/* * COPYRIGHT (C) 2018, Real-Thread Information Technology Ltd * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2013-03-30 Bernard the first verion */ #include <rthw.h> #include <registers/regsuart.h> #include <uart/imx_uart.h> #include <rtdevice.h> #include "serial.h" struct hw_uart_device { uint32_t instance; int irqno; }; static void rt_hw_uart_isr(int irqno, void *param) { struct rt_serial_device *serial = (struct rt_serial_device *)param; rt_hw_serial_isr(serial, RT_SERIAL_EVENT_RX_IND); } static rt_err_t uart_configure(struct rt_serial_device *serial, struct serial_configure *cfg) { struct hw_uart_device *uart; uint32_t baudrate; uint8_t parity, stopbits, datasize, flowcontrol; RT_ASSERT(serial != RT_NULL); uart = (struct hw_uart_device *)serial->parent.user_data; baudrate = cfg->baud_rate; switch (cfg->data_bits) { case DATA_BITS_8: datasize = EIGHTBITS; break; case DATA_BITS_7: datasize = SEVENBITS; break; } if (cfg->stop_bits == STOP_BITS_1) stopbits = STOPBITS_ONE; else if (cfg->stop_bits == STOP_BITS_2) stopbits = STOPBITS_TWO; parity = PARITY_NONE; flowcontrol = FLOWCTRL_OFF; /* initailize UART */ // uart_init(uart->instance, baudrate, parity, stopbits, datasize, flowcontrol); rt_hw_interrupt_install(uart->irqno, rt_hw_uart_isr, serial, "uart"); rt_hw_interrupt_mask(uart->irqno); /* Set the IRQ mode for the Rx FIFO */ uart_set_FIFO_mode(uart->instance, RX_FIFO, 1, IRQ_MODE); return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t uart_control(struct rt_serial_device *serial, int cmd, void *arg) { struct hw_uart_device *uart; RT_ASSERT(serial != RT_NULL); uart = (struct hw_uart_device *)serial->parent.user_data; switch (cmd) { case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_CLR_INT: /* disable rx irq */ rt_hw_interrupt_mask(uart->irqno); break; case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_SET_INT: /* enable rx irq */ rt_hw_interrupt_umask(uart->irqno); break; } return RT_EOK; } static int uart_putc(struct rt_serial_device *serial, char c) { struct hw_uart_device *uart; RT_ASSERT(serial != RT_NULL); uart = (struct hw_uart_device *)serial->parent.user_data; uart_putchar(uart->instance, (uint8_t*)&c); return 1; } static int uart_getc(struct rt_serial_device *serial) { int ch; struct hw_uart_device *uart; RT_ASSERT(serial != RT_NULL); uart = (struct hw_uart_device *)serial->parent.user_data; ch = uart_getchar(uart->instance); if (ch == NONE_CHAR) ch = -1; return ch; } static const struct rt_uart_ops _uart_ops = { uart_configure, uart_control, uart_putc, uart_getc, }; #ifdef RT_USING_UART0 /* UART device driver structure */ static struct hw_uart_device _uart0_device = { HW_UART0, IMX_INT_UART0 }; static struct rt_serial_device _serial0; #endif #ifdef RT_USING_UART1 /* UART1 device driver structure */ static struct hw_uart_device _uart1_device = { HW_UART1, IMX_INT_UART1 }; static struct rt_serial_device _serial1; #endif int rt_hw_uart_init(void) { struct hw_uart_device *uart; struct serial_configure config; config.baud_rate = BAUD_RATE_115200; config.bit_order = BIT_ORDER_LSB; config.data_bits = DATA_BITS_8; config.parity = PARITY_NONE; config.stop_bits = STOP_BITS_1; config.invert = NRZ_NORMAL; config.bufsz = RT_SERIAL_RB_BUFSZ; #ifdef RT_USING_UART0 uart = &_uart0_device; _serial0.ops = &_uart_ops; _serial0.config = config; /* register UART1 device */ rt_hw_serial_register(&_serial0, "uart0", RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR | RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_RX, uart); #endif #ifdef RT_USING_UART1 uart = &_uart1_device; _serial1.ops = &_uart_ops; _serial1.config = config; /* register UART1 device */ rt_hw_serial_register(&_serial1, "uart1", RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR | RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_RX, uart); #endif return 0; } INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(rt_hw_uart_init);