/* * File : plot.h * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2012, RT-Thread Development Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2012-09-03 Grissiom first version */ #include #include #include static void _rtgui_plot_constructor(struct rtgui_plot *plot) { plot->base_point.x = plot->base_point.y = 0; plot->curve_container.curve = RT_NULL; plot->curve_container.next = RT_NULL; /* init widget and set event handler */ rtgui_object_set_event_handler(RTGUI_OBJECT(plot), rtgui_plot_event_handler); } static void _free_curve_container_recursive(struct rtgui_plot_curve_container *cnt) { if (!cnt) return; _free_curve_container_recursive(cnt->next); rtgui_free(cnt); } static void _rtgui_plot_destructor(struct rtgui_plot *plot) { _free_curve_container_recursive(plot->curve_container.next); } DEFINE_CLASS_TYPE(plot, "plot", RTGUI_WIDGET_TYPE, _rtgui_plot_constructor, _rtgui_plot_destructor, sizeof(struct rtgui_plot)); struct rtgui_plot *rtgui_plot_create(struct rtgui_plot_curve *curve) { struct rtgui_plot *plot; plot = (struct rtgui_plot *)rtgui_widget_create(RTGUI_PLOT_TYPE); plot->curve_container.curve = curve; return plot; } RTM_EXPORT(rtgui_plot_create); void rtgui_plot_destroy(struct rtgui_plot *plot) { rtgui_widget_destroy(RTGUI_WIDGET(plot)); } RTM_EXPORT(rtgui_plot_destroy); void rtgui_plot_set_base_point(struct rtgui_plot *plot, rt_uint16_t x, rt_uint16_t y) { plot->base_point.x = x; plot->base_point.y = y; } RTM_EXPORT(rtgui_plot_set_base_point); void rtgui_plot_append_curve(struct rtgui_plot *plot, struct rtgui_plot_curve *curve) { struct rtgui_plot_curve_container *cur_cnt, *next_cnt; RT_ASSERT(plot); next_cnt = rtgui_malloc(sizeof(*next_cnt)); next_cnt->curve = curve; next_cnt->next = RT_NULL; cur_cnt = &plot->curve_container; while (cur_cnt->next) { cur_cnt = cur_cnt->next; } cur_cnt->next = next_cnt; } RTM_EXPORT(rtgui_plot_append_curve); static void _rtgui_plot_curve_onpaint( struct rtgui_dc *dc, struct rtgui_plot_curve *curve, struct rtgui_point base) { struct rtgui_rect rect; rt_uint16_t height; int last_x, last_y; rtgui_color_t old_color; rtgui_dc_get_rect(dc, &rect); height = rtgui_rect_height(rect); old_color = RTGUI_DC_FC(dc); RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = curve->color; if (curve->x_data) { rt_size_t i; last_x = curve->x_data[0] + base.x; last_y = height - curve->y_data[0] - base.y; for (i = 1; i < curve->length; i++) { int cur_x = curve->x_data[i] + base.x; int cur_y = height - curve->y_data[i] - base.y; rtgui_dc_draw_line(dc, last_x, last_y, cur_x, cur_y); last_x = cur_x; last_y = cur_y; } } else { rt_size_t i; last_x = 0 + base.x; last_y = height - curve->y_data[0] - base.y; for (i = 1; i < curve->length; i++) { int cur_x = i + base.x; int cur_y = height - curve->y_data[i] - base.y; rtgui_dc_draw_line(dc, last_x, last_y, cur_x, cur_y); last_x = cur_x; last_y = cur_y; } } RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = old_color; } static void _rtgui_plot_onpaint(struct rtgui_object *object, struct rtgui_event *event) { struct rtgui_dc *dc; struct rtgui_rect rect; struct rtgui_plot *plot = RTGUI_PLOT(object); struct rtgui_plot_curve_container *cnt; dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(RTGUI_WIDGET(plot)); if (dc == RT_NULL) return; rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(object), &rect); rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); for (cnt = &plot->curve_container; cnt; cnt = cnt->next) { _rtgui_plot_curve_onpaint(dc, cnt->curve, plot->base_point); } rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); } rt_bool_t rtgui_plot_event_handler(struct rtgui_object *object, struct rtgui_event *event) { struct rtgui_plot *plot; RTGUI_WIDGET_EVENT_HANDLER_PREPARE; plot = RTGUI_PLOT(object); switch (event->type) { case RTGUI_EVENT_PAINT: _rtgui_plot_onpaint(object, event); break; default: return rtgui_widget_event_handler(object, event); } return RT_FALSE; } RTM_EXPORT(rtgui_plot_event_handler);