 * Copyright (C) 2017 C-SKY Microsystems Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * @file     drv_dmac.h
 * @brief    header file for dmac driver
 * @version  V1.0
 * @date     02. June 2017
#ifndef _CSI_DMA_H_
#define _CSI_DMA_H_

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <stdint.h>
#include <drv_common.h>

/// definition for dmac handle.
typedef void *dmac_handle_t;

\brief DMA Driver Capabilities.
typedef struct {
    uint32_t unalign_addr : 1;          ///< support for unalign address transfer when memory is source
} dma_capabilities_t;

typedef enum {
    DMA_STATE_FREE = 0,       ///< DMA not yet initialized or disabled
    DMA_STATE_READY,          ///< DMA process success and ready for use, but not start yet
    DMA_STATE_BUSY,           ///< DMA process is ongoing
    DMA_STATE_ERROR,          ///< DMA transfer error
    DMA_STATE_DONE,           ///< DMA transfer done
} dma_status_e;

/****** DMA specific error codes *****/
typedef enum {
    EDRV_DMA_MODE  = (EDRV_SPECIFIC + 1),     ///< Specified Mode not supported
} dma_error_e;

/****** DMA Event *****/
typedef enum {
    DMA_EVENT_TRANSFER_DONE        = 0,  ///< transfer complete
    DMA_EVENT_TRANSFER_ERROR       = 1,  ///< transfer error
} dma_event_e;

typedef enum {
    DMA_ADDR_INC    = 0,
} dma_addr_inc_e;

typedef enum {
    DMA_MEM2MEM     = 0,
} dma_trans_type_e;

typedef struct {
    dma_addr_inc_e      src_inc;        ///< source address increment
    dma_addr_inc_e      dst_inc;        ///< destination address increment
    uint8_t             src_tw;         ///< source transfer width in byte
    uint8_t             dst_tw;         ///< destination transfer width in byte
    uint8_t             hs_if;          ///< a hardware handshaking interface
    dma_trans_type_e    type;           ///< transfer type
} dma_config_t;

typedef void (*dma_event_cb_t)(dma_event_e event, int32_t ch);   ///< Pointer to \ref dma_event_cb_t : CRC Event call back.

  \brief       get dma instance count.
  \return      dma instance count
int32_t csi_dma_get_instance_count(void);

  \brief       Initialize DMA Interface. 1. Initializes the resources needed for the DMA interface 2.registers event callback function
  \param[in]   idx must not exceed return value of csi_dma_get_instance_count()
  \return      pointer to dma instances
dmac_handle_t csi_dma_initialize(int32_t idx);

  \brief       De-initialize DMA Interface. stops operation and releases the software resources used by the interface
  \param[in]   handle damc handle to operate.
  \return      error code
int32_t csi_dma_uninitialize(dmac_handle_t handle);
  \brief       Get driver capabilities.
  \param[in]   handle damc handle to operate.
  \return      \ref dma_capabilities_t
dma_capabilities_t csi_dma_get_capabilities(dmac_handle_t handle);

  \brief     get one free dma channel
  \param[in] handle damc handle to operate.
  \param[in] ch channel num. if -1 then allocate a free channal in this dma
  \return    -1 - no channel can be used, other - channel index
int32_t csi_dma_alloc_channel(dmac_handle_t handle, int32_t ch);

  \brief        release dma channel and related resources
  \param[in]    handle damc handle to operate.
  \param[in]    ch  channel num.
  \return       error code
int32_t csi_dma_release_channel(dmac_handle_t handle, int32_t ch);

  \param[in]    handle damc handle to operate.
  \param[in]    ch          channel num. if -1 then allocate a free channal in this dma
  \param[in]    psrcaddr    dma transfer source address
  \param[in]    pstdaddr    dma transfer source address
  \param[in]    length      dma transfer length
  \param[in]    config      dma transfer configure
  \param[in]    cb_event    Pointer to \ref dma_event_cb_t
  \return       error code
int32_t csi_dma_config(dmac_handle_t handle, int32_t ch,
                       void *psrcaddr, void *pstdaddr,
                       uint32_t length, dma_config_t *config, dma_event_cb_t cb_event);

  \brief       start generate dma signal.
  \param[in]   handle damc handle to operate.
  \param[in]   ch  channel num.
  \return      error code
int32_t csi_dma_start(dmac_handle_t handle, int32_t ch);

  \brief       Stop generate dma signal.
  \param[in]   handle damc handle to operate.
  \param[in]   ch  channel num.
  \return      error code
int32_t csi_dma_stop(dmac_handle_t handle, int32_t ch);

  \brief       Get DMA status.
  \param[in]   handle damc handle to operate.
  \param[in]   ch  channel num.
  \return      DMA status \ref dma_status_e
dma_status_e csi_dma_get_status(dmac_handle_t handle, int32_t ch);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _CSI_DMA_H_ */