/* RT-Thread config file */ #ifndef __RTTHREAD_CFG_H__ #define __RTTHREAD_CFG_H__ /* RT_NAME_MAX*/ #define RT_NAME_MAX 8 /* RT_ALIGN_SIZE*/ #define RT_ALIGN_SIZE 4 /* PRIORITY_MAX */ #define RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX 32 /* Tick per Second */ /* TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC define in system.h */ #define RT_TICK_PER_SECOND 1000 //TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC /* SECTION: RT_DEBUG */ /* Thread Debug */ #define RT_DEBUG //#define THREAD_DEBUG //#define SCHEDULER_DEBUG //#define IRQ_DEBUG #define IDLE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 1024 #define RT_USING_OVERFLOW_CHECK /* Using Hook */ #define RT_USING_HOOK /* Using Software Timer */ /* #define RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT */ #define RT_TIMER_THREAD_PRIO 4 #define RT_TIMER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 512 #define RT_TIMER_TICK_PER_SECOND 10 /* SECTION: IPC */ /* Using Semaphore*/ #define RT_USING_SEMAPHORE /* Using Mutex */ #define RT_USING_MUTEX /* Using Event */ #define RT_USING_EVENT /* Using MailBox */ #define RT_USING_MAILBOX /* Using Message Queue */ #define RT_USING_MESSAGEQUEUE /* SECTION: Memory Management */ /* Using Memory Pool Management*/ #define RT_USING_MEMPOOL /* Using Dynamic Heap Management */ #define RT_USING_HEAP /* Using Small MM */ #define RT_USING_SMALL_MEM /* SECTION: Device System */ /* Using Device System */ #define RT_USING_DEVICE #define RT_USING_UART1 /* SECTION: Console options */ /* the buffer size of console*/ #define RT_CONSOLEBUF_SIZE 128 #define RT_USING_NEWLIB /* SECTION: finsh, a C-Express shell */ #define RT_USING_FINSH /* Using symbol table */ #define FINSH_USING_SYMTAB #define FINSH_USING_DESCRIPTION #define __fsymtab_start _alt_partition_FSymTab_start #define __fsymtab_end _alt_partition_FSymTab_end #define __vsymtab_start _alt_partition_VSymTab_start #define __vsymtab_end _alt_partition_VSymTab_end /* SECTION: device filesystem */ //#define RT_USING_DFS #define RT_USING_DFS_ELMFAT /* the max number of mounted filesystem */ #define DFS_FILESYSTEMS_MAX 2 /* the max number of opened files */ #define DFS_FD_MAX 4 /* the max number of cached sector */ #define DFS_CACHE_MAX_NUM 4 /* SECTION: lwip, a lighwight TCP/IP protocol stack */ //#define RT_USING_LWIP /* LwIP uses RT-Thread Memory Management */ #define RT_LWIP_USING_RT_MEM /* Enable ICMP protocol*/ #define RT_LWIP_ICMP /* Enable UDP protocol*/ #define RT_LWIP_UDP /* Enable TCP protocol*/ #define RT_LWIP_TCP /* Enable DNS */ #define RT_LWIP_DNS /* the number of simulatenously active TCP connections*/ #define RT_LWIP_TCP_PCB_NUM 5 /* ip address of target*/ #define RT_LWIP_IPADDR0 192 #define RT_LWIP_IPADDR1 168 #define RT_LWIP_IPADDR2 1 #define RT_LWIP_IPADDR3 30 /* gateway address of target*/ #define RT_LWIP_GWADDR0 192 #define RT_LWIP_GWADDR1 168 #define RT_LWIP_GWADDR2 1 #define RT_LWIP_GWADDR3 1 /* mask address of target*/ #define RT_LWIP_MSKADDR0 255 #define RT_LWIP_MSKADDR1 255 #define RT_LWIP_MSKADDR2 255 #define RT_LWIP_MSKADDR3 0 /* tcp thread options */ #define RT_LWIP_TCPTHREAD_PRIORITY 12 #define RT_LWIP_TCPTHREAD_MBOX_SIZE 4 #define RT_LWIP_TCPTHREAD_STACKSIZE 1024 /* ethernet if thread options */ #define RT_LWIP_ETHTHREAD_PRIORITY 15 #define RT_LWIP_ETHTHREAD_MBOX_SIZE 4 #define RT_LWIP_ETHTHREAD_STACKSIZE 512 #endif