/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2020-04-29 supperthomas first version * */ #include <rtthread.h> #include <rthw.h> #include <nrfx_systick.h> #include "board.h" #include "drv_uart.h" #include <nrfx_clock.h> /** * This is the timer interrupt service routine. * */ void SysTick_Handler(void) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); rt_tick_increase(); /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } static void clk_event_handler(nrfx_clock_evt_type_t event){} void SysTick_Configuration(void) { nrfx_clock_init(clk_event_handler); nrfx_clock_enable(); nrfx_clock_lfclk_start(); /* Set interrupt priority */ NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, 0xf); /* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */ nrf_systick_load_set(SystemCoreClock / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); nrf_systick_val_clear(); nrf_systick_csr_set(NRF_SYSTICK_CSR_CLKSOURCE_CPU | NRF_SYSTICK_CSR_TICKINT_ENABLE | NRF_SYSTICK_CSR_ENABLE); } void rt_hw_board_init(void) { rt_hw_interrupt_enable(0); SysTick_Configuration(); #if defined(RT_USING_HEAP) rt_system_heap_init((void *)HEAP_BEGIN, (void *)HEAP_END); #endif #ifdef RT_USING_SERIAL rt_hw_uart_init(); #endif #if defined(RT_USING_CONSOLE) && defined(RT_USING_DEVICE) rt_console_set_device(RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME); #endif #ifdef RT_USING_COMPONENTS_INIT rt_components_board_init(); #endif #ifdef BSP_USING_SOFTDEVICE extern uint32_t Image$$RW_IRAM1$$Base; uint32_t const *const m_ram_start = &Image$$RW_IRAM1$$Base; if ((uint32_t)m_ram_start == 0x20000000) { rt_kprintf("\r\n using softdevice the RAM couldn't be %p,please use the templete from package\r\n", m_ram_start); while (1); } else { rt_kprintf("\r\n using softdevice the RAM at %p\r\n", m_ram_start); } #endif }