):
    if rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'armcc':
        return name + '_rvds'
    elif rtconfig.PLATFORM == 'gcc':
        return name + '_gcc'

    return name

def GroupLibFullName(name, env):
    return env['LIBPREFIX'] + GroupLibName(name, env) + env['LIBSUFFIX']

def BuildLibInstallAction(target, source, env):
    lib_name = GetOption('buildlib')
    for Group in Projects:
        if Group['name'] == lib_name:
            lib_name = GroupLibFullName(Group['name'], env)
            dst_name = os.path.join(Group['path'], lib_name)
            print('Copy '+lib_name+' => ' + dst_name)
            do_copy_file(lib_name, dst_name)

def DoBuilding(target, objects):

    # merge all objects into one list
    def one_list(l):
        lst = []
        for item in l:
            if type(item) == type([]):
                lst += one_list(item)
        return lst

    # handle local group
    def local_group(group, objects):
        if 'LOCAL_CFLAGS' in group or 'LOCAL_CXXFLAGS' in group or 'LOCAL_CCFLAGS' in group or 'LOCAL_CPPPATH' in group or 'LOCAL_CPPDEFINES' in group or 'LOCAL_ASFLAGS' in group:
            CFLAGS = Env.get('CFLAGS', '') + group.get('LOCAL_CFLAGS', '')
            CCFLAGS = Env.get('CCFLAGS', '') + group.get('LOCAL_CCFLAGS', '')
            CXXFLAGS = Env.get('CXXFLAGS', '') + group.get('LOCAL_CXXFLAGS', '')
            CPPPATH = Env.get('CPPPATH', ['']) + group.get('LOCAL_CPPPATH', [''])
            CPPDEFINES = Env.get('CPPDEFINES', ['']) + group.get('LOCAL_CPPDEFINES', [''])
            ASFLAGS = Env.get('ASFLAGS', '') + group.get('LOCAL_ASFLAGS', '')

            for source in group['src']:
                objects.append(Env.Object(source, CFLAGS = CFLAGS, CCFLAGS = CCFLAGS, CXXFLAGS = CXXFLAGS, ASFLAGS = ASFLAGS,

            return True

        return False

    objects = one_list(objects)

    program = None
    # check whether special buildlib option
    lib_name = GetOption('buildlib')
    if lib_name:
        objects = [] # remove all of objects
        # build library with special component
        for Group in Projects:
            if Group['name'] == lib_name:
                lib_name = GroupLibName(Group['name'], Env)
                if not local_group(Group, objects):
                    objects = Env.Object(Group['src'])

                program = Env.Library(lib_name, objects)

                # add library copy action
                Env.BuildLib(lib_name, program)

        # remove source files with local flags setting
        for group in Projects:
            if 'LOCAL_CFLAGS' in group or 'LOCAL_CXXFLAGS' in group or 'LOCAL_CCFLAGS' in group or 'LOCAL_CPPPATH' in group or 'LOCAL_CPPDEFINES' in group:
                for source in group['src']:
                    for obj in objects:
                        if source.abspath == obj.abspath or (len(obj.sources) > 0 and source.abspath == obj.sources[0].abspath):

        # re-add the source files to the objects
        for group in Projects:
            local_group(group, objects)

        program = Env.Program(target, objects)

    EndBuilding(target, program)

def GenTargetProject(program = None):

    if GetOption('target') == 'mdk':
        from keil import MDKProject
        from keil import MDK4Project
        from keil import MDK5Project

        template = os.path.isfile('template.Uv2')
        if template:
            MDKProject('project.Uv2', Projects)
            template = os.path.isfile('template.uvproj')
            if template:
                MDK4Project('project.uvproj', Projects)
                template = os.path.isfile('template.uvprojx')
                if template:
                    MDK5Project('project.uvprojx', Projects)
                    print ('No template project file found.')

    if GetOption('target') == 'mdk4':
        from keil import MDK4Project
        MDK4Project('project.uvproj', Projects)

    if GetOption('target') == 'mdk5':
        from keil import MDK5Project
        MDK5Project('project.uvprojx', Projects)

    if GetOption('target') == 'iar':
        from iar import IARProject
        IARProject('project.ewp', Projects)

    if GetOption('target') == 'vs':
        from vs import VSProject
        VSProject('project.vcproj', Projects, program)

    if GetOption('target') == 'vs2012':
        from vs2012 import VS2012Project
        VS2012Project('project.vcxproj', Projects, program)

    if GetOption('target') == 'cb':
        from codeblocks import CBProject
        CBProject('project.cbp', Projects, program)

    if GetOption('target') == 'ua':
        from ua import PrepareUA
        PrepareUA(Projects, Rtt_Root, str(Dir('#')))

    if GetOption('target') == 'vsc':
        from vsc import GenerateVSCode

    if GetOption('target') == 'cdk':
        from cdk import CDKProject
        CDKProject('project.cdkproj', Projects)

    if GetOption('target') == 'ses':
        from ses import SESProject

    if GetOption('target') == 'makefile':
        from makefile import TargetMakefile

    if GetOption('target') == 'eclipse':
        from eclipse import TargetEclipse
        TargetEclipse(Env, GetOption('reset-project-config'), GetOption('project-name'))
    if GetOption('target') == 'codelite':
        from codelite import TargetCodelite
        TargetCodelite(Projects, program)

    if GetOption('target') == 'cmake' or GetOption('target') == 'cmake-armclang':
        from cmake import CMakeProject
    if GetOption('target') == 'xmake':
        from xmake import XMakeProject
        XMakeProject(Env, Projects)

def EndBuilding(target, program = None):

    need_exit = False

    Env['target']  = program
    Env['project'] = Projects

    if hasattr(rtconfig, 'BSP_LIBRARY_TYPE'):
        Env['bsp_lib_type'] = rtconfig.BSP_LIBRARY_TYPE

    if hasattr(rtconfig, 'dist_handle'):
        Env['dist_handle'] = rtconfig.dist_handle

    Env.AddPostAction(target, rtconfig.POST_ACTION)
    # Add addition clean files
    Clean(target, 'cconfig.h')
    Clean(target, 'rtua.py')
    Clean(target, 'rtua.pyc')

    if GetOption('target'):

    BSP_ROOT = Dir('#').abspath
    if GetOption('make-dist') and program != None:
        from mkdist import MkDist
        MkDist(program, BSP_ROOT, Rtt_Root, Env)
    if GetOption('make-dist-strip') and program != None:
        from mkdist import MkDist_Strip
        MkDist_Strip(program, BSP_ROOT, Rtt_Root, Env)
        need_exit = True
    if GetOption('make-dist-ide') and program != None:
        from mkdist import MkDist
        project_path = GetOption('project-path')
        project_name = GetOption('project-name')

        if not isinstance(project_path, str) or len(project_path) == 0 :
            project_path = os.path.join(BSP_ROOT, 'dist_ide_project')
            print("\nwarning : --project-path not specified, use default path: {0}.".format(project_path))
        if not isinstance(project_name, str) or len(project_name) == 0:
            project_name = "dist_ide_project"
            print("\nwarning : --project-name not specified, use default project name: {0}.".format(project_name))

        rtt_ide = {'project_path' : project_path, 'project_name' : project_name}
        MkDist(program, BSP_ROOT, Rtt_Root, Env, rtt_ide)
        need_exit = True
    if GetOption('cscope'):
        from cscope import CscopeDatabase

    if not GetOption('help') and not GetOption('target'):
        if not os.path.exists(rtconfig.EXEC_PATH):
            print ("Error: the toolchain path (" + rtconfig.EXEC_PATH + ") is not exist, please check 'EXEC_PATH' in path or rtconfig.py.")
            need_exit = True

    if need_exit:

def SrcRemove(src, remove):
    if not src:

    src_bak = src[:]

    if type(remove) == type('str'):
        if os.path.isabs(remove):
            remove = os.path.relpath(remove, GetCurrentDir())
        remove = os.path.normpath(remove)

        for item in src_bak:
            if type(item) == type('str'):
                item_str = item
                item_str = item.rstr()

            if os.path.isabs(item_str):
                item_str = os.path.relpath(item_str, GetCurrentDir())
            item_str = os.path.normpath(item_str)

            if item_str == remove:
        for remove_item in remove:
            remove_str = str(remove_item)
            if os.path.isabs(remove_str):
                remove_str = os.path.relpath(remove_str, GetCurrentDir())
            remove_str = os.path.normpath(remove_str)

            for item in src_bak:
                if type(item) == type('str'):
                    item_str = item
                    item_str = item.rstr()

                if os.path.isabs(item_str):
                    item_str = os.path.relpath(item_str, GetCurrentDir())
                item_str = os.path.normpath(item_str)

                if item_str == remove_str:

def GetVersion():
    import SCons.cpp
    import string

    rtdef = os.path.join(Rtt_Root, 'include', 'rtdef.h')

    # parse rtdef.h to get RT-Thread version
    prepcessor = PatchedPreProcessor()
    f = open(rtdef, 'r')
    contents = f.read()
    def_ns = prepcessor.cpp_namespace

    version = int([ch for ch in def_ns['RT_VERSION'] if ch in '0123456789.'])
    subversion = int([ch for ch in def_ns['RT_SUBVERSION'] if ch in '0123456789.'])

    if 'RT_REVISION' in def_ns:
        revision = int([ch for ch in def_ns['RT_REVISION'] if ch in '0123456789.'])
        return '%d.%d.%d' % (version, subversion, revision)

    return '0.%d.%d' % (version, subversion)

def GlobSubDir(sub_dir, ext_name):
    import os
    import glob

    def glob_source(sub_dir, ext_name):
        list = os.listdir(sub_dir)
        src = glob.glob(os.path.join(sub_dir, ext_name))

        for item in list:
            full_subdir = os.path.join(sub_dir, item)
            if os.path.isdir(full_subdir):
                src += glob_source(full_subdir, ext_name)
        return src

    dst = []
    src = glob_source(sub_dir, ext_name)
    for item in src:
        dst.append(os.path.relpath(item, sub_dir))
    return dst

def PackageSConscript(package):
    from package import BuildPackage

    return BuildPackage(package)