/******************************************************************************* * (c) Copyright 2013 Microsemi SoC Products Group. All rights reserved. * * Redirection of the standard library I/O to one of the SmartFusion2 * MMUART. * * SVN $Revision: 7375 $ * SVN $Date: 2015-05-01 14:57:40 +0100 (Fri, 01 May 2015) $ */ /*============================================================================== * The content of this source file will only be compiled if either one of the * following two defined symbols are defined in the project settings: * - MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_MMUART0 * - MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_MMUART1 * */ #ifdef MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_MMUART0 #ifndef MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_UART #define MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_UART #endif #endif /* MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_MMUART0 */ #ifdef MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_MMUART1 #ifndef MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_UART #define MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_UART #endif #endif /* MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_MMUART1 */ /*============================================================================== * Actual implementation. */ #ifdef MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_UART #include <stdio.h> #include <rt_misc.h> #include "m2sxxx.h" #include "mss_uart.h" #include "core_uart_apb.h" /* * The baud rate will default to 57600 baud if no baud rate is specified though the * MICROSEMI_STDIO_BAUD_RATE define. */ #ifndef MICROSEMI_STDIO_BAUD_RATE #define MICROSEMI_STDIO_BAUD_RATE MSS_UART_115200_BAUD #endif #ifdef MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_MMUART0 static mss_uart_instance_t * const gp_my_uart = &g_mss_uart0; #else static mss_uart_instance_t * const gp_my_uart = &g_mss_uart1; #endif /*============================================================================== * Flag used to indicate if the UART driver needs to be initialized. */ static int g_stdio_uart_init_done = 0; #define LSR_THRE_MASK 0x20u /* * Disable semihosting apis */ #pragma import(__use_no_semihosting_swi) /*============================================================================== * sendchar() */ int sendchar(int ch) { uint32_t tx_ready; //��һ�ε���ʱ����ʼ������ if(!g_stdio_uart_init_done) { MSS_UART_init(gp_my_uart, MICROSEMI_STDIO_BAUD_RATE, MSS_UART_DATA_8_BITS | MSS_UART_NO_PARITY); g_stdio_uart_init_done = 1; } do { tx_ready = gp_my_uart->hw_reg->LSR & LSR_THRE_MASK; } while(!tx_ready); gp_my_uart->hw_reg->THR = ch; return (ch); } /*============================================================================== * */ struct __FILE { int handle; /* Add whatever you need here */ }; FILE __stdout; FILE __stdin; /*============================================================================== * fputc() */ int fputc(int ch, FILE *f) { return (sendchar(ch)); } /*============================================================================== * fgetc() */ int fgetc(FILE *f) { uint8_t rx_size; uint8_t rx_byte; do { rx_size = MSS_UART_get_rx(gp_my_uart, &rx_byte, 1); } while(0u == rx_size); return rx_byte; } /*============================================================================== * ferror() */ int ferror(FILE *f) { /* Your implementation of ferror */ return EOF; } /*============================================================================== * _ttywrch() */ void _ttywrch(int ch) { sendchar(ch); } /*============================================================================== * _sys_exit() */ void _sys_exit(int return_code) { for(;;) { ; /* endless loop */ } } #endif /* MICROSEMI_STDIO_THRU_UART */