/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2020-06-30 thread-liu first version */ #include #include #include #ifdef BSP_USING_NAND #define DRV_DEBUG #define LOG_TAG "drv.nand" #include #include "drv_nand.h" #define NAND_RB_PIN GET_PIN(D, 6) static rt_uint32_t ecc_rdbuf[NAND_MAX_PAGE_SIZE/NAND_ECC_SECTOR_SIZE]; static rt_uint32_t ecc_hdbuf[NAND_MAX_PAGE_SIZE/NAND_ECC_SECTOR_SIZE]; struct rthw_fmc { rt_uint32_t id; struct rt_mutex lock; }; static struct rthw_fmc _device = {0}; static void rt_hw_nand_gpio_init(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0}; RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInit = {0}; if (IS_ENGINEERING_BOOT_MODE()) { PeriphClkInit.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_FMC; PeriphClkInit.AdcClockSelection = RCC_FMCCLKSOURCE_ACLK; if (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInit) != HAL_OK) { Error_Handler(); } } __HAL_RCC_FMC_CLK_ENABLE(); __HAL_RCC_GPIOD_CLK_ENABLE(); __HAL_RCC_GPIOE_CLK_ENABLE(); __HAL_RCC_GPIOG_CLK_ENABLE(); /* PD6 R/B */ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_6; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStruct); /* PG9 NCE */ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_9; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH; GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF12_FMC; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOG, &GPIO_InitStruct); /* PD0,1,4,5,11,12,14,15 */ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1 | GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5 | GPIO_PIN_11 | GPIO_PIN_12 | GPIO_PIN_14 | GPIO_PIN_15; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStruct); /* PE7,8,9,10 */ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_7 | GPIO_PIN_8 | GPIO_PIN_9 | GPIO_PIN_10; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStruct); } /* nand delay */ static void rt_hw_nand_delay(volatile uint32_t i) { while (i > 0) { i--; } } /* read nand flash status */ static rt_err_t rt_hw_nand_read_status(void) { rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_READSTA; rt_hw_nand_delay(NAND_TWHR_DELAY); result = NAND_ADDR_AREA; return result; } /* wait nand flash read */ static rt_err_t rt_hw_nand_wait_ready(void) { rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; static uint32_t time = 0; while (1) { result = rt_hw_nand_read_status(); if (result & NAND_READY) { break; } time++; if (time >= 0X1FFFFFFF) { return RT_ETIMEOUT; } } return RT_EOK; } /* set nand mode */ static rt_err_t rt_hw_nand_set_mode(uint8_t mode) { NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_FEATURE; NAND_DATA_AREA = 0x01; NAND_ADDR_AREA = mode; NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; if (rt_hw_nand_wait_ready() == RT_EOK) { return RT_EOK; } else { return -RT_ERROR; } } /* reset nand flash */ static rt_err_t rt_hw_nand_reset(void) { NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_RESET; if (rt_hw_nand_wait_ready() == RT_EOK) { return RT_EOK; /* success */ } else { return -RT_ERROR; } } /* read nand flash id */ static rt_err_t _read_id(struct rt_mtd_nand_device *device) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); uint8_t deviceid[5]; NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_READID; /* read id command */ NAND_DATA_AREA = 0x00; deviceid[0] = NAND_ADDR_AREA; /* Byte 0 */ deviceid[1] = NAND_ADDR_AREA; /* Byte 1 */ deviceid[2] = NAND_ADDR_AREA; /* Byte 2 */ deviceid[3] = NAND_ADDR_AREA; /* Byte 3 */ deviceid[4] = NAND_ADDR_AREA; /* Byte 4 */ _device.id = ((uint32_t)deviceid[4]) << 24 | ((uint32_t)deviceid[3]) << 16 | ((uint32_t)deviceid[2]) << 8 | deviceid[1]; LOG_D("nand id: 0x%08x", _device.id); return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t rt_hw_nand_ecc_check(rt_uint32_t generatedEcc, rt_uint32_t readEcc, rt_uint8_t* data) { #define ECC_MASK28 0x0FFFFFFF /* 28 valid ECC parity bits. */ #define ECC_MASK 0x05555555 /* 14 ECC parity bits. */ rt_uint32_t count, bitNum, byteAddr; rt_uint32_t mask; rt_uint32_t syndrome; rt_uint32_t eccP; /* 14 even ECC parity bits. */ rt_uint32_t eccPn; /* 14 odd ECC parity bits. */ syndrome = (generatedEcc ^ readEcc) & ECC_MASK28; if (syndrome == 0) { return (RT_EOK); /* No errors in data. */ } eccPn = syndrome & ECC_MASK; /* Get 14 odd parity bits. */ eccP = (syndrome >> 1) & ECC_MASK; /* Get 14 even parity bits. */ if ((eccPn ^ eccP) == ECC_MASK) /* 1-bit correctable error ? */ { bitNum = (eccP & 0x01) | ((eccP >> 1) & 0x02) | ((eccP >> 2) & 0x04); LOG_D("ECC bit %d\n",bitNum); byteAddr = ((eccP >> 6) & 0x001) | ((eccP >> 7) & 0x002) | ((eccP >> 8) & 0x004) | ((eccP >> 9) & 0x008) | ((eccP >> 10) & 0x010) | ((eccP >> 11) & 0x020) | ((eccP >> 12) & 0x040) | ((eccP >> 13) & 0x080) | ((eccP >> 14) & 0x100) | ((eccP >> 15) & 0x200) | ((eccP >> 16) & 0x400) ; data[ byteAddr ] ^= 1 << bitNum; return RT_EOK; } /* Count number of one's in the syndrome. */ count = 0; mask = 0x00800000; while (mask) { if (syndrome & mask) count++; mask >>= 1; } if (count == 1) /* Error in the ECC itself. */ return -RT_EIO; return -RT_EIO; /* Unable to correct data. */ #undef ECC_MASK #undef ECC_MASK24 } static rt_err_t _read_page(struct rt_mtd_nand_device *device, rt_off_t page, rt_uint8_t *data, rt_uint32_t data_len, rt_uint8_t *spare, rt_uint32_t spare_len) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); rt_uint32_t index, i, tickstart, eccnum; rt_err_t result; rt_uint8_t *p = RT_NULL; page = page + device->block_start * device->pages_per_block; if (page / device->pages_per_block > device->block_end) { return -RT_EIO; } rt_mutex_take(&_device.lock, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); if (data && data_len) { NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_AREA_A; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)0; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(0 >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)page; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(page >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(page >> 16); NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_AREA_TRUE1; rt_hw_nand_delay(10); /* not an integer multiple of NAND ECC SECTOR SIZE, no ECC checks*/ if (data_len % NAND_ECC_SECTOR_SIZE) { for (i = 0; i < data_len; i++) { *data++ = NAND_ADDR_AREA; } } else { eccnum = data_len/NAND_ECC_SECTOR_SIZE; p = data; for (index = 0; index < 4; index++) { FMC_Bank3_R->PCR |= 1<<6; /* enable ecc */ for (i = 0; i < NAND_ECC_SECTOR_SIZE; i++) { *data++ = NAND_ADDR_AREA; } /* Get tick */ tickstart = rt_tick_get(); /* Wait until FIFO is empty */ while ((FMC_Bank3_R->SR & (1 << 6)) == RESET) { /* Check for the Timeout */ if ((rt_tick_get() - tickstart) > 10000) { result = RT_ETIMEOUT; goto _exit; } } ecc_hdbuf[index] = FMC_Bank3_R->HECCR; /* read hardware ecc */ FMC_Bank3_R->PCR &= ~(1<<6); /* disable ecc */ } i = device->page_size + 0x10; rt_hw_nand_delay(10); NAND_CMD_AREA = 0x05; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)i; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(i>>8); NAND_CMD_AREA = 0xE0; rt_hw_nand_delay(10); data =(rt_uint8_t*)&ecc_rdbuf[0]; for (i = 0; i < 4*eccnum; i++) { *data++ = NAND_ADDR_AREA; } /* check ecc */ for(i = 0; i< eccnum; i++) { if(ecc_rdbuf[i] != ecc_hdbuf[i]) { result = rt_hw_nand_ecc_check(ecc_hdbuf[i], ecc_rdbuf[i], p + NAND_ECC_SECTOR_SIZE*i); if (result != RT_EOK) { goto _exit; } } } } } if (spare && spare_len) { NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_AREA_A; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)0; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(0 >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)page; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(page >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(page >> 16); NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_AREA_TRUE1; rt_thread_delay(10); for (i = 0; i < spare_len; i ++) { *spare++ = NAND_ADDR_AREA; } } if (rt_hw_nand_wait_ready() != RT_EOK) { result = RT_ETIMEOUT; goto _exit; } _exit: rt_mutex_release(&_device.lock); return result; } static rt_err_t _write_page(struct rt_mtd_nand_device *device, rt_off_t page, const rt_uint8_t *data, rt_uint32_t data_len, const rt_uint8_t *spare, rt_uint32_t spare_len) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; rt_uint32_t eccnum; rt_uint32_t i, index; rt_uint32_t tickstart = 0; page = page + device->block_start * device->pages_per_block; if (page / device->pages_per_block > device->block_end) { return -RT_EIO; } rt_mutex_take(&_device.lock, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); if (data && data_len) { NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_WRITE0; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)0; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(0 >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(page & 0xFF); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(page >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(page >> 16); rt_hw_nand_delay(10); if (data_len % NAND_ECC_SECTOR_SIZE) { /* read nand flash */ for (i = 0; i < data_len; i++) { NAND_ADDR_AREA = *data++; } } else { eccnum = data_len/NAND_ECC_SECTOR_SIZE; for (index = 0; index < eccnum; index++) { FMC_Bank3_R->PCR |= 1<<6; /* enable ecc */ for (i = 0; i < NAND_ECC_SECTOR_SIZE; i++) { NAND_ADDR_AREA = *data++; } /* Get tick */ tickstart = rt_tick_get(); /* Wait until FIFO is empty */ while ((FMC_Bank3_R->SR & (1 << 6)) == RESET) { /* Check for the Timeout */ if ((rt_tick_get() - tickstart) > 10000) { result = RT_ETIMEOUT; goto _exit; } } ecc_hdbuf[index] = FMC_Bank3_R->HECCR; /* read hardware ecc */ FMC_Bank3_R->PCR &= ~(1<<6); /* disable ecc */ } i = device->page_size + 0x10; rt_hw_nand_delay(10); NAND_CMD_AREA = 0x85; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)i; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(i>>8); rt_hw_nand_delay(10); data = (uint8_t*)&ecc_hdbuf[0]; for (index = 0; index < eccnum; index++) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { NAND_ADDR_AREA = *data++; } } } } NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_WRITE_TURE1; if (rt_hw_nand_wait_ready() != RT_EOK) { result = -RT_EIO; goto _exit; } if (spare && spare_len) { NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_WRITE0; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(4096 & 0xFF); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(4096 >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(page & 0xFF); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(page >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(page >> 16); for (i = 4; i < spare_len; i++) { NAND_ADDR_AREA = spare[i]; } NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_WRITE_TURE1; if (rt_hw_nand_wait_ready() != RT_EOK) { result = -RT_EIO; goto _exit; } } _exit: rt_mutex_release(&_device.lock); return result; } /* erase one block */ static rt_err_t _erase_block(struct rt_mtd_nand_device *device, rt_uint32_t block) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); unsigned int block_num; rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; block = block + device->block_start; block_num = block << 6; rt_mutex_take(&_device.lock, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_ERASE0; NAND_DATA_AREA = (uint8_t)block_num; NAND_DATA_AREA = (uint8_t)(block_num >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (uint8_t)(block_num >> 16); NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_ERASE1; rt_thread_delay(NAND_TBERS_DELAY); if (rt_hw_nand_wait_ready() != RT_EOK) { result = -RT_ERROR; } rt_mutex_release(&_device.lock); return result; } static rt_err_t _page_copy(struct rt_mtd_nand_device *device, rt_off_t src_page, rt_off_t dst_page) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; rt_uint32_t source_block = 0, dest_block = 0; src_page = src_page + device->block_start * device->pages_per_block; dst_page = dst_page + device->block_start * device->pages_per_block; source_block = src_page / device->pages_per_block; dest_block = dst_page / device->pages_per_block; if ((source_block % 2) != (dest_block % 2)) { return RT_MTD_ESRC; } NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_MOVEDATA_CMD0; NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(0 & 0xFF); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(0 >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(src_page & 0xFF); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(src_page >> 8); NAND_DATA_AREA = (rt_uint8_t)(src_page >> 16); NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_MOVEDATA_CMD1; rt_hw_nand_delay(10); NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_MOVEDATA_CMD2; NAND_DATA_AREA = ((rt_uint8_t)(0 & 0xFF)); NAND_DATA_AREA = ((rt_uint8_t)(0 >> 8)); NAND_DATA_AREA = ((rt_uint8_t)(dst_page & 0xFF)); NAND_DATA_AREA = ((rt_uint8_t)(dst_page >> 8)); NAND_DATA_AREA = ((rt_uint8_t)(dst_page >> 16)); NAND_CMD_AREA = (NAND_MOVEDATA_CMD3); if (rt_hw_nand_wait_ready() != RT_EOK) { result = -RT_ERROR; } return result; } static rt_err_t _check_block(struct rt_mtd_nand_device *device, rt_uint32_t block) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); return (RT_MTD_EOK); } static rt_err_t _mark_bad(struct rt_mtd_nand_device *device, rt_uint32_t block) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); return (RT_MTD_EOK); } static const struct rt_mtd_nand_driver_ops ops = { _read_id, _read_page, _write_page, _page_copy, _erase_block, _check_block, _mark_bad, }; static struct rt_mtd_nand_device nand_dev; static rt_err_t nand_init(struct rt_mtd_nand_device *device) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); uint32_t tempreg = 0; rt_hw_nand_gpio_init(); tempreg |= 0 << 1; /* disable Wait feature enable bit */ tempreg |= 0 << 4; /* Data bus width 8*/ tempreg |= 0 << 6; /* disable ECC */ tempreg |= 1 << 17; /* ECC page 512 BYTE */ tempreg |= 5 << 9; /* set TCLR */ tempreg |= 5 << 13; /* set TAR */ FMC_Bank3_R->PCR = tempreg; /* set nand control register */ tempreg &= 0; tempreg |= 3 << 0; /* set MEMSET */ tempreg |= 5 << 8; /* set MEMWAIT */ tempreg |= 2 << 16; /* set MEMHOLD */ tempreg |= 3 << 24; /* set MEMHIZ */ FMC_Bank3_R->PMEM = tempreg; FMC_Bank3_R->PATT = 0; /* Attribute memory space timing registers */ FMC_Bank3_R->PCR |= 1 << 2; /* NAND Flash memory bank enable bit */ FMC_Bank1_R->BTCR[0] |= (uint32_t)1 << 31; /* enable fmc */ rt_hw_nand_reset(); /* reset nand flash*/ rt_thread_delay(100); /* read id */ _read_id(&nand_dev); if (_device.id != MT29F8G08ABACAH4) { LOG_E("nand id 0x%08x not support", _device.id); return -RT_ERROR; /* can't find nand flash */ } rt_hw_nand_set_mode(4); /* set mode 4, high speed mode*/ return RT_EOK; } int rt_hw_nand_init(void) { rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; rt_pin_mode(NAND_RB_PIN, PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); /* nand flash R/B pin */ result = nand_init(&nand_dev); if (result != RT_EOK) { LOG_D("nand flash init error!"); return -RT_ERROR; } rt_mutex_init(&_device.lock, "nand", RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO); nand_dev.page_size = 4096; nand_dev.pages_per_block = 224; nand_dev.plane_num = 2; nand_dev.oob_size = 64; nand_dev.oob_free = 64 - ((4096) * 3 / 256); nand_dev.block_start = 0; nand_dev.block_end = 4095; nand_dev.block_total = nand_dev.block_end - nand_dev.block_start; nand_dev.ops = &ops; result = rt_mtd_nand_register_device("nand", &nand_dev); if (result != RT_EOK) { rt_device_unregister(&nand_dev.parent); return -RT_ERROR; } rt_kprintf("nand flash init success, id: 0x%08x\n", _device.id); return RT_EOK; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(rt_hw_nand_init); #endif