/* * Copyright : (C) 2022 Phytium Information Technology, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * This program is OPEN SOURCE software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the Phytium Public License as published by the Phytium Technology Co.,Ltd, * either version 1.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Phytium Public License for more details. * * * FilePath: fgdma.c * Date: 2022-02-10 14:53:42 * LastEditTime: 2022-02-18 08:25:29 * Description:  This file is for gdma user function implmentation * * Modify History: * Ver   Who        Date         Changes * ----- ------     --------    -------------------------------------- * 1.0 huanghe 2021/11/5 init commit * 1.1 zhugengyu 2022/5/16 support chan alloc. and qos setting */ /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include #include "fdebug.h" #include "fgdma_hw.h" #include "fgdma.h" /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/ #define FGDMA_DEBUG_TAG "GDMA" #define FGDMA_ERROR(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_E(FGDMA_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FGDMA_WARN(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_W(FGDMA_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FGDMA_INFO(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_I(FGDMA_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FGDMA_DEBUG(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_D(FGDMA_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) /************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/ static void FGdmaReset(FGdma *const instance_p); /************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * @name: FGdmaCfgInitialize * @msg: 初始化GDMA控制器实例 * @return {FError} 返回FGDMA_SUCCESS表示初始化成功,返回其它表示失败 * @param FGdma *const instance_p, GDMA控制器实例 * @param const FGdmaConfig *input_config, GDMA控制器配置 */ FError FGdmaCfgInitialize(FGdma *const instance_p, const FGdmaConfig *input_config) { FASSERT(instance_p && input_config); uintptr base_addr = input_config->base_addr; FError ret = FGDMA_SUCCESS; if (FT_COMPONENT_IS_READY == instance_p->is_ready) { FGDMA_WARN("The device has been initialized!!"); } FGdmaDeInitialize(instance_p); if (&instance_p->config != input_config) { instance_p->config = *input_config; } FASSERT_MSG((0 != base_addr), "Invalid device base address"); FGdmaReset(instance_p); if (FGDMA_SUCCESS == ret) { instance_p->is_ready = FT_COMPONENT_IS_READY; } return ret; } /** * @name: FGdmaDeInitialize * @msg: 去初始化GDMA控制器实例 * @return {void} 无 * @param FGdma *const instance_p, GDMA控制器实例 */ void FGdmaDeInitialize(FGdma *const instance_p) { FASSERT(instance_p); u32 chan; for (chan = 0; chan < FGDMA_NUM_OF_CHAN; chan++) { if (NULL != instance_p->chans[chan]) { FGDMA_WARN("chans-% d may be used!!!", chan); } } memset(instance_p, 0, sizeof(*instance_p)); return; } /** * @name: FGdmaSetChanQos * @msg: 设置GDMA通道的Qos配置 * @return {void} 无 * @param {uintptr} base_addr, GDMA控制器基地址 * @param {FGdmaChan} *dma_chan, GDMA通道实例 */ static void FGdmaSetChanQos(uintptr base_addr, FGdmaChan *const dma_chan) { FASSERT(dma_chan); FGdmaChanIndex chan_id = dma_chan->config.chan_id; u32 reg_val = FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_MODE_OFFSET(chan_id)); FGdmaOperPriority prev_rd_qos = FGDMA_CHX_MODE_RD_QOS_GET(reg_val); FGdmaOperPriority prev_wr_qos = FGDMA_CHX_MODE_WR_QOS_GET(reg_val); FGDMA_INFO("prev rd qos: 0x%x, set rd qos: 0x%x", prev_rd_qos, dma_chan->config.rd_qos); FGDMA_INFO("prev wr qos: 0x%x, set wr qos: 0x%x", prev_wr_qos, dma_chan->config.wr_qos); if (prev_rd_qos != dma_chan->config.rd_qos) /* need to update rd qos */ { /* replace with new rd qos config */ reg_val &= ~FGDMA_CHX_MODE_RD_QOS_MASK; reg_val |= FGDMA_CHX_MODE_RD_QOS_EN | FGDMA_CHX_MODE_RD_QOS_SET(dma_chan->config.rd_qos); } if (prev_wr_qos != dma_chan->config.wr_qos) /* need to update wr qos */ { /* replace with new wr qos config */ reg_val &= ~FGDMA_CHX_MODE_WR_QOS_MASK; reg_val |= FGDMA_CHX_MODE_WR_QOS_EN | FGDMA_CHX_MODE_WR_QOS_SET(dma_chan->config.wr_qos); } FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_MODE_OFFSET(chan_id), reg_val); return; } /** * @name: FGdmaAllocateChan * @msg: 分配指定GDMA通道 * @return {FError} FGDMA_SUCCESS表示分配成功,返回其它值表示分配失败 * @param FGdma *const instance_p, GDMA控制器实例 * @param FGdmaChan *const dma_chan, GDMA通道实例 * @param const FGdmaChanConfig *dma_chan_config, GDMA通道配置 */ FError FGdmaAllocateChan(FGdma *const instance_p, FGdmaChan *const dma_chan, const FGdmaChanConfig *dma_chan_config) { FASSERT(instance_p); FASSERT(dma_chan); FASSERT(dma_chan_config); uintptr base_addr = instance_p->config.base_addr; FError ret = FGDMA_SUCCESS; FGdmaChanIndex chan_idx = dma_chan_config->chan_id; u32 reg_val; if (FT_COMPONENT_IS_READY != instance_p->is_ready) { FGDMA_ERROR("The dma instance is not initialized !!!"); return FGDMA_ERR_NOT_INIT; } if(chan_idx >= FGDMA_NUM_OF_CHAN) { FGDMA_ERROR("Channel %d is in use !!!", chan_idx); return FGDMA_ERR_CHAN_IN_USE; } if (NULL != instance_p->chans[chan_idx]) { FGDMA_ERROR("Channel %d is in use !!!", chan_idx); return FGDMA_ERR_CHAN_IN_USE; } if (&dma_chan->config != dma_chan_config) { dma_chan->config = *dma_chan_config; } /* disable and reset chan */ FGdmaChanDisable(base_addr, chan_idx); FGdmaChanReset(base_addr, chan_idx); /* enable channel clock */ FGdmaSetChanClock(base_addr, chan_idx, TRUE); /* set chan mode */ reg_val = FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_MODE_OFFSET(chan_idx)); if (FGDMA_OPER_BDL == dma_chan->config.trans_mode) { FGDMA_INFO("Set to BDL mode"); reg_val |= FGDMA_CHX_MODE_BDL_EN; if (dma_chan->config.roll_back) { reg_val |= FGDMA_CHX_MODE_BDL_ROLL_EN; /* run BDL in roll-back mode */ } else { reg_val &= ~FGDMA_CHX_MODE_BDL_ROLL_EN; } } else { FGDMA_INFO("Set to Direct mode"); reg_val &= ~FGDMA_CHX_MODE_BDL_EN; reg_val &= ~FGDMA_CHX_MODE_BDL_ROLL_EN; } FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_MODE_OFFSET(chan_idx), reg_val); FGdmaSetChanQos(base_addr, dma_chan); FGDMA_INFO("mode: 0x%x", FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_MODE_OFFSET(chan_idx))); /* set xfer config */ reg_val = 0; reg_val |= FGDMA_CHX_XFER_CFG_AR_LEN_SET(FGDMA_BURST_LEN) | /* burst length configed as max 8, which adapted when trans bytes less than 8 */ FGDMA_CHX_XFER_CFG_AR_SIZE_SET((u32)dma_chan->config.rd_size) | FGDMA_CHX_XFER_CFG_AR_BRUST_SET(FGDMA_INCR); /* mem to mem trans work in incr mode */ reg_val |= FGDMA_CHX_XFER_CFG_AW_LEN_SET(FGDMA_BURST_LEN) | FGDMA_CHX_XFER_CFG_AW_SIZE_SET((u32)dma_chan->config.wr_size) | FGDMA_CHX_XFER_CFG_AW_BRUST_SET(FGDMA_INCR); /* mem to mem trans work in incr mode */ FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_XFER_CFG_OFFSET(chan_idx), reg_val); FGDMA_INFO("xfer cfg: 0x%x", FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_XFER_CFG_OFFSET(chan_idx))); instance_p->chans[chan_idx] = dma_chan; dma_chan->gdma = instance_p; if (dma_chan->config.wait_mode == FGDMA_WAIT_INTR) { /* enable channel interrupt */ FGdmaChanIrqEnable(base_addr, chan_idx, FGDMA_CHX_INT_CTRL_TRANS_END_ENABLE); } return ret; } /** * @name: FGdmaDellocateChan * @msg: 释放GDMA通道 * @return {FError} FGDMA_SUCCESS表示处理成功 * @param FGdmaChan *const dma_chan, GDMA通道实例 */ FError FGdmaDellocateChan(FGdmaChan *const dma_chan) { FASSERT(dma_chan); FASSERT(dma_chan->gdma); FGdma *const instance_p = dma_chan->gdma; uintptr base_addr = instance_p->config.base_addr; FError ret = FGDMA_SUCCESS; FGdmaChanIndex chan_idx = dma_chan->config.chan_id; u32 reg_val; if (FT_COMPONENT_IS_READY != instance_p->is_ready) { FGDMA_ERROR("The dma instance is not initialized !!!"); return FGDMA_ERR_NOT_INIT; } if (dma_chan != instance_p->chans[chan_idx]) { FGDMA_ERROR("chan %d not bind !!!", chan_idx); return FGDMA_ERR_CHAN_NOT_INIT; } /* disable chan and it irq */ FGdmaChanIrqDisable(base_addr, chan_idx); FGdmaChanDisable(base_addr, chan_idx); /* disable channel clock */ FGdmaSetChanClock(base_addr, chan_idx, FALSE); instance_p->chans[chan_idx] = NULL; memset(dma_chan, 0, sizeof(*dma_chan)); return ret; } /** * @name: FGdmaDirectTransfer * @msg: 直接操作模式下发起DMA传输 * @return {FError} FGDMA_SUCCESS表示传输成功 * @param FGdmaChan *const chan_p, GDMA通道实例 * @param uintptr src_addr, 传输源地址 * @param uintptr dst_addr, 传输目的地址 */ FError FGdmaDirectTransfer(FGdmaChan *const chan_p, uintptr src_addr, uintptr dst_addr, fsize_t data_len) { FASSERT(chan_p); FASSERT(chan_p->gdma); u32 reg_val; FGdma *const instance_p = chan_p->gdma; uintptr base_addr = instance_p->config.base_addr; FGdmaChanIndex chan_idx = chan_p->config.chan_id; if (FT_COMPONENT_IS_READY != instance_p->is_ready) { FGDMA_ERROR("The dma instance is not initialized !!!"); return FGDMA_ERR_NOT_INIT; } if ((src_addr % FGDMA_GET_BURST_BYTE(chan_p->config.rd_size)) || (dst_addr % FGDMA_GET_BURST_BYTE(chan_p->config.wr_size))) /* 报文传输的首地址需要与burst size所代表的单次burst传输的最大数据字节数对齐 */ { FGDMA_ERROR("src addr 0x%x or dst addr 0x%x not aligned with burst size !!!", src_addr, dst_addr); return FGDMA_ERR_INVALID_ADDR; } if (0 != (data_len % FGDMA_GET_BURST_BYTE(chan_p->config.wr_size))) /* 报文传输的总数据量必须是burst size所代表的单次burst传输的最大数据字节数的整数倍 */ { FGDMA_ERROR("data length %d must be N times of burst size: %d bytes!!!", data_len, FGDMA_GET_BURST_BYTE(chan_p->config.wr_size)); return FGDMA_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; } /* src address */ #ifdef __aarch64__ FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_UPSADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), UPPER_32_BITS(src_addr)); FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LWSADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), LOWER_32_BITS(src_addr)); #else FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_UPSADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), 0x0U); FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LWSADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), (u32)(src_addr)); #endif FGDMA_INFO("src: 0x%x-0x%x", FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_UPSADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx)), FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LWSADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx))); /* dest address */ #ifdef __aarch64__ FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_UPDADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), UPPER_32_BITS(dst_addr)); FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LWDADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), LOWER_32_BITS(dst_addr)); #else FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_UPDADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), 0x0U); FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LWDADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), (u32)(dst_addr)); #endif FGDMA_INFO("dst: 0x%x-0x%x", FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_UPDADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx)), FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LWDADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx))); /* num of BDL entry not used in direct mode */ FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LVI_OFFSET(chan_idx), 0x0U); /* length of data to transfer */ FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_TS_OFFSET(chan_idx), data_len); FGDMA_INFO("ts: 0x%x", FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_TS_OFFSET(chan_idx))); /* enable channel and start transfer */ FGdmaChanEnable(base_addr, chan_idx); return FGDMA_SUCCESS; } /** * @name: FGdmaSetupBDLEntry * @msg: 设置BDL描述符的一个条目 * @return {FError} FGDMA_SUCCESS 表示设置成功 * @param FGdmaBdlDesc *desc_entry, 一条BDL描述符 * @param uintptr src_addr, 传输源地址 * @param uintptr dst_addr, 传输目的地址 * @param fsize_t data_len, 传输数据长度 */ FError FGdmaAppendBDLEntry(FGdmaChan *const chan_p, uintptr src_addr, uintptr dst_addr, fsize_t data_len) { FASSERT(chan_p); FASSERT_MSG((chan_p->config.descs) && (chan_p->config.total_desc_num > 0), "The list of BDL descriptors has not yet been assigned !!!"); u32 desc_idx = chan_p->config.valid_desc_num; FGdmaBdlDesc *desc_entry = &(chan_p->config.descs[desc_idx]); if (chan_p->config.valid_desc_num >= chan_p->config.total_desc_num) { FGDMA_ERROR("The total BDL descriptor num is %d and has been used up", chan_p->config.total_desc_num); return FGDMA_ERR_BDL_NOT_ENOUGH; } if ((0U != (dst_addr % FGDMA_GET_BURST_BYTE(chan_p->config.wr_size))) || (0U != (src_addr % FGDMA_GET_BURST_BYTE(chan_p->config.rd_size)))) /* 报文传输的首地址需要与burst size所代表的单次burst传输的最大数据字节数对齐 */ { FGDMA_ERROR("SRC addr 0x%x or DST addr 0x%x are not aligned with the %d transfer size", src_addr, dst_addr, FGDMA_GET_BURST_BYTE(chan_p->config.wr_size)); return FGDMA_ERR_INVALID_ADDR; } if (0U != (data_len % FGDMA_GET_BURST_BYTE(chan_p->config.wr_size))) /* 报文传输的总数据量必须是burst size所代表的单次burst传输的最大数据字节数的整数倍 */ { FGDMA_ERROR("The data length %d must be N times the burst size %d !!!", data_len, FGDMA_GET_BURST_BYTE(chan_p->config.wr_size)); return FGDMA_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; } #ifdef __aarch64___ desc_entry->src_addr_h = UPPER_32_BITS(src_addr); desc_entry->src_addr_l = LOWER_32_BITS(src_addr); desc_entry->dst_addr_h = UPPER_32_BITS(dst_addr); desc_entry->dst_addr_l = LOWER_32_BITS(dst_addr); #else desc_entry->src_addr_h = 0U; desc_entry->src_addr_l = src_addr; desc_entry->dst_addr_h = 0U; desc_entry->dst_addr_l = dst_addr; #endif /* rd = src */ desc_entry->src_tc = FGDMA_SRC_TC_BDL_BURST_SET(FGDMA_INCR) | FGDMA_SRC_TC_BDL_SIZE_SET((u32)chan_p->config.rd_size) | FGDMA_SRC_TC_BDL_LEN_SET(FGDMA_BURST_LEN); /* wr = dst */ desc_entry->dst_tc = FGDMA_DST_TC_BDL_BURST_SET(FGDMA_INCR) | FGDMA_DST_TC_BDL_SIZE_SET((u32)chan_p->config.wr_size) | FGDMA_DST_TC_BDL_LEN_SET(FGDMA_BURST_LEN); desc_entry->total_bytes = data_len; desc_entry->ioc = 0U; chan_p->config.valid_desc_num++; return FGDMA_SUCCESS; } /** * @name: FGdmaBDLTransfer * @msg: BDL操作模式下发起DMA传输 * @return {FError} FGDMA_SUCCESS 表示传输成功 * @param FGdmaChan *const chan_p, DMA通道实例 */ FError FGdmaBDLTransfer(FGdmaChan *const chan_p) { FASSERT(chan_p); FASSERT(chan_p->gdma); FASSERT_MSG((chan_p->config.descs) && (chan_p->config.total_desc_num > 0), "BDL descriptor list not yet assign !!!"); u32 reg_val; FGdma *const instance_p = chan_p->gdma; uintptr base_addr = instance_p->config.base_addr; FGdmaChanIndex chan_idx = chan_p->config.chan_id; if (FT_COMPONENT_IS_READY != instance_p->is_ready) { FGDMA_ERROR("The dma instance is not initialized !!!"); return FGDMA_ERR_NOT_INIT; } if (0 == chan_p->config.valid_desc_num) { FGDMA_WARN("First, the BDL entries need to be allocated !!!"); return FGDMA_SUCCESS; } if (((uintptr)(void *)chan_p->config.descs) % FGDMA_ADDR_ALIGMENT) { FGDMA_ERROR("BDL addr %p not aligned with %d bytes", chan_p->config.descs, FGDMA_ADDR_ALIGMENT); return FGDMA_ERR_INVALID_ADDR; } u32 desc_idx = chan_p->config.valid_desc_num - 1; FGdmaBdlDesc *descs = chan_p->config.descs; /* get the first BDL entry */ chan_p->config.descs[desc_idx].ioc = 1U; /* set as the last BDL entry */ /* src address, and dst address has been defined in BDL */ #ifdef __aarch64__ FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_UPSADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), UPPER_32_BITS((uintptr)descs)); FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LWSADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), LOWER_32_BITS((uintptr)descs)); #else FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_UPSADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), 0x0U); FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LWSADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), (u32)((uintptr)descs)); #endif /* dst address not used in BDL mode */ FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_UPDADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), 0x0U); FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LWDADDR_OFFSET(chan_idx), 0x0U); /* ts not used in BDL mode */ FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_TS_OFFSET(chan_idx), 0x0U); /* num of BDL entry */ FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CHX_LVI_OFFSET(chan_idx), FGDMA_CHX_LVI_SET(chan_p->config.valid_desc_num)); /* enable channel and start transfer */ FGdmaChanEnable(base_addr, chan_idx); return FGDMA_SUCCESS; } /** * @name: FGdmaStart * @msg: 使能启动GDMA控制器 * @return {FError} FGDMA_SUCCESS表示启动成功 * @param FGdma *const instance_p, GDMA控制器实例 * @note: 先调用此函数,后调用FGdmaAllocateChan配置特定通道 */ FError FGdmaStart(FGdma *const instance_p) { FASSERT(instance_p); uintptr base_addr = instance_p->config.base_addr; u32 reg_val; if (FT_COMPONENT_IS_READY != instance_p->is_ready) { FGDMA_ERROR("The dma instance is not initialized !!!"); return FGDMA_ERR_NOT_INIT; } if(FGDMA_TRANS_NEED_RESET_MASK & instance_p->config.caps) { FGdmaSoftwareReset(base_addr); } FGdmaIrqEnable(base_addr); reg_val = FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CTL_OFFSET); reg_val &= ~FGDMA_CTL_OT_MASK; reg_val |= FGDMA_CTL_OT_SET(FGDMA_OUTSTANDING); /* 设置传输outstanding数 */ reg_val |= FGDMA_CTL_ENABLE; /* 使能DMA传输 */ FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CTL_OFFSET, reg_val); return FGDMA_SUCCESS; //放到初始化 } /** * @name: FGdmaStop * @msg: 停止GDMA控制器 * @return {FError} FGDMA_SUCCESS表示处理成功 * @param FGdma *const instance_p, GDMA控制器实例 */ FError FGdmaStop(FGdma *const instance_p) { FASSERT(instance_p); uintptr base_addr = instance_p->config.base_addr; u32 reg_val; u32 chan_id; u32 chan_status; if (FT_COMPONENT_IS_READY != instance_p->is_ready) { FGDMA_ERROR("The dma instance is not initialized !!!"); return FGDMA_ERR_NOT_INIT; } /* Abort 流程 */ for (chan_id = 0; chan_id < FGDMA_NUM_OF_CHAN; chan_id++) { if (NULL == instance_p->chans[chan_id]) { continue; /* skip un-allocate channel */ } chan_status = FGdmaReadChanStatus(base_addr, chan_id); if (FGDMA_CHX_INT_STATE_BUSY & chan_status) { FGDMA_WARN("chan-%d was forcibly closed !!!", chan_id); FGdmaChanDisable(base_addr, chan_id); /* 关闭通道 */ FGdmaChanReset(base_addr, chan_id); /* 需要进行软复位,否则再次使能通道时,仍然会执行之前的请求 */ } else { FGdmaChanDisable(base_addr, chan_id); /* 关闭通道 */ } FGdmaClearChanStatus(base_addr, chan_id, chan_status); /* 清除通道状态 */ } FGdmaDisable(base_addr); return FGDMA_SUCCESS; } /** * @name: FGdmaSetQos * @msg: 设置GDMA控制器的全局Qos配置 * @return {void} 无 * @param {FGdma} *instance_p, GDMA控制器实例 */ static void FGdmaSetQos(FGdma *const instance_p) { uintptr base_addr = instance_p->config.base_addr; u32 reg_val; /* enable/disable Qos */ reg_val = FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CTL_OFFSET); if (FGDMA_OPER_NONE_PRIORITY_POLL == instance_p->config.rd_qos) /* Poll mode */ { reg_val &= ~FGDMA_CTL_RD_ARB; } else /* Qos mode */ { reg_val |= FGDMA_CTL_RD_ARB; } if (FGDMA_OPER_NONE_PRIORITY_POLL == instance_p->config.wr_qos) /* Poll mode */ { reg_val &= ~FGDMA_CTL_WR_ARB; } else /* Qos mode */ { reg_val |= FGDMA_CTL_WR_ARB; } FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_CTL_OFFSET, reg_val); /* set Qos configure */ reg_val = FGDMA_READREG(base_addr, FGDMA_QOS_CFG_OFFSET); if (FGDMA_OPER_NONE_PRIORITY_POLL == instance_p->config.rd_qos) /* Poll mode */ { reg_val &= ~FGDMA_QOS_CFG_ARGOS_MASK; } else /* Qos value */ { reg_val |= FGDMA_QOS_CFG_ARGOS_SET((u32)instance_p->config.rd_qos); } if (FGDMA_OPER_NONE_PRIORITY_POLL == instance_p->config.wr_qos) /* Poll mode */ { reg_val &= ~FGDMA_QOS_CFG_AWQOS_MASK; } else /* Qos value */ { reg_val |= FGDMA_QOS_CFG_AWQOS_SET((u32)instance_p->config.wr_qos); } FGDMA_WRITEREG(base_addr, FGDMA_QOS_CFG_OFFSET, reg_val); return; } /** * @name: FGdmaReset * @msg: 重置GDMA控制器 * @return {void} 无 * @param {FGdma} *instance_p, GDMA控制器实例 */ static void FGdmaReset(FGdma *const instance_p) { uintptr base_addr = instance_p->config.base_addr; u32 chan; u32 reg_val; FGDMA_INFO("Controller base address is %p ...", base_addr); FGdmaDisable(base_addr); FGdmaSoftwareReset(base_addr); FGdmaSetQos(instance_p); FGDMA_INFO("Reset channel"); for (chan = 0; chan < FGDMA_NUM_OF_CHAN; chan++) { FGdmaChanDisable(base_addr, chan); FGdmaChanIrqDisable(base_addr, chan); FGdmaChanReset(base_addr, chan); FGdmaSetChanClock(base_addr, chan, FALSE); } return; }