/*! \file gd32f30x_timer.c \brief TIMER driver */ /* Copyright (C) 2017 GigaDevice 2017-02-10, V1.0.2, firmware for GD32F30x */ #include "gd32f30x_timer.h" /*! \brief deinit a TIMER \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_deinit(uint32_t timer_periph) { switch(timer_periph){ case TIMER0: /* reset TIMER0 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER0RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER0RST); break; case TIMER1: /* reset TIMER1 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER1RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER1RST); break; case TIMER2: /* reset TIMER2 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER2RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER2RST); break; case TIMER3: /* reset TIMER3 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER3RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER3RST); break; case TIMER4: /* reset TIMER4 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER4RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER4RST); break; case TIMER5: /* reset TIMER5 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER5RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER5RST); break; case TIMER6: /* reset TIMER6 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER6RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER6RST); break; case TIMER7: /* reset TIMER7 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER7RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER7RST); break; #ifndef GD32F30X_HD case TIMER8: /* reset TIMER8 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER8RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER8RST); break; case TIMER9: /* reset TIMER9 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER9RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER9RST); break; case TIMER10: /* reset TIMER10 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER10RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER10RST); break; case TIMER11: /* reset TIMER11 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER11RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER11RST); break; case TIMER12: /* reset TIMER12 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER12RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER12RST); break; case TIMER13: /* reset TIMER13 */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_TIMER13RST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_TIMER13RST); break; #endif /* GD32F30X_HD */ default: break; } } /*! \brief initialize TIMER counter \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[in] initpara: init parameter struct prescaler: prescaler value of the counter clock,0~65535 alignedmode: TIMER_COUNTER_EDGE,TIMER_COUNTER_CENTER_DOWN,TIMER_COUNTER_CENTER_UP,TIMER_COUNTER_CENTER_BOTH counterdirection: TIMER_COUNTER_UP,TIMER_COUNTER_DOWN period: counter auto reload value clockdivision: TIMER_CKDIV_DIV1,TIMER_CKDIV_DIV2,TIMER_CKDIV_DIV4 repetitioncounter: counter repetition value,0~255 \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_init(uint32_t timer_periph, timer_parameter_struct* initpara) { /* configure the counter prescaler value */ TIMER_PSC(timer_periph) = (uint16_t)initpara->prescaler; /* configure the counter direction and aligned mode */ if((TIMER0 == timer_periph) || (TIMER1 == timer_periph) || (TIMER2 == timer_periph) || (TIMER3 == timer_periph) || (TIMER4 == timer_periph) || (TIMER7 == timer_periph)){ TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CTL0_DIR|TIMER_CTL0_CAM); TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)initpara->alignedmode; TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)initpara->counterdirection; } /* configure the autoreload value */ TIMER_CAR(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)initpara->period; if((TIMER5 != timer_periph) && (TIMER6 != timer_periph)){ /* reset the CKDIV bit */ TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_CKDIV; TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)initpara->clockdivision; } if((TIMER0 == timer_periph) || (TIMER7 == timer_periph)){ /* configure the repetition counter value */ TIMER_CREP(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)initpara->repetitioncounter; } /* generate an update event */ TIMER_SWEVG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_SWEVG_UPG; } /*! \brief enable a TIMER \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_enable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_CEN; } /*! \brief disable a TIMER \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_disable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_CEN; } /*! \brief enable the auto reload shadow function \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_auto_reload_shadow_enable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_ARSE; } /*! \brief disable the auto reload shadow function \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_auto_reload_shadow_disable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_ARSE; } /*! \brief enable the update event \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_update_event_enable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_UPDIS; } /*! \brief disable the update event \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_update_event_disable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t) TIMER_CTL0_UPDIS; } /*! \brief set TIMER counter alignment mode \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[in] aligned: \arg TIMER_COUNTER_EDGE: edge-aligned mode \arg TIMER_COUNTER_CENTER_DOWN: center-aligned and counting down assert mode \arg TIMER_COUNTER_CENTER_UP: center-aligned and counting up assert mode \arg TIMER_COUNTER_CENTER_BOTH: center-aligned and counting up/down assert mode \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_counter_alignment(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t aligned) { TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_CAM; TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)aligned; } /*! \brief set TIMER counter up direction \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_counter_up_direction(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_DIR; } /*! \brief set TIMER counter down direction \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_counter_down_direction(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_DIR; } /*! \brief configure TIMER prescaler \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[in] prescaler: prescaler value \param[in] pscreload: prescaler reload mode \arg TIMER_PSC_RELOAD_NOW: the prescaler is loaded right now \arg TIMER_PSC_RELOAD_UPDATE: the prescaler is loaded at the next update event \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_prescaler_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t prescaler,uint8_t pscreload) { TIMER_PSC(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)prescaler; if(TIMER_PSC_RELOAD_NOW == pscreload){ TIMER_SWEVG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_SWEVG_UPG; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER repetition register value \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[in] repetition: the counter repetition value,0~255 \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_repetition_value_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t repetition) { TIMER_CREP(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)repetition; } /*! \brief configure TIMER autoreload register value \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[in] autoreload: the counter auto-reload value \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_autoreload_value_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t autoreload) { TIMER_CAR(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)autoreload; } /*! \brief configure TIMER counter register value \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[in] counter: the counter value \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_counter_value_config(uint32_t timer_periph , uint32_t counter) { TIMER_CNT(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)counter; } /*! \brief read TIMER counter value \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[out] none \retval counter value */ uint32_t timer_counter_read(uint32_t timer_periph) { uint32_t count_value = 0U; count_value = TIMER_CNT(timer_periph); return (count_value); } /*! \brief read TIMER prescaler value \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[out] none \retval prescaler register value */ uint16_t timer_prescaler_read(uint32_t timer_periph) { uint16_t prescaler_value = 0U; prescaler_value = (uint16_t)(TIMER_PSC(timer_periph)); return (prescaler_value); } /*! \brief configure TIMER single pulse mode \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..8,11) \param[in] spmode: \arg TIMER_SP_MODE_SINGLE: single pulse mode \arg TIMER_SP_MODE_REPETITIVE: repetitive pulse mode \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_single_pulse_mode_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint8_t spmode) { if(TIMER_SP_MODE_SINGLE == spmode){ TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_SPM; }else if(TIMER_SP_MODE_REPETITIVE == spmode){ TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) &= ~((uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_SPM); }else{ } } /*! \brief configure TIMER update source \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..13) \param[in] update: \arg TIMER_UPDATE_SRC_GLOBAL: update generate by setting of UPG bit or the counter overflow/underflow,or the slave mode controller trigger \arg TIMER_UPDATE_SRC_REGULAR: update generate only by counter overflow/underflow \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_update_source_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint8_t update) { if(TIMER_UPDATE_SRC_REGULAR == update){ TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_UPS; }else if(update == TIMER_UPDATE_SRC_GLOBAL){ TIMER_CTL0(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL0_UPS; }else{ } } /*! \brief enable the TIMER interrupt \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] interrupt: timer interrupt enable source \arg TIMER_INT_UP: update interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0..13) \arg TIMER_INT_CH0: channel 0 interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13) \arg TIMER_INT_CH1: channel 1 interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_INT_CH2: channel 2 interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_INT_CH3: channel 3 interrupt enable , TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_INT_CMT: commutation interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_INT_TRG: trigger interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_INT_BRK: break interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_interrupt_enable(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t interrupt) { TIMER_DMAINTEN(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t) interrupt; } /*! \brief disable the TIMER interrupt \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] interrupt: timer interrupt source enable \arg TIMER_INT_UP: update interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0..13) \arg TIMER_INT_CH0: channel 0 interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13) \arg TIMER_INT_CH1: channel 1 interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_INT_CH2: channel 2 interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_INT_CH3: channel 3 interrupt enable , TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_INT_CMT: commutation interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_INT_TRG: trigger interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_INT_BRK: break interrupt enable, TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_interrupt_disable(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t interrupt) { TIMER_DMAINTEN(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)interrupt); } /*! \brief get timer interrupt flag \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] interrupt: the timer interrupt bits \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_UP: update interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0..13) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_CH0: channel 0 interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_CH1: channel 1 interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_CH2: channel 2 interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_CH3: channel 3 interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_CMT: channel commutation interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_TRG: trigger interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_BRK: break interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[out] none \retval FlagStatus: SET or RESET */ FlagStatus timer_interrupt_flag_get(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t interrupt) { uint32_t val; val = (TIMER_DMAINTEN(timer_periph) & interrupt); if((RESET != (TIMER_INTF(timer_periph) & interrupt) ) && (RESET != val)){ return SET; }else{ return RESET; } } /*! \brief clear TIMER interrupt flag \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] interrupt: the timer interrupt bits \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_UP: update interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0..13) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_CH0: channel 0 interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_CH1: channel 1 interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_CH2: channel 2 interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_CH3: channel 3 interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_CMT: channel commutation interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_TRG: trigger interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_INT_FLAG_BRK: break interrupt flag,TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_interrupt_flag_clear(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t interrupt) { TIMER_INTF(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)interrupt); } /*! \brief get TIMER flags \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] flag: the timer interrupt flags \arg TIMER_FLAG_UP: update flag,TIMERx(x=0..13) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH0: channel 0 flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH1: channel 1 flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH2: channel 2 flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH3: channel 3 flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CMT: channel control update flag,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_FLAG_TRG: trigger flag,TIMERx(x=0,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_FLAG_BRK: break flag,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH0O: channel 0 overcapture flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7..11) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH1O: channel 1 overcapture flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH2O: channel 2 overcapture flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH3O: channel 3 overcapture flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[out] none \retval FlagStatus: SET or RESET */ FlagStatus timer_flag_get(uint32_t timer_periph , uint32_t flag) { if(RESET != (TIMER_INTF(timer_periph) & flag)){ return SET; }else{ return RESET; } } /*! \brief clear TIMER flags \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] flag: the timer interrupt flags \arg TIMER_FLAG_UP: update flag,TIMERx(x=0..13) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH0: channel 0 flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH1: channel 1 flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH2: channel 2 flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH3: channel 3 flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CMT: channel control update flag,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_FLAG_TRG: trigger flag,TIMERx(x=0,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_FLAG_BRK: break flag,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH0O: channel 0 overcapture flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7..11) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH1O: channel 1 overcapture flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH2O: channel 2 overcapture flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_FLAG_CH3O: channel 3 overcapture flag,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_flag_clear(uint32_t timer_periph , uint32_t flag) { TIMER_INTF(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)flag); } /*! \brief enable the TIMER DMA \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,1,2,5,14,15,16) \param[in] dma: timer DMA source enable \arg TIMER_DMA_UPD: update DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..7) \arg TIMER_DMA_CH0D: channel 0 DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMA_CH1D: channel 1 DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMA_CH2D: channel 2 DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMA_CH3D: channel 3 DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMA_CMTD: commutation DMA request enable,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_DMA_TRGD: trigger DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_dma_enable(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t dma) { TIMER_DMAINTEN(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t) dma; } /*! \brief disable the TIMER DMA \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] dma: timer DMA source enable \arg TIMER_DMA_UPD: update DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..7) \arg TIMER_DMA_CH0D: channel 0 DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMA_CH1D: channel 1 DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMA_CH2D: channel 2 DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMA_CH3D: channel 3 DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMA_CMTD: commutation DMA request enable,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_DMA_TRGD: trigger DMA enable,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_dma_disable(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t dma) { TIMER_DMAINTEN(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(dma)); } /*! \brief channel DMA request source selection \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[in] dma_request: channel DMA request source selection \arg TIMER_DMAREQUEST_CHANNELEVENT: DMA request of channel y is sent when channel y event occurs \arg TIMER_DMAREQUEST_UPDATEEVENT: DMA request of channel y is sent when update event occurs \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_dma_request_source_select(uint32_t timer_periph,uint8_t dma_request) { if(TIMER_DMAREQUEST_UPDATEEVENT == dma_request){ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_DMAS; }else if(TIMER_DMAREQUEST_CHANNELEVENT == dma_request){ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_DMAS; }else{ } } /*! \brief configure the TIMER DMA transfer \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] dma_baseaddr: \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CTL0: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CTL0,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CTL1: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CTL1,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_SMCFG: DMA transfer address is TIMER_SMCFG,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_DMAINTEN: DMA transfer address is TIMER_DMAINTEN,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_INTF: DMA transfer address is TIMER_INTF,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_SWEVG: DMA transfer address is TIMER_SWEVG,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CHCTL0: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CHCTL0,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CHCTL1: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CHCTL1,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CHCTL2: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CHCTL2,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CNT: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CNT,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_PSC: DMA transfer address is TIMER_PSC,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CAR: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CAR,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CREP: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CREP,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CH0CV: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CH0CV,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CH1CV: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CH1CV,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CH2CV: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CH2CV,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CH3CV: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CH3CV,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_CCHP: DMA transfer address is TIMER_CCHP,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_DMACFG: DMA transfer address is TIMER_DMACFG,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA_DMATB: DMA transfer address is TIMER_DMATB,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[in] dma_lenth: \arg TIMER_DMACFG_DMATC_xTRANSFER(x=1..18): DMA transfer x time \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_dma_transfer_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t dma_baseaddr,uint32_t dma_lenth) { TIMER_DMACFG(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_DMACFG_DMATA | TIMER_DMACFG_DMATC)); TIMER_DMACFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(dma_baseaddr | dma_lenth); } /*! \brief software generate events \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] event: the timer software event generation sources \arg TIMER_EVENT_SRC_UPG: update event,TIMERx(x=0..13) \arg TIMER_EVENT_SRC_CH0G: channel 0 capture or compare event generation,TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13) \arg TIMER_EVENT_SRC_CH1G: channel 1 capture or compare event generation,TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_EVENT_SRC_CH2G: channel 2 capture or compare event generation,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_EVENT_SRC_CH3G: channel 3 capture or compare event generation,TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \arg TIMER_EVENT_SRC_CMTG: channel commutation event generation,TIMERx(x=0,7) \arg TIMER_EVENT_SRC_TRGG: trigger event generation,TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \arg TIMER_EVENT_SRC_BRKG: break event generation,TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_event_software_generate(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t event) { TIMER_SWEVG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)event; } /*! \brief configure TIMER break function \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[in] breakpara: TIMER break parameter struct runoffstate: TIMER_ROS_STATE_ENABLE,TIMER_ROS_STATE_DISABLE ideloffstate: TIMER_IOS_STATE_ENABLE,TIMER_IOS_STATE_DISABLE deadtime: 0~255 breakpolarity: TIMER_BREAK_POLARITY_LOW,TIMER_BREAK_POLARITY_HIGH outputautostate: TIMER_OUTAUTO_ENABLE,TIMER_OUTAUTO_DISABLE protectmode: TIMER_CCHP_PROT_OFF,TIMER_CCHP_PROT_0,TIMER_CCHP_PROT_1,TIMER_CCHP_PROT_2 breakstate: TIMER_BREAK_ENABLE,TIMER_BREAK_DISABLE \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_break_config(uint32_t timer_periph,timer_break_parameter_struct* breakpara) { TIMER_CCHP(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(breakpara->runoffstate))| ((uint32_t)(breakpara->ideloffstate))| ((uint32_t)(breakpara->deadtime))| ((uint32_t)(breakpara->breakpolarity))| ((uint32_t)(breakpara->outputautostate)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->protectmode))| ((uint32_t)(breakpara->breakstate))) ; } /*! \brief enable TIMER break function \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_break_enable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CCHP(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CCHP_BRKEN; } /*! \brief disable TIMER break function \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_break_disable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CCHP(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CCHP_BRKEN; } /*! \brief enable TIMER output automatic function \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_automatic_output_enable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CCHP(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CCHP_OAEN; } /*! \brief disable TIMER output automatic function \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_automatic_output_disable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_CCHP(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CCHP_OAEN; } /*! \brief configure TIMER primary output function \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[in] newvalue: ENABLE or DISABLE \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_primary_output_config(uint32_t timer_periph,ControlStatus newvalue) { if(ENABLE == newvalue){ TIMER_CCHP(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CCHP_POEN; }else{ TIMER_CCHP(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CCHP_POEN); } } /*! \brief channel capture/compare control shadow register enable \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[in] newvalue: ENABLE or DISABLE \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_control_shadow_config(uint32_t timer_periph,ControlStatus newvalue) { if(ENABLE == newvalue){ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_CCSE; }else{ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_CCSE); } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel control shadow register update control \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[in] ccuctl: channel control shadow register update control \arg TIMER_UPDATECTL_CCU: the shadow registers update by when CMTG bit is set \arg TIMER_UPDATECTL_CCUTRI: the shadow registers update by when CMTG bit is set or an rising edge of TRGI occurs \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_control_shadow_update_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint8_t ccuctl) { if(TIMER_UPDATECTL_CCU == ccuctl){ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_CCUC); }else if(TIMER_UPDATECTL_CCUTRI == ccuctl){ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_CCUC; }else{ } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel output function \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel 0(TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel 1(TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel 2(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel 3(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \param[in] ocpara: TIMER channeln output parameter struct outputstate: TIMER_CCX_ENABLE,TIMER_CCX_DISABLE outputnstate: TIMER_CCXN_ENABLE,TIMER_CCXN_DISABLE ocpolarity: TIMER_OC_POLARITY_HIGH,TIMER_OC_POLARITY_LOW ocnpolarity: TIMER_OCN_POLARITY_HIGH,TIMER_OCN_POLARITY_LOW ocidlestate: TIMER_OC_IDLE_STATE_LOW,TIMER_OC_IDLE_STATE_HIGH ocnidlestate: TIMER_OCN_IDLE_STATE_LOW,TIMER_OCN_IDLE_STATE_HIGH \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_output_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,timer_oc_parameter_struct* ocpara) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: /* reset the CH0EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0EN); /* set the CH0EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocpara->outputstate; /* reset the CH0P bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0P); /* set the CH0P bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocpara->ocpolarity; if((TIMER0 == timer_periph) || (TIMER7 == timer_periph)){ /* reset the CH0NEN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0NEN); /* set the CH0NEN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocpara->outputnstate; /* reset the CH0NP bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0NP); /* set the CH0NP bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocpara->ocnpolarity; /* reset the ISO0 bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_ISO0); /* set the ISO0 bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocpara->ocidlestate; /* reset the ISO0N bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_ISO0N); /* set the ISO0N bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocpara->ocnidlestate; } TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0MS; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: /* reset the CH1EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1EN); /* set the CH1EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(ocpara->outputstate<< 4U); /* reset the CH1P bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1P); /* set the CH1P bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->ocpolarity)<< 4U); if((TIMER0 == timer_periph) || (TIMER7 == timer_periph)){ /* reset the CH1NEN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1NEN); /* set the CH1NEN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->outputnstate)<< 4U); /* reset the CH1NP bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1NP); /* set the CH1NP bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->ocnpolarity)<< 4U); /* reset the ISO1 bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_ISO1); /* set the ISO1 bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->ocidlestate)<< 2U); /* reset the ISO1N bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_ISO1N); /* set the ISO1N bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->ocnidlestate)<< 2U); } TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1MS; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: /* reset the CH2EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2EN); /* set the CH2EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(ocpara->outputstate<< 8U); /* reset the CH2P bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2P); /* set the CH2P bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->ocpolarity)<< 8U); if((TIMER0 == timer_periph) || (TIMER7 == timer_periph)){ /* reset the CH2NEN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2NEN); /* set the CH2NEN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->outputnstate)<< 8U); /* reset the CH2NP bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2NP); /* set the CH2NP bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->ocnpolarity)<< 8U); /* reset the ISO2 bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_ISO2); /* set the ISO2 bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->ocidlestate)<< 4U); /* reset the ISO2N bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_ISO2N); /* set the ISO2N bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->ocnidlestate)<< 4U); } TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH2MS; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_3 */ case TIMER_CH_3: /* reset the CH3EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &=(~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH3EN); /* set the CH3EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(ocpara->outputstate<< 12U); /* reset the CH3P bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH3P); /* set the CH3P bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->ocpolarity)<< 12U); if((TIMER0 == timer_periph) || (TIMER7 == timer_periph)){ /* reset the ISO3 bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_ISO3); /* set the ISO3 bit */ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocpara->ocidlestate)<< 6U); } TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH3MS; break; default: break; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel output compare mode \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel3(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \param[in] ocmode: channel output compare mode \arg TIMER_OC_MODE_TIMING: timing mode \arg TIMER_OC_MODE_ACTIVE: active mode \arg TIMER_OC_MODE_INACTIVE: inactive mode \arg TIMER_OC_MODE_TOGGLE: toggle mode \arg TIMER_OC_MODE_LOW: force low mode \arg TIMER_OC_MODE_HIGH: force high mode \arg TIMER_OC_MODE_PWM0: PWM0 mode \arg TIMER_OC_MODE_PWM1: PWM1 mode \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_output_mode_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,uint16_t ocmode) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0COMCTL); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocmode; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1COMCTL); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocmode)<< 8U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH2COMCTL); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocmode; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_3 */ case TIMER_CH_3: TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH3COMCTL); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocmode)<< 8U); break; default: break; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel output pulse value \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel3(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \param[in] pulse: channel output pulse value \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_output_pulse_value_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,uint32_t pulse) { switch(channel){ case TIMER_CH_0: TIMER_CH0CV(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)pulse; break; case TIMER_CH_1: TIMER_CH1CV(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)pulse; break; case TIMER_CH_2: TIMER_CH2CV(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)pulse; break; case TIMER_CH_3: TIMER_CH3CV(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)pulse; break; default: break; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel output shadow function \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel3(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \param[in] ocshadow: channel output shadow state \arg TIMER_OC_SHADOW_ENABLE: channel output shadow state enable \arg TIMER_OC_SHADOW_DISABLE: channel output shadow state disable \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_output_shadow_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,uint16_t ocshadow) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0COMSEN); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocshadow; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1COMSEN); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocshadow) << 8U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH2COMSEN); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocshadow; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_3 */ case TIMER_CH_3: TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH3COMSEN); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(ocshadow) << 8U); break; default: break; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel output fast function \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel3(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \param[in] ocfast: channel output fast function \arg TIMER_OC_FAST_ENABLE: channel output fast function enable \arg TIMER_OC_FAST_DISABLE: channel output fast function disable \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_output_fast_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,uint16_t ocfast) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0COMFEN); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocfast; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1COMFEN); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)ocfast << 8U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH2COMFEN); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocfast; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_3 */ case TIMER_CH_3: TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH3COMFEN); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)ocfast << 8U); break; default: break; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel output clear function \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0 \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1 \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2 \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel3 \param[in] occlear: channel output clear function \arg TIMER_OC_CLEAR_ENABLE: channel output clear function enable \arg TIMER_OC_CLEAR_DISABLE: channel output clear function disable \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_output_clear_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,uint16_t occlear) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0COMCEN); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)occlear; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1COMCEN); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)occlear << 8U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH2COMCEN); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)occlear; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_3 */ case TIMER_CH_3: TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH3COMCEN); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)occlear << 8U); break; default: break; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel output polarity \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel3(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \param[in] ocpolarity: channel output polarity \arg TIMER_OC_POLARITY_HIGH: channel output polarity is high \arg TIMER_OC_POLARITY_LOW: channel output polarity is low \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_output_polarity_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,uint16_t ocpolarity) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0P); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocpolarity; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1P); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)ocpolarity << 4U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2P); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)ocpolarity << 8U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_3 */ case TIMER_CH_3: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH3P); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)ocpolarity << 12U); break; default: break; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel complementary output polarity \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0,7)) \param[in] ocnpolarity: channel complementary output polarity \arg TIMER_OCN_POLARITY_HIGH: channel complementary output polarity is high \arg TIMER_OCN_POLARITY_LOW: channel complementary output polarity is low \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_complementary_output_polarity_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,uint16_t ocnpolarity) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0NP); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocnpolarity; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1NP); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)ocnpolarity << 4U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2NP); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)ocnpolarity << 8U); break; default: break; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel enable state \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel3(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \param[in] state: TIMER channel enable state \arg TIMER_CCX_ENABLE: channel enable \arg TIMER_CCX_DISABLE: channel disable \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_output_state_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,uint32_t state) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0EN); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)state; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1EN); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)state << 4U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2EN); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)state << 8U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_3 */ case TIMER_CH_3: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH3EN); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)state << 12U); break; default: break; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel complementary output enable state \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0,7)) \param[in] ocnstate: TIMER channel complementary output enable state \arg TIMER_CCXN_ENABLE: channel complementary enable \arg TIMER_CCXN_DISABLE: channel complementary disable \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_complementary_output_state_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,uint16_t ocnstate) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0NEN); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)ocnstate; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1NEN); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)ocnstate << 4U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2NEN); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)ocnstate << 8U); break; default: break; } } /*! \brief configure TIMER input capture parameter \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel3(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \param[in] icpara: TIMER channel intput parameter struct icpolarity: TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING,TIMER_IC_POLARITY_FALLING,TIMER_IC_POLARITY_BOTH_EDGE icselection: TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI,TIMER_IC_SELECTION_INDIRECTTI,TIMER_IC_SELECTION_ITS icprescaler: TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV1,TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV2,TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV4,TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV8 icfilter: 0~15 \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_input_capture_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,timer_ic_parameter_struct* icpara) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: /* reset the CH0EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0EN); /* reset the CH0P and CH0NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0P | TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0NP)); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(icpara->icpolarity); /* reset the CH0MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0MS); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(icpara->icselection); /* reset the CH0CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0CAPFLT); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpara->icfilter) << 4U); /* set the CH0EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0EN; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: /* reset the CH1EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1EN); /* reset the CH1P and CH1NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1P | TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1NP)); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpara->icpolarity)<< 4U); /* reset the CH1MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1MS); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpara->icselection)<< 8U); /* reset the CH1CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1CAPFLT); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpara->icfilter)<< 12U); /* set the CH1EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1EN; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: /* reset the CH2EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2EN); /* reset the CH2P and CH2NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2P|TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2NP)); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpara->icpolarity)<< 8U); /* reset the CH2MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH2MS); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpara->icselection)); /* reset the CH2CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH2CAPFLT); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpara->icfilter)<< 4U); /* set the CH2EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH2EN; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_3 */ case TIMER_CH_3: /* reset the CH3EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH3EN); /* reset the CH3P bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH3P)); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpara->icpolarity)<< 12U); /* reset the CH3MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH3MS); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpara->icselection)<< 8U); /* reset the CH3CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH3CAPFLT); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpara->icfilter)<< 12U); /* set the CH3EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH3EN; break; default: break; } /* configure TIMER channel input capture prescaler value */ timer_channel_input_capture_prescaler_config(timer_periph,channel,(uint16_t)(icpara->icprescaler)); } /*! \brief configure TIMER channel input capture prescaler value \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel3(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \param[in] prescaler: channel input capture prescaler value \arg TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV1: no prescaler \arg TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV2: divided by 2 \arg TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV4: divided by 4 \arg TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV8: divided by 8 \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_channel_input_capture_prescaler_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,uint16_t prescaler) { switch(channel){ /* configure TIMER_CH_0 */ case TIMER_CH_0: TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0CAPPSC); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)prescaler; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_1 */ case TIMER_CH_1: TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1CAPPSC); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= ((uint32_t)prescaler << 8U); break; /* configure TIMER_CH_2 */ case TIMER_CH_2: TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH2CAPPSC); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)prescaler; break; /* configure TIMER_CH_3 */ case TIMER_CH_3: TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL1_CH3CAPPSC); TIMER_CHCTL1(timer_periph) |= ((uint32_t)prescaler << 8U); break; default: break; } } /*! \brief read TIMER channel capture compare register value \param[in] timer_periph: please refer to the following parameters \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0(TIMERx(x=0..4,7..13)) \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1(TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11)) \arg TIMER_CH_2: TIMER channel2(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \arg TIMER_CH_3: TIMER channel3(TIMERx(x=0..4,7)) \param[out] none \retval channel capture compare register value */ uint32_t timer_channel_capture_value_register_read(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel) { uint32_t count_value = 0U; switch(channel){ case TIMER_CH_0: count_value = TIMER_CH0CV(timer_periph); break; case TIMER_CH_1: count_value = TIMER_CH1CV(timer_periph); break; case TIMER_CH_2: count_value = TIMER_CH2CV(timer_periph); break; case TIMER_CH_3: count_value = TIMER_CH3CV(timer_periph); break; default: break; } return (count_value); } /*! \brief configure TIMER input pwm capture function \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \param[in] channel: \arg TIMER_CH_0: TIMER channel0 \arg TIMER_CH_1: TIMER channel1 \param[in] icpwm:TIMER channel intput pwm parameter struct icpolarity: TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING,TIMER_IC_POLARITY_FALLING icselection: TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI,TIMER_IC_SELECTION_INDIRECTTI icprescaler: TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV1,TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV2,TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV4,TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV8 icfilter: 0~15 \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_input_pwm_capture_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint16_t channel,timer_ic_parameter_struct* icpwm) { uint16_t icpolarity = 0x0U; uint16_t icselection = 0x0U; if(TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING == icpwm->icpolarity){ icpolarity = TIMER_IC_POLARITY_FALLING; }else{ icpolarity = TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING; } if(TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI == icpwm->icselection){ icselection = TIMER_IC_SELECTION_INDIRECTTI; }else{ icselection = TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI; } if(TIMER_CH_0 == channel){ /* reset the CH0EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0EN); /* reset the CH0P and CH0NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0P|TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0NP)); /* set the CH0P and CH0NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(icpwm->icpolarity); /* reset the CH0MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0MS); /* set the CH0MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(icpwm->icselection); /* reset the CH0CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0CAPFLT); /* set the CH0CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= ((uint32_t)(icpwm->icfilter) << 4U); /* set the CH0EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0EN; /* configure TIMER channel input capture prescaler value */ timer_channel_input_capture_prescaler_config(timer_periph,TIMER_CH_0,(uint16_t)(icpwm->icprescaler)); /* reset the CH1EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1EN); /* reset the CH1P and CH1NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1P|TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1NP)); /* set the CH1P and CH1NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)icpolarity<< 4U); /* reset the CH1MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1MS); /* set the CH1MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)icselection<< 8U); /* reset the CH1CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1CAPFLT); /* set the CH1CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpwm->icfilter)<< 12U); /* set the CH1EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1EN; /* configure TIMER channel input capture prescaler value */ timer_channel_input_capture_prescaler_config(timer_periph,TIMER_CH_1,(uint16_t)(icpwm->icprescaler)); }else{ /* reset the CH1EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1EN); /* reset the CH1P and CH1NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1P|TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1NP)); /* set the CH1P and CH1NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpwm->icpolarity)<< 4U); /* reset the CH1MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1MS); /* set the CH1MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpwm->icselection)<< 8U); /* reset the CH1CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1CAPFLT); /* set the CH1CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(icpwm->icfilter)<< 12U); /* set the CH1EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1EN; /* configure TIMER channel input capture prescaler value */ timer_channel_input_capture_prescaler_config(timer_periph,TIMER_CH_1,(uint16_t)(icpwm->icprescaler)); /* reset the CH0EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0EN); /* reset the CH0P and CH0NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0P|TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0NP)); /* set the CH0P and CH0NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)icpolarity; /* reset the CH0MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0MS); /* set the CH0MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)icselection; /* reset the CH0CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0CAPFLT); /* set the CH0CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= ((uint32_t)(icpwm->icfilter) << 4U); /* set the CH0EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0EN; /* configure TIMER channel input capture prescaler value */ timer_channel_input_capture_prescaler_config(timer_periph,TIMER_CH_0,(uint16_t)(icpwm->icprescaler)); } } /*! \brief configure TIMER hall sensor mode \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[in] hallmode: \arg TIMER_HALLINTERFACE_ENABLE: TIMER hall sensor mode enable \arg TIMER_HALLINTERFACE_DISABLE: TIMER hall sensor mode disable \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_hall_mode_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint8_t hallmode) { if(TIMER_HALLINTERFACE_ENABLE == hallmode){ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_TI0S; }else if(TIMER_HALLINTERFACE_DISABLE == hallmode){ TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_TI0S; }else{ } } /*! \brief select TIMER input trigger source \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \param[in] intrigger: \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_ITI0: internal trigger 0 \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_ITI1: internal trigger 1 \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_ITI2: internal trigger 2 \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_ITI3: internal trigger 3 \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_CI0F_ED: TI0 Edge Detector \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_CI0FE0: filtered TIMER input 0 \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_CI1FE1: filtered TIMER input 1 \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_ETIFP: external trigger \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_input_trigger_source_select(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t intrigger) { TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_SMCFG_TRGS); TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)intrigger; } /*! \brief select TIMER master mode output trigger source \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..7) \param[in] outrigger: \arg TIMER_TRI_OUT_SRC_RESET: the UPG bit as trigger output \arg TIMER_TRI_OUT_SRC_ENABLE: the counter enable signal TIMER_CTL0_CEN as trigger output \arg TIMER_TRI_OUT_SRC_UPDATE: update event as trigger output \arg TIMER_TRI_OUT_SRC_CC0: a capture or a compare match occurred in channal0 as trigger output TRGO \arg TIMER_TRI_OUT_SRC_O0CPRE: O0CPRE as trigger output \arg TIMER_TRI_OUT_SRC_O1CPRE: O1CPRE as trigger output \arg TIMER_TRI_OUT_SRC_O2CPRE: O2CPRE as trigger output \arg TIMER_TRI_OUT_SRC_O3CPRE: O3CPRE as trigger output \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_master_output_trigger_source_select(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t outrigger) { TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CTL1_MMC); TIMER_CTL1(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)outrigger; } /*! \brief select TIMER slave mode \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \param[in] slavemode: \arg TIMER_SLAVE_MODE_DISABLE: slave mode disable \arg TIMER_ENCODER_MODE0: encoder mode 0 \arg TIMER_ENCODER_MODE1: encoder mode 1 \arg TIMER_ENCODER_MODE2: encoder mode 2 \arg TIMER_SLAVE_MODE_RESTART: restart mode \arg TIMER_SLAVE_MODE_PAUSE: pause mode \arg TIMER_SLAVE_MODE_EVENT: event mode \arg TIMER_SLAVE_MODE_EXTERNAL0: external clock mode 0. \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_slave_mode_select(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t slavemode) { TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_SMCFG_SMC); TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)slavemode; } /*! \brief configure TIMER master slave mode \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \param[in] masterslave: \arg TIMER_MASTER_SLAVE_MODE_ENABLE: master slave mode enable \arg TIMER_MASTER_SLAVE_MODE_DISABLE: master slave mode disable \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_master_slave_mode_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint8_t masterslave) { if(TIMER_MASTER_SLAVE_MODE_ENABLE == masterslave){ TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_SMCFG_MSM; }else if(TIMER_MASTER_SLAVE_MODE_DISABLE == masterslave){ TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_SMCFG_MSM; }else{ } } /*! \brief configure TIMER external trigger input \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[in] extprescaler: \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_OFF: no divided \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_DIV2: divided by 2 \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_DIV4: divided by 4 \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_DIV8: divided by 8 \param[in] expolarity: \arg TIMER_ETP_FALLING: active low or falling edge active \arg TIMER_ETP_RISING: active high or rising edge active \param[in] extfilter: a value between 0 and 15 \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_external_trigger_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t extprescaler, uint32_t expolarity,uint32_t extfilter) { TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_SMCFG_ETP|TIMER_SMCFG_ETPSC|TIMER_SMCFG_ETFC)); TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(extprescaler|expolarity); TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(extfilter<< 8U); } /*! \brief configure TIMER quadrature decoder mode \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \param[in] decomode: \arg TIMER_ENCODER_MODE0: counter counts on CI0FE0 edge depending on CI1FE1 level \arg TIMER_ENCODER_MODE1: counter counts on CI1FE1 edge depending on CI0FE0 level \arg TIMER_ENCODER_MODE2: counter counts on both CI0FE0 and CI1FE1 edges depending on the level of the other input \param[in] ic0polarity: \arg TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING: capture rising edge \arg TIMER_IC_POLARITY_FALLING: capture falling edge \param[in] ic1polarity: \arg TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING: capture rising edge \arg TIMER_IC_POLARITY_FALLING: capture falling edge \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_quadrature_decoder_mode_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t decomode, uint16_t ic0polarity,uint16_t ic1polarity) { TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_SMCFG_SMC); TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)decomode; TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (uint32_t)(((~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0MS))&((~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1MS))); TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI|((uint32_t)TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI<< 8U)); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0P|TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0NP)); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1P|TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1NP)); TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= ((uint32_t)ic0polarity|((uint32_t)ic1polarity<< 4U)); } /*! \brief configure TIMER internal clock mode \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_internal_clock_config(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_SMCFG_SMC; } /*! \brief configure TIMER the internal trigger as external clock input \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \param[in] intrigger: \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_ITI0: internal trigger 0 \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_ITI1: internal trigger 1 \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_ITI2: internal trigger 2 \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_ITI3: internal trigger 3 \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_internal_trigger_as_external_clock_config(uint32_t timer_periph, uint32_t intrigger) { timer_input_trigger_source_select(timer_periph,intrigger); TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_SMCFG_SMC; TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_SLAVE_MODE_EXTERNAL0; } /*! \brief configure TIMER the external trigger as external clock input \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \param[in] extrigger: \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_CI0F_ED: TI0 edge detector \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_CI0FE0: filtered TIMER input 0 \arg TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_CI1FE1: filtered TIMER input 1 \param[in] expolarity: \arg TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING: active low or falling edge active \arg TIMER_IC_POLARITY_FALLING: active high or rising edge active \param[in] extfilter: a value between 0 and 15 \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_external_trigger_as_external_clock_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t extrigger, uint16_t expolarity,uint32_t extfilter) { if(TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_CI1FE1 == extrigger){ /* reset the CH1EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1EN); /* reset the CH1NP bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1P|TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1NP)); /* set the CH1NP bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)expolarity << 4U); /* reset the CH1MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1MS); /* set the CH1MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI<< 8U); /* reset the CH1CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH1CAPFLT); /* set the CH1CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(extfilter<< 8U); /* set the CH1EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH1EN; }else{ /* reset the CH0EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0EN); /* reset the CH0P and CH0NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0P|TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0NP)); /* set the CH0P and CH0NP bits */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)expolarity; /* reset the CH0MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0MS); /* set the CH0MS bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI; /* reset the CH0CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL0_CH0CAPFLT); /* reset the CH0CAPFLT bit */ TIMER_CHCTL0(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)extfilter; /* set the CH0EN bit */ TIMER_CHCTL2(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CHCTL2_CH0EN; } /* select TIMER input trigger source */ timer_input_trigger_source_select(timer_periph,extrigger); /* reset the SMC bit */ TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)TIMER_SMCFG_SMC); /* set the SMC bit */ TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_SLAVE_MODE_EXTERNAL0; } /*! \brief configure TIMER the external clock mode0 \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7,8,11) \param[in] extprescaler: \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_OFF: no divided \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_DIV2: divided by 2 \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_DIV4: divided by 4 \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_DIV8: divided by 8 \param[in] expolarity: \arg TIMER_ETP_FALLING: active low or falling edge active \arg TIMER_ETP_RISING: active high or rising edge active \param[in] extfilter: a value between 0 and 15 \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_external_clock_mode0_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t extprescaler, uint32_t expolarity,uint32_t extfilter) { /* configure TIMER external trigger input */ timer_external_trigger_config(timer_periph,extprescaler,expolarity,extfilter); /* reset the SMC bit,TRGS bit */ TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) &= (~(uint32_t)(TIMER_SMCFG_SMC | TIMER_SMCFG_TRGS)); /* set the SMC bit,TRGS bit */ TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)(TIMER_SLAVE_MODE_EXTERNAL0 | TIMER_SMCFG_TRGSEL_ETIFP); } /*! \brief configure TIMER the external clock mode1 \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[in] extprescaler: \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_OFF: no divided \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_DIV2: divided by 2 \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_DIV4: divided by 4 \arg TIMER_EXT_TRI_PSC_DIV8: divided by 8 \param[in] expolarity: \arg TIMER_ETP_FALLING: active low or falling edge active \arg TIMER_ETP_RISING: active high or rising edge active \param[in] extfilter: a value between 0 and 15 \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_external_clock_mode1_config(uint32_t timer_periph,uint32_t extprescaler, uint32_t expolarity,uint32_t extfilter) { /* configure TIMER external trigger input */ timer_external_trigger_config(timer_periph,extprescaler,expolarity,extfilter); TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_SMCFG_SMC1; } /*! \brief disable TIMER the external clock mode1 \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0..4,7) \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_external_clock_mode1_disable(uint32_t timer_periph) { TIMER_SMCFG(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_SMCFG_SMC1; } /*! \brief configure TIMER write CHxVAL register selection \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,1,2,13,14,15,16) \param[in] ccsel: \arg TIMER_CCSEL_DISABLE: no effect \arg TIMER_CCSEL_ENABLE: when write the CHxVAL register, if the write value is same as the CHxVAL value, the write access is ignored \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_write_cc_register_config(uint32_t timer_periph, uint16_t ccsel) { if(TIMER_CCSEL_ENABLE == ccsel){ TIMER_CFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CFG_CHVSEL; }else if(TIMER_CCSEL_DISABLE == ccsel){ TIMER_CFG(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CFG_CHVSEL; }else{ } } /*! \brief configure TIMER output value selection \param[in] timer_periph: TIMERx(x=0,7) \param[in] outsel: \arg TIMER_OUTSEL_DISABLE: no effect \arg TIMER_OUTSEL_ENABLE: if POEN and IOS is 0, the output disabled \param[out] none \retval none */ void timer_output_value_selection_config(uint32_t timer_periph, uint16_t outsel) { if(TIMER_OUTSEL_ENABLE == outsel){ TIMER_CFG(timer_periph) |= (uint32_t)TIMER_CFG_OUTSEL; }else if(TIMER_OUTSEL_DISABLE == outsel){ TIMER_CFG(timer_periph) &= ~(uint32_t)TIMER_CFG_OUTSEL; }else{ } }