/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2012-01-03 Yi Qiu first version */ #include <rtthread.h> #include <drivers/usb_host.h> #include "hid.h" #if defined(RT_USBH_HID) && defined(RT_USBH_HID_KEYBOARD) #define DBG_TAG "usbhost.ukbd" #define DBG_LVL DBG_INFO #include <rtdbg.h> static struct uprotocal kbd_protocal; static rt_err_t rt_usbh_hid_kbd_callback(void* arg) { int int1, int2; struct uhid* hid; hid = (struct uhid*)arg; int1 = *(rt_uint32_t*)hid->buffer; int2 = *(rt_uint32_t*)(&hid->buffer[4]); if(int1 != 0 || int2 != 0) { LOG_D("key down 0x%x, 0x%x", int1, int2); } return RT_EOK; } static rt_thread_t kbd_thread; static void kbd_task(void* param) { struct uhintf* intf = (struct uhintf*)param; while (1) { if (rt_usb_hcd_pipe_xfer(intf->device->hcd, ((struct uhid*)intf->user_data)->pipe_in, ((struct uhid*)intf->user_data)->buffer, ((struct uhid*)intf->user_data)->pipe_in->ep.wMaxPacketSize, USB_TIMEOUT_BASIC) == 0) { break; } rt_usbh_hid_kbd_callback(intf->user_data); } } static rt_err_t rt_usbh_hid_kbd_init(void* arg) { struct uhintf* intf = (struct uhintf*)arg; RT_ASSERT(intf != RT_NULL); rt_usbh_hid_set_protocal(intf, 0); rt_usbh_hid_set_idle(intf, 10, 0); LOG_D("start usb keyboard"); kbd_thread = rt_thread_create("kbd0", kbd_task, intf, 1024, 8, 100); rt_thread_startup(kbd_thread); return RT_EOK; } /** * This function will define the hid keyboard protocal, it will be register to the protocal list. * * @return the keyboard protocal structure. */ uprotocal_t rt_usbh_hid_protocal_kbd(void) { kbd_protocal.pro_id = USB_HID_KEYBOARD; kbd_protocal.init = rt_usbh_hid_kbd_init; kbd_protocal.callback = rt_usbh_hid_kbd_callback; return &kbd_protocal; } #endif