/** ********************************************************************************* * * @file ald_uart.h * @brief Header file of UART module library. * * @version V1.0 * @date 22 Feb. 2023 * @author AE Team * @note * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 22 Feb. 2023 Lisq The first version * * Copyright (C) Shanghai Eastsoft Microelectronics Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ********************************************************************************** */ #ifndef __ALD_UART_H__ #define __ALD_UART_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #include "ald_cmu.h" #include "ald_dma.h" /** @addtogroup ES32VF2264_ALD * @{ */ /** @addtogroup UART * @{ */ /** * @defgroup UART_Public_Macros UART Public Macros * @{ */ #define ALD_UART_RX_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_RXEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_RX_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_RXEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_TX_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_TXEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_TX_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_TXEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_RX_TIMEOUT_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->RTOR, UART_RTOR_RTOEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_RX_TIMEOUT_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->RTOR, UART_RTOR_RTOEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_MSB_FIRST_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_MSB_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_MSB_FIRST_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_MSB_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_DATA_INV_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_DATAINV_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_DATA_INV_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_DATAINV_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_RX_INV_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_RXINV_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_RX_INV_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_RXINV_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_TX_INV_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_TXINV_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_TX_INV_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_TXINV_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_TX_RX_SWAP_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_SWAP_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_TX_RX_SWAP_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->LCON, UART_LCON_SWAP_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_HDSEL_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->MCON, UART_MCON_HDEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_HDSEL_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->MCON, UART_MCON_HDEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_LPBMOD_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->MCON, UART_MCON_LPBKEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_LPBMOD_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->MCON, UART_MCON_LPBKEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_AUTOBR_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->MCON, UART_MCON_ABREN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_AUTOBR_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->MCON, UART_MCON_ABREN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_AUTOBR_REPT(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->MCON, UART_MCON_ABRREPT_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_GET_BRR_VALUE(hperh) (READ_REG((hperh)->perh->BRR)) #define ALD_UART_SET_TIMEOUT_VALUE(x, y) (MODIFY_REG((x)->perh->RTOR, UART_RTOR_RTO_MSK, (y) << UART_RTOR_RTO_POSS)) #define ALD_UART_ENABLE_SCARD_CLK(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->SCARD, UART_SCARD_SCLKEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_DISABLE_SCARD_CLK(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->SCARD, UART_SCARD_SCLKEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_ENABLE_SCARD_NACK(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->SCARD, UART_SCARD_SCNACK_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_DISABLE_SCARD_NACK(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->SCARD, UART_SCARD_SCNACK_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_SCARD_ENABLE(hperh) (SET_BIT((hperh)->perh->SCARD, UART_SCARD_SCEN_MSK)) #define ALD_UART_SCARD_DISABLE(hperh) (CLEAR_BIT((hperh)->perh->SCARD, UART_SCARD_SCEN_MSK)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Public_Types UART Public Types * @{ */ /** * @brief UART word length */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_WORD_LENGTH_8B = 0x0U, /**< 8-bits */ ALD_UART_WORD_LENGTH_7B = 0x1U, /**< 7-bits */ ALD_UART_WORD_LENGTH_6B = 0x2U, /**< 6-bits */ ALD_UART_WORD_LENGTH_5B = 0x3U, /**< 5-bits */ } ald_uart_word_length_t; /** * @brief UART stop bits */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_STOP_BITS_1 = 0x0U, /**< 1-bits */ ALD_UART_STOP_BITS_2 = 0x1U, /**< 2-bits */ ALD_UART_STOP_BITS_0_5 = 0x0U, /**< 0.5-bits, using smartcard mode */ ALD_UART_STOP_BITS_1_5 = 0x1U, /**< 1.5-bits, using smartcard mode */ } ald_uart_stop_bits_t; /** * @brief UART parity */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_PARITY_NONE = 0x0U, /**< Not parity */ ALD_UART_PARITY_ODD = 0x1U, /**< Odd parity */ ALD_UART_PARITY_EVEN = 0x3U, /**< Even parity */ } ald_uart_parity_t; /** * @brief UART mode */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_MODE_UART = 0x0U, /**< UART */ ALD_UART_MODE_LIN = 0x1U, /**< LIN */ ALD_UART_MODE_IrDA = 0x2U, /**< IrDA */ ALD_UART_MODE_RS485 = 0x3U, /**< RS485 */ ALD_UART_MODE_HDSEL = 0x4U, /**< Single-wire half-duplex */ ALD_UART_MODE_SCARD = 0x5U, /**< Smart card */ } ald_uart_mode_t; /** * @brief UART hardware flow control */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_HW_FLOW_CTL_DISABLE = 0x0U, /**< Auto-flow-control disable */ ALD_UART_HW_FLOW_CTL_ENABLE = 0x1U, /**< Auto-flow-control enable */ } ald_uart_hw_flow_ctl_t; /** * @brief ALD UART state */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_STATE_RESET = 0x00U, /**< Peripheral is not initialized */ ALD_UART_STATE_READY = 0x01U, /**< Peripheral Initialized and ready for use */ ALD_UART_STATE_BUSY = 0x02U, /**< an internal process is ongoing */ ALD_UART_STATE_BUSY_TX = 0x11U, /**< Data Transmission process is ongoing */ ALD_UART_STATE_BUSY_RX = 0x21U, /**< Data Reception process is ongoing */ ALD_UART_STATE_BUSY_TX_RX = 0x31U, /**< Data Transmission Reception process is ongoing */ ALD_UART_STATE_TIMEOUT = 0x03U, /**< Timeout state */ ALD_UART_STATE_ERROR = 0x04U, /**< Error */ } ald_uart_state_t; /** * @brief UART error codes */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_ERROR_NONE = ((uint32_t)0x00U), /**< No error */ ALD_UART_ERROR_PE = ((uint32_t)0x01U), /**< Parity error */ ALD_UART_ERROR_NE = ((uint32_t)0x02U), /**< Noise error */ ALD_UART_ERROR_FE = ((uint32_t)0x04U), /**< frame error */ ALD_UART_ERROR_ORE = ((uint32_t)0x08U), /**< Overrun error */ ALD_UART_ERROR_DMA = ((uint32_t)0x10U), /**< DMA transfer error */ } ald_uart_error_t; /** * @brief UART init structure definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t baud; /**< Specifies the uart communication baud rate */ ald_uart_word_length_t word_length; /**< Specifies the number of data bits transmitted or received in a frame */ ald_uart_stop_bits_t stop_bits; /**< Specifies the number of stop bits transmitted */ ald_uart_parity_t parity; /**< Specifies the parity mode */ ald_uart_mode_t mode; /**< Specifies uart mode */ ald_uart_hw_flow_ctl_t fctl; /**< Specifies wether the hardware flow control mode is enabled or disabled */ } ald_uart_init_t; /** * @brief UART handle structure definition */ typedef struct ald_uart_handle_s { UART_TypeDef *perh; /**< UART registers base address */ ald_uart_init_t init; /**< UART communication parameters */ uint8_t *tx_buf; /**< Pointer to UART Tx transfer Buffer */ uint16_t tx_size; /**< UART Tx Transfer size */ uint16_t tx_count; /**< UART Tx Transfer Counter */ uint8_t *rx_buf; /**< Pointer to UART Rx transfer Buffer */ uint16_t rx_size; /**< UART Rx Transfer size */ uint16_t rx_count; /**< UART Rx Transfer Counter */ ald_dma_handle_t hdmatx; /**< UART Tx DMA Handle parameters */ ald_dma_handle_t hdmarx; /**< UART Rx DMA Handle parameters */ lock_state_t lock; /**< Locking object */ ald_uart_state_t state; /**< UART communication state */ ald_uart_error_t err_code; /**< UART Error code */ void (*tx_cplt_cbk)(struct ald_uart_handle_s *arg); /**< Tx completed callback */ void (*rx_cplt_cbk)(struct ald_uart_handle_s *arg); /**< Rx completed callback */ void (*error_cbk)(struct ald_uart_handle_s *arg); /**< error callback */ } ald_uart_handle_t; /** * @brief UART RS485 configure structure definition */ typedef struct { type_func_t normal; /**< Normal mode */ type_func_t dir; /**< Auto-direction mode */ type_func_t invert; /**< Address detection invert */ uint8_t addr; /**< Address for compare */ } ald_uart_rs485_config_t; /** * @brief Smart_card Rx/Tx handle retry time */ typedef enum { ALD_SCARD_RETRY_CNT0 = 0x0U, /**< retry time 0 */ ALD_SCARD_RETRY_CNT1 = 0x1U, /**< retry time 1 */ ALD_SCARD_RETRY_CNT2 = 0x2U, /**< retry time 2 */ ALD_SCARD_RETRY_CNT3 = 0x3U, /**< retry time 3 */ ALD_SCARD_RETRY_CNT4 = 0x4U, /**< retry time 4 */ ALD_SCARD_RETRY_CNT5 = 0x5U, /**< retry time 5 */ ALD_SCARD_RETRY_CNT6 = 0x6U, /**< retry time 6 */ ALD_SCARD_RETRY_CNT7 = 0x7U, /**< retry time 7 */ } ald_scard_retry_t; /** * @brief UART Smart card configure structure definition */ typedef struct { uint8_t block_len; /**< Specifies the data block length.*/ uint8_t pt; /**< Specifies the protect time*/ ald_scard_retry_t retry; /**< Specifies retry time.*/ uint8_t clk_div; /**< Specifies the clock division.*/ type_func_t clk_out; /**< Specifies the clock out */ } ald_uart_scard_config_t; /** * @brief LIN detection break length */ typedef enum { ALD_LIN_BREAK_LEN_10B = 0x0U, /**< 10-bit break */ ALD_LIN_BREAK_LEN_11B = 0x1U, /**< 11-bit break */ } ald_uart_lin_break_len_t; /** * @brief UART auto-baud mode */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_ABRMOD_1_TO_0 = 0x0U, /**< Detect bit0:1, bit1:0 */ ALD_UART_ABRMOD_1 = 0x1U, /**< Detect bit0:1 */ ALD_UART_ABRMOD_0_TO_1 = 0x2U, /**< Detect bit0:0, bit1:1 */ } ald_uart_auto_baud_mode_t; /** * @brief UART DMA Requests */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_DMA_REQ_TX = 0x0U, /**< TX dma */ ALD_UART_DMA_REQ_RX = 0x1U, /**< RX dma */ } ald_uart_dma_req_t; /** * @brief UART status types */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_STATUS_PERR = (1U << 0), /**< Parity error */ ALD_UART_STATUS_FERR = (1U << 1), /**< Framing error */ ALD_UART_STATUS_BKERR = (1U << 2), /**< Break error */ ALD_UART_STATUS_CTSSTA = (1U << 3), /**< Clear to send status */ ALD_UART_STATUS_RSBUSY = (1U << 8), /**< Receive shif register busy */ ALD_UART_STATUS_RFNEMPTY = (1U << 10), /**< Receive FIFO not empty */ ALD_UART_STATUS_RFOERR = (1U << 12), /**< Reveive FIFO overrun error */ ALD_UART_STATUS_RFUERR = (1U << 13), /**< Receive FIFO underrun error */ ALD_UART_STATUS_TSBUSY = (1U << 14), /**< Transmit shit register busy */ ALD_UART_STATUS_TFEMPTY = (1U << 16), /**< Transmit FIFO empty */ ALD_UART_STATUS_TFOERR = (1U << 18), /**< Transmit FIFO overrun error */ } ald_uart_status_t; /** * @brief UART interrupt types */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_IT_RXBERR = (1U << 0), /**< Receiver byte error */ ALD_UART_IT_ABEND = (1U << 1), /**< Auto-Baud rate detection end */ ALD_UART_IT_ABTO = (1U << 2), /**< Auto-Baud rate detection timeout */ ALD_UART_IT_DCTS = (1U << 3), /**< Delta CTS status */ ALD_UART_IT_RXTO = (1U << 4), /**< Receiver timeout */ ALD_UART_IT_ADDRM = (1U << 5), /**< Addredd match */ ALD_UART_IT_LINBK = (1U << 6), /**< Lin break detection */ ALD_UART_IT_EOB = (1U << 7), /**< End of block */ ALD_UART_IT_NOISE = (1U << 8), /**< Start bit noise detection */ ALD_UART_IT_RFNEMPTY = (1U << 10), /**< Receive FIFO not empty */ ALD_UART_IT_RFFULL = (1U << 11), /**< Receive FIFO full */ ALD_UART_IT_RFOERR = (1U << 12), /**< Receive FIFO overrun */ ALD_UART_IT_RFUERR = (1U << 13), /**< Reveive FIFO underrun */ ALD_UART_IT_TBC = (1U << 14), /**< Transmit shift register empty */ ALD_UART_IT_TFEMPTY = (1U << 16), /**< Transmit FIFO empty */ ALD_UART_IT_TFOERR = (1U << 18), /**< Transmit FIFO overrun error */ } ald_uart_it_t; /** * @brief UART flags types */ typedef enum { ALD_UART_IF_RXBERR = (1U << 0), /**< Receiver byte error */ ALD_UART_IF_ABEND = (1U << 1), /**< Auto-Baud rate detection end */ ALD_UART_IF_ABTO = (1U << 2), /**< Auto-Baud rate detection timeout */ ALD_UART_IF_DCTS = (1U << 3), /**< Delta CTS status */ ALD_UART_IF_RXTO = (1U << 4), /**< Receiver timeout */ ALD_UART_IF_ADDRM = (1U << 5), /**< Addredd match */ ALD_UART_IF_LINBK = (1U << 6), /**< Lin break detection */ ALD_UART_IF_EOB = (1U << 7), /**< End of block */ ALD_UART_IF_NOISE = (1U << 8), /**< Start bit noise detection */ ALD_UART_IF_RFNEMPTY = (1U << 10), /**< Receive FIFO not empty */ ALD_UART_IF_RFFULL = (1U << 11), /**< Receive FIFO full */ ALD_UART_IF_RFOERR = (1U << 12), /**< Receive FIFO overrun */ ALD_UART_IF_RFUERR = (1U << 13), /**< Reveive FIFO underrun */ ALD_UART_IF_TBC = (1U << 14), /**< Transmit shift register empty */ ALD_UART_IF_TFEMPTY = (1U << 16), /**< Transmit FIFO empty */ ALD_UART_IF_TFOVER = (1U << 18), /**< Transmit FIFO overrun */ } ald_uart_flag_t; /** * @} */ /** @defgroup UART_Private_Macros UART Private Macros * @{ */ #define IS_UART_ENHANCE(x)(((x) == EUART0) || \ ((x) == EUART1)) #define IS_UART_ALL(x) (((x) == EUART0) || \ ((x) == EUART1) || \ ((x) == CUART0) || \ ((x) == CUART1) || \ ((x) == CUART2)) #define IS_UART_WORD_LENGTH(x) (((x) == ALD_UART_WORD_LENGTH_5B) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_WORD_LENGTH_6B) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_WORD_LENGTH_7B) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_WORD_LENGTH_8B)) #define IS_UART_STOPBITS(x) (((x) == ALD_UART_STOP_BITS_1) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STOP_BITS_2) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STOP_BITS_0_5) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STOP_BITS_1_5)) #define IS_UART_PARITY(x) (((x) == ALD_UART_PARITY_NONE) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_PARITY_ODD) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_PARITY_EVEN)) #define IS_UART_MODE(x) (((x) == ALD_UART_MODE_UART) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_MODE_LIN) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_MODE_IrDA) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_MODE_HDSEL) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_MODE_SCARD) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_MODE_RS485)) #define IS_UART_HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL(x) \ (((x) == ALD_UART_HW_FLOW_CTL_DISABLE) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_HW_FLOW_CTL_ENABLE)) #define IS_UART_LIN_BREAK_LEN(x) (((x) == ALD_LIN_BREAK_LEN_10B) || \ ((x) == ALD_LIN_BREAK_LEN_11B)) #define IS_UART_AUTO_BAUD_MODE(x) (((x) == ALD_UART_ABRMOD_1_TO_0) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_ABRMOD_1) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_ABRMOD_0_TO_1)) #define IS_UART_DMA_REQ(x) (((x) == ALD_UART_DMA_REQ_TX) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_DMA_REQ_RX)) #define IS_UART_STATUS(x) (((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_PERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_FERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_BKERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_CTSSTA) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_RSBUSY) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_RFNEMPTY) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_RFOERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_RFUERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_TSBUSY) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_TFEMPTY) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_STATUS_TFOERR)) #define IS_UART_IT(x) (((x) == ALD_UART_IT_RXBERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_ABEND) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_ABTO) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_DCTS) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_RXTO) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_ADDRM) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_LINBK) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_EOB) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_NOISE) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_RFNEMPTY) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_RFOERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_RFUERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_TBC) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_TFEMPTY) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IT_TFOERR)) #define IS_UART_IF(x) (((x) == ALD_UART_IF_RXBERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_ABEND) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_ABTO) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_DCTS) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_RXTO) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_ADDRM) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_LINBK) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_EOB) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_NOISE) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_RFNEMPTY) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_RFOERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_RFUERR) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_TBC) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_TFEMPTY) || \ ((x) == ALD_UART_IF_TFOVER)) #define IS_UART_SCARD_CLK(x) (((x) <= 0x1F)) #define IS_UART_BAUDRATE(x) (((x) > 0) && ((x) < 0x44AA21)) #define IS_UART_DATA(x) ((x) <= 0x1FF) #define ALD_UART_STATE_TX_MASK (1U << 4) #define ALD_UART_STATE_RX_MASK (1U << 5) /** * @} */ /** @addtogroup UART_Public_Functions * @{ */ /** @addtogroup UART_Public_Functions_Group1 * @{ */ /* Initialization functions */ void ald_uart_init(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh); void ald_uart_reset(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh); void ald_uart_rs485_config(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_rs485_config_t *config); void ald_uart_scard_config(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_scard_config_t *config); /** * @} */ /** @addtogroup UART_Public_Functions_Group2 * @{ */ /* IO operation functions */ ald_status_t ald_uart_send(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size, uint32_t timeout); ald_status_t ald_uart_recv(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size, uint32_t timeout); ald_status_t ald_uart_send_n_lock(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size, uint32_t timeout); ald_status_t ald_uart_recv_n_lock(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size, uint32_t timeout); ald_status_t ald_uart_send_by_it(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size); ald_status_t ald_uart_recv_by_it(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size); ald_status_t ald_uart_recv_frame_by_it(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size, uint32_t t_out); ald_status_t ald_uart_send_by_dma(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size, uint8_t channel); ald_status_t ald_uart_recv_by_dma(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size, uint8_t channel); ald_status_t ald_uart_dma_pause(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh); ald_status_t ald_uart_dma_resume(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh); ald_status_t ald_uart_dma_stop(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh); void ald_uart_irq_handler(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh); void ald_uart_irq_handler_fast(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh); /** * @} */ /** @addtogroup UART_Public_Functions_Group3 * @{ */ /* Peripheral Control functions */ void ald_uart_interrupt_config(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_it_t it, type_func_t state); void ald_uart_dma_req_config(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_dma_req_t req, type_func_t state); void uart_lin_break_detect_irq(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, type_func_t status); void ald_uart_lin_send_break(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh); void ald_uart_lin_detect_break_len_config(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_lin_break_len_t len); void ald_uart_auto_baud_config(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_auto_baud_mode_t mode); ald_status_t ald_uart_rs485_send_addr(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, uint16_t addr, uint32_t timeout); it_status_t ald_uart_get_it_status(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_it_t it); flag_status_t ald_uart_get_status(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_status_t status); flag_status_t ald_uart_get_flag_status(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_flag_t flag); flag_status_t ald_uart_get_mask_flag_status(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_flag_t flag); void ald_uart_clear_flag_status(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh, ald_uart_flag_t flag); /** * @} */ /** @addtogroup UART_Public_Functions_Group4 * @{ */ /* Peripheral State and Errors functions */ ald_uart_state_t ald_uart_get_state(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh); uint32_t ald_uart_get_error(ald_uart_handle_t *hperh); /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __ALD_UART_H__ */