/* * Copyright : (C) 2022 Phytium Information Technology, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * This program is OPEN SOURCE software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the Phytium Public License as published by the Phytium Technology Co.,Ltd, * either version 1.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Phytium Public License for more details. * * * FilePath: fxhci_dev.c * Date: 2022-02-11 13:33:12 * LastEditTime: 2022-02-18 09:12:46 * Description:  This files is for implementation of XHCI device * * Modify History: * Ver   Who        Date         Changes * ----- ------     --------    -------------------------------------- * 1.0 zhugengyu 2022/2/7 init commit */ #include #include "fsleep.h" #include "fcache.h" #include "fdebug.h" #include "fxhci_private.h" #define FUSB_DEBUG_TAG "FXHCI_DEV" #define FUSB_ERROR(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_E(FUSB_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FUSB_WARN(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_W(FUSB_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FUSB_INFO(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_I(FUSB_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FUSB_DEBUG(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_D(FUSB_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) static u32 FXhciGenRounte(FXhci *const xhci, const int hubport, const int hubaddr) { FASSERT(xhci); if (!hubaddr) { return 0; } u32 route_string = FXHCI_SC_GET(ROUTE, xhci->dev[hubaddr].ctx.slot); int i; for (i = 0; i < 20; i += 4) { if (!(route_string & (0xf << i))) { route_string |= (hubport & 0xf) << i; break; } } return route_string; } static int FXhciGetRoothubPort(FXhci *const xhci, const int hubport, const int hubaddr) { FASSERT(xhci); if (!hubaddr) { return hubport; } return FXHCI_SC_GET(RHPORT, xhci->dev[hubaddr].ctx.slot); } static int FXhciGetTT(FXhci *const xhci, const FUsbSpeed speed, const int hubport, const int hubaddr, int *const tt, int *const tt_port) { FASSERT(xhci); if (!hubaddr) { return 0; } const FXhciSlotCtx *const slot = xhci->dev[hubaddr].ctx.slot; if ((*tt = FXHCI_SC_GET(TTID, slot))) { *tt_port = FXHCI_SC_GET(TTPORT, slot); } else if (speed < FUSB_HIGH_SPEED && FXHCI_SC_GET(SPEED1, slot) - 1 == FUSB_HIGH_SPEED) { *tt = hubaddr; *tt_port = hubport; } return *tt != 0; } static void FXhciReapSlots(FXhci *const xhci, int skip_slot) { FASSERT(xhci); int i; FUsb *instance = xhci->usb; FUSB_INFO("Xhci resource shortage, trying to reap old slots."); for (i = 1; i <= xhci->max_slots_en; i++) { if (i == skip_slot) { continue; /* don't reap slot we were working on */ } if (xhci->dev[i].transfer_rings[1]) { continue; /* slot still in use */ } if (NULL == xhci->dev[i].ctx.raw) { continue; /* slot already disabled */ } const FXhciTransCode cc = FXhciCmdDisableSlot(xhci, i); if (cc != FXHCI_CC_SUCCESS) { FUSB_INFO("Failed to disable slot %d: %d.", i, cc); } else { FUSB_INFO("Successfully reaped slot %d.", i); } xhci->dcbaa[i] = 0; FUSB_FREE(instance, xhci->dev[i].ctx.raw); xhci->dev[i].ctx.raw = NULL; } } static FXhciInputCtx *FXhciMakeInputCtx(FXhci *xhci, const size_t ctxsize) { int i; const size_t size = (1 + FXHCI_NUM_EPS) * ctxsize; FUsb *instance = xhci->usb; FXhciInputCtx *const ic = FUSB_ALLOCATE(instance, sizeof(*ic), FUSB_DEFAULT_ALIGN); void *dma_buffer = FUSB_ALLOCATE(instance, size, 64); if ((NULL == ic) || (NULL == dma_buffer)) { FUSB_FREE(instance, ic); FUSB_FREE(instance, dma_buffer); return NULL; } memset(dma_buffer, 0, size); ic->drop = dma_buffer + 0; ic->add = dma_buffer + 4; dma_buffer += ctxsize; for (i = 0; i < FXHCI_NUM_EPS; i++, dma_buffer += ctxsize) { ic->dev.ep[i] = dma_buffer; } return ic; } /** * @name: FXhciSetAddress * @msg: 设备USB设备的地址 * @return {FUsbDev *}, USB设备实例 * @param {FUsbHc} *controller, USB控制器实例 * @param {FUsbSpeed} speed, USB设备的速度类型 * @param {int} hubport, USB设备连接的port号 * @param {int} hubaddr, USB设备连接的hub地址 */ FUsbDev *FXhciSetAddress(FUsbHc *controller, FUsbSpeed speed, int hubport, int hubaddr) { FXhci *const xhci = FXHCI_INST_GET(controller); FASSERT(xhci); const size_t ctxsize = FXhciGetCtxSize(&xhci->mmio); FXhciDevInfo *di = NULL; FUsbDev *dev = NULL; FUsb *instance = controller->usb; int i; FXhciInputCtx *const ic = FXhciMakeInputCtx(xhci, ctxsize); FXhciTransRing *const tr = FUSB_ALLOCATE(instance, sizeof(*tr), FUSB_DEFAULT_ALIGN); if (NULL != tr) { FASSERT(NULL == tr->ring); tr->ring = FXHCI_ALIGN(xhci, 16, FXHCI_TRANSFER_RING_SIZE * sizeof(FXhciTrb)); } if ((NULL == ic) || (NULL == tr) || (NULL == tr->ring)) { FUSB_INFO("Out of memory."); goto _free_return; } int slot_id; FXhciTransCode cc = FXhciCmdEnableSlot(xhci, &slot_id); if (cc == FXHCI_CC_NO_SLOTS_AVAILABLE) { FXhciReapSlots(xhci, 0); cc = FXhciCmdEnableSlot(xhci, &slot_id); } if (cc != FXHCI_CC_SUCCESS) { FUSB_INFO("Enable slot failed: %d.", cc); goto _free_return; } else { FUSB_INFO("Enabled slot %d.", slot_id); } di = &xhci->dev[slot_id]; void *dma_buffer = FUSB_ALLOCATE(instance, FXHCI_NUM_EPS * ctxsize, 64); if (NULL == dma_buffer) { goto _disable_return; } memset(dma_buffer, 0, FXHCI_NUM_EPS * ctxsize); for (i = 0; i < FXHCI_NUM_EPS; i++, dma_buffer += ctxsize) { di->ctx.ep[i] = dma_buffer; } *ic->add = (1 << 0) /* Slot Context */ | (1 << 1) /* EP0 Context */; FXHCI_SC_SET(ROUTE, ic->dev.slot, FXhciGenRounte(xhci, hubport, hubaddr)); FXHCI_SC_SET(SPEED1, ic->dev.slot, speed + 1); FXHCI_SC_SET(CTXENT, ic->dev.slot, 1); /* the endpoint 0 context */ FXHCI_SC_SET(RHPORT, ic->dev.slot, FXhciGetRoothubPort(xhci, hubport, hubaddr)); int tt, tt_port; if (FXhciGetTT(xhci, speed, hubport, hubaddr, &tt, &tt_port)) { FUSB_INFO("TT for %d: %d[%d].", slot_id, tt, tt_port); FXHCI_SC_SET(MTT, ic->dev.slot, FXHCI_SC_GET(MTT, xhci->dev[tt].ctx.slot)); FXHCI_SC_SET(TTID, ic->dev.slot, tt); FXHCI_SC_SET(TTPORT, ic->dev.slot, tt_port); } di->transfer_rings[1] = tr; FXhciInitCycleRing(tr, FXHCI_TRANSFER_RING_SIZE); ic->dev.ep0->tr_dq_low = (uintptr)(tr->ring); ic->dev.ep0->tr_dq_high = 0; FXHCI_EC_SET(TYPE, ic->dev.ep0, FXHCI_EP_CONTROL); FXHCI_EC_SET(AVRTRB, ic->dev.ep0, 8); FXHCI_EC_SET(MPS, ic->dev.ep0, FUsbSpeedtoDefaultMaxPacketSz(speed)); FXHCI_EC_SET(CERR, ic->dev.ep0, 3); FXHCI_EC_SET(DCS, ic->dev.ep0, 1); xhci->dcbaa[slot_id] = (uintptr)(di->ctx.raw); FCacheDCacheInvalidateRange((uintptr)ic, sizeof(*ic)); /* flush cache of input address */ cc = FXhciCmdAddressDevice(xhci, slot_id, ic); if (cc == FXHCI_CC_RESOURCE_ERROR) { FXhciReapSlots(xhci, slot_id); cc = FXhciCmdAddressDevice(xhci, slot_id, ic); } if (cc != FXHCI_CC_SUCCESS) { FUSB_INFO("Address device failed: %d.", cc); goto _disable_return; } else { FUSB_INFO("Addressed device %d (USB: %d).", slot_id, FXHCI_SC_GET(UADDR, di->ctx.slot)); } fsleep_millisec(FUSB_SET_ADDRESS_MDELAY); dev = FUsbInitDevEntry(controller, slot_id); if (!dev) { goto _disable_return; } dev->address = slot_id; dev->hub = hubaddr; dev->port = hubport; dev->speed = speed; dev->endpoints[0].dev = dev; dev->endpoints[0].endpoint = 0; dev->endpoints[0].toggle = 0; dev->endpoints[0].direction = FUSB_SETUP; dev->endpoints[0].type = FUSB_CONTROL_EP; u8 buf[8]; if (FUsbGetDescriptor(dev, FUsbGenerateReqType(FUSB_REQ_DEVICE_TO_HOST, FUSB_REQ_TYPE_STANDARD, FUSB_REQ_RECP_DEV), FUSB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE, 0, buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) { FUSB_INFO("First FUsbGetDescriptor(FUSB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE) failed."); goto _disable_return; } dev->endpoints[0].maxpacketsize = FUsbDecodeMaxPacketSz0(speed, buf[7]); if (dev->endpoints[0].maxpacketsize != FUsbSpeedtoDefaultMaxPacketSz(speed)) { memset((void *)ic->dev.ep0, 0x00, ctxsize); *ic->add = (1 << 1); /* EP0 Context */ FXHCI_EC_SET(MPS, ic->dev.ep0, dev->endpoints[0].maxpacketsize); /* flush cache of input context before send command */ FCacheDCacheInvalidateRange((uintptr)ic, sizeof(*ic)); cc = FXhciCmdEvaluateCtx(xhci, slot_id, ic); if (cc == FXHCI_CC_RESOURCE_ERROR) { FXhciReapSlots(xhci, slot_id); cc = FXhciCmdEvaluateCtx(xhci, slot_id, ic); } if (cc != FXHCI_CC_SUCCESS) { FUSB_INFO("Context evaluation failed: %d.", cc); goto _disable_return; } } goto _free_ic_return; _disable_return: FXhciCmdDisableSlot(xhci, slot_id); xhci->dcbaa[slot_id] = 0; FUsbDetachDev(controller, slot_id); dev = NULL; _free_return: if (tr) { FUSB_FREE(instance, (void *)tr->ring); } FUSB_FREE(instance, tr); if (di) { FUSB_FREE(instance, di->ctx.raw); di->ctx.raw = 0; } _free_ic_return: if (ic) { FUSB_FREE(instance, ic->raw); FUSB_FREE(instance, ic); } return dev; } static int FXhciFinishHubConfig(FUsbDev *const dev, FXhciInputCtx *const ic) { int type = FUsbIsSuperSpeed(dev->speed) ? 0x2a : 0x29; /* similar enough */ FUsbHubDescriptor desc; if (FUsbGetDescriptor(dev, FUsbGenerateReqType(FUSB_REQ_DEVICE_TO_HOST, FUSB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS, FUSB_REQ_RECP_DEV), type, 0, &desc, sizeof(desc)) != sizeof(desc)) { FUSB_INFO("Failed to fetch hub descriptor."); return FXHCI_CC_COMMUNICATION_ERROR; } FXHCI_SC_SET(HUB, ic->dev.slot, 1); FXHCI_SC_SET(MTT, ic->dev.slot, 0); /* No support for Multi-TT */ FXHCI_SC_SET(NPORTS, ic->dev.slot, desc.bNbrPorts); if (dev->speed == FUSB_HIGH_SPEED) FXHCI_SC_SET(TTT, ic->dev.slot, (desc.wHubCharacteristics >> 5) & 0x0003); return 0; } static size_t FXhciBoundInterval(const FUsbEndpoint *const ep) { if ((ep->dev->speed == FUSB_LOW_SPEED && (ep->type == FUSB_ISOCHRONOUS_EP || ep->type == FUSB_INTERRUPT_EP)) || (ep->dev->speed == FUSB_FULL_SPEED && ep->type == FUSB_INTERRUPT_EP)) { if (ep->interval < 3) { return 3; } else if (ep->interval > 11) { return 11; } else { return ep->interval; } } else { if (ep->interval < 0) { return 0; } else if (ep->interval > 15) { return 15; } else { return ep->interval; } } } static int FXhciFinishEpConfig(const FUsbEndpoint *const ep, FXhciInputCtx *const ic) { FXhci *const xhci = FXHCI_INST_GET(ep->dev->controller); FASSERT(xhci); FUsb *instance = xhci->usb; const int ep_id = FXhciEpId(ep); FUSB_INFO("ep_id: %d.", ep_id); if (ep_id <= 1 || 32 <= ep_id) { return FXHCI_CC_DRIVER_ERROR; } FXhciTransRing *const tr = FUSB_ALLOCATE(instance, sizeof(*tr), FUSB_DEFAULT_ALIGN); if (NULL != tr) { FASSERT(NULL == tr->ring); tr->ring = FXHCI_ALIGN(xhci, 16, FXHCI_TRANSFER_RING_SIZE * sizeof(FXhciTrb)); } if ((NULL == tr) || (NULL == tr->ring)) { FUSB_FREE(instance, tr); FUSB_ERROR("Out of memory."); return FXHCI_CC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } xhci->dev[ep->dev->address].transfer_rings[ep_id] = tr; FXhciInitCycleRing(tr, FXHCI_TRANSFER_RING_SIZE); *ic->add |= (1 << ep_id); if ((int)FXHCI_SC_GET(CTXENT, ic->dev.slot) < ep_id) { FXHCI_SC_SET(CTXENT, ic->dev.slot, ep_id); } FXhciEpCtx *const epctx = ic->dev.ep[ep_id]; FUSB_DEBUG("Filling epctx (@%p).", epctx); epctx->tr_dq_low = (uintptr)(tr->ring); epctx->tr_dq_high = 0; FXHCI_EC_SET(INTVAL, epctx, FXhciBoundInterval(ep)); FXHCI_EC_SET(CERR, epctx, 3); FXHCI_EC_SET(TYPE, epctx, ep->type | ((ep->direction != FUSB_OUT) << 2)); FXHCI_EC_SET(MPS, epctx, ep->maxpacketsize); FXHCI_EC_SET(DCS, epctx, 1); size_t avrtrb; switch (ep->type) { case FUSB_BULK_EP: case FUSB_ISOCHRONOUS_EP: avrtrb = 3 * 1024; break; case FUSB_INTERRUPT_EP: avrtrb = 1024; break; default: avrtrb = 8; break; } FXHCI_EC_SET(AVRTRB, epctx, avrtrb); FXHCI_EC_SET(MXESIT, epctx, FXHCI_EC_GET(MPS, epctx) * FXHCI_EC_GET(MBS, epctx)); return 0; } /** * @name: FXhciFinishDevConfig * @msg: 完成USB设备配置 * @return {FXhciTransCode} 传输返回码 * @param {FUsbDev} *dev, USB设备实例 */ FXhciTransCode FXhciFinishDevConfig(FUsbDev *const dev) { FXhci *const xhci = FXHCI_INST_GET(dev->controller); FASSERT(xhci); FUsb *instance = xhci->usb; int slot_id = dev->address; FXhciDevInfo *const di = &xhci->dev[slot_id]; int i; FXhciTransCode ret = FXHCI_CC_ZERO_BYTES; FXhciInputCtx *const ic = FXhciMakeInputCtx(xhci, FXhciGetCtxSize(&xhci->mmio)); if (!ic) { FUSB_INFO("Out of memory."); return FXHCI_CC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } *ic->add = (1 << 0); /* Slot Context */ ic->dev.slot->f1 = di->ctx.slot->f1; ic->dev.slot->f2 = di->ctx.slot->f2; ic->dev.slot->f3 = di->ctx.slot->f3; /* f4 *must* be 0 in the Input Context... yeah, it's weird, I know. */ FCacheDCacheInvalidateRange((uintptr)ic, sizeof(*ic)); if (dev->descriptor->bDeviceClass == FUSB_HUB_DEVICE) { ret = FXhciFinishHubConfig(dev, ic); if (ret) { goto _free_return; } } for (i = 1; i < dev->num_endp; ++i) { ret = FXhciFinishEpConfig(&dev->endpoints[i], ic); if (ret) { goto _free_ep_ctx_return; } } const int config_id = dev->configuration->bConfigurationValue; FUSB_INFO("config_id: %d ", config_id); FXhciTransCode cc = FXhciCmdConfigureEp(xhci, slot_id, config_id, ic); if (cc == FXHCI_CC_RESOURCE_ERROR || cc == FXHCI_CC_BANDWIDTH_ERROR) { FXhciReapSlots(xhci, slot_id); cc = FXhciCmdConfigureEp(xhci, slot_id, config_id, ic); } if (cc != FXHCI_CC_SUCCESS) { FUSB_INFO("Configure endpoint failed: %d.", cc); ret = FXHCI_CC_CONTROLLER_ERROR; goto _free_ep_ctx_return; } else { FUSB_INFO("Endpoints configured."); } goto _free_return; _free_ep_ctx_return: for (i = 2; i < 31; ++i) { if (di->transfer_rings[i]) { FUSB_FREE(instance, (void *)di->transfer_rings[i]->ring); FUSB_FREE(instance, di->transfer_rings[i]); } di->transfer_rings[i] = NULL; } _free_return: if (NULL != ic) { FUSB_FREE(instance, ic->raw); FUSB_FREE(instance, ic); } return ret; } /** * @name: FXhciDestoryDev * @msg: 删除指定USB设备实例 * @return {*} * @param {FUsbHc} *controller, USB控制器实例 * @param {int} slot_id, USB设备所在的slot号 */ void FXhciDestoryDev(FUsbHc *const controller, const int slot_id) { FXhci *const xhci = FXHCI_INST_GET(controller); FASSERT(xhci); FUsb *instance = xhci->usb; if (slot_id <= 0 || slot_id > xhci->max_slots_en) { return; } FXhciInputCtx *const ic = FXhciMakeInputCtx(xhci, FXhciGetCtxSize(&xhci->mmio)); if (NULL == ic) { FUSB_WARN("Out of memory, leaking resources! "); return; } const int num_eps = controller->devices[slot_id]->num_endp; *ic->add = 0; /* Leave Slot/EP0 state as it is for now. */ *ic->drop = (1 << num_eps) - 1; /* Drop all endpoints we can. */ *ic->drop &= ~(1 << 1 | 1 << 0); /* Not allowed to drop EP0 or Slot. */ FCacheDCacheInvalidateRange((uintptr)ic, sizeof(*ic)); FXhciTransCode cc = FXhciCmdEvaluateCtx(xhci, slot_id, ic); if (NULL != ic) { FUSB_FREE(instance, ic->raw); FUSB_FREE(instance, ic); } if (cc != FXHCI_CC_SUCCESS) { FUSB_INFO("Failed to quiesce slot %d: %d.", slot_id, cc); } cc = FXhciCmdStopEp(xhci, slot_id, FXHCI_EP0_ID); if (cc != FXHCI_CC_SUCCESS) { FUSB_INFO("Failed to stop EP0 on slot %d: %d.", slot_id, cc); } int i; FXhciDevInfo *const di = &xhci->dev[slot_id]; for (i = 1; i < /*num_eps*/FXHCI_NUM_EPS; ++i) { if (di->transfer_rings[i]) { FUSB_FREE(instance, (void *)di->transfer_rings[i]->ring); FUSB_FREE(instance, (void *)di->transfer_rings[i]); } FUSB_FREE(instance, di->interrupt_queues[i]); } /* free device context */ if (NULL != di->ctx.raw) { FUSB_FREE(instance, di->ctx.raw); di->ctx.raw = NULL; } FUSB_INFO("Stopped slot %d, but not disabling it yet.", slot_id); di->transfer_rings[1] = NULL; return; }