* @brief    Periodic Interrupt ETMer (PIT) driver head file. 
#ifndef PIT_H_
#define PIT_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Includes

* Constants

* PIT channel number list
*//*! @addtogroup pit_channelnumber
* @{
    PIT_CHANNEL0 = 0,       /*!< PIT channel 0 */
    PIT_CHANNEL1            /*!< PIT channel 1 */

/*! @} End of pit_channelnumber                                               */

* Macros

* Types

 * Callback type

* PIT callback function declaration
*//*! @addtogroup pit_callback
* @{
typedef void (*PIT_CallbackType)(void);             /*!< PIT callback type */

/*! @} End of pit_callback                                                    */

/* PIT configuration structure 
 * @brief PIT configuration type.
typedef struct
    uint8_t bFreeze         : 1;    /*!< 1: stop in debug mode, 0: run in debug mode */
    uint8_t bModuleDis      : 1;    /*!< 1: PIT module is disable, 0: PIT module is enable */    
    uint8_t bReserved0      : 1;    /*!< reserved bit */ 
    uint8_t bReserved1      : 5;    /*!< reserved bit */ 
    uint8_t bETMerEn        : 1;    /*!< 1: channel ETMer is enable, 0: channel ETMer is disable */ 
    uint8_t bInterruptEn    : 1;    /*!< 1: channel ETMer interrupt is enable, 0: channel ETMer interrupt is disable */ 
    uint8_t bChainMode      : 1;    /*!< 1: chain mode is enable, 0: chain mode is disable */ 
    uint8_t bReserved2      : 5;    /*!< reserved bit */ 
    uint8_t bFlag           : 1;    /*!< 1: flag is set,and write 1 to clear flag, 0: no flag is set */
    uint8_t bReserved3      : 7;    /*!< reserved bit */   
    uint32_t u32LoadValue      ;    /*!< 32-bit channel load value */  
} PIT_ConfigType, *PIT_ConfigPtr; 

* Global variables

 * inline functions

* PIT API list
*//*! @addtogroup pit_api_list
* @{

* @brief enable pit module.
* @param   none
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_Enable(void)


* @brief disable pit module.
* @param   none
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_Disable(void)


* @brief pit ETMers are stopped in debug mode.
* @param  none
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_SetDebugFreeze(void)


* @brief pit ETMers are running in debug mode.
* @param  none
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_SetDebugOn(void)


* @brief enable pit channel ETMer.
* @param[in]   u8Channel.
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_ChannelEnable(uint8_t u8Channel)



* @brief disable pit channel ETMer.
* @param[in]   u8Channel.
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_ChannelDisable(uint8_t u8Channel)


* @brief enable pit channel ETMer interrupt.
* @param[in]  u8Channel.
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_ChannelEnableInt(uint8_t u8Channel)



* @brief disable pit channel ETMer interrupt .
* @param[in]   u8Channel.
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_ChannelDisableInt(uint8_t u8Channel)



* @brief  enable pit channel ETMer chain mode.
* @param[in]   u8Channel.
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_ChannelEnableChain(uint8_t u8Channel)

* @brief  disable pit channel ETMer chain mode.
* @param[in]   u8Channel.
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_ChannelDisableChain(uint8_t u8Channel)


* @brief get pit channel ETMer interrrupt flag.
* @param[in]   u8Channel.
* @return bflag.
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none

__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t PIT_ChannelGetFlags(uint8_t u8Channel)

    uint8_t bflag;  
    bflag = (PIT->CHANNEL[u8Channel].TFLG & PIT_TFLG_TIF_MASK);    
    return bflag;

* @brief clear pit channel ETMer interrrupt flag.
* @param[in] u8Channel
* @return none
* @ Pass/ Fail criteria: none
__STATIC_INLINE void PIT_ChannelClrFlags(uint8_t u8Channel)
    PIT->CHANNEL[u8Channel].TFLG |= PIT_TFLG_TIF_MASK;       

* Global functions
void PIT_Init(uint8_t u8Channel_No, PIT_ConfigType *pConfig);
void PIT_SetLoadVal(uint8_t u8Channel, uint32_t u32loadvalue);
void PIT_SetCallback(uint8_t u8Channel_No, PIT_CallbackType pfnCallback);
void PIT_DeInit(void);
/*! @} End of pit_api_list                                                   */

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* PIT_H_ */