ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 1 00000000 ;/* 2 00000000 ; * File : context_rvds.S 3 00000000 ; * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS 4 00000000 ; * COPYRIGHT (C) 2009, RT-Thread Development Team 5 00000000 ; * 6 00000000 ; * The license and distribution terms for this file may be 7 00000000 ; * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at 8 00000000 ; * 9 00000000 ; * 10 00000000 ; * Change Logs: 11 00000000 ; * Date Author Notes 12 00000000 ; * 2009-01-17 Bernard first version. 13 00000000 ; * 2012-01-01 aozima support context switch l oad/store FPU register. 14 00000000 ; * 2013-06-18 aozima add restore MSP feature. 15 00000000 ; * 2013-06-23 aozima support lazy stack optim ized. 16 00000000 ; */ 17 00000000 18 00000000 ;/** 19 00000000 ; * @addtogroup cortex-m4 20 00000000 ; */ 21 00000000 ;/*@{*/ 22 00000000 23 00000000 E000ED08 SCB_VTOR EQU 0xE000ED08 ; Vector Table Offs et Register 24 00000000 E000ED04 NVIC_INT_CTRL EQU 0xE000ED04 ; interrupt control state register 25 00000000 E000ED20 NVIC_SYSPRI2 EQU 0xE000ED20 ; system priority r egister (2) 26 00000000 00FF0000 NVIC_PENDSV_PRI EQU 0x00FF0000 ; PendSV priority v alue (lowest) 27 00000000 10000000 NVIC_PENDSVSET EQU 0x10000000 ; value to trigger PendSV exception 28 00000000 29 00000000 AREA |.text|, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN= 2 30 00000000 THUMB 31 00000000 REQUIRE8 32 00000000 PRESERVE8 33 00000000 34 00000000 IMPORT rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag 35 00000000 IMPORT rt_interrupt_from_thread 36 00000000 IMPORT rt_interrupt_to_thread 37 00000000 38 00000000 ;/* ARM Macro Assembler Page 2 39 00000000 ; * rt_base_t rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); 40 00000000 ; */ 41 00000000 rt_hw_interrupt_disable PROC 42 00000000 EXPORT rt_hw_interrupt_disable 43 00000000 F3EF 8010 MRS r0, PRIMASK 44 00000004 B672 CPSID I 45 00000006 4770 BX LR 46 00000008 ENDP 47 00000008 48 00000008 ;/* 49 00000008 ; * void rt_hw_interrupt_enable(rt_base_t level); 50 00000008 ; */ 51 00000008 rt_hw_interrupt_enable PROC 52 00000008 EXPORT rt_hw_interrupt_enable 53 00000008 F380 8810 MSR PRIMASK, r0 54 0000000C 4770 BX LR 55 0000000E ENDP 56 0000000E 57 0000000E ;/* 58 0000000E ; * void rt_hw_context_switch(rt_uint32 from, rt_uint32 to); 59 0000000E ; * r0 --> from 60 0000000E ; * r1 --> to 61 0000000E ; */ 62 0000000E rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt 63 0000000E EXPORT rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt 64 0000000E rt_hw_context_switch PROC 65 0000000E EXPORT rt_hw_context_switch 66 0000000E 67 0000000E ; set rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag to 1 68 0000000E 4A3A LDR r2, =rt_thread_switch_interrupt _flag 69 00000010 6813 LDR r3, [r2] 70 00000012 2B01 CMP r3, #1 71 00000014 D004 BEQ _reswitch 72 00000016 F04F 0301 MOV r3, #1 73 0000001A 6013 STR r3, [r2] 74 0000001C 75 0000001C 4A37 LDR r2, =rt_interrupt_from_thread ; set rt_interrupt_f rom_thread 76 0000001E 6010 STR r0, [r2] 77 00000020 78 00000020 _reswitch 79 00000020 4A37 LDR r2, =rt_interrupt_to_thread ; s et rt_interrupt_to_ thread 80 00000022 6011 STR r1, [r2] 81 00000024 82 00000024 4837 LDR r0, =NVIC_INT_CTRL ; trigger th e PendSV exception (causes context swi tch) 83 00000026 F04F 5180 LDR r1, =NVIC_PENDSVSET 84 0000002A 6001 STR r1, [r0] 85 0000002C 4770 BX LR ARM Macro Assembler Page 3 86 0000002E ENDP 87 0000002E 88 0000002E ; r0 --> switch from thread stack 89 0000002E ; r1 --> switch to thread stack 90 0000002E ; psr, pc, lr, r12, r3, r2, r1, r0 are pushed into [from ] stack 91 0000002E PendSV_Handler PROC 92 0000002E EXPORT PendSV_Handler 93 0000002E 94 0000002E ; disable interrupt to protect context switch 95 0000002E F3EF 8210 MRS r2, PRIMASK 96 00000032 B672 CPSID I 97 00000034 98 00000034 ; get rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag 99 00000034 4830 LDR r0, =rt_thread_switch_interrupt _flag 100 00000036 6801 LDR r1, [r0] 101 00000038 B351 CBZ r1, pendsv_exit ; pendsv alread y handled 102 0000003A 103 0000003A ; clear rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag to 0 104 0000003A F04F 0100 MOV r1, #0x00 105 0000003E 6001 STR r1, [r0] 106 00000040 107 00000040 482E LDR r0, =rt_interrupt_from_thread 108 00000042 6801 LDR r1, [r0] 109 00000044 B191 CBZ r1, switch_to_thread ; skip reg ister save at the f irst time 110 00000046 111 00000046 F3EF 8109 MRS r1, psp ; get from thread s tack pointer 112 0000004A 113 0000004A IF {FPU} != "SoftVFP" 114 0000004A F01E 0F10 TST lr, #0x10 ; if(!EXC_RETURN[4] ) 115 0000004E BF08 ED21 8B10 VSTMFDEQ r1!, {d8 - d15} ; push FPU regi ster s16~s31 116 00000054 ENDIF 117 00000054 118 00000054 E921 0FF0 STMFD r1!, {r4 - r11} ; push r4 - r11 register 119 00000058 120 00000058 IF {FPU} != "SoftVFP" 121 00000058 F04F 0400 MOV r4, #0x00 ; flag = 0 122 0000005C 123 0000005C F01E 0F10 TST lr, #0x10 ; if(!EXC_RETURN[4] ) 124 00000060 BF08 2401 MOVEQ r4, #0x01 ; flag = 1 125 00000064 126 00000064 F841 4D04 STMFD r1!, {r4} ; push flag 127 00000068 ENDIF 128 00000068 129 00000068 6800 LDR r0, [r0] 130 0000006A 6001 STR r1, [r0] ; update from threa d stack pointer 131 0000006C ARM Macro Assembler Page 4 132 0000006C switch_to_thread 133 0000006C 4924 LDR r1, =rt_interrupt_to_thread 134 0000006E 6809 LDR r1, [r1] 135 00000070 6809 LDR r1, [r1] ; load thread stack pointer 136 00000072 137 00000072 IF {FPU} != "SoftVFP" 138 00000072 C908 LDMFD r1!, {r3} ; pop flag 139 00000074 ENDIF 140 00000074 141 00000074 E8B1 0FF0 LDMFD r1!, {r4 - r11} ; pop r4 - r11 register 142 00000078 143 00000078 IF {FPU} != "SoftVFP" 144 00000078 2B00 CMP r3, #0 ; if(flag_r3 != 0) 145 0000007A BF18 ECB1 8B10 VLDMFDNE r1!, {d8 - d15} ; pop FPU regis ter s16~s31 146 00000080 ENDIF 147 00000080 148 00000080 F381 8809 MSR psp, r1 ; update stack poin ter 149 00000084 150 00000084 IF {FPU} != "SoftVFP" 151 00000084 F04E 0E10 ORR lr, lr, #0x10 ; lr |= (1 << 4) , clean FPCA. 152 00000088 2B00 CMP r3, #0 ; if(flag_r3 != 0) 153 0000008A BF18 F02E 0E10 BICNE lr, lr, #0x10 ; lr &= ~(1 << 4) , set FPCA. 154 00000090 ENDIF 155 00000090 156 00000090 pendsv_exit 157 00000090 ; restore interrupt 158 00000090 F382 8810 MSR PRIMASK, r2 159 00000094 160 00000094 F04E 0E04 ORR lr, lr, #0x04 161 00000098 4770 BX lr 162 0000009A ENDP 163 0000009A 164 0000009A ;/* 165 0000009A ; * void rt_hw_context_switch_to(rt_uint32 to); 166 0000009A ; * r0 --> to 167 0000009A ; * this fucntion is used to perform the first thread sw itch 168 0000009A ; */ 169 0000009A rt_hw_context_switch_to PROC 170 0000009A EXPORT rt_hw_context_switch_to 171 0000009A ; set to thread 172 0000009A 4919 LDR r1, =rt_interrupt_to_thread 173 0000009C 6008 STR r0, [r1] 174 0000009E 175 0000009E IF {FPU} != "SoftVFP" 176 0000009E ; CLEAR CONTROL.FPCA 177 0000009E F3EF 8214 MRS r2, CONTROL ; read 178 000000A2 F022 0204 BIC r2, #0x04 ; modify 179 000000A6 F382 8814 MSR CONTROL, r2 ; write-back 180 000000AA ENDIF ARM Macro Assembler Page 5 181 000000AA 182 000000AA ; set from thread to 0 183 000000AA 4914 LDR r1, =rt_interrupt_from_thread 184 000000AC F04F 0000 MOV r0, #0x0 185 000000B0 6008 STR r0, [r1] 186 000000B2 187 000000B2 ; set interrupt flag to 1 188 000000B2 4911 LDR r1, =rt_thread_switch_interrupt _flag 189 000000B4 F04F 0001 MOV r0, #1 190 000000B8 6008 STR r0, [r1] 191 000000BA 192 000000BA ; set the PendSV exception priority 193 000000BA 4813 LDR r0, =NVIC_SYSPRI2 194 000000BC F44F 017F LDR r1, =NVIC_PENDSV_PRI 195 000000C0 F8D0 2000 LDR.W r2, [r0,#0x00] ; read 196 000000C4 EA41 0102 ORR r1,r1,r2 ; modify 197 000000C8 6001 STR r1, [r0] ; write-back 198 000000CA 199 000000CA ; trigger the PendSV exception (causes context switch) 200 000000CA 480E LDR r0, =NVIC_INT_CTRL 201 000000CC F04F 5180 LDR r1, =NVIC_PENDSVSET 202 000000D0 6001 STR r1, [r0] 203 000000D2 204 000000D2 ; restore MSP 205 000000D2 480E LDR r0, =SCB_VTOR 206 000000D4 6800 LDR r0, [r0] 207 000000D6 6800 LDR r0, [r0] 208 000000D8 F380 8808 MSR msp, r0 209 000000DC 210 000000DC ; enable interrupts at processor level 211 000000DC B661 CPSIE F 212 000000DE B662 CPSIE I 213 000000E0 214 000000E0 ; never reach here! 215 000000E0 ENDP 216 000000E0 217 000000E0 ; compatible with old version 218 000000E0 rt_hw_interrupt_thread_switch PROC 219 000000E0 EXPORT rt_hw_interrupt_thread_switch 220 000000E0 4770 BX lr 221 000000E2 ENDP 222 000000E2 223 000000E2 IMPORT rt_hw_hard_fault_exception 224 000000E2 EXPORT HardFault_Handler 225 000000E2 HardFault_Handler PROC 226 000000E2 227 000000E2 ; get current context 228 000000E2 F3EF 8009 MRS r0, psp ; get fault thread stack pointer 229 000000E6 B500 PUSH {lr} 230 000000E8 F7FF FFFE BL rt_hw_hard_fault_exception 231 000000EC F85D EB04 POP {lr} 232 000000F0 233 000000F0 F04E 0E04 ORR lr, lr, #0x04 234 000000F4 4770 BX lr 235 000000F6 ENDP ARM Macro Assembler Page 6 236 000000F6 237 000000F6 00 00 ALIGN 4 238 000000F8 239 000000F8 END 00000000 00000000 00000000 E000ED04 E000ED20 E000ED08 Command Line: --debug --xref --diag_suppress=9931 --cpu=Cortex-M4.fp --apcs=int erwork --depend=.\build\context_rvds.d -o.\build\context_rvds.o -IC:\Users\zylw w\Documents\Study\CodeHub\rt-thread\bsp\tm4c129x-dk\RTE -IC:\Software\Keil\ARM\ PACK\Keil\TM4C_DFP\1.1.0\Device\Include\TM4C129 -IC:\Software\Keil\ARM\CMSIS\In clude --predefine="__UVISION_VERSION SETA 521" --predefine="TM4C129XNCZAD SETA 1" --list=.\context_rvds.lst ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols .text 00000000 Symbol: .text Definitions At line 29 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses None Comment: .text unused HardFault_Handler 000000E2 Symbol: HardFault_Handler Definitions At line 225 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 224 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: HardFault_Handler used once PendSV_Handler 0000002E Symbol: PendSV_Handler Definitions At line 91 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 92 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: PendSV_Handler used once _reswitch 00000020 Symbol: _reswitch Definitions At line 78 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 71 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: _reswitch used once pendsv_exit 00000090 Symbol: pendsv_exit Definitions At line 156 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 101 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: pendsv_exit used once rt_hw_context_switch 0000000E Symbol: rt_hw_context_switch Definitions At line 64 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 65 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: rt_hw_context_switch used once rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt 0000000E Symbol: rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt Definitions At line 62 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 63 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt used once rt_hw_context_switch_to 0000009A Symbol: rt_hw_context_switch_to ARM Macro Assembler Page 2 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols Definitions At line 169 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 170 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: rt_hw_context_switch_to used once rt_hw_interrupt_disable 00000000 Symbol: rt_hw_interrupt_disable Definitions At line 41 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 42 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: rt_hw_interrupt_disable used once rt_hw_interrupt_enable 00000008 Symbol: rt_hw_interrupt_enable Definitions At line 51 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 52 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: rt_hw_interrupt_enable used once rt_hw_interrupt_thread_switch 000000E0 Symbol: rt_hw_interrupt_thread_switch Definitions At line 218 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 219 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: rt_hw_interrupt_thread_switch used once switch_to_thread 0000006C Symbol: switch_to_thread Definitions At line 132 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 109 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: switch_to_thread used once 12 symbols ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering Absolute symbols NVIC_INT_CTRL E000ED04 Symbol: NVIC_INT_CTRL Definitions At line 24 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 82 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S At line 200 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S NVIC_PENDSVSET 10000000 Symbol: NVIC_PENDSVSET Definitions At line 27 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 83 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S At line 201 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S NVIC_PENDSV_PRI 00FF0000 Symbol: NVIC_PENDSV_PRI Definitions At line 26 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 194 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: NVIC_PENDSV_PRI used once NVIC_SYSPRI2 E000ED20 Symbol: NVIC_SYSPRI2 Definitions At line 25 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 193 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: NVIC_SYSPRI2 used once SCB_VTOR E000ED08 Symbol: SCB_VTOR Definitions At line 23 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 205 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: SCB_VTOR used once 5 symbols ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering External symbols rt_hw_hard_fault_exception 00000000 Symbol: rt_hw_hard_fault_exception Definitions At line 223 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 230 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Comment: rt_hw_hard_fault_exception used once rt_interrupt_from_thread 00000000 Symbol: rt_interrupt_from_thread Definitions At line 35 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 75 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S At line 107 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S At line 183 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S rt_interrupt_to_thread 00000000 Symbol: rt_interrupt_to_thread Definitions At line 36 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 79 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S At line 133 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S At line 172 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag 00000000 Symbol: rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag Definitions At line 34 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S Uses At line 68 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S At line 99 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S At line 188 in file ../../libcpu/arm/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S 4 symbols 356 symbols in table