import os import sys import string import building import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from xml.etree.ElementTree import SubElement from utils import _make_path_relative from utils import xml_indent fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() def VS_AddGroup(ProjectFiles, parent, name, files, project_path): Filter = SubElement(parent, 'Filter') Filter.set('Name', name) #set group name to group for f in files: fn = f.rfile() name = path = os.path.dirname(fn.abspath) path = _make_path_relative(project_path, path) path = os.path.join(path, name) File = SubElement(Filter, 'File') File.set('RelativePath', path.decode(fs_encoding)) def VSProject(target, script): project_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(target)) tree = etree.parse('template.vcproj') root = tree.getroot() out = file(target, 'wb') out.write('\r\n') CPPPATH = [] CPPDEFINES = [] LINKFLAGS = '' CCFLAGS = '' ProjectFiles = [] # add group for elem in tree.iter(tag='Filter'): if elem.attrib['Name'] == 'Source Files': #print elem.tag, elem.attrib break for group in script: group_xml = VS_AddGroup(ProjectFiles, elem, group['name'], group['src'], project_path) # get each include path if group.has_key('CPPPATH') and group['CPPPATH']: if CPPPATH: CPPPATH += group['CPPPATH'] else: CPPPATH += group['CPPPATH'] # get each group's definitions if group.has_key('CPPDEFINES') and group['CPPDEFINES']: if CPPDEFINES: CPPDEFINES += group['CPPDEFINES'] else: CPPDEFINES += group['CPPDEFINES'] # get each group's link flags if group.has_key('LINKFLAGS') and group['LINKFLAGS']: if LINKFLAGS: LINKFLAGS += ' ' + group['LINKFLAGS'] else: LINKFLAGS += group['LINKFLAGS'] # remove repeat path paths = set() for path in CPPPATH: inc = _make_path_relative(project_path, os.path.normpath(path)) paths.add(inc) #.replace('\\', '/') paths = [i for i in paths] paths.sort() CPPPATH = string.join(paths, ';') # write include path, definitions for elem in tree.iter(tag='Tool'): if elem.attrib['Name'] == 'VCCLCompilerTool': #print elem.tag, elem.attrib break elem.set('AdditionalIncludeDirectories', CPPPATH) definitions = ';'.join(building.Env['CPPDEFINES']) elem.set('PreprocessorDefinitions', definitions) # write link flags # write lib dependence for elem in tree.iter(tag='Tool'): if elem.attrib['Name'] == 'VCLinkerTool': break libs_with_extention = [i+'.lib' for i in building.Env['LIBS']] libs = ' '.join(libs_with_extention) elem.set('AdditionalDependencies', libs) if building.Env.has_key('LIBPATH'): #if building.Env['LIBPATH']: lib_path = building.Env['LIBPATH'] paths = set() for path in lib_path: inc = _make_path_relative(project_path, os.path.normpath(path)) paths.add(inc) #.replace('\\', '/') paths = [i for i in paths] paths.sort() lib_paths = ';'.join(paths) elem.set('AdditionalLibraryDirectories', lib_paths) xml_indent(root) out.write(etree.tostring(root, encoding='utf-8')) out.close()