/*! \file gd32f4xx_exmc.c \brief EXMC driver \version 2016-08-15, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32F4xx \version 2018-12-12, V2.0.0, firmware for GD32F4xx \version 2020-09-30, V2.1.0, firmware for GD32F4xx */ /* Copyright (c) 2020, GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "gd32f4xx_exmc.h" /* EXMC bank0 register reset value */ #define BANK0_SNCTL_RESET ((uint32_t)0x000030DAU) #define BANK0_SNTCFG_RESET ((uint32_t)0x0FFFFFFFU) #define BANK0_SNWTCFG_RESET ((uint32_t)0x0FFFFFFFU) /* EXMC bank1/2 register reset mask */ #define BANK1_2_NPCTL_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000008U) #define BANK1_2_NPINTEN_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000042U) #define BANK1_2_NPCTCFG_RESET ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU) #define BANK1_2_NPATCFG_RESET ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU) /* EXMC bank3 register reset mask */ #define BANK3_NPCTL_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000008U) #define BANK3_NPINTEN_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000040U) #define BANK3_NPCTCFG_RESET ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU) #define BANK3_NPATCFG_RESET ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU) #define BANK3_PIOTCFG3_RESET ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFFU) /* EXMC SDRAM device register reset mask */ #define SDRAM_DEVICE_SDCTL_RESET ((uint32_t)0x000002D0U) #define SDRAM_DEVICE_SDTCFG_RESET ((uint32_t)0x0FFFFFFFU) #define SDRAM_DEVICE_SDCMD_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) #define SDRAM_DEVICE_SDARI_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) #define SDRAM_DEVICE_SDSTAT_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) #define SDRAM_DEVICE_SDRSCTL_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /* EXMC bank0 SQPI-PSRAM register reset mask */ #define BANK0_SQPI_SINIT_RESET ((uint32_t)0x18010000U) #define BANK0_SQPI_SRCMD_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) #define BANK0_SQPI_SWCMD_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) #define BANK0_SQPI_SIDL_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) #define BANK0_SQPI_SIDH_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /* EXMC register bit offset */ #define SNCTL_NRMUX_OFFSET ((uint32_t)1U) #define SNCTL_SBRSTEN_OFFSET ((uint32_t)8U) #define SNCTL_WRAPEN_OFFSET ((uint32_t)10U) #define SNCTL_WREN_OFFSET ((uint32_t)12U) #define SNCTL_NRWTEN_OFFSET ((uint32_t)13U) #define SNCTL_EXMODEN_OFFSET ((uint32_t)14U) #define SNCTL_ASYNCWAIT_OFFSET ((uint32_t)15U) #define SNTCFG_AHLD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)4U) #define SNTCFG_DSET_OFFSET ((uint32_t)8U) #define SNTCFG_BUSLAT_OFFSET ((uint32_t)16U) #define NPCTL_NDWTEN_OFFSET ((uint32_t)1U) #define NPCTL_ECCEN_OFFSET ((uint32_t)6U) #define NPCTCFG_COMWAIT_OFFSET ((uint32_t)8U) #define NPCTCFG_COMHLD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)16U) #define NPCTCFG_COMHIZ_OFFSET ((uint32_t)24U) #define NPATCFG_ATTWAIT_OFFSET ((uint32_t)8U) #define NPATCFG_ATTHLD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)16U) #define NPATCFG_ATTHIZ_OFFSET ((uint32_t)24U) #define PIOTCFG_IOWAIT_OFFSET ((uint32_t)8U) #define PIOTCFG_IOHLD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)16U) #define PIOTCFG_IOHIZ_OFFSET ((uint32_t)24U) #define SDCTL_WPEN_OFFSET ((uint32_t)9U) #define SDCTL_BRSTRD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)12U) #define SDTCFG_XSRD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)4U) #define SDTCFG_RASD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)8U) #define SDTCFG_ARFD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)12U) #define SDTCFG_WRD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)16U) #define SDTCFG_RPD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)20U) #define SDTCFG_RCD_OFFSET ((uint32_t)24U) #define SDCMD_NARF_OFFSET ((uint32_t)5U) #define SDCMD_MRC_OFFSET ((uint32_t)9U) #define SDARI_ARINTV_OFFSET ((uint32_t)1U) #define SDRSCTL_SSCR_OFFSET ((uint32_t)1U) #define SDRSCTL_SDSC_OFFSET ((uint32_t)4U) #define SDSTAT_STA0_OFFSET ((uint32_t)1U) #define SDSTAT_STA1_OFFSET ((uint32_t)3U) #define SRCMD_RWAITCYCLE_OFFSET ((uint32_t)16U) #define SWCMD_WWAITCYCLE_OFFSET ((uint32_t)16U) #define INTEN_INTS_OFFSET ((uint32_t)3U) /*! \brief deinitialize EXMC NOR/SRAM region \param[in] exmc_norsram_region: select the region of bank0 only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGIONx(x=0..3) \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_norsram_deinit(uint32_t exmc_norsram_region) { /* reset the registers */ EXMC_SNCTL(exmc_norsram_region) = BANK0_SNCTL_RESET; EXMC_SNTCFG(exmc_norsram_region) = BANK0_SNTCFG_RESET; EXMC_SNWTCFG(exmc_norsram_region) = BANK0_SNWTCFG_RESET; } /*! \brief initialize exmc_norsram_parameter_struct with the default values \param[in] none \param[out] exmc_norsram_init_struct: the initialized struct exmc_norsram_parameter_struct pointer \retval none */ void exmc_norsram_struct_para_init(exmc_norsram_parameter_struct* exmc_norsram_init_struct) { /* configure the structure with default values */ exmc_norsram_init_struct->norsram_region = EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGION0; exmc_norsram_init_struct->address_data_mux = ENABLE; exmc_norsram_init_struct->memory_type = EXMC_MEMORY_TYPE_SRAM; exmc_norsram_init_struct->databus_width = EXMC_NOR_DATABUS_WIDTH_8B; exmc_norsram_init_struct->burst_mode = DISABLE; exmc_norsram_init_struct->nwait_polarity = EXMC_NWAIT_POLARITY_LOW; exmc_norsram_init_struct->wrap_burst_mode = DISABLE; exmc_norsram_init_struct->nwait_config = EXMC_NWAIT_CONFIG_BEFORE; exmc_norsram_init_struct->memory_write = ENABLE; exmc_norsram_init_struct->nwait_signal = ENABLE; exmc_norsram_init_struct->extended_mode = DISABLE; exmc_norsram_init_struct->asyn_wait = DISABLE; exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_mode = EXMC_ASYN_WRITE; /* configure read/write timing */ exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_address_setuptime = 0xFU; exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_address_holdtime = 0xFU; exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_data_setuptime = 0xFFU; exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->bus_latency = 0xFU; exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->syn_clk_division = EXMC_SYN_CLOCK_RATIO_16_CLK; exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->syn_data_latency = EXMC_DATALAT_17_CLK; exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_access_mode = EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_A; /* write timing configure, when extended mode is used */ exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_timing->asyn_address_setuptime = 0xFU; exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_timing->asyn_address_holdtime = 0xFU; exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_timing->asyn_data_setuptime = 0xFFU; exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_timing->bus_latency = 0xFU; exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_timing->asyn_access_mode = EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_A; } /*! \brief initialize EXMC NOR/SRAM region \param[in] exmc_norsram_parameter_struct: configure the EXMC NOR/SRAM parameter norsram_region: EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGIONx, x=0..3 write_mode: EXMC_ASYN_WRITE, EXMC_SYN_WRITE extended_mode: ENABLE or DISABLE asyn_wait: ENABLE or DISABLE nwait_signal: ENABLE or DISABLE memory_write: ENABLE or DISABLE nwait_config: EXMC_NWAIT_CONFIG_BEFORE, EXMC_NWAIT_CONFIG_DURING wrap_burst_mode: ENABLE or DISABLE nwait_polarity: EXMC_NWAIT_POLARITY_LOW, EXMC_NWAIT_POLARITY_HIGH burst_mode: ENABLE or DISABLE databus_width: EXMC_NOR_DATABUS_WIDTH_8B, EXMC_NOR_DATABUS_WIDTH_16B memory_type: EXMC_MEMORY_TYPE_SRAM, EXMC_MEMORY_TYPE_PSRAM, EXMC_MEMORY_TYPE_NOR address_data_mux: ENABLE or DISABLE read_write_timing: struct exmc_norsram_timing_parameter_struct set the time asyn_access_mode: EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_A, EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_B, EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_C, EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_D syn_data_latency: EXMC_DATALAT_x_CLK, x=2..17 syn_clk_division: EXMC_SYN_CLOCK_RATIO_x_CLK, x=2..16 bus_latency: 0x0U~0xFU asyn_data_setuptime: 0x01U~0xFFU asyn_address_holdtime: 0x1U~0xFU asyn_address_setuptime: 0x0U~0xFU write_timing: struct exmc_norsram_timing_parameter_struct set the time asyn_access_mode: EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_A, EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_B, EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_C, EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_D syn_data_latency: EXMC_DATALAT_x_CLK, x=2..17 syn_clk_division: EXMC_SYN_CLOCK_RATIO_x_CLK, x=2..16 bus_latency: 0x0U~0xFU asyn_data_setuptime: 0x01U~0xFFU asyn_address_holdtime: 0x1U~0xFU asyn_address_setuptime: 0x0U~0xFU \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_norsram_init(exmc_norsram_parameter_struct* exmc_norsram_init_struct) { uint32_t snctl = 0x00000000U,sntcfg = 0x00000000U,snwtcfg = 0x00000000U; /* get the register value */ snctl = EXMC_SNCTL(exmc_norsram_init_struct->norsram_region); /* clear relative bits */ snctl &= ((uint32_t)~(EXMC_SNCTL_NREN | EXMC_SNCTL_NRTP | EXMC_SNCTL_NRW | EXMC_SNCTL_SBRSTEN | EXMC_SNCTL_NRWTPOL | EXMC_SNCTL_WRAPEN | EXMC_SNCTL_NRWTCFG | EXMC_SNCTL_WREN | EXMC_SNCTL_NRWTEN | EXMC_SNCTL_EXMODEN | EXMC_SNCTL_ASYNCWAIT | EXMC_SNCTL_SYNCWR | EXMC_SNCTL_NRMUX )); snctl |= (uint32_t)(exmc_norsram_init_struct->address_data_mux << SNCTL_NRMUX_OFFSET) | exmc_norsram_init_struct->memory_type | exmc_norsram_init_struct->databus_width | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->burst_mode << SNCTL_SBRSTEN_OFFSET) | exmc_norsram_init_struct->nwait_polarity | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->wrap_burst_mode << SNCTL_WRAPEN_OFFSET) | exmc_norsram_init_struct->nwait_config | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->memory_write << SNCTL_WREN_OFFSET) | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->nwait_signal << SNCTL_NRWTEN_OFFSET) | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->extended_mode << SNCTL_EXMODEN_OFFSET) | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->asyn_wait << SNCTL_ASYNCWAIT_OFFSET) | exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_mode; sntcfg = (uint32_t)exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_address_setuptime | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_address_holdtime << SNTCFG_AHLD_OFFSET) | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_data_setuptime << SNTCFG_DSET_OFFSET) | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->bus_latency << SNTCFG_BUSLAT_OFFSET) | exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->syn_clk_division | exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->syn_data_latency | exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_access_mode; /* nor flash access enable */ if(EXMC_MEMORY_TYPE_NOR == exmc_norsram_init_struct->memory_type){ snctl |= (uint32_t)EXMC_SNCTL_NREN; } /* extended mode configure */ if(ENABLE == exmc_norsram_init_struct->extended_mode){ snwtcfg = (uint32_t)exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_timing->asyn_address_setuptime | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_timing->asyn_address_holdtime << SNTCFG_AHLD_OFFSET )| (exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_timing->asyn_data_setuptime << SNTCFG_DSET_OFFSET) | (exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_timing->bus_latency << SNTCFG_BUSLAT_OFFSET) | exmc_norsram_init_struct->write_timing->asyn_access_mode; }else{ snwtcfg = BANK0_SNWTCFG_RESET; } /* configure the registers */ EXMC_SNCTL(exmc_norsram_init_struct->norsram_region) = snctl; EXMC_SNTCFG(exmc_norsram_init_struct->norsram_region) = sntcfg; EXMC_SNWTCFG(exmc_norsram_init_struct->norsram_region) = snwtcfg; } /*! \brief enable EXMC NOR/PSRAM bank region \param[in] exmc_norsram_region: specifie the region of NOR/PSRAM bank only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGIONx(x=0..3) \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_norsram_enable(uint32_t exmc_norsram_region) { EXMC_SNCTL(exmc_norsram_region) |= (uint32_t)EXMC_SNCTL_NRBKEN; } /*! \brief disable EXMC NOR/PSRAM bank region \param[in] exmc_norsram_region: specifie the region of NOR/PSRAM Bank only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGIONx(x=0..3) \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_norsram_disable(uint32_t exmc_norsram_region) { EXMC_SNCTL(exmc_norsram_region) &= ~(uint32_t)EXMC_SNCTL_NRBKEN; } /*! \brief deinitialize EXMC NAND bank \param[in] exmc_nand_bank: select the bank of NAND only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANKx_NAND(x=1..2) \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_nand_deinit(uint32_t exmc_nand_bank) { /* EXMC_BANK1_NAND or EXMC_BANK2_NAND */ EXMC_NPCTL(exmc_nand_bank) = BANK1_2_NPCTL_RESET; EXMC_NPINTEN(exmc_nand_bank) = BANK1_2_NPINTEN_RESET; EXMC_NPCTCFG(exmc_nand_bank) = BANK1_2_NPCTCFG_RESET; EXMC_NPATCFG(exmc_nand_bank) = BANK1_2_NPATCFG_RESET; } /*! \brief initialize exmc_norsram_parameter_struct with the default values \param[in] none \param[out] the initialized struct exmc_norsram_parameter_struct pointer \retval none */ void exmc_nand_struct_para_init(exmc_nand_parameter_struct* exmc_nand_init_struct) { /* configure the structure with default values */ exmc_nand_init_struct->nand_bank = EXMC_BANK1_NAND; exmc_nand_init_struct->wait_feature = DISABLE; exmc_nand_init_struct->databus_width = EXMC_NAND_DATABUS_WIDTH_8B; exmc_nand_init_struct->ecc_logic = DISABLE; exmc_nand_init_struct->ecc_size = EXMC_ECC_SIZE_256BYTES; exmc_nand_init_struct->ctr_latency = 0x0U; exmc_nand_init_struct->atr_latency = 0x0U; exmc_nand_init_struct->common_space_timing->setuptime = 0xFCU; exmc_nand_init_struct->common_space_timing->waittime = 0xFCU; exmc_nand_init_struct->common_space_timing->holdtime = 0xFCU; exmc_nand_init_struct->common_space_timing->databus_hiztime = 0xFCU; exmc_nand_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->setuptime = 0xFCU; exmc_nand_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->waittime = 0xFCU; exmc_nand_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->holdtime = 0xFCU; exmc_nand_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->databus_hiztime = 0xFCU; } /*! \brief initialize EXMC NAND bank \param[in] exmc_nand_parameter_struct: configure the EXMC NAND parameter nand_bank: EXMC_BANK1_NAND,EXMC_BANK2_NAND ecc_size: EXMC_ECC_SIZE_xBYTES,x=256,512,1024,2048,4096 atr_latency: EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_x_HCLK,x=1..16 ctr_latency: EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_x_HCLK,x=1..16 ecc_logic: ENABLE or DISABLE databus_width: EXMC_NAND_DATABUS_WIDTH_8B,EXMC_NAND_DATABUS_WIDTH_16B wait_feature: ENABLE or DISABLE common_space_timing: struct exmc_nand_pccard_timing_parameter_struct set the time databus_hiztime: 0x01U~0xFFU holdtime: 0x01U~0xFEU waittime: 0x02U~0xFFU setuptime: 0x01U~0xFFU attribute_space_timing: struct exmc_nand_pccard_timing_parameter_struct set the time databus_hiztime: 0x00U~0xFEU holdtime: 0x01U~0xFEU waittime: 0x02U~0xFFU setuptime: 0x01U~0xFFU \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_nand_init(exmc_nand_parameter_struct* exmc_nand_init_struct) { uint32_t npctl = 0x00000000U, npctcfg = 0x00000000U, npatcfg = 0x00000000U; npctl = (uint32_t)(exmc_nand_init_struct->wait_feature << NPCTL_NDWTEN_OFFSET)| EXMC_NPCTL_NDTP | exmc_nand_init_struct->databus_width | (exmc_nand_init_struct->ecc_logic << NPCTL_ECCEN_OFFSET)| exmc_nand_init_struct->ecc_size | exmc_nand_init_struct->ctr_latency | exmc_nand_init_struct->atr_latency; npctcfg = (uint32_t)((exmc_nand_init_struct->common_space_timing->setuptime - 1U) & EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMSET ) | (((exmc_nand_init_struct->common_space_timing->waittime - 1U) << NPCTCFG_COMWAIT_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMWAIT ) | ((exmc_nand_init_struct->common_space_timing->holdtime << NPCTCFG_COMHLD_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMHLD ) | (((exmc_nand_init_struct->common_space_timing->databus_hiztime - 1U) << NPCTCFG_COMHIZ_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMHIZ ); npatcfg = (uint32_t)((exmc_nand_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->setuptime - 1U) & EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTSET ) | (((exmc_nand_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->waittime - 1U) << NPATCFG_ATTWAIT_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTWAIT ) | ((exmc_nand_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->holdtime << NPATCFG_ATTHLD_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTHLD ) | ((exmc_nand_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->databus_hiztime << NPATCFG_ATTHIZ_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTHIZ ); /* EXMC_BANK1_NAND or EXMC_BANK2_NAND initialize */ EXMC_NPCTL(exmc_nand_init_struct->nand_bank) = npctl; EXMC_NPCTCFG(exmc_nand_init_struct->nand_bank) = npctcfg; EXMC_NPATCFG(exmc_nand_init_struct->nand_bank) = npatcfg; } /*! \brief enable NAND bank \param[in] exmc_nand_bank: specifie the NAND bank only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANKx_NAND(x=1,2) \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_nand_enable(uint32_t exmc_nand_bank) { EXMC_NPCTL(exmc_nand_bank) |= EXMC_NPCTL_NDBKEN; } /*! \brief disable NAND bank \param[in] exmc_nand_bank: specifie the NAND bank only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANKx_NAND(x=1,2) \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_nand_disable(uint32_t exmc_nand_bank) { EXMC_NPCTL(exmc_nand_bank) &= ~EXMC_NPCTL_NDBKEN; } /*! \brief deinitialize EXMC PC card bank \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_pccard_deinit(void) { /* EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD */ EXMC_NPCTL3 = BANK3_NPCTL_RESET; EXMC_NPINTEN3 = BANK3_NPINTEN_RESET; EXMC_NPCTCFG3 = BANK3_NPCTCFG_RESET; EXMC_NPATCFG3 = BANK3_NPATCFG_RESET; EXMC_PIOTCFG3 = BANK3_PIOTCFG3_RESET; } /*! \brief initialize exmc_pccard_parameter_struct with the default values \param[in] none \param[out] the initialized struct exmc_pccard_parameter_struct pointer \retval none */ void exmc_pccard_struct_para_init(exmc_pccard_parameter_struct* exmc_pccard_init_struct) { /* configure the structure with default values */ exmc_pccard_init_struct->wait_feature = DISABLE; exmc_pccard_init_struct->ctr_latency = 0x0U; exmc_pccard_init_struct->atr_latency = 0x0U; exmc_pccard_init_struct->common_space_timing->setuptime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->common_space_timing->waittime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->common_space_timing->holdtime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->common_space_timing->databus_hiztime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->setuptime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->waittime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->holdtime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->databus_hiztime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->io_space_timing->setuptime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->io_space_timing->waittime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->io_space_timing->holdtime = 0xFCU; exmc_pccard_init_struct->io_space_timing->databus_hiztime = 0xFCU; } /*! \brief initialize EXMC PC card bank \param[in] exmc_pccard_parameter_struct: configure the EXMC NAND parameter atr_latency: EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_x_HCLK,x=1..16 ctr_latency: EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_x_HCLK,x=1..16 wait_feature: ENABLE or DISABLE common_space_timing: struct exmc_nand_pccard_timing_parameter_struct set the time databus_hiztime: 0x01U~0xFFU holdtime: 0x01U~0xFEU waittime: 0x02U~0xFFU setuptime: 0x01U~0xFFU attribute_space_timing: struct exmc_nand_pccard_timing_parameter_struct set the time databus_hiztime: 0x00U~0xFEU holdtime: 0x01U~0xFEU waittime: 0x02U~0xFFU setuptime: 0x01U~0xFFU io_space_timing: exmc_nand_pccard_timing_parameter_struct set the time databus_hiztime: 0x00U~0xFFU holdtime: 0x01U~0xFFU waittime: 0x02U~0x100U setuptime: 0x01U~0x100U \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_pccard_init(exmc_pccard_parameter_struct* exmc_pccard_init_struct) { /* configure the EXMC bank3 PC card control register */ EXMC_NPCTL3 = (uint32_t)(exmc_pccard_init_struct->wait_feature << NPCTL_NDWTEN_OFFSET) | EXMC_NAND_DATABUS_WIDTH_16B | exmc_pccard_init_struct->ctr_latency | exmc_pccard_init_struct->atr_latency ; /* configure the EXMC bank3 PC card common space timing configuration register */ EXMC_NPCTCFG3 = (uint32_t)((exmc_pccard_init_struct->common_space_timing->setuptime - 1U) & EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMSET ) | (((exmc_pccard_init_struct->common_space_timing->waittime - 1U) << NPCTCFG_COMWAIT_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMWAIT ) | ((exmc_pccard_init_struct->common_space_timing->holdtime << NPCTCFG_COMHLD_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMHLD ) | (((exmc_pccard_init_struct->common_space_timing->databus_hiztime - 1U) << NPCTCFG_COMHIZ_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMHIZ ); /* configure the EXMC bank3 PC card attribute space timing configuration register */ EXMC_NPATCFG3 = (uint32_t)((exmc_pccard_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->setuptime - 1U) & EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTSET ) | (((exmc_pccard_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->waittime - 1U) << NPATCFG_ATTWAIT_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTWAIT ) | ((exmc_pccard_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->holdtime << NPATCFG_ATTHLD_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTHLD ) | ((exmc_pccard_init_struct->attribute_space_timing->databus_hiztime << NPATCFG_ATTHIZ_OFFSET) & EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTHIZ); /* configure the EXMC bank3 PC card io space timing configuration register */ EXMC_PIOTCFG3 = (uint32_t)((exmc_pccard_init_struct->io_space_timing->setuptime - 1U) & EXMC_PIOTCFG3_IOSET ) | (((exmc_pccard_init_struct->io_space_timing->waittime - 1U) << PIOTCFG_IOWAIT_OFFSET) & EXMC_PIOTCFG3_IOWAIT ) | ((exmc_pccard_init_struct->io_space_timing->holdtime << PIOTCFG_IOHLD_OFFSET) & EXMC_PIOTCFG3_IOHLD ) | ((exmc_pccard_init_struct->io_space_timing->databus_hiztime << PIOTCFG_IOHIZ_OFFSET) & EXMC_PIOTCFG3_IOHIZ ); } /*! \brief enable PC Card Bank \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_pccard_enable(void) { EXMC_NPCTL3 |= EXMC_NPCTL_NDBKEN; } /*! \brief disable PC Card Bank \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_pccard_disable(void) { EXMC_NPCTL3 &= ~EXMC_NPCTL_NDBKEN; } /*! \brief deinitialize EXMC SDRAM device \param[in] exmc_sdram_device: select the SRAM device only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICEx(x=0, 1) \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sdram_deinit(uint32_t exmc_sdram_device) { /* reset SDRAM registers */ EXMC_SDCTL(exmc_sdram_device) = SDRAM_DEVICE_SDCTL_RESET; EXMC_SDTCFG(exmc_sdram_device) = SDRAM_DEVICE_SDTCFG_RESET; EXMC_SDCMD = SDRAM_DEVICE_SDCMD_RESET; EXMC_SDARI = SDRAM_DEVICE_SDARI_RESET; EXMC_SDRSCTL = SDRAM_DEVICE_SDRSCTL_RESET; } /*! \brief initialize exmc_sdram_parameter_struct with the default values \param[in] none \param[out] the initialized struct exmc_pccard_parameter_struct pointer \retval none */ void exmc_sdram_struct_para_init(exmc_sdram_parameter_struct* exmc_sdram_init_struct) { /* configure the structure with default values */ exmc_sdram_init_struct->sdram_device = EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0; exmc_sdram_init_struct->column_address_width = EXMC_SDRAM_COW_ADDRESS_8; exmc_sdram_init_struct->row_address_width = EXMC_SDRAM_ROW_ADDRESS_11; exmc_sdram_init_struct->data_width = EXMC_SDRAM_DATABUS_WIDTH_16B; exmc_sdram_init_struct->internal_bank_number = EXMC_SDRAM_4_INTER_BANK; exmc_sdram_init_struct->cas_latency = EXMC_CAS_LATENCY_1_SDCLK; exmc_sdram_init_struct->write_protection = ENABLE; exmc_sdram_init_struct->sdclock_config = EXMC_SDCLK_DISABLE; exmc_sdram_init_struct->brust_read_switch = DISABLE; exmc_sdram_init_struct->pipeline_read_delay = EXMC_PIPELINE_DELAY_0_HCLK; exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->load_mode_register_delay = 16U; exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->exit_selfrefresh_delay = 16U; exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->row_address_select_delay = 16U; exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->auto_refresh_delay = 16U; exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->write_recovery_delay = 16U; exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->row_precharge_delay = 16U; exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->row_to_column_delay = 16U; } /*! \brief initialize EXMC SDRAM device \param[in] exmc_sdram_parameter_struct: configure the EXMC SDRAM parameter sdram_device: EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0,EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE1 pipeline_read_delay: EXMC_PIPELINE_DELAY_x_HCLK,x=0..2 brust_read_switch: ENABLE or DISABLE sdclock_config: EXMC_SDCLK_DISABLE,EXMC_SDCLK_PERIODS_2_HCLK,EXMC_SDCLK_PERIODS_3_HCLK write_protection: ENABLE or DISABLE cas_latency: EXMC_CAS_LATENCY_x_SDCLK,x=1..3 internal_bank_number: EXMC_SDRAM_2_INTER_BANK,EXMC_SDRAM_4_INTER_BANK data_width: EXMC_SDRAM_DATABUS_WIDTH_8B,EXMC_SDRAM_DATABUS_WIDTH_16B,EXMC_SDRAM_DATABUS_WIDTH_32B row_address_width: EXMC_SDRAM_ROW_ADDRESS_x,x=11..13 column_address_width: EXMC_SDRAM_COW_ADDRESS_x,x=8..11 timing: exmc_sdram_timing_parameter_struct set the time row_to_column_delay: 1U~16U row_precharge_delay: 1U~16U write_recovery_delay: 1U~16U auto_refresh_delay: 1U~16U row_address_select_delay: 1U~16U exit_selfrefresh_delay: 1U~16U load_mode_register_delay: 1U~16U \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sdram_init(exmc_sdram_parameter_struct* exmc_sdram_init_struct) { uint32_t sdctl0, sdctl1, sdtcfg0, sdtcfg1; /* configuration EXMC_SDCTL0 or EXMC_SDCTL1 */ if(EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0 == exmc_sdram_init_struct->sdram_device){ /* configuration EXMC_SDCTL0 */ EXMC_SDCTL(EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0) = (uint32_t)exmc_sdram_init_struct->column_address_width | exmc_sdram_init_struct->row_address_width | exmc_sdram_init_struct->data_width | exmc_sdram_init_struct->internal_bank_number | exmc_sdram_init_struct->cas_latency | (exmc_sdram_init_struct->write_protection << SDCTL_WPEN_OFFSET)| exmc_sdram_init_struct->sdclock_config | (exmc_sdram_init_struct->brust_read_switch << SDCTL_BRSTRD_OFFSET)| exmc_sdram_init_struct->pipeline_read_delay; /* configuration EXMC_SDTCFG0 */ EXMC_SDTCFG(EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0) = (uint32_t)((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->load_mode_register_delay)-1U) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->exit_selfrefresh_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_XSRD_OFFSET) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->row_address_select_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_RASD_OFFSET) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->auto_refresh_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_ARFD_OFFSET) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->write_recovery_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_WRD_OFFSET) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->row_precharge_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_RPD_OFFSET) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->row_to_column_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_RCD_OFFSET); }else{ /* configuration EXMC_SDCTL0 and EXMC_SDCTL1 */ /* some bits in the EXMC_SDCTL1 register are reserved */ sdctl0 = EXMC_SDCTL(EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0) & (~( EXMC_SDCTL_PIPED | EXMC_SDCTL_BRSTRD | EXMC_SDCTL_SDCLK )); sdctl0 |= (uint32_t)exmc_sdram_init_struct->sdclock_config | exmc_sdram_init_struct->brust_read_switch | exmc_sdram_init_struct->pipeline_read_delay; sdctl1 = (uint32_t)exmc_sdram_init_struct->column_address_width | exmc_sdram_init_struct->row_address_width | exmc_sdram_init_struct->data_width | exmc_sdram_init_struct->internal_bank_number | exmc_sdram_init_struct->cas_latency | exmc_sdram_init_struct->write_protection ; EXMC_SDCTL(EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0) = sdctl0; EXMC_SDCTL(EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE1) = sdctl1; /* configuration EXMC_SDTCFG0 and EXMC_SDTCFG1 */ /* some bits in the EXMC_SDTCFG1 register are reserved */ sdtcfg0 = EXMC_SDTCFG(EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0) & (~(EXMC_SDTCFG_RPD | EXMC_SDTCFG_WRD | EXMC_SDTCFG_ARFD)); sdtcfg0 |= (uint32_t)(((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->auto_refresh_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_ARFD_OFFSET) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->row_precharge_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_RPD_OFFSET) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->write_recovery_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_WRD_OFFSET); sdtcfg1 = (uint32_t)((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->load_mode_register_delay)-1U) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->exit_selfrefresh_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_XSRD_OFFSET) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->row_address_select_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_RASD_OFFSET) | (((exmc_sdram_init_struct->timing->row_to_column_delay)-1U) << SDTCFG_RCD_OFFSET); EXMC_SDTCFG(EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0) = sdtcfg0; EXMC_SDTCFG(EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE1) = sdtcfg1; } } /*! \brief deinitialize exmc SQPIPSRAM \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sqpipsram_deinit(void) { /* reset the registers */ EXMC_SINIT = BANK0_SQPI_SINIT_RESET; EXMC_SRCMD = BANK0_SQPI_SRCMD_RESET; EXMC_SWCMD = BANK0_SQPI_SWCMD_RESET; EXMC_SIDL = BANK0_SQPI_SIDL_RESET; EXMC_SIDH = BANK0_SQPI_SIDH_RESET; } /*! \brief initialize exmc_sqpipsram_parameter_struct with the default values \param[in] the struct exmc_sqpipsram_parameter_struct pointer \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sqpipsram_struct_para_init(exmc_sqpipsram_parameter_struct* exmc_sqpipsram_init_struct) { /* configure the structure with default values */ exmc_sqpipsram_init_struct->sample_polarity = EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_SAMPLE_RISING_EDGE; exmc_sqpipsram_init_struct->id_length = EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_ID_LENGTH_64B; exmc_sqpipsram_init_struct->address_bits = EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_ADDR_LENGTH_24B; exmc_sqpipsram_init_struct->command_bits = EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_COMMAND_LENGTH_8B; } /*! \brief initialize EXMC SQPIPSRAM \param[in] exmc_sqpipsram_parameter_struct: configure the EXMC SQPIPSRAM parameter sample_polarity: EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_SAMPLE_RISING_EDGE,EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_SAMPLE_FALLING_EDGE id_length: EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_ID_LENGTH_xB,x=8,16,32,64 address_bits: EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_ADDR_LENGTH_xB,x=1..26 command_bits: EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_COMMAND_LENGTH_xB,x=4,8,16 \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sqpipsram_init(exmc_sqpipsram_parameter_struct* exmc_sqpipsram_init_struct) { /* initialize SQPI controller */ EXMC_SINIT = (uint32_t)exmc_sqpipsram_init_struct->sample_polarity | exmc_sqpipsram_init_struct->id_length | exmc_sqpipsram_init_struct->address_bits | exmc_sqpipsram_init_struct->command_bits; } /*! \brief configure consecutive clock \param[in] clock_mode: specifie when the clock is generated only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_CLOCK_SYN_MODE: the clock is generated only during synchronous access \arg EXMC_CLOCK_UNCONDITIONALLY: the clock is generated unconditionally \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_norsram_consecutive_clock_config(uint32_t clock_mode) { if (EXMC_CLOCK_UNCONDITIONALLY == clock_mode){ EXMC_SNCTL(EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGION0) |= EXMC_CLOCK_UNCONDITIONALLY; }else{ EXMC_SNCTL(EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGION0) &= ~EXMC_CLOCK_UNCONDITIONALLY; } } /*! \brief configure CRAM page size \param[in] exmc_norsram_region: select the region of bank0 only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGIONx(x=0..3) \param[in] page_size: CRAM page size only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_CRAM_AUTO_SPLIT: the clock is generated only during synchronous access \arg EXMC_CRAM_PAGE_SIZE_128_BYTES: page size is 128 bytes \arg EXMC_CRAM_PAGE_SIZE_256_BYTES: page size is 256 bytes \arg EXMC_CRAM_PAGE_SIZE_512_BYTES: page size is 512 bytes \arg EXMC_CRAM_PAGE_SIZE_1024_BYTES: page size is 1024 bytes \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_norsram_page_size_config(uint32_t exmc_norsram_region, uint32_t page_size) { /* reset the bits */ EXMC_SNCTL(exmc_norsram_region) &= ~EXMC_SNCTL_CPS; /* set the CPS bits */ EXMC_SNCTL(exmc_norsram_region) |= page_size; } /*! \brief enable or disable the EXMC NAND ECC function \param[in] exmc_nand_bank: specifie the NAND bank only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANKx_NAND(x=1,2) \param[in] newvalue: ENABLE or DISABLE \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_nand_ecc_config(uint32_t exmc_nand_bank, ControlStatus newvalue) { if (ENABLE == newvalue){ /* enable the selected NAND bank ECC function */ EXMC_NPCTL(exmc_nand_bank) |= EXMC_NPCTL_ECCEN; }else{ /* disable the selected NAND bank ECC function */ EXMC_NPCTL(exmc_nand_bank) &= ~EXMC_NPCTL_ECCEN; } } /*! \brief get the EXMC ECC value \param[in] exmc_nand_bank: specifie the NAND bank only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANKx_NAND(x=1,2) \param[out] none \retval the error correction code(ECC) value */ uint32_t exmc_ecc_get(uint32_t exmc_nand_bank) { return(EXMC_NECC(exmc_nand_bank)); } /*! \brief enable or disable read sample \param[in] newvalue: ENABLE or DISABLE \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sdram_readsample_enable(ControlStatus newvalue) { if (ENABLE == newvalue){ EXMC_SDRSCTL |= EXMC_SDRSCTL_RSEN; }else{ EXMC_SDRSCTL &= (uint32_t)(~EXMC_SDRSCTL_RSEN); } } /*! \brief configure the delayed sample clock of read data \param[in] delay_cell: SDRAM the delayed sample clock of read data only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_SDRAM_x_DELAY_CELL(x=0..15) \param[in] extra_hclk: sample cycle of read data only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_SDRAM_READSAMPLE_x_EXTRAHCLK(x=0,1) \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sdram_readsample_config(uint32_t delay_cell, uint32_t extra_hclk) { uint32_t sdrsctl = 0U; /* reset the bits */ sdrsctl = EXMC_SDRSCTL & (~(EXMC_SDRSCTL_SDSC | EXMC_SDRSCTL_SSCR)); /* set the bits */ sdrsctl |= (uint32_t)(delay_cell & EXMC_SDRSCTL_SDSC) | ((extra_hclk << SDRSCTL_SSCR_OFFSET) & EXMC_SDRSCTL_SSCR); EXMC_SDRSCTL = sdrsctl; } /*! \brief configure the SDRAM memory command \param[in] exmc_sdram_command_init_struct: initialize EXMC SDRAM command mode_register_content: auto_refresh_number: EXMC_SDRAM_AUTO_REFLESH_x_SDCLK, x=1..15 bank_select: EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0_SELECT, EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE1_SELECT, EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0_1_SELECT command: EXMC_SDRAM_NORMAL_OPERATION, EXMC_SDRAM_CLOCK_ENABLE, EXMC_SDRAM_PRECHARGE_ALL, EXMC_SDRAM_AUTO_REFRESH, EXMC_SDRAM_LOAD_MODE_REGISTER, EXMC_SDRAM_SELF_REFRESH, EXMC_SDRAM_POWERDOWN_ENTRY \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sdram_command_config(exmc_sdram_command_parameter_struct* exmc_sdram_command_init_struct) { /* configure command register */ EXMC_SDCMD = (uint32_t)((exmc_sdram_command_init_struct->command) | (exmc_sdram_command_init_struct->bank_select) | ((exmc_sdram_command_init_struct->auto_refresh_number)) | ((exmc_sdram_command_init_struct->mode_register_content)<<SDCMD_MRC_OFFSET) ); } /*! \brief set auto-refresh interval \param[in] exmc_count: the number SDRAM clock cycles unit between two successive auto-refresh commands, 0x0000~0x1FFF \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sdram_refresh_count_set(uint32_t exmc_count) { uint32_t sdari; sdari = EXMC_SDARI & (~EXMC_SDARI_ARINTV); EXMC_SDARI = sdari | (uint32_t)((exmc_count << SDARI_ARINTV_OFFSET) & EXMC_SDARI_ARINTV); } /*! \brief set the number of successive auto-refresh command \param[in] exmc_number: the number of successive Auto-refresh cycles will be send, 1~15 \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sdram_autorefresh_number_set(uint32_t exmc_number) { uint32_t sdcmd; sdcmd = EXMC_SDCMD & (~EXMC_SDCMD_NARF); EXMC_SDCMD = sdcmd | (uint32_t)((exmc_number << SDCMD_NARF_OFFSET) & EXMC_SDCMD_NARF) ; } /*! \brief config the write protection function \param[in] exmc_sdram_device: specifie the SDRAM device only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICEx(x=0,1) \param[in] newvalue: ENABLE or DISABLE \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sdram_write_protection_config(uint32_t exmc_sdram_device, ControlStatus newvalue) { if (ENABLE == newvalue){ EXMC_SDCTL(exmc_sdram_device) |= (uint32_t)EXMC_SDCTL_WPEN; }else{ EXMC_SDCTL(exmc_sdram_device) &= ~((uint32_t)EXMC_SDCTL_WPEN); } } /*! \brief get the status of SDRAM device0 or device1 \param[in] exmc_sdram_device: specifie the SDRAM device only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICEx(x=0,1) \param[out] none \retval the status of SDRAM device */ uint32_t exmc_sdram_bankstatus_get(uint32_t exmc_sdram_device) { uint32_t sdstat = 0U; if(EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0 == exmc_sdram_device){ sdstat = ((uint32_t)(EXMC_SDSTAT & EXMC_SDSDAT_STA0) >> SDSTAT_STA0_OFFSET); }else{ sdstat = ((uint32_t)(EXMC_SDSTAT & EXMC_SDSDAT_STA1) >> SDSTAT_STA1_OFFSET); } return sdstat; } /*! \brief set the read command \param[in] read_command_mode: configure SPI PSRAM read command mode only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_READ_MODE_DISABLE: not SPI mode \arg EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_READ_MODE_SPI: SPI mode \arg EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_READ_MODE_SQPI: SQPI mode \arg EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_READ_MODE_QPI: QPI mode \param[in] read_wait_cycle: wait cycle number after address phase,0..15 \param[in] read_command_code: read command for AHB read transfer \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sqpipsram_read_command_set(uint32_t read_command_mode,uint32_t read_wait_cycle, uint32_t read_command_code) { uint32_t srcmd; srcmd = (uint32_t) read_command_mode | ((read_wait_cycle << SRCMD_RWAITCYCLE_OFFSET) & EXMC_SRCMD_RWAITCYCLE) | ((read_command_code & EXMC_SRCMD_RCMD)); EXMC_SRCMD = srcmd; } /*! \brief set the write command \param[in] write_command_mode: configure SPI PSRAM write command mode only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_WRITE_MODE_DISABLE: not SPI mode \arg EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_WRITE_MODE_SPI: SPI mode \arg EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_WRITE_MODE_SQPI: SQPI mode \arg EXMC_SQPIPSRAM_WRITE_MODE_QPI: QPI mode \param[in] write_wait_cycle: wait cycle number after address phase,0..15 \param[in] write_command_code: read command for AHB read transfer \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sqpipsram_write_command_set(uint32_t write_command_mode,uint32_t write_wait_cycle, uint32_t write_command_code) { uint32_t swcmd; swcmd = (uint32_t) write_command_mode | ((write_wait_cycle << SWCMD_WWAITCYCLE_OFFSET) & EXMC_SWCMD_WWAITCYCLE) | ((write_command_code & EXMC_SWCMD_WCMD)); EXMC_SWCMD = swcmd; } /*! \brief send SPI read ID command \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sqpipsram_read_id_command_send(void) { EXMC_SRCMD |= EXMC_SRCMD_RDID; } /*! \brief send SPI special command which does not have address and data phase \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_sqpipsram_write_cmd_send(void) { EXMC_SWCMD |= EXMC_SWCMD_SC; } /*! \brief get the EXMC SPI ID low data \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval the ID low data */ uint32_t exmc_sqpipsram_low_id_get(void) { return (EXMC_SIDL); } /*! \brief get the EXMC SPI ID high data \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval the ID high data */ uint32_t exmc_sqpipsram_high_id_get(void) { return (EXMC_SIDH); } /*! \brief get the bit value of EXMC send write command bit or read ID command \param[in] send_command_flag: the send command flag only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_SEND_COMMAND_FLAG_RDID: EXMC_SRCMD_RDID flag bit \arg EXMC_SEND_COMMAND_FLAG_SC: EXMC_SWCMD_SC flag bit \param[out] none \retval the new value of send command flag */ FlagStatus exmc_sqpipsram_send_command_state_get(uint32_t send_command_flag) { uint32_t flag = 0x00000000U; if(EXMC_SEND_COMMAND_FLAG_RDID == send_command_flag){ flag = EXMC_SRCMD; }else if(EXMC_SEND_COMMAND_FLAG_SC == send_command_flag){ flag = EXMC_SWCMD; }else{ } if (flag & send_command_flag){ /* flag is set */ return SET; }else{ /* flag is reset */ return RESET; } } /*! \brief enable EXMC interrupt \param[in] exmc_bank: specifies the NAND bank,PC card bank or SDRAM device only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANK1_NAND: the NAND bank1 \arg EXMC_BANK2_NAND: the NAND bank2 \arg EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD: the PC card bank \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0: the SDRAM device0 \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE1: the SDRAM device1 \param[in] interrupt: specify get which interrupt flag only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_RISE: rising edge interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_LEVEL: high-level interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_FALL: falling edge interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_SDRAM_INT_FLAG_REFRESH: refresh error interrupt and flag \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_interrupt_enable(uint32_t exmc_bank, uint32_t interrupt) { if((EXMC_BANK1_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK2_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD == exmc_bank)){ /* NAND bank1,bank2 or PC card bank3 */ EXMC_NPINTEN(exmc_bank) |= interrupt; }else{ /* SDRAM device0 or device1 */ EXMC_SDARI |= EXMC_SDARI_REIE; } } /*! \brief disable EXMC interrupt \param[in] exmc_bank: specifies the NAND bank , PC card bank or SDRAM device only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANK1_NAND: the NAND bank1 \arg EXMC_BANK2_NAND: the NAND bank2 \arg EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD: the PC card bank \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0: the SDRAM device0 \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE1: the SDRAM device1 \param[in] interrupt: specify get which interrupt flag only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_RISE: rising edge interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_LEVEL: high-level interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_FALL: falling edge interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_SDRAM_INT_FLAG_REFRESH: refresh error interrupt and flag \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_interrupt_disable(uint32_t exmc_bank, uint32_t interrupt) { if((EXMC_BANK1_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK2_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD == exmc_bank)){ /* NAND bank1,bank2 or PC card bank3 */ EXMC_NPINTEN(exmc_bank) &= ~interrupt; }else{ /* SDRAM device0 or device1 */ EXMC_SDARI &= ~EXMC_SDARI_REIE; } } /*! \brief get EXMC flag status \param[in] exmc_bank: specifies the NAND bank , PC card bank or SDRAM device only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANK1_NAND: the NAND bank1 \arg EXMC_BANK2_NAND: the NAND bank2 \arg EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD: the PC Card bank \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0: the SDRAM device0 \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE1: the SDRAM device1 \param[in] flag: EXMC status and flag only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_RISE: interrupt rising edge status \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_LEVEL: interrupt high-level status \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_FALL: interrupt falling edge status \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_FIFOE: FIFO empty flag \arg EXMC_SDRAM_FLAG_REFRESH: refresh error interrupt flag \arg EXMC_SDRAM_FLAG_NREADY: not ready status \param[out] none \retval FlagStatus: SET or RESET */ FlagStatus exmc_flag_get(uint32_t exmc_bank,uint32_t flag) { uint32_t status = 0x00000000U; if((EXMC_BANK1_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK2_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD == exmc_bank)){ /* NAND bank1,bank2 or PC card bank3 */ status = EXMC_NPINTEN(exmc_bank); }else{ /* SDRAM device0 or device1 */ status = EXMC_SDSTAT; } if ((status & flag) != (uint32_t)flag ){ /* flag is reset */ return RESET; }else{ /* flag is set */ return SET; } } /*! \brief clear EXMC flag status \param[in] exmc_bank: specifie the NAND bank , PCCARD bank or SDRAM device only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANK1_NAND: the NAND bank1 \arg EXMC_BANK2_NAND: the NAND bank2 \arg EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD: the PC card bank \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0: the SDRAM device0 \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE1: the SDRAM device1 \param[in] flag: EXMC status and flag only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_RISE: interrupt rising edge status \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_LEVEL: interrupt high-level status \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_FALL: interrupt falling edge status \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_FIFOE: FIFO empty flag \arg EXMC_SDRAM_FLAG_REFRESH: refresh error interrupt flag \arg EXMC_SDRAM_FLAG_NREADY: not ready status \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_flag_clear(uint32_t exmc_bank, uint32_t flag) { if((EXMC_BANK1_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK2_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD == exmc_bank)){ /* NAND bank1,bank2 or PC card bank3 */ EXMC_NPINTEN(exmc_bank) &= ~flag; }else{ /* SDRAM device0 or device1 */ EXMC_SDSTAT &= ~flag; } } /*! \brief get EXMC interrupt flag \param[in] exmc_bank: specifies the NAND bank , PC card bank or SDRAM device only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANK1_NAND: the NAND bank1 \arg EXMC_BANK2_NAND: the NAND bank2 \arg EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD: the PC card bank \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0: the SDRAM device0 \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE1: the SDRAM device1 \param[in] interrupt: EXMC interrupt flag only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_RISE: rising edge interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_LEVEL: high-level interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_FALL: falling edge interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_SDRAM_INT_FLAG_REFRESH: refresh error interrupt and flag \param[out] none \retval FlagStatus: SET or RESET */ FlagStatus exmc_interrupt_flag_get(uint32_t exmc_bank, uint32_t interrupt) { uint32_t status = 0x00000000U,interrupt_enable = 0x00000000U,interrupt_state = 0x00000000U; if((EXMC_BANK1_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK2_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD == exmc_bank)){ /* NAND bank1,bank2 or PC card bank3 */ status = EXMC_NPINTEN(exmc_bank); interrupt_state = (status & (interrupt >> INTEN_INTS_OFFSET)); }else{ /* SDRAM device0 or device1 */ status = EXMC_SDARI; interrupt_state = (EXMC_SDSTAT & EXMC_SDSDAT_REIF); } interrupt_enable = (status & interrupt); if ((interrupt_enable) && (interrupt_state)){ /* interrupt flag is set */ return SET; }else{ /* interrupt flag is reset */ return RESET; } } /*! \brief clear EXMC interrupt flag \param[in] exmc_bank: specifies the NAND bank , PC card bank or SDRAM device only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_BANK1_NAND: the NAND bank1 \arg EXMC_BANK2_NAND: the NAND bank2 \arg EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD: the PC card bank \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE0: the SDRAM device0 \arg EXMC_SDRAM_DEVICE1: the SDRAM device1 \param[in] interrupt: EXMC interrupt flag only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_RISE: rising edge interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_LEVEL: high-level interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_FALL: falling edge interrupt and flag \arg EXMC_SDRAM_INT_FLAG_REFRESH: refresh error interrupt and flag \param[out] none \retval none */ void exmc_interrupt_flag_clear(uint32_t exmc_bank, uint32_t interrupt) { if((EXMC_BANK1_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK2_NAND == exmc_bank) || (EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD == exmc_bank)){ /* NAND bank1,bank2 or PC card bank3 */ EXMC_NPINTEN(exmc_bank) &= ~(interrupt >> INTEN_INTS_OFFSET); }else{ /* SDRAM device0 or device1 */ EXMC_SDARI |= EXMC_SDARI_REC; } }