/**************************************************************************//** * @file timer_pwm.c * @brief Timer PWM Controller(Timer PWM) driver source file * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * @copyright (C) 2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved. *****************************************************************************/ #include "NuMicro.h" /** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup TIMER_PWM_Driver TIMER PWM Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup TIMER_PWM_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS TIMER PWM Exported Functions @{ */ /** * @brief Set PWM Counter Clock Source * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32CntClkSrc PWM counter clock source, could be one of following source * - \ref TPWM_CNTR_CLKSRC_TMR_CLK * - \ref TPWM_CNTR_CLKSRC_TIMER2_INT * - \ref TPWM_CNTR_CLKSRC_TIMER3_INT * - \ref TPWM_CNTR_CLKSRC_TIMER4_INT * - \ref TPWM_CNTR_CLKSRC_TIMER5_INT * * @return None * * @details This function is used to set PWM counter clock source. */ void TPWM_SetCounterClockSource(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32CntClkSrc) { (timer)->PWMCLKSRC = ((timer)->PWMCLKSRC & ~TIMER_PWMCLKSRC_CLKSRC_Msk) | u32CntClkSrc; } /** * @brief Configure PWM Output Frequency and Duty Cycle * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32Frequency Target generator frequency. * @param[in] u32DutyCycle Target generator duty cycle percentage. Valid range are between 0~100. 10 means 10%, 20 means 20%... * * @return Nearest frequency clock in nano second * * @details This API is used to configure PWM output frequency and duty cycle in up count type and auto-reload operation mode. * @note This API is only available if Timer PWM counter clock source is from TMRx_CLK. */ uint32_t TPWM_ConfigOutputFreqAndDuty(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Frequency, uint32_t u32DutyCycle) { uint32_t u32PWMClockFreq, u32TargetFreq; uint32_t u32Prescaler = 0x1000UL, u32Period, u32CMP; u32PWMClockFreq = CLK_GetSYSCLK1Freq(); /* Calculate u16PERIOD and u16PSC */ for (u32Prescaler = 1UL; u32Prescaler <= 0x1000UL; u32Prescaler++) { u32Period = (u32PWMClockFreq / u32Prescaler) / u32Frequency; /* If target u32Period is larger than 0x10000, need to use a larger prescaler */ if (u32Period <= 0x10000UL) { break; } } /* Store return value here 'cos we're gonna change u32Prescaler & u32Period to the real value to fill into register */ u32TargetFreq = (u32PWMClockFreq / u32Prescaler) / u32Period; /* Set PWM to up count type */ timer->PWMCTL = (timer->PWMCTL & ~TIMER_PWMCTL_CNTTYPE_Msk) | (TPWM_UP_COUNT << TIMER_PWMCTL_CNTTYPE_Pos); /* Set PWM to auto-reload mode */ timer->PWMCTL = (timer->PWMCTL & ~TIMER_PWMCTL_CNTMODE_Msk) | TPWM_AUTO_RELOAD_MODE; /* Convert to real register value */ TPWM_SET_PRESCALER(timer, (u32Prescaler - 1UL)); TPWM_SET_PERIOD(timer, (u32Period - 1UL)); if (u32DutyCycle) { u32CMP = (u32DutyCycle * u32Period) / 100UL; } else { u32CMP = 0UL; } TPWM_SET_CMPDAT(timer, u32CMP); return (u32TargetFreq); } /** * @brief Enable Dead-Time Function * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32DTCount Dead-Time duration in PWM clock count, valid values are between 0x0~0xFFF, but 0x0 means there is no Dead-Time insertion. * * @return None * * @details This function is used to enable Dead-Time function and counter source is the same as Timer PWM clock source. * @note The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function. */ void TPWM_EnableDeadTime(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32DTCount) { timer->PWMDTCTL = TIMER_PWMDTCTL_DTEN_Msk | u32DTCount; } /** * @brief Enable Dead-Time Function * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32DTCount Dead-Time duration in PWM clock count, valid values are between 0x0~0xFFF, but 0x0 means there is no Dead-Time insertion. * * @return None * * @details This function is used to enable Dead-Time function and counter source is the Timer PWM clock source with prescale. * @note The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function. */ void TPWM_EnableDeadTimeWithPrescale(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32DTCount) { timer->PWMDTCTL = TIMER_PWMDTCTL_DTCKSEL_Msk | TIMER_PWMDTCTL_DTEN_Msk | u32DTCount; } /** * @brief Disable Dead-Time Function * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * * @return None * * @details This function is used to enable Dead-time of selected channel. * @note The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function. */ void TPWM_DisableDeadTime(TIMER_T *timer) { timer->PWMDTCTL = 0x0UL; } /** * @brief Enable PWM Counter * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * * @return None * * @details This function is used to enable PWM generator and start counter counting. */ void TPWM_EnableCounter(TIMER_T *timer) { timer->PWMCTL |= TIMER_PWMCTL_CNTEN_Msk; } /** * @brief Disable PWM Generator * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * * @return None * * @details This function is used to disable PWM counter immediately by clear CNTEN (TIMERx_PWMCTL[0]) bit. */ void TPWM_DisableCounter(TIMER_T *timer) { timer->PWMCTL &= ~TIMER_PWMCTL_CNTEN_Msk; } /** * @brief Enable Trigger ADC * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32Condition The condition to trigger ADC. It could be one of following conditions: * - \ref TPWM_TRIGGER_ADC_AT_ZERO_POINT * - \ref TPWM_TRIGGER_ADC_AT_PERIOD_POINT * - \ref TPWM_TRIGGER_ADC_AT_ZERO_OR_PERIOD_POINT * - \ref TPWM_TRIGGER_ADC_AT_COMPARE_UP_COUNT_POINT * - \ref TPWM_TRIGGER_ADC_AT_COMPARE_DOWN_COUNT_POINT * * @return None * * @details This function is used to enable specified counter compare event to trigger ADC. */ void TPWM_EnableTriggerADC(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Condition) { timer->PWMEADCTS = TIMER_PWMEADCTS_TRGEN_Msk | u32Condition; } /** * @brief Disable Trigger ADC * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * * @return None * * @details This function is used to disable counter compare event to trigger ADC. */ void TPWM_DisableTriggerADC(TIMER_T *timer) { timer->PWMEADCTS = 0x0UL; } /** * @brief Enable Fault Brake Function * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32CH0Level PWMx_CH0 output level while fault brake event occurs. Valid value is one of following setting * - \ref TPWM_OUTPUT_TOGGLE * - \ref TPWM_OUTPUT_NOTHING * - \ref TPWM_OUTPUT_LOW * - \ref TPWM_OUTPUT_HIGH * @param[in] u32CH1Level PWMx_CH1 output level while fault brake event occurs. Valid value is one of following setting * - \ref TPWM_OUTPUT_TOGGLE * - \ref TPWM_OUTPUT_NOTHING * - \ref TPWM_OUTPUT_LOW * - \ref TPWM_OUTPUT_HIGH * @param[in] u32BrakeSource Fault brake source, combination of following source * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_EDGE_ACMP0 * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_EDGE_ACMP1 * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_EDGE_BKPIN * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_EDGE_SYS_CSS * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_EDGE_SYS_BOD * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_EDGE_SYS_COR * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_EDGE_SYS_RAM * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_LEVEL_ACMP0 * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_LEVEL_ACMP1 * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_LEVEL_BKPIN * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_LEVEL_SYS_CSS * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_LEVEL_SYS_BOD * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_LEVEL_SYS_COR * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_SOURCE_LEVEL_SYS_RAM * * @return None * * @details This function is used to enable fault brake function. * @note The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function. */ void TPWM_EnableFaultBrake(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32CH0Level, uint32_t u32CH1Level, uint32_t u32BrakeSource) { timer->PWMFAILBRK |= ((u32BrakeSource >> 16) & 0xFUL); timer->PWMBRKCTL = (timer->PWMBRKCTL & ~(TIMER_PWMBRKCTL_BRKAEVEN_Msk | TIMER_PWMBRKCTL_BRKAODD_Msk)) | (u32BrakeSource & 0xFFFFUL) | (u32CH0Level << TIMER_PWMBRKCTL_BRKAEVEN_Pos) | (u32CH1Level << TIMER_PWMBRKCTL_BRKAODD_Pos); } /** * @brief Enable Fault Brake Interrupt * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32IntSource Interrupt source, could be one of following source * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_EDGE * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_LEVEL * * @return None * * @details This function is used to enable fault brake interrupt. * @note The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function. */ void TPWM_EnableFaultBrakeInt(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32IntSource) { timer->PWMINTEN1 |= u32IntSource; } /** * @brief Disable Fault Brake Interrupt * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32IntSource Interrupt source, could be one of following source * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_EDGE * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_LEVEL * * @return None * * @details This function is used to disable fault brake interrupt. * @note The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function. */ void TPWM_DisableFaultBrakeInt(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32IntSource) { timer->PWMINTEN1 &= ~u32IntSource; } /** * @brief Indicate Fault Brake Interrupt Flag * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32IntSource Interrupt source, could be one of following source * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_EDGE * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_LEVEL * * @return Fault brake interrupt flag of specified source * @retval 0 Fault brake interrupt did not occurred * @retval 1 Fault brake interrupt occurred * * @details This function is used to indicate fault brake interrupt flag occurred or not of selected source. */ uint32_t TPWM_GetFaultBrakeIntFlag(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32IntSource) { return ((timer->PWMINTSTS1 & (0x3UL << u32IntSource)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Clear Fault Brake Interrupt Flags * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32IntSource Interrupt source, could be one of following source * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_EDGE * - \ref TPWM_BRAKE_LEVEL * * @return None * * @details This function is used to clear fault brake interrupt flags of selected source. * @note The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function. */ void TPWM_ClearFaultBrakeIntFlag(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32IntSource) { timer->PWMINTSTS1 = (0x3UL << u32IntSource); } /** * @brief Enable load mode of selected channel * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32LoadMode Timer PWM counter loading mode, could be one of following mode * - \ref TPWM_LOAD_MODE_PERIOD * - \ref TPWM_LOAD_MODE_IMMEDIATE * - \ref TPWM_LOAD_MODE_CENTER * * @return None * * @details This function is used to enable load mode of selected channel. * @note The default loading mode is period loading mode. */ void TPWM_SetLoadMode(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32LoadMode) { timer->PWMCTL = (timer->PWMCTL & ~(TIMER_PWMCTL_IMMLDEN_Msk | TIMER_PWMCTL_CTRLD_Msk)) | u32LoadMode; } /** * @brief Enable brake pin noise filter function * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32BrakePinSrc The external brake pin source, could be one of following source * - \ref TPWM_TM_BRAKE0 * - \ref TPWM_TM_BRAKE1 * - \ref TPWM_TM_BRAKE2 * - \ref TPWM_TM_BRAKE3 * @param[in] u32DebounceCnt This value controls the real debounce sample time. * The target debounce sample time is (debounce sample clock period) * (u32DebounceCnt). * @param[in] u32ClkSrcSel Brake pin detector debounce clock source, could be one of following source * - \ref TPWM_BKP_DBCLK_PCLK_DIV_1 * - \ref TPWM_BKP_DBCLK_PCLK_DIV_2 * - \ref TPWM_BKP_DBCLK_PCLK_DIV_4 * - \ref TPWM_BKP_DBCLK_PCLK_DIV_8 * - \ref TPWM_BKP_DBCLK_PCLK_DIV_16 * - \ref TPWM_BKP_DBCLK_PCLK_DIV_32 * - \ref TPWM_BKP_DBCLK_PCLK_DIV_64 * - \ref TPWM_BKP_DBCLK_PCLK_DIV_128 * * @return None * * @details This function is used to enable external brake pin detector noise filter function. */ void TPWM_EnableBrakePinDebounce(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32BrakePinSrc, uint32_t u32DebounceCnt, uint32_t u32ClkSrcSel) { timer->PWMBNF = (timer->PWMBNF & ~(TIMER_PWMBNF_BKPINSRC_Msk | TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKFCNT_Msk | TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKNFSEL_Msk)) | (u32BrakePinSrc << TIMER_PWMBNF_BKPINSRC_Pos) | (u32DebounceCnt << TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKFCNT_Pos) | (u32ClkSrcSel << TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKNFSEL_Pos) | TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKNFEN_Msk; } /** * @brief Disable brake pin noise filter function * * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * * @return None * * @details This function is used to disable external brake pin detector noise filter function. */ void TPWM_DisableBrakePinDebounce(TIMER_T *timer) { timer->PWMBNF &= ~TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKNFEN_Msk; } /** * @brief Enable brake pin inverse function * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @return None * @details This function is used to enable PWM brake pin inverse function. */ void TPWM_EnableBrakePinInverse(TIMER_T *timer) { timer->PWMBNF |= TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKPINV_Msk; } /** * @brief Disable brake pin inverse function * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @return None * @details This function is used to disable PWM brake pin inverse function. */ void TPWM_DisableBrakePinInverse(TIMER_T *timer) { timer->PWMBNF &= ~TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKPINV_Msk; } /** * @brief Set brake pin source * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER2 ~ TIMER11. * @param[in] u32BrakePinNum Brake pin selection. One of the following: * - \ref TPWM_TM_BRAKE0 * - \ref TPWM_TM_BRAKE1 * - \ref TPWM_TM_BRAKE2 * - \ref TPWM_TM_BRAKE3 * @return None * @details This function is used to set PWM brake pin source. */ void TPWM_SetBrakePinSource(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32BrakePinNum) { timer->PWMBNF = (((timer)->PWMBNF & ~TIMER_PWMBNF_BKPINSRC_Msk) | (u32BrakePinNum << TIMER_PWMBNF_BKPINSRC_Pos)); } /*@}*/ /* end of group TIMER_PWM_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */ /*@}*/ /* end of group TIMER_PWM_Driver */ /*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */