/* * RT-Thread module shell implementation. * * COPYRIGHT (C) 2013, Shanghai Real-Thread Technology Co., Ltd * * This file is part of RT-Thread (http://www.rt-thread.org) * Maintainer: bernard.xiong * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2013-03-30 Bernard the first verion for FinSH */ #include "msh.h" #include #include #define RT_FINSH_ARG_MAX 10 typedef int (*cmd_function_t)(int argc, char** argv); #ifdef FINSH_USING_MSH #ifdef FINSH_USING_MSH_DEFAULT static rt_bool_t __msh_state = RT_TRUE; #else static rt_bool_t __msh_state = RT_FALSE; #endif rt_bool_t msh_is_used(void) { return __msh_state; } static int msh_exit(int argc, char** argv) { /* return to finsh shell mode */ __msh_state = RT_FALSE; return 0; } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT_ALIAS(msh_exit, __cmd_exit, return to RT-Thread shell mode.); static int msh_enter(void) { /* enter module shell mode */ __msh_state = RT_TRUE; return 0; } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT_ALIAS(msh_enter, msh, use module shell); int msh_help(int argc, char** argv) { rt_kprintf("RT-Thread shell commands:\n"); { struct finsh_syscall *index; for (index = _syscall_table_begin; index < _syscall_table_end; FINSH_NEXT_SYSCALL(index)) { if (strncmp(index->name, "__cmd_", 6) != 0) continue; rt_kprintf("%s ", &index->name[6]); } } rt_kprintf("\n"); return 0; } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT_ALIAS(msh_help, __cmd_help, "RT-Thread shell help."); static int msh_split(char* cmd, rt_size_t length, char* argv[RT_FINSH_ARG_MAX]) { char *ptr; rt_size_t position; rt_size_t argc; ptr = cmd; position = 0; argc = 0; while (position < length) { /* strip bank and tab */ while ((*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') && position < length) { *ptr = '\0'; ptr ++; position ++; } if (position >= length) break; /* handle string */ if (*ptr == '"') { ptr ++; position ++; argv[argc] = ptr; argc ++; /* skip this string */ while (*ptr != '"' && position < length) { if (*ptr == '\\') { if (*(ptr + 1) == '"') { ptr ++; position ++; } } ptr ++; position ++; } if (position >= length) break; /* skip '"' */ *ptr = '\0'; ptr ++; position ++; } else { argv[argc] = ptr; argc ++; while ((*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t') && position < length) { ptr ++; position ++; } if (position >= length) break; } } return argc; } static cmd_function_t msh_get_cmd(char *cmd) { struct finsh_syscall *index; cmd_function_t cmd_func = RT_NULL; for (index = _syscall_table_begin; index < _syscall_table_end; FINSH_NEXT_SYSCALL(index)) { if (strncmp(index->name, "__cmd_", 6) != 0) continue; if (strcmp(&index->name[6], cmd) == 0) { cmd_func = (cmd_function_t)index->func; break; } } return cmd_func; } int msh_exec(char* cmd, rt_size_t length) { int argc; char *argv[RT_FINSH_ARG_MAX]; cmd_function_t cmd_func; memset(argv, 0x00, sizeof(argv)); argc = msh_split(cmd, length, argv); if (argc == 0) return -1; /* get command in internal commands */ cmd_func = msh_get_cmd(argv[0]); if (cmd_func == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("%s: command not found\n", argv[0]); return -1; } /* exec this command */ return cmd_func(argc, argv); } static int str_common(const char *str1, const char *str2) { const char *str = str1; while ((*str != 0) && (*str2 != 0) && (*str == *str2)) { str ++; str2 ++; } return (str - str1); } void msh_auto_complete(char *prefix) { rt_uint16_t func_cnt; int length, min_length; const char *name_ptr, *cmd_name; struct finsh_syscall *index; func_cnt = 0; min_length = 0; name_ptr = RT_NULL; if (*prefix == '\0') { msh_help(0, RT_NULL); return; } /* checks in internal command */ { for (index = _syscall_table_begin; index < _syscall_table_end; FINSH_NEXT_SYSCALL(index)) { /* skip finsh shell function */ if (strncmp(index->name, "__cmd_", 6) != 0) continue; cmd_name = (const char*) &index->name[6]; if (strncmp(prefix, cmd_name, strlen(prefix)) == 0) { if (func_cnt == 0) { /* set name_ptr */ name_ptr = cmd_name; /* set initial length */ min_length = strlen(name_ptr); } func_cnt ++; length = str_common(name_ptr, cmd_name); if (length < min_length) min_length = length; rt_kprintf("%s\n", cmd_name); } } } /* auto complete string */ if (name_ptr != NULL) { rt_strncpy(prefix, name_ptr, min_length); } return ; } #endif