/* * Copyright : (C) 2022 Phytium Information Technology, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * This program is OPEN SOURCE software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the Phytium Public License as published by the Phytium Technology Co.,Ltd, * either version 1.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Phytium Public License for more details. * * * FilePath: fddma_intr.c * Date: 2022-02-10 14:53:42 * LastEditTime: 2022-02-18 08:24:47 * Description:  This file is for ddma interrupt implementation * * Modify History: * Ver   Who        Date         Changes * ----- ------     --------    -------------------------------------- * 1.0 zhugengyu 2022/5/13 init commit */ /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include #include "fkernel.h" #include "fparameters.h" #include "fassert.h" #include "fdebug.h" #include "fddma_hw.h" #include "fddma.h" /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/ /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/ #define FDDMA_DEBUG_TAG "DDMA-INTR" #define FDDMA_ERROR(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_E(FDDMA_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FDDMA_WARN(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_W(FDDMA_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FDDMA_INFO(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_I(FDDMA_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FDDMA_DEBUG(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_D(FDDMA_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FDDMA_CALL_EVT_HANDLER(express, dma_chan, args) \ if (express) \ { \ express(dma_chan, args); \ } /************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /** * @name: FDdmaChanIrqHandler * @msg: DDMA通道中断处理函数 * @return {*} * @param {FDdma} *instance, DDMA实例 * @param {FDdmaChanIndex} chan_idx, DDMA通道号 */ static void FDdmaChanIrqHandler(FDdma *const instance, FDdmaChanIndex chan_idx) { FASSERT(instance && instance->chan[chan_idx]); FDdmaChan *const dma_chan = instance->chan[chan_idx]; uintptr base_addr = instance->config.base_addr; u32 status = FDdmaReadChanStatus(base_addr, chan_idx); FDDMA_INFO("chan-%d irq status: 0x%x", chan_idx, status); FDDMA_CALL_EVT_HANDLER(dma_chan->evt_handler[FDDMA_CHAN_EVT_REQ_DONE], dma_chan, dma_chan->evt_handler_args[FDDMA_CHAN_EVT_REQ_DONE]); if (FDDMA_CHAN_STS_FIFO_EMPTY & status) { FDDMA_CALL_EVT_HANDLER(dma_chan->evt_handler[FDDMA_CHAN_EVT_FIFO_EMPTY], dma_chan, dma_chan->evt_handler_args[FDDMA_CHAN_EVT_FIFO_EMPTY]); } if (FDDMA_CHAN_STS_FIFO_FULL & status) { FDDMA_CALL_EVT_HANDLER(dma_chan->evt_handler[FDDMA_CHAN_EVT_FIFO_FULL], dma_chan, dma_chan->evt_handler_args[FDDMA_CHAN_EVT_FIFO_FULL]); } /* submit queued descriptor after processing the completed ones */ return; } /** * @name: FDdmaIrqHandler * @msg: DDMA中断处理函数 * @return {无} * @param {s32} vector * @param {void} *param, 输入参数 */ void FDdmaIrqHandler(s32 vector, void *args) { FASSERT(NULL != args); FDdma *const instance = (FDdma * const)args; uintptr base_addr = instance->config.base_addr; u32 status = FDdmaReadStatus(base_addr); u32 chan; FDDMA_INFO("ddma irq 0x%x", status); FDdmaDisableGlobalIrq(base_addr); /* disable interrupt from occur again */ /* poll, clear and process every chanel interrupt status */ for (chan = FDDMA_CHAN_0; chan < FDDMA_NUM_OF_CHAN; chan++) { if (0 == (FDDMA_STA_CHAN_REQ_DONE(chan) & status)) { continue; } FDDMA_INFO("handle chan %d", chan); FDdmaClearChanIrq(base_addr, chan); /* clear interrupt status */ FDdmaChanIrqHandler(instance, chan); /* channel interrupt handle */ } FDdmaEnableGlobalIrq(base_addr); /* re-enable interrupt */ return; } /** * @name: FDdmaRegisterChanEvtHandler * @msg: 注册DDMA通道中断响应事件函数 * @return {无} * @param {FDdmaChan} *dma_chan, DDMA通道 * @param {FDdmaChanEvt} evt, 中断事件 * @param {FDdmaChanEvtHandler} handler, 中断响应事件函数 * @param {void} *handler_arg, 中断响应事件函数输入参数 */ void FDdmaRegisterChanEvtHandler(FDdmaChan *const dma_chan, FDdmaChanEvt evt, FDdmaChanEvtHandler handler, void *handler_arg) { FASSERT(dma_chan); dma_chan->evt_handler[evt] = handler; dma_chan->evt_handler_args[evt] = handler_arg; return; }