/********************************************************************** * $Id$ lpc_dac.c 2011-06-02 *//** * @file lpc_dac.c * @brief Contains all functions support for DAC firmware library on * LPC * @version 1.0 * @date 02. June. 2011 * @author NXP MCU SW Application Team * * Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor * All rights reserved. * *********************************************************************** * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only * which provides customers with programming information regarding the * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties. * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent, * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors * reserves the right to make changes in the software without * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified * use without further testing or modification. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' * relevant copyright in the software, without fee, provided that it * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of * this code. **********************************************************************/ /* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @addtogroup DAC * @{ */ #ifdef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ #include "lpc_libcfg.h" #else #include "lpc_libcfg_default.h" #endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */ #ifdef _DAC /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "lpc_dac.h" #include "lpc_clkpwr.h" #include "lpc_pinsel.h" /* Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Get pointer to DAC peripheral * @param[in] compId Component ID, normally is zero (0). * @param[in] pinnum Pin number value, should be in range from 0..31 * @return Pointer to DAC peripheral component **********************************************************************/ static LPC_DAC_TypeDef * DAC_GetPointer(uint8_t compId) { LPC_DAC_TypeDef *pComponent = LPC_DAC; return pComponent; } /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @addtogroup DAC_Public_Functions * @{ */ /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Initial ADC configuration * - Maximum current is 700 uA * - Value to AOUT is 0 * @param[in] DAC_Id the ID of the DAC component that is using, should be: zero (0) * @return None ***********************************************************************/ void DAC_Init(uint8_t DAC_Id) { /* * Init DAC pin connect * AOUT on P0.26 */ PINSEL_ConfigPin(0, 26, 2); PINSEL_SetAnalogPinMode(0,26,ENABLE); //Enable DAC for the pin PINSEL_DacEnable(0, 26, ENABLE); //Set maximum current output as default DAC_SetBias(DAC_Id, DAC_MAX_CURRENT_700uA); } /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Update value to DAC * @param[in] DAC_Id the ID of the DAC component that is using, should be: zero (0) * @param[in] dac_value : value 10 bit to be converted to output * @return None ***********************************************************************/ void DAC_UpdateValue (uint8_t DAC_Id,uint32_t dac_value) { uint32_t tmp; LPC_DAC_TypeDef* pDac = DAC_GetPointer(DAC_Id); tmp = pDac->CR & DAC_BIAS_EN; tmp |= DAC_VALUE(dac_value); // Update value pDac->CR = tmp; } /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Set Maximum current for DAC * @param[in] DAC_Id the ID of the DAC component that is using, should be: zero (0) * @param[in] bias : 0 is 700 uA * 1 350 uA * @return None ***********************************************************************/ void DAC_SetBias (uint8_t DAC_Id, uint32_t bias) { LPC_DAC_TypeDef* pDac = DAC_GetPointer(DAC_Id); pDac->CR &=~DAC_BIAS_EN; if (bias == DAC_MAX_CURRENT_350uA) { pDac->CR |= DAC_BIAS_EN; } } /*********************************************************************//** * @brief To enable the DMA operation and control DMA timer * @param[in] DAC_Id the ID of the DAC component that is using, should be: zero (0) * @param[in] DAC_ConverterConfigStruct pointer to DAC_CONVERTER_CFG_Type * - DBLBUF_ENA : enable/disable DACR double buffering feature * - CNT_ENA : enable/disable timer out counter * - DMA_ENA : enable/disable DMA access * @return None ***********************************************************************/ void DAC_ConfigDAConverterControl (uint8_t DAC_Id, DAC_CONVERTER_CFG_Type *DAC_ConverterConfigStruct) { LPC_DAC_TypeDef* pDac = DAC_GetPointer(DAC_Id); pDac->CTRL &= ~DAC_DACCTRL_MASK; if (DAC_ConverterConfigStruct->DBLBUF_ENA) pDac->CTRL |= DAC_DBLBUF_ENA; if (DAC_ConverterConfigStruct->CNT_ENA) pDac->CTRL |= DAC_CNT_ENA; if (DAC_ConverterConfigStruct->DMA_ENA) pDac->CTRL |= DAC_DMA_ENA; } /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Set reload value for interrupt/DMA counter * @param[in] DAC_Id the ID of the DAC component that is using, should be: zero (0) * @param[in] time_out time out to reload for interrupt/DMA counter * @return None ***********************************************************************/ void DAC_SetDMATimeOut(uint8_t DAC_Id, uint32_t time_out) { LPC_DAC_TypeDef* pDac = DAC_GetPointer(DAC_Id); pDac->CNTVAL = DAC_CCNT_VALUE(time_out); } /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Check the interrupt/DMA counter is occured or not because of the timer counter * @param[in] DAC_Id the ID of the DAC component that is using, should be: zero (0) * @return None ***********************************************************************/ uint8_t DAC_IsIntRequested(uint8_t DAC_Id) { LPC_DAC_TypeDef* pDac = DAC_GetPointer(DAC_Id); //Return the INT_DMA_REQ bit of D/A control register return (pDac->CTRL & 0x01); } /** * @} */ #endif /*_DAC*/ /** * @} */ /* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */