; * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team
; *
; * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
; *
; * Change Logs:
; * Date           Author       Notes
; */
;/* LPC2400.S: Startup file for Philips LPC2400 device series                 */
;/* <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>                          */
;/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools.                   */
;/* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Keil - An ARM Company. All rights reserved.       */
;/* This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current,       */
;/* end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software      */
;/* development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software. */

; *  The LPC2400.S code is executed after CPU Reset. This file may be
; *  translated with the following SET symbols. In uVision these SET
; *  symbols are entered under Options - ASM - Define.
; *
; *  NO_CLOCK_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize Clock
; *  (used mostly when clock is already initialized from script .ini
; *  file).
; *
; *  NO_EMC_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize
; *  External Bus Controller.
; *
; *  RAM_INTVEC: when set the startup code copies exception vectors
; *  from on-chip Flash to on-chip RAM.
; *
; *  REMAP: when set the startup code initializes the register MEMMAP
; *  which overwrites the settings of the CPU configuration pins. The
; *  startup and interrupt vectors are remapped from:
; *     0x00000000  default setting (not remapped)
; *     0x40000000  when RAM_MODE is used
; *     0x80000000  when EXTMEM_MODE is used
; *
; *  EXTMEM_MODE: when set the device is configured for code execution
; *  from external memory starting at address 0x80000000.
; *
; *  RAM_MODE: when set the device is configured for code execution
; *  from on-chip RAM starting at address 0x40000000.
; */

; Standard definitions of Mode bits and Interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRs

Mode_USR        EQU     0x10
Mode_FIQ        EQU     0x11
Mode_IRQ        EQU     0x12
Mode_SVC        EQU     0x13
Mode_ABT        EQU     0x17
Mode_UND        EQU     0x1B
Mode_SYS        EQU     0x1F
I_Bit           EQU     0x80            ; when I bit is set, IRQ is disabled
F_Bit           EQU     0x40            ; when F bit is set, FIQ is disabled

;----------------------- Memory Definitions ------------------------------------

; Internal Memory Base Addresses
FLASH_BASE      EQU     0x00000000
RAM_BASE        EQU     0x40000000
EXTMEM_BASE     EQU     0x80000000

; External Memory Base Addresses
STA_MEM0_BASE   EQU     0x80000000
STA_MEM1_BASE   EQU     0x81000000
STA_MEM2_BASE   EQU     0x82000000
STA_MEM3_BASE   EQU     0x83000000
DYN_MEM0_BASE   EQU     0xA0000000
DYN_MEM1_BASE   EQU     0xB0000000
DYN_MEM2_BASE   EQU     0xC0000000
DYN_MEM3_BASE   EQU     0xD0000000

;----------------------- Stack and Heap Definitions ----------------------------

;// <h> Stack Configuration (Stack Sizes in Bytes)
;//   <o0> Undefined Mode      <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o1> Supervisor Mode     <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o2> Abort Mode          <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o3> Fast Interrupt Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o4> Interrupt Mode      <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o5> User/System Mode    <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;// </h>

UND_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
SVC_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000100
ABT_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
FIQ_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
IRQ_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000100
USR_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000100

ISR_Stack_Size  EQU     (UND_Stack_Size + SVC_Stack_Size + ABT_Stack_Size + \
                         FIQ_Stack_Size + IRQ_Stack_Size)


Stack_Mem       SPACE   USR_Stack_Size
__initial_sp    SPACE   ISR_Stack_Size


;// <h> Heap Configuration
;//   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF>
;// </h>

Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000000

                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size

;----------------------- Clock Definitions -------------------------------------

; System Control Block (SCB) Module Definitions
SCB_BASE        EQU     0xE01FC000      ; SCB Base Address
PLLCON_OFS      EQU     0x80            ; PLL Control Offset
PLLCFG_OFS      EQU     0x84            ; PLL Configuration Offset
PLLSTAT_OFS     EQU     0x88            ; PLL Status Offset
PLLFEED_OFS     EQU     0x8C            ; PLL Feed Offset
CCLKCFG_OFS     EQU     0x104           ; CPU Clock Divider Reg Offset
USBCLKCFG_OFS   EQU     0x108           ; USB Clock Divider Reg Offset
CLKSRCSEL_OFS   EQU     0x10C           ; Clock Source Sel Reg Offset
SCS_OFS         EQU     0x1A0           ; Sys Control and Status Reg Offset
PCLKSEL0_OFS    EQU     0x1A8           ; Periph Clock Sel Reg 0 Offset
PCLKSEL1_OFS    EQU     0x1AC           ; Periph Clock Sel Reg 0 Offset

PCON_OFS        EQU     0x0C0           ; Power Mode Control Reg Offset
PCONP_OFS       EQU     0x0C4           ; Power Control for Periphs Reg Offset

; Constants
OSCRANGE        EQU     (1<<4)          ; Oscillator Range Select
OSCEN           EQU     (1<<5)          ; Main oscillator Enable
OSCSTAT         EQU     (1<<6)          ; Main Oscillator Status
PLLCON_PLLE     EQU     (1<<0)          ; PLL Enable
PLLCON_PLLC     EQU     (1<<1)          ; PLL Connect
PLLSTAT_M       EQU     (0x7FFF<<0)     ; PLL M Value
PLLSTAT_N       EQU     (0xFF<<16)      ; PLL N Value
PLLSTAT_PLOCK   EQU     (1<<26)         ; PLL Lock Status

;// <e> Clock Setup
;//   <h> System Controls and Status Register (SYS)
;//     <o1.4>    OSCRANGE: Main Oscillator Range Select
;//                     <0=>  1 MHz to 20 MHz
;//                     <1=> 15 MHz to 24 MHz
;//     <e1.5>       OSCEN: Main Oscillator Enable
;//     </e>
;//   </h>
;//   <h> PLL Clock Source Select Register (CLKSRCSEL)
;//     <o2.0..1>   CLKSRC: PLL Clock Source Selection
;//                     <0=> Internal RC oscillator
;//                     <1=> Main oscillator
;//                     <2=> RTC oscillator
;//   </h>
;//   <h> PLL Configuration Register (PLLCFG)
;//                     <i> PLL_clk = (2* M * PLL_clk_src) / N
;//     <o3.0..14>    MSEL: PLL Multiplier Selection
;//                     <1-32768><#-1>
;//                     <i> M Value
;//     <o3.16..23>   NSEL: PLL Divider Selection
;//                     <1-256><#-1>
;//                     <i> N Value
;//   </h>
;//   <h> CPU Clock Configuration Register (CCLKCFG)
;//     <o4.0..7>  CCLKSEL: Divide Value for CPU Clock from PLL
;//                     <1-256><#-1>
;//   </h>
;//   <h> USB Clock Configuration Register (USBCLKCFG)
;//     <o5.0..3>   USBSEL: Divide Value for USB Clock from PLL
;//                     <1-16><#-1>
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Peripheral Clock Selection Register 0 (PCLKSEL0)
;//     <o6.0..1>      PCLK_WDT: Peripheral Clock Selection for WDT
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.2..3>   PCLK_TIMER0: Peripheral Clock Selection for TIMER0
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.4..5>   PCLK_TIMER1: Peripheral Clock Selection for TIMER1
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.6..7>    PCLK_UART0: Peripheral Clock Selection for UART0
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.8..9>    PCLK_UART1: Peripheral Clock Selection for UART1
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.10..11>   PCLK_PWM0: Peripheral Clock Selection for PWM0
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.12..13>   PCLK_PWM1: Peripheral Clock Selection for PWM1
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.14..15>   PCLK_I2C0: Peripheral Clock Selection for I2C0
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.16..17>    PCLK_SPI: Peripheral Clock Selection for SPI
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.18..19>    PCLK_RTC: Peripheral Clock Selection for RTC
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.20..21>   PCLK_SSP1: Peripheral Clock Selection for SSP1
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.22..23>    PCLK_DAC: Peripheral Clock Selection for DAC
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.24..25>    PCLK_ADC: Peripheral Clock Selection for ADC
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o6.26..27>   PCLK_CAN1: Peripheral Clock Selection for CAN1
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 6
;//     <o6.28..29>   PCLK_CAN2: Peripheral Clock Selection for CAN2
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 6
;//     <o6.30..31>    PCLK_ACF: Peripheral Clock Selection for ACF
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 6
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Peripheral Clock Selection Register 1 (PCLKSEL1)
;//     <o7.0..1>  PCLK_BAT_RAM: Peripheral Clock Selection for the Battery Supported RAM
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.2..3>     PCLK_GPIO: Peripheral Clock Selection for GPIOs
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.4..5>      PCLK_PCB: Peripheral Clock Selection for Pin Connect Block
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.6..7>     PCLK_I2C1: Peripheral Clock Selection for I2C1
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.10..11>   PCLK_SSP0: Peripheral Clock Selection for SSP0
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.12..13> PCLK_TIMER2: Peripheral Clock Selection for TIMER2
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.14..15> PCLK_TIMER3: Peripheral Clock Selection for TIMER3
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.16..17>  PCLK_UART2: Peripheral Clock Selection for UART2
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.18..19>  PCLK_UART3: Peripheral Clock Selection for UART3
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.20..21>   PCLK_I2C2: Peripheral Clock Selection for I2C2
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.22..23>    PCLK_I2S: Peripheral Clock Selection for I2S
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.24..25>    PCLK_MCI: Peripheral Clock Selection for MCI
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//     <o7.28..29> PCLK_SYSCON: Peripheral Clock Selection for System Control Block
;//                     <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4
;//                     <1=> Pclk = Cclk
;//                     <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2
;//                     <3=> Pclk = Cclk / 8
;//   </h>
;// </e>
SCS_Val         EQU     0x00000020
CLKSRCSEL_Val   EQU     0x00000001
PLLCFG_Val      EQU     0x0000000B
CCLKCFG_Val     EQU     0x00000004
USBCLKCFG_Val   EQU     0x00000005
PCLKSEL0_Val    EQU     0x00000000
PCLKSEL1_Val    EQU     0x00000000

;----------------------- Memory Accelerator Module (MAM) Definitions -----------

MAM_BASE        EQU     0xE01FC000      ; MAM Base Address
MAMCR_OFS       EQU     0x00            ; MAM Control Offset
MAMTIM_OFS      EQU     0x04            ; MAM Timing Offset

;// <e> MAM Setup
;//   <o1.0..1>   MAM Control
;//               <0=> Disabled
;//               <1=> Partially Enabled
;//               <2=> Fully Enabled
;//               <i> Mode
;//   <o2.0..2>   MAM Timing
;//               <0=> Reserved  <1=> 1   <2=> 2   <3=> 3
;//               <4=> 4         <5=> 5   <6=> 6   <7=> 7
;//               <i> Fetch Cycles
;// </e>
MAM_SETUP       EQU     1
MAMCR_Val       EQU     0x00000002
MAMTIM_Val      EQU     0x00000004

;----------------------- Pin Connect Block Definitions -------------------------

PCB_BASE            EQU 0xE002C000      ; PCB Base Address
PINSEL0_OFS         EQU 0x00            ; PINSEL0  Address Offset
PINSEL1_OFS         EQU 0x04            ; PINSEL1  Address Offset
PINSEL2_OFS         EQU 0x08            ; PINSEL2  Address Offset
PINSEL3_OFS         EQU 0x0C            ; PINSEL3  Address Offset
PINSEL4_OFS         EQU 0x10            ; PINSEL4  Address Offset
PINSEL5_OFS         EQU 0x14            ; PINSEL5  Address Offset
PINSEL6_OFS         EQU 0x18            ; PINSEL6  Address Offset
PINSEL7_OFS         EQU 0x1C            ; PINSEL7  Address Offset
PINSEL8_OFS         EQU 0x20            ; PINSEL8  Address Offset
PINSEL9_OFS         EQU 0x24            ; PINSEL9  Address Offset
PINSEL10_OFS        EQU 0x28            ; PINSEL10 Address Offset

;----------------------- External Memory Controller (EMC) Definitons -----------

EMC_BASE            EQU 0xFFE08000      ; EMC Base Address

EMC_CTRL_OFS        EQU 0x000
EMC_STAT_OFS        EQU 0x004
EMC_DYN_RP_OFS      EQU 0x030
EMC_DYN_WR_OFS      EQU 0x044
EMC_DYN_RC_OFS      EQU 0x048

; Constants
NORMAL_CMD          EQU (0x0 << 7)      ; NORMAL        Command
MODE_CMD            EQU (0x1 << 7)      ; MODE          Command
PALL_CMD            EQU (0x2 << 7)      ; Precharge All Command
NOP_CMD             EQU (0x3 << 7)      ; NOP           Command

BUFEN_Const         EQU (1 << 19)       ; Buffer enable bit
EMC_PCONP_Const     EQU (1 << 11)       ; PCONP val to enable power for EMC

; External Memory Pins definitions
; pin functions for SDRAM, NOR and NAND flash interfacing
EMC_PINSEL5_Val     EQU 0x05010115      ; !CAS, !RAS, CLKOUT0, !DYCS0, DQMOUT0, DQMOUT1
EMC_PINSEL6_Val     EQU 0x55555555      ; D0 .. D15
EMC_PINSEL8_Val     EQU 0x55555555      ; A0 .. A15
EMC_PINSEL9_Val     EQU 0x50055555;     ; A16 .. A23, !OE, !WE, !CS0, !CS1

;//     External Memory Controller Setup (EMC) ---------------------------------
;// <e> External Memory Controller Setup (EMC)
EMC_SETUP           EQU 0

;//   <h> EMC Control Register (EMCControl)
;//     <i> Controls operation of the memory controller
;//     <o0.2> L: Low-power mode enable
;//     <o0.1> M: Address mirror enable
;//     <o0.0> E: EMC enable
;//   </h>
EMC_CTRL_Val        EQU 0x00000001

;//   <h> EMC Configuration Register (EMCConfig)
;//     <i> Configures operation of the memory controller
;//     <o0.8> CCLK: CLKOUT ratio
;//       <0=> 1:1
;//       <1=> 1:2
;//     <o0.0> Endian mode
;//       <0=> Little-endian
;//       <1=> Big-endian
;//   </h>
EMC_CONFIG_Val      EQU 0x00000000

;//       Dynamic Memory Interface Setup ---------------------------------------
;//   <e> Dynamic Memory Interface Setup

;//     <h> Dynamic Memory Refresh Timer Register (EMCDynamicRefresh)
;//       <i> Configures dynamic memory refresh operation
;//       <o0.0..10> REFRESH: Refresh timer <0x000-0x7FF>
;//         <i> 0 = refresh disabled, 0x01-0x7FF: value * 16 CCLKS
;//     </h>
EMC_DYN_RFSH_Val    EQU 0x0000001C

;//     <h> Dynamic Memory Read Configuration Register (EMCDynamicReadConfig)
;//       <i> Configures the dynamic memory read strategy
;//       <o0.0..1> RD: Read data strategy
;//                  <0=> Clock out delayed strategy
;//         <1=> Command delayed strategy
;//         <2=> Command delayed strategy plus one clock cycle
;//         <3=> Command delayed strategy plus two clock cycles
;//     </h>
EMC_DYN_RD_CFG_Val  EQU 0x00000001

;//     <h> Dynamic Memory Timings
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Percentage Command Period Register (EMCDynamictRP)
;//         <o0.0..3> tRP: Precharge command period <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in EMCCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tRP
;//       </h>
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Active to Precharge Command Period Register (EMCDynamictRAS)
;//         <o1.0..3> tRAS: Active to precharge command period <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in EMCCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tRAS
;//       </h>
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Self-refresh Exit Time Register (EMCDynamictSREX)
;//         <o2.0..3> tSREX: Self-refresh exit time <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tSREX,
;//           <i> for devices without this parameter you use the same value as tXSR
;//       </h>
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Last Data Out to Active Time Register (EMCDynamictAPR)
;//         <o3.0..3> tAPR: Last-data-out to active command time <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tAPR
;//       </h>
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Data-in to Active Command Time Register (EMCDynamictDAL)
;//         <o4.0..3> tDAL: Data-in to active command time <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tDAL or tAPW
;//       </h>
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Write Recovery Time Register (EMCDynamictWR)
;//         <o5.0..3> tWR: Write recovery time <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tWR, tDPL, tRWL, or tRDL
;//       </h>
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Active to Active Command Period Register (EMCDynamictRC)
;//         <o6.0..4> tRC: Active to active command period <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tRC
;//       </h>
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Auto-refresh Period Register (EMCDynamictRFC)
;//         <o7.0..4> tRFC: Auto-refresh period and auto-refresh to active command period <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tRFC or  tRC
;//       </h>
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Exit Self-refresh Register (EMCDynamictXSR)
;//         <o8.0..4> tXSR: Exit self-refresh to active command time <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tXSR
;//       </h>
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Active Bank A to Active Bank B Time Register (EMCDynamicRRD)
;//         <o9.0..3> tRRD: Active bank A to active bank B latency <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tRRD
;//       </h>
;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Load Mode Register to Active Command Time (EMCDynamictMRD)
;//         <o10.0..3> tMRD: Load mode register to active command time <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//           <i> This value is normally found in SDRAM data sheets as tMRD or tRSA
;//       </h>
;//     </h>
EMC_DYN_RP_Val      EQU 0x00000002
EMC_DYN_RAS_Val     EQU 0x00000003
EMC_DYN_SREX_Val    EQU 0x00000007
EMC_DYN_APR_Val     EQU 0x00000002
EMC_DYN_DAL_Val     EQU 0x00000005
EMC_DYN_WR_Val      EQU 0x00000001
EMC_DYN_RC_Val      EQU 0x00000005
EMC_DYN_RFC_Val     EQU 0x00000005
EMC_DYN_XSR_Val     EQU 0x00000007
EMC_DYN_RRD_Val     EQU 0x00000001
EMC_DYN_MRD_Val     EQU 0x00000002

;//     <e> Configure External Bus Behaviour for Dynamic CS0 Area

;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Configuration Register (EMCDynamicConfig0)
;//         <i> Defines the configuration information for the dynamic memory CS0
;//         <o0.20> P: Write protect
;//         <o0.19> B: Buffer enable
;//         <o0.14> AM 14: External bus data width
;//           <0=> 16 bit
;//           <1=> 32 bit
;//         <o0.12> AM 12: External bus memory type
;//           <0=> High-performance
;//           <1=> Low-power SDRAM
;//         <o0.7..11> AM 11..7: External bus address mapping (Row, Bank, Column)
;//           <0x00=> 16 Mb = 2MB (2Mx8), 2 banks, row length = 11, column length = 9
;//           <0x01=> 16 Mb = 2MB (1Mx16), 2 banks, row length = 11, column length = 8
;//           <0x04=> 64 Mb = 8MB (8Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 9
;//           <0x05=> 64 Mb = 8MB (4Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 8
;//           <0x08=> 128 Mb = 16MB (16Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 10
;//           <0x09=> 128 Mb = 16MB (8Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 9
;//           <0x0C=> 256 Mb = 32MB (32Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 10
;//           <0x0D=> 256 Mb = 32MB (16Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 9
;//           <0x10=> 512 Mb = 64MB (64Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 11
;//           <0x11=> 512 Mb = 64MB (32Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 10
;//         <o0.3..4> MD: Memory device
;//           <0=> SDRAM
;//           <1=> Low-power SDRAM
;//           <2=> Micron SyncFlash
;//       </h>
EMC_DYN_CFG0_Val    EQU 0x00080680

;//       <h> Dynamic Memory RAS & CAS Delay register (EMCDynamicRASCAS0)
;//         <i> Controls the RAS and CAS latencies for the dynamic memory CS0
;//         <o0.8..9> CAS: CAS latency
;//           <1=> One CCLK cycle
;//           <2=> Two CCLK cycles
;//           <3=> Three CCLK cycles
;//         <o0.0..1> RAS: RAS latency (active to read/write delay)
;//           <1=> One CCLK cycle
;//           <2=> Two CCLK cycles
;//           <3=> Three CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_DYN_RASCAS0_Val EQU 0x00000303

;//     </e> End of Dynamic Setup for CS0 Area

;//     <e> Configure External Bus Behaviour for Dynamic CS1 Area

;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Configuration Register (EMCDynamicConfig1)
;//         <i> Defines the configuration information for the dynamic memory CS1
;//         <o0.20> P: Write protect
;//         <o0.19> B: Buffer enable
;//         <o0.14> AM 14: External bus data width
;//           <0=> 16 bit
;//           <1=> 32 bit
;//         <o0.12> AM 12: External bus memory type
;//           <0=> High-performance
;//           <1=> Low-power SDRAM
;//         <o0.7..11> AM 11..7: External bus address mapping (Row, Bank, Column)
;//           <0x00=> 16 Mb = 2MB (2Mx8), 2 banks, row length = 11, column length = 9
;//           <0x01=> 16 Mb = 2MB (1Mx16), 2 banks, row length = 11, column length = 8
;//           <0x04=> 64 Mb = 8MB (8Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 9
;//           <0x05=> 64 Mb = 8MB (4Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 8
;//           <0x08=> 128 Mb = 16MB (16Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 10
;//           <0x09=> 128 Mb = 16MB (8Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 9
;//           <0x0C=> 256 Mb = 32MB (32Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 10
;//           <0x0D=> 256 Mb = 32MB (16Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 9
;//           <0x10=> 512 Mb = 64MB (64Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 11
;//           <0x11=> 512 Mb = 64MB (32Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 10
;//         <o0.3..4> MD: Memory device
;//           <0=> SDRAM
;//           <1=> Low-power SDRAM
;//           <2=> Micron SyncFlash
;//       </h>
EMC_DYN_CFG1_Val    EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Dynamic Memory RAS & CAS Delay register (EMCDynamicRASCAS1)
;//         <i> Controls the RAS and CAS latencies for the dynamic memory CS1
;//         <o0.8..9> CAS: CAS latency
;//           <1=> One CCLK cycle
;//           <2=> Two CCLK cycles
;//           <3=> Three CCLK cycles
;//         <o0.0..1> RAS: RAS latency (active to read/write delay)
;//           <1=> One CCLK cycle
;//           <2=> Two CCLK cycles
;//           <3=> Three CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_DYN_RASCAS1_Val EQU 0x00000303

;//     </e> End of Dynamic Setup for CS1 Area

;//     <e> Configure External Bus Behaviour for Dynamic CS2 Area

;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Configuration Register (EMCDynamicConfig2)
;//         <i> Defines the configuration information for the dynamic memory CS2
;//         <o0.20> P: Write protect
;//         <o0.19> B: Buffer enable
;//         <o0.14> AM 14: External bus data width
;//           <0=> 16 bit
;//           <1=> 32 bit
;//         <o0.12> AM 12: External bus memory type
;//           <0=> High-performance
;//           <1=> Low-power SDRAM
;//         <o0.7..11> AM 11..7: External bus address mapping (Row, Bank, Column)
;//           <0x00=> 16 Mb = 2MB (2Mx8), 2 banks, row length = 11, column length = 9
;//           <0x01=> 16 Mb = 2MB (1Mx16), 2 banks, row length = 11, column length = 8
;//           <0x04=> 64 Mb = 8MB (8Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 9
;//           <0x05=> 64 Mb = 8MB (4Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 8
;//           <0x08=> 128 Mb = 16MB (16Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 10
;//           <0x09=> 128 Mb = 16MB (8Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 9
;//           <0x0C=> 256 Mb = 32MB (32Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 10
;//           <0x0D=> 256 Mb = 32MB (16Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 9
;//           <0x10=> 512 Mb = 64MB (64Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 11
;//           <0x11=> 512 Mb = 64MB (32Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 10
;//         <o0.3..4> MD: Memory device
;//           <0=> SDRAM
;//           <1=> Low-power SDRAM
;//           <2=> Micron SyncFlash
;//       </h>
EMC_DYN_CFG2_Val    EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Dynamic Memory RAS & CAS Delay register (EMCDynamicRASCAS2)
;//         <i> Controls the RAS and CAS latencies for the dynamic memory CS2
;//         <o0.8..9> CAS: CAS latency
;//           <1=> One CCLK cycle
;//           <2=> Two CCLK cycles
;//           <3=> Three CCLK cycles
;//         <o0.0..1> RAS: RAS latency (active to read/write delay)
;//           <1=> One CCLK cycle
;//           <2=> Two CCLK cycles
;//           <3=> Three CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_DYN_RASCAS2_Val EQU 0x00000303

;//     </e> End of Dynamic Setup for CS2 Area

;//     <e> Configure External Bus Behaviour for Dynamic CS3 Area

;//       <h> Dynamic Memory Configuration Register (EMCDynamicConfig3)
;//         <i> Defines the configuration information for the dynamic memory CS3
;//         <o0.20> P: Write protect
;//         <o0.19> B: Buffer enable
;//         <o0.14> AM 14: External bus data width
;//           <0=> 16 bit
;//           <1=> 32 bit
;//         <o0.12> AM 12: External bus memory type
;//           <0=> High-performance
;//           <1=> Low-power SDRAM
;//         <o0.7..11> AM 11..7: External bus address mapping (Row, Bank, Column)
;//           <0x00=> 16 Mb = 2MB (2Mx8), 2 banks, row length = 11, column length = 9
;//           <0x01=> 16 Mb = 2MB (1Mx16), 2 banks, row length = 11, column length = 8
;//           <0x04=> 64 Mb = 8MB (8Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 9
;//           <0x05=> 64 Mb = 8MB (4Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 8
;//           <0x08=> 128 Mb = 16MB (16Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 10
;//           <0x09=> 128 Mb = 16MB (8Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 12, column length = 9
;//           <0x0C=> 256 Mb = 32MB (32Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 10
;//           <0x0D=> 256 Mb = 32MB (16Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 9
;//           <0x10=> 512 Mb = 64MB (64Mx8), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 11
;//           <0x11=> 512 Mb = 64MB (32Mx16), 4 banks, row length = 13, column length = 10
;//         <o0.3..4> MD: Memory device
;//           <0=> SDRAM
;//           <1=> Low-power SDRAM
;//           <2=> Micron SyncFlash
;//       </h>
EMC_DYN_CFG3_Val    EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Dynamic Memory RAS & CAS Delay register (EMCDynamicRASCAS3)
;//         <i> Controls the RAS and CAS latencies for the dynamic memory CS3
;//         <o0.8..9> CAS: CAS latency
;//           <1=> One CCLK cycle
;//           <2=> Two CCLK cycles
;//           <3=> Three CCLK cycles
;//         <o0.0..1> RAS: RAS latency (active to read/write delay)
;//           <1=> One CCLK cycle
;//           <2=> Two CCLK cycles
;//           <3=> Three CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_DYN_RASCAS3_Val EQU 0x00000303

;//     </e> End of Dynamic Setup for CS3 Area

;//   </e> End of Dynamic Setup

;//       Static Memory Interface Setup ----------------------------------------
;//   <e> Static Memory Interface Setup

;//         Configure External Bus Behaviour for Static CS0 Area ---------------
;//     <e> Configure External Bus Behaviour for Static CS0 Area

;//       <h> Static Memory Configuration Register (EMCStaticConfig0)
;//         <i> Defines the configuration information for the static memory CS0
;//         <o0.20> WP: Write protect
;//         <o0.19> B: Buffer enable
;//         <o0.8> EW: Extended wait enable
;//         <o0.7> PB: Byte lane state
;//           <0=> For reads BLSn are HIGH, for writes BLSn are LOW
;//           <1=> For reads BLSn are LOW, for writes BLSn are LOW
;//         <o0.6> PC: Chip select polarity
;//           <0=> Active LOW chip select
;//           <1=> Active HIGH chip select
;//         <o0.3> PM: Page mode enable
;//         <o0.0..1> MW: Memory width
;//           <0=> 8 bit
;//           <1=> 16 bit
;//           <2=> 32 bit
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_CFG0_Val    EQU 0x00000081

;//       <h> Static Memory Write Enable Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitWen0)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS0 to write enable
;//         <o.0..3> WAITWEN: Wait write enable <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WWEN0_Val   EQU 0x00000002

;//       <h> Static Memory Output Enable Delay register (EMCStaticWaitOen0)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS0 or address change, whichever is later, to output enable
;//         <o.0..3> WAITOEN: Wait output enable <0-15>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WOEN0_Val   EQU 0x00000002

;//       <h> Static Memory Read Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitRd0)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS0 to a read access
;//         <o.0..4> WAITRD: Non-page mode read wait states or asynchronous page mode read first access wait states <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WRD0_Val    EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Page Mode Read Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitPage0)
;//         <i> Selects the delay for asynchronous page mode sequential accesses for CS0
;//         <o.0..4> WAITPAGE: Asynchronous page mode read after the first read wait states <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WPAGE0_Val  EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Write Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitWr0)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS0 to a write access
;//         <o.0..4> WAITWR: Write wait states <2-33> <#-2>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WWR0_Val    EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Turn Round Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitTurn0)
;//         <i> Selects the number of bus turnaround cycles for CS0
;//         <o.0..4> WAITTURN: Bus turnaround cycles <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WTURN0_Val  EQU 0x0000000F

;//     </e> End of Static Setup for Static CS0 Area

;//         Configure External Bus Behaviour for Static CS1 Area ---------------
;//     <e> Configure External Bus Behaviour for Static CS1 Area

;//       <h> Static Memory Configuration Register (EMCStaticConfig1)
;//         <i> Defines the configuration information for the static memory CS1
;//         <o0.20> WP: Write protect
;//         <o0.19> B: Buffer enable
;//         <o0.8> EW: Extended wait enable
;//         <o0.7> PB: Byte lane state
;//           <0=> For reads BLSn are HIGH, for writes BLSn are LOW
;//           <1=> For reads BLSn are LOW, for writes BLSn are LOW
;//         <o0.6> PC: Chip select polarity
;//           <0=> Active LOW chip select
;//           <1=> Active HIGH chip select
;//         <o0.3> PM: Page mode enable
;//         <o0.0..1> MW: Memory width
;//           <0=> 8 bit
;//           <1=> 16 bit
;//           <2=> 32 bit
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_CFG1_Val    EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Static Memory Write Enable Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitWen1)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS1 to write enable
;//         <o.0..3> WAITWEN: Wait write enable <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WWEN1_Val   EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Static Memory Output Enable Delay register (EMCStaticWaitOen1)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS1 or address change, whichever is later, to output enable
;//         <o.0..3> WAITOEN: Wait output enable <0-15>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WOEN1_Val   EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Static Memory Read Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitRd1)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS1 to a read access
;//         <o.0..4> WAITRD: Non-page mode read wait states or asynchronous page mode read first access wait states <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WRD1_Val    EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Page Mode Read Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitPage0)
;//         <i> Selects the delay for asynchronous page mode sequential accesses for CS1
;//         <o.0..4> WAITPAGE: Asynchronous page mode read after the first read wait states <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WPAGE1_Val  EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Write Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitWr1)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS1 to a write access
;//         <o.0..4> WAITWR: Write wait states <2-33> <#-2>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WWR1_Val    EQU  0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Turn Round Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitTurn1)
;//         <i> Selects the number of bus turnaround cycles for CS1
;//         <o.0..4> WAITTURN: Bus turnaround cycles <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WTURN1_Val  EQU 0x0000000F

;//     </e> End of Static Setup for Static CS1 Area

;//         Configure External Bus Behaviour for Static CS2 Area ---------------
;//     <e> Configure External Bus Behaviour for Static CS2 Area

;//       <h> Static Memory Configuration Register (EMCStaticConfig2)
;//         <i> Defines the configuration information for the static memory CS2
;//         <o0.20> WP: Write protect
;//         <o0.19> B: Buffer enable
;//         <o0.8> EW: Extended wait enable
;//         <o0.7> PB: Byte lane state
;//           <0=> For reads BLSn are HIGH, for writes BLSn are LOW
;//           <1=> For reads BLSn are LOW, for writes BLSn are LOW
;//         <o0.6> PC: Chip select polarity
;//           <0=> Active LOW chip select
;//           <1=> Active HIGH chip select
;//         <o0.3> PM: Page mode enable
;//         <o0.0..1> MW: Memory width
;//           <0=> 8 bit
;//           <1=> 16 bit
;//           <2=> 32 bit
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_CFG2_Val    EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Static Memory Write Enable Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitWen2)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS2 to write enable
;//         <o.0..3> WAITWEN: Wait write enable <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WWEN2_Val   EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Static Memory Output Enable Delay register (EMCStaticWaitOen2)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS2 or address change, whichever is later, to output enable
;//         <o.0..3> WAITOEN: Wait output enable <0-15>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WOEN2_Val   EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Static Memory Read Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitRd2)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS2 to a read access
;//         <o.0..4> WAITRD: Non-page mode read wait states or asynchronous page mode read first access wait states <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WRD2_Val    EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Page Mode Read Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitPage2)
;//         <i> Selects the delay for asynchronous page mode sequential accesses for CS2
;//         <o.0..4> WAITPAGE: Asynchronous page mode read after the first read wait states <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WPAGE2_Val  EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Write Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitWr2)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS2 to a write access
;//         <o.0..4> WAITWR: Write wait states <2-33> <#-2>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WWR2_Val    EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Turn Round Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitTurn2)
;//         <i> Selects the number of bus turnaround cycles for CS2
;//         <o.0..4> WAITTURN: Bus turnaround cycles <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WTURN2_Val  EQU 0x0000000F

;//     </e> End of Static Setup for Static CS2 Area

;//         Configure External Bus Behaviour for Static CS3 Area ---------------
;//     <e> Configure External Bus Behaviour for Static CS3 Area

;//       <h> Static Memory Configuration Register (EMCStaticConfig3)
;//         <i> Defines the configuration information for the static memory CS3
;//         <o0.20> WP: Write protect
;//         <o0.19> B: Buffer enable
;//         <o0.8> EW: Extended wait enable
;//         <o0.7> PB: Byte lane state
;//           <0=> For reads BLSn are HIGH, for writes BLSn are LOW
;//           <1=> For reads BLSn are LOW, for writes BLSn are LOW
;//         <o0.6> PC: Chip select polarity
;//           <0=> Active LOW chip select
;//           <1=> Active HIGH chip select
;//         <o0.3> PM: Page mode enable
;//         <o0.0..1> MW: Memory width
;//           <0=> 8 bit
;//           <1=> 16 bit
;//           <2=> 32 bit
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_CFG3_Val    EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Static Memory Write Enable Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitWen3)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS3 to write enable
;//         <o.0..3> WAITWEN: Wait write enable <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WWEN3_Val   EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Static Memory Output Enable Delay register (EMCStaticWaitOen3)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS3 or address change, whichever is later, to output enable
;//         <o.0..3> WAITOEN: Wait output enable <0-15>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WOEN3_Val   EQU 0x00000000

;//       <h> Static Memory Read Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitRd3)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS3 to a read access
;//         <o.0..4> WAITRD: Non-page mode read wait states or asynchronous page mode read first access wait states <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WRD3_Val    EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Page Mode Read Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitPage3)
;//         <i> Selects the delay for asynchronous page mode sequential accesses for CS3
;//         <o.0..4> WAITPAGE: Asynchronous page mode read after the first read wait states <1-32> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WPAGE3_Val  EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Write Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitWr3)
;//         <i> Selects the delay from CS3 to a write access
;//         <o.0..4> WAITWR: Write wait states <2-33> <#-2>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WWR3_Val    EQU 0x0000001F

;//       <h> Static Memory Turn Round Delay Register (EMCStaticWaitTurn3)
;//         <i> Selects the number of bus turnaround cycles for CS3
;//         <o.0..4> WAITTURN: Bus turnaround cycles <1-16> <#-1>
;//           <i> The delay is in CCLK cycles
;//       </h>
EMC_STA_WTURN3_Val  EQU 0x0000000F

;//     </e> End of Static Setup for Static CS3 Area

;//     <h> Static Memory Extended Wait Register (EMCStaticExtendedWait)
;//       <i> Time long static memory read and write transfers
;//       <o.0..9> EXTENDEDWAIT: Extended wait time out <0-1023>
;//         <i> The delay is in (16 * CCLK) cycles
;//     </h>
EMC_STA_EXT_W_Val   EQU 0x00000000

;//   </e> End of Static Setup

;// </e> End of EMC Setup


; Area Definition and Entry Point
;  Startup Code must be linked first at Address at which it expects to run.

                AREA    RESET, CODE, READONLY

; Exception Vectors
;  Mapped to Address 0.
;  Absolute addressing mode must be used.
;  Dummy Handlers are implemented as infinite loops which can be modified.

Vectors         LDR     PC, Reset_Addr
                LDR     PC, Undef_Addr
                LDR     PC, SWI_Addr
                LDR     PC, PAbt_Addr
                LDR     PC, DAbt_Addr
                NOP                            ; Reserved Vector
                LDR     PC, IRQ_Addr
                LDR     PC, FIQ_Addr

Reset_Addr      DCD     Reset_Handler
Undef_Addr      DCD     Undef_Handler
SWI_Addr        DCD     SWI_Handler
PAbt_Addr       DCD     PAbt_Handler
DAbt_Addr       DCD     DAbt_Handler
                DCD     0                      ; Reserved Address
IRQ_Addr        DCD     IRQ_Handler
FIQ_Addr        DCD     FIQ_Handler

; Exception Handler
        IMPORT rt_hw_trap_udef
        IMPORT rt_hw_trap_swi
        IMPORT rt_hw_trap_pabt
        IMPORT rt_hw_trap_dabt
        IMPORT rt_hw_trap_fiq

; Prepare Fatal Context
        STMFD   sp!, {r0-r3}
        MOV     r1, sp
        ADD     sp, sp, #16
        SUB     r2, lr, #4
        MRS     r3, spsr

        ; switch to SVC mode and no interrupt
        MSR     cpsr_c, #I_Bit :OR: F_Bit :OR: Mode_SVC

        STMFD   sp!, {r0}       ; old r0
        ; get sp
        ADD     r0, sp, #4
        STMFD   sp!, {r3}       ; cpsr
        STMFD   sp!, {r2}       ; pc
        STMFD   sp!, {lr}       ; lr
        STMFD   sp!, {r0}       ; sp
        STMFD   sp!, {r4-r12}

        MOV     r4, r1

        LDMFD   r4!, {r0-r3}
        STMFD   sp!, {r0-r3}

        MOV     r0, sp

        BL      rt_hw_trap_irq
        B       .

        BL      rt_hw_trap_swi
        B       .

        BL      rt_hw_trap_pabt
        B       .

        BL      rt_hw_trap_dabt
        B       .

        BL      rt_hw_trap_fiq
        B       .

; Reset Handler

                EXPORT  Reset_Handler

; Clock Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------

                IF      (:LNOT:(:DEF:NO_CLOCK_SETUP)):LAND:(CLOCK_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R0, =SCB_BASE
                MOV     R1, #0xAA
                MOV     R2, #0x55

;  Configure and Enable PLL
                LDR     R3, =SCS_Val          ; Enable main oscillator
                STR     R3, [R0, #SCS_OFS]

                IF      (SCS_Val:AND:OSCEN) != 0
OSC_Loop        LDR     R3, [R0, #SCS_OFS]    ; Wait for main osc stabilize
                ANDS    R3, R3, #OSCSTAT
                BEQ     OSC_Loop

                LDR     R3, =CLKSRCSEL_Val    ; Select PLL source clock
                STR     R3, [R0, #CLKSRCSEL_OFS]
                LDR     R3, =PLLCFG_Val
                STR     R3, [R0, #PLLCFG_OFS]
                STR     R1, [R0, #PLLFEED_OFS]
                STR     R2, [R0, #PLLFEED_OFS]
                MOV     R3, #PLLCON_PLLE
                STR     R3, [R0, #PLLCON_OFS]
                STR     R1, [R0, #PLLFEED_OFS]
                STR     R2, [R0, #PLLFEED_OFS]

                IF      (CLKSRCSEL_Val:AND:3) != 2
;  Wait until PLL Locked (if source is not RTC oscillator)
PLL_Loop        LDR     R3, [R0, #PLLSTAT_OFS]
                ANDS    R3, R3, #PLLSTAT_PLOCK
                BEQ     PLL_Loop
;  Wait at least 200 cycles (if source is RTC oscillator)
                MOV     R3, #(200/4)
PLL_Loop        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
                BNE     PLL_Loop

M_N_Lock        LDR     R3, [R0, #PLLSTAT_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =(PLLSTAT_M:OR:PLLSTAT_N)
                AND     R3, R3, R4
                LDR     R4, =PLLCFG_Val
                EORS    R3, R3, R4
                BNE     M_N_Lock

;  Setup CPU clock divider
                MOV     R3, #CCLKCFG_Val
                STR     R3, [R0, #CCLKCFG_OFS]

;  Setup USB clock divider
                LDR     R3, =USBCLKCFG_Val
                STR     R3, [R0, #USBCLKCFG_OFS]

;  Setup Peripheral Clock
                LDR     R3, =PCLKSEL0_Val
                STR     R3, [R0, #PCLKSEL0_OFS]
                LDR     R3, =PCLKSEL1_Val
                STR     R3, [R0, #PCLKSEL1_OFS]

;  Switch to PLL Clock
                MOV     R3, #(PLLCON_PLLE:OR:PLLCON_PLLC)
                STR     R3, [R0, #PLLCON_OFS]
                STR     R1, [R0, #PLLFEED_OFS]
                STR     R2, [R0, #PLLFEED_OFS]
                ENDIF   ; CLOCK_SETUP

; Setup Memory Accelerator Module ----------------------------------------------

                IF      MAM_SETUP != 0
                LDR     R0, =MAM_BASE
                MOV     R1, #MAMTIM_Val
                STR     R1, [R0, #MAMTIM_OFS]
                MOV     R1, #MAMCR_Val
                STR     R1, [R0, #MAMCR_OFS]
                ENDIF   ; MAM_SETUP

; Setup External Memory Controller ---------------------------------------------

                IF      (:LNOT:(:DEF:NO_EMC_SETUP)):LAND:(EMC_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R0, =EMC_BASE
                LDR     R1, =SCB_BASE
                LDR     R2, =PCB_BASE

                LDR     R4, =EMC_PCONP_Const      ; Enable EMC
                LDR     R3, [R1, #PCONP_OFS]
                ORR     R4, R4, R3
                STR     R4, [R1, #PCONP_OFS]

                LDR     R4, =EMC_CTRL_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_CTRL_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_CONFIG_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_CONFIG_OFS]

;  Setup pin functions for External Bus functionality
                LDR     R4, =EMC_PINSEL5_Val
                STR     R4, [R2, #PINSEL5_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_PINSEL6_Val
                STR     R4, [R2, #PINSEL6_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_PINSEL8_Val
                STR     R4, [R2, #PINSEL8_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_PINSEL9_Val
                STR     R4, [R2, #PINSEL9_OFS]

;  Setup Dynamic Memory Interface
                IF      (EMC_DYNAMIC_SETUP != 0)

                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RP_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RP_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RAS_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RAS_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_SREX_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_SREX_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_APR_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_APR_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_DAL_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_DAL_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_WR_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_WR_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RC_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RC_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RFC_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RFC_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_XSR_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_XSR_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RRD_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RRD_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_MRD_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_MRD_OFS]

                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RD_CFG_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RD_CFG_OFS]

                IF      (EMC_DYNCS0_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RASCAS0_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RASCAS0_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_CFG0_Val
                MVN     R5, #BUFEN_Const
                AND     R4, R4, R5
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CFG0_OFS]
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS1_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RASCAS1_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RASCAS1_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_CFG1_Val
                MVN     R5, =BUFEN_Const
                AND     R4, R4, R5
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CFG1_OFS]
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS2_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RASCAS2_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RASCAS2_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_CFG2_Val
                MVN     R5, =BUFEN_Const
                AND     R4, R4, R5
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CFG2_OFS]
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS3_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RASCAS3_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RASCAS3_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_CFG3_Val
                MVN     R5, =BUFEN_Const
                AND     R4, R4, R5
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CFG3_OFS]

                LDR     R6, =1440000              ; Number of cycles to delay
Wait_0          SUBS    R6, R6, #1                ; Delay ~100 ms proc clk 57.6 MHz
                BNE     Wait_0                    ; BNE (3 cyc) + SUBS (1 cyc) = 4 cyc

                LDR     R4, =(NOP_CMD:OR:0x03)    ; Write NOP Command
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CTRL_OFS]

                LDR     R6, =2880000              ; Number of cycles to delay
Wait_1          SUBS    R6, R6, #1                ; Delay ~200 ms proc clk 57.6 MHz
                BNE     Wait_1

                LDR     R4, =(PALL_CMD:OR:0x03)   ; Write Precharge All Command
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CTRL_OFS]

                MOV     R4, #2
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RFSH_OFS]

                MOV     R6, #64                   ; Number of cycles to delay
Wait_2          SUBS    R6, R6, #1                ; Delay
                BNE     Wait_2

                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_RFSH_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_RFSH_OFS]

                LDR     R4, =(MODE_CMD:OR:0x03)   ; Write MODE Command
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CTRL_OFS]

                ; Dummy read
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS0_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =DYN_MEM0_BASE
                MOV     R5, #(0x33 << 12)
                ADD     R4, R4, R5
                LDR     R4, [R4, #0]
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS1_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =DYN_MEM1_BASE
                MOV     R5, #(0x33 << 12)
                ADD     R4, R4, R5
                LDR     R4, [R4, #0]
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS2_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =DYN_MEM2_BASE
                MOV     R5, #(0x33 << 12)
                ADD     R4, R4, R5
                LDR     R4, [R4, #0]
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS3_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =DYN_MEM3_BASE
                MOV     R5, #(0x33 << 12)
                ADD     R4, R4, R5
                LDR     R4, [R4, #0]

                LDR     R4, =NORMAL_CMD           ; Write NORMAL Command
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CTRL_OFS]

                ; Enable buffer if requested by settings
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS0_SETUP != 0):LAND:((EMC_DYN_CFG0_Val:AND:BUFEN_Const) != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_CFG0_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CFG0_OFS]
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS1_SETUP != 0):LAND:((EMC_DYN_CFG1_Val:AND:BUFEN_Const) != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_CFG1_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CFG1_OFS]
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS2_SETUP != 0):LAND:((EMC_DYN_CFG2_Val:AND:BUFEN_Const) != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_CFG2_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CFG2_OFS]
                IF      (EMC_DYNCS3_SETUP != 0):LAND:((EMC_DYN_CFG3_Val:AND:BUFEN_Const) != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_DYN_CFG3_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CFG3_OFS]

                LDR     R6, =14400                ; Number of cycles to delay
Wait_3          SUBS    R6, R6, #1                ; Delay ~1 ms @ proc clk 57.6 MHz
                BNE     Wait_3

                ENDIF       ; EMC_DYNAMIC_SETUP

;  Setup Static Memory Interface
                IF      (EMC_STATIC_SETUP != 0)

                LDR     R6, =1440000              ; Number of cycles to delay
Wait_4          SUBS    R6, R6, #1                ; Delay ~100 ms @ proc clk 57.6 MHz
                BNE     Wait_4

                IF      (EMC_STACS0_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_CFG0_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_CFG0_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WWEN0_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WWEN0_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WOEN0_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WOEN0_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WRD0_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WRD0_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WPAGE0_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WPAGE0_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WWR0_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WWR0_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WTURN0_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WTURN0_OFS]

                IF      (EMC_STACS1_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_CFG1_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_CFG1_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WWEN1_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WWEN1_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WOEN1_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WOEN1_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WRD1_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WRD1_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WPAGE1_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WPAGE1_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WWR1_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WWR1_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WTURN1_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WTURN1_OFS]

                IF      (EMC_STACS2_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_CFG2_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_CFG2_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WWEN2_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WWEN2_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WOEN2_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WOEN2_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WRD2_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WRD2_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WPAGE2_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WPAGE2_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WWR2_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WWR2_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WTURN2_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WTURN2_OFS]

                IF      (EMC_STACS3_SETUP != 0)
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_CFG3_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_CFG3_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WWEN3_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WWEN3_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WOEN3_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WOEN3_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WRD3_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WRD3_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WPAGE3_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WPAGE3_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WWR3_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WWR3_OFS]
                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_WTURN3_Val
                STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_STA_WTURN3_OFS]

                LDR     R6, =144000               ; Number of cycles to delay
Wait_5          SUBS    R6, R6, #1                ; Delay ~10 ms @ proc clk 57.6 MHz
                BNE     Wait_5

                LDR     R4, =EMC_STA_EXT_W_Val
                LDR     R5, =EMC_STA_EXT_W_OFS
                ADD     R5, R5, R0
                STR     R4, [R5, #0]

                ENDIF   ; EMC_STATIC_SETUP

                ENDIF   ; EMC_SETUP

; Copy Exception Vectors to Internal RAM ---------------------------------------

                IF      :DEF:RAM_INTVEC
                ADR     R8, Vectors         ; Source
                LDR     R9, =RAM_BASE       ; Destination
                LDMIA   R8!, {R0-R7}        ; Load Vectors
                STMIA   R9!, {R0-R7}        ; Store Vectors
                LDMIA   R8!, {R0-R7}        ; Load Handler Addresses
                STMIA   R9!, {R0-R7}        ; Store Handler Addresses

; Memory Mapping (when Interrupt Vectors are in RAM) ---------------------------

MEMMAP          EQU     0xE01FC040      ; Memory Mapping Control
                IF      :DEF:REMAP
                LDR     R0, =MEMMAP
                IF      :DEF:EXTMEM_MODE
                MOV     R1, #3
                ELIF    :DEF:RAM_MODE
                MOV     R1, #2
                MOV     R1, #1
                STR     R1, [R0]

; Setup Stack for each mode ----------------------------------------------------

                LDR     R0, =Stack_Top

;  Enter Undefined Instruction Mode and set its Stack Pointer
                MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_UND:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit
                MOV     SP, R0
                SUB     R0, R0, #UND_Stack_Size

;  Enter Abort Mode and set its Stack Pointer
                MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_ABT:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit
                MOV     SP, R0
                SUB     R0, R0, #ABT_Stack_Size

;  Enter FIQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer
                MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_FIQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit
                MOV     SP, R0
                SUB     R0, R0, #FIQ_Stack_Size

;  Enter IRQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer
                MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_IRQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit
                MOV     SP, R0
                SUB     R0, R0, #IRQ_Stack_Size

;  Enter Supervisor Mode and set its Stack Pointer
                MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_SVC:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit
                MOV     SP, R0
                SUB     R0, R0, #SVC_Stack_Size

                IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
                EXPORT __initial_sp

; Enter the C code -------------------------------------------------------------

                IMPORT  __main
                LDR     R0, =__main
                BX      R0

                IMPORT rt_interrupt_enter
                IMPORT rt_interrupt_leave
                IMPORT rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag
                IMPORT rt_interrupt_from_thread
                IMPORT rt_interrupt_to_thread
                IMPORT rt_hw_trap_irq

IRQ_Handler     PROC
                EXPORT IRQ_Handler
                STMFD   sp!, {r0-r12,lr}
                BL  rt_interrupt_enter
                BL  rt_hw_trap_irq
                BL  rt_interrupt_leave

                ; if rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag set, jump to
                ; rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt_do and don't return
                LDR r0, =rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag
                LDR r1, [r0]
                CMP r1, #1
                BEQ rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt_do

                LDMFD   sp!, {r0-r12,lr}
                SUBS    pc, lr, #4

; /*
; * void rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt_do(rt_base_t flag)
; */
rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt_do   PROC
                EXPORT rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt_do
                MOV     r1,  #0         ; clear flag
                STR     r1,  [r0]

                LDMFD   sp!, {r0-r12,lr}; reload saved registers
                STMFD   sp!, {r0-r3}    ; save r0-r3
                MOV     r1,  sp
                ADD     sp,  sp, #16    ; restore sp
                SUB     r2,  lr, #4     ; save old task's pc to r2

                MRS     r3,  spsr       ; get cpsr of interrupt thread

                ; switch to SVC mode and no interrupt
                MSR     cpsr_c, #I_Bit :OR: F_Bit :OR: Mode_SVC

                STMFD   sp!, {r2}       ; push old task's pc
                STMFD   sp!, {r4-r12,lr}; push old task's lr,r12-r4
                MOV     r4,  r1         ; Special optimised code below
                MOV     r5,  r3
                LDMFD   r4!, {r0-r3}
                STMFD   sp!, {r0-r3}    ; push old task's r3-r0
                STMFD   sp!, {r5}       ; push old task's cpsr

                LDR     r4,  =rt_interrupt_from_thread
                LDR     r5,  [r4]
                STR     sp,  [r5]       ; store sp in preempted tasks's TCB

                LDR     r6,  =rt_interrupt_to_thread
                LDR     r6,  [r6]
                LDR     sp,  [r6]       ; get new task's stack pointer

                LDMFD   sp!, {r4}       ; pop new task's cpsr to spsr
                MSR     spsr_cxsf, r4
                BIC     r4, r4, #0x20   ; must be ARM mode
                MSR     cpsr_cxsf, r4

                LDMFD   sp!, {r0-r12,lr,pc}^ ; pop new task's r0-r12,lr & pc, copy spsr to cpsr

                IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB

                EXPORT  __heap_base
                EXPORT  __heap_limit

; User Initial Stack & Heap
                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY

                IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
                EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap

                LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
                LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + USR_Stack_Size)
                LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +      Heap_Size)
                LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
                BX      LR
