# Raspberry PI 3B 32 BSP (Board Support Package) Execution Instruction [中文页](README_zh.md) | ## Introduction This document records the execution instruction of the BSP (board support package) provided by the RT-Thread development team for the Raspberry PI 3B 32 development board. [![raspi3_f](https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/raw/master/bsp/raspberry-pi/raspi3-32/figures/raspi3_f.jpg)](https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/blob/master/bsp/raspberry-pi/raspi3-32/figures/raspi3_f.jpg) [![raspi3_b](https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/raw/master/bsp/raspberry-pi/raspi3-32/figures/raspi3_b.jpg)](https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/blob/master/bsp/raspberry-pi/raspi3-32/figures/raspi3_b.jpg) ## Hardware Features | Hardware | Description | | -------------- | ----------------------------------------- | | CPU | quad-core ARM Cortex A53(ARMv8) | | Main Frequency | 1.2 GHz | | GPU | VideoCore IV | | GPU Frequency | 400MHz | | Memory | 1GB (0x0000000 - 0x40000000) | | | 0x3f000000 - 0x40000000 is for peripheral | **The description of functional pins is as shown as follow:** [![GPIO-Pinout-Diagram-2](https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/raw/master/bsp/raspberry-pi/raspi3-32/figures/GPIO-Pinout-Diagram-2.png)](https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/blob/master/bsp/raspberry-pi/raspi3-32/figures/GPIO-Pinout-Diagram-2.png) ## **Compilation Instruction** The [env](https://www.rt-thread.io/download.html?download=Env) tool is recommended for compiling in Windows environments. The cross-compiler gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q1_linux is recommended in Linux environment. If you don’t have compiling tool, please uncompress the downloaded package like this: ``` tar vxf gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q1_linux.tar.bz2 ``` In Linux environment, you need to modify the settings of the compiler directory, and modify the actual directory of the compiling tool in bsp/raspi3-32/rtconfig. py, remember to add the suffix /bin here. ``` EXEC_PATH = r'/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q1_gri/bin' ``` Enter the rt-thread/bsp/raspi3-32 directory and run the following command to compile this BSP: ``` scons ``` If everything goes well, a new 'rtthread.elf' and 'kernel7.img' file will be generated. ‘kernel7.img' is what we need to put into the root directory of the Raspberry PI 3B SD card. ### **Eclipse compiling environment** - Step 1: Install the eclipse plugin 'cdt'. - Step 2: Open eclipse cdt and set workspace, and set the workspace to 'rt-thread/bsp/raspberry-pi/raspi3-32'. - Step 3: Import the project by selecting 'General->Existing Projects into Workspace' and then 'Browse ...'. Noted that the compiling only supports scons now. ## **Running** ### **Prepare the [Raspbian](https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_lite_latest) SD card** Download the raspbian image, for example, "2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch-lite.zip". Unpack it. **Burn the SD card on Windows** On Windows, download the burning tool " [etcher.io](https://www.balena.io/etcher/) ", run it and choose the unpacked image "2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch-lite.img". When the burning process is completed, put "kernel8.img" into the boot partition to replace the file wit the same name. **Burn the SD card on Linux** Prepare an empty SD card, plug it in the computer and then execute the command below: "sudo dd if=2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch-lite.img of=/dev/xxx bs=32M conv=fsync" Note that the device file "/dev/xxx" should be replaced with the real SD card. ### **Prepare the serial port wire** The BSP uses GPIO 14 & GPIO 15 of raspi 3 as the communication ports, as shown in the following image: [![raspberrypi-console](https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/raw/master/bsp/raspberry-pi/raspi3-32/figures/raspberrypi-console.png)](https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/blob/master/bsp/raspberry-pi/raspi3-32/figures/raspberrypi-console.png) The serial port parameters: 115200 8N1, hardware and software flow control is off. ## **Running Result** Insert the burned SD card into Raspberry Pi, power up, the output information on the serial port should be like this: ``` heap: 0x0005d784 - 0x0045d784 \ | / - RT - Thread Operating System / | \ 4.0.2 build Jan 9 2020 2006 - 2019 Copyright by rt-thread team [I/I2C] I2C bus [i2c0] registered [I/I2C] I2C bus [i2c1] registered [I/SDIO] SD card capacity 15558144 KB. found part[0], begin: 1048576, size: 63.0MB found part[1], begin: 67108864, size: 14.793GB file system initialization done! boot cpu:3 msh />cpu = 0x00000003 cpu 3 startup. start OK: CPU 3 boot cpu:2 cpu = 0x00000002 cpu 2 startup. start OK: CPU 2 boot cpu:1 cpu = 0x00000001 cpu 1 startup. start OK: CPU 1 Hello RT-Thread! msh /> ``` ## **Peripheral Condition** | Drive | Support | Remark | | -------------- | ------- | ------ | | UART | Support | UART0 | | GPIO | Support | - | | IIC | Support | - | | SPI | Support | - | | CPU Timer | Support | - | | SD card driver | Support | - | | RTC | Support | - | | WDT | Support | - | | MAILBOX | Support | - | | SMP | Support | - | | FRAMEBUFFER | Support | HDMI |