/***************************************************************************//** * @file hdl_interrupt.c * @brief Interrupt handler of RT-Thread RTOS for EFM32 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2011, RT-Thread Development Team * @author onelife * @version 0.4 beta ******************************************************************************* * @section License * The license and distribution terms for this file may be found in the file * LICENSE in this distribution or at http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE ******************************************************************************* * @section Change Logs * Date Author Notes * 2010-12-29 onelife Initial creation for EFM32 * 2011-07-12 onelife Disable interrupts in GPIO handler * 2011-12-09 onelife Add giant gecko support * 2011-12-09 onelife Add UART module support * 2011-12-09 onelife Add LEUART module support ******************************************************************************/ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "board.h" #include "hdl_interrupt.h" /***************************************************************************//** * @addtogroup efm32 * @{ ******************************************************************************/ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef RT_IRQHDL_DEBUG #define hdl_debug(format,args...) rt_kprintf(format, ##args) #else #define hdl_debug(format,args...) #endif /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ efm32_irq_hook_t dmaCbTable[DMA_CHAN_COUNT * 2] = {RT_NULL}; efm32_irq_hook_t timerCbTable[TIMER_COUNT] = {RT_NULL}; efm32_irq_hook_t rtcCbTable[RTC_COUNT] = {RT_NULL}; efm32_irq_hook_t gpioCbTable[16] = {RT_NULL}; efm32_irq_hook_t acmpCbTable[ACMP_COUNT] = {RT_NULL}; efm32_irq_hook_t usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2 + UART_COUNT * 2] = {RT_NULL}; efm32_irq_hook_t leuartCbTable[LEUART_COUNT] = {RT_NULL}; efm32_irq_hook_t iicCbTable[I2C_COUNT] = {RT_NULL}; /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * NMI exception handler * * @details * * @note ******************************************************************************/ void NMI_Handler(void) { hdl_debug("[NMI_Handler: NOP]\n"); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Memory manage exception handler * * @details * * @note ******************************************************************************/ void MemManage_Handler(void) { hdl_debug("[MemManage_Handler: infinite loop]\n"); while (1); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Bus fault exception handler * * @details * * @note ******************************************************************************/ void BusFault_Handler(void) { hdl_debug("[BusFault_Handler: infinite loop]\n"); while (1); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Usage fault exception handler * * @details * * @note ******************************************************************************/ void UsageFault_Handler(void) { hdl_debug("[UsageFault_Handler: infinite loop]\n"); while (1); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Supervisor call exception handler * * @details * * @note ******************************************************************************/ void SVC_Handler(void) { hdl_debug("[SVC_Handler: NOP]\n"); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Debug monitor exception handler * * @details * * @note ******************************************************************************/ void DebugMon_Handler(void) { hdl_debug("[DebugMon_Handler: NOP]\n"); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * System tick timer interrupt handler * * @details * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void SysTick_Handler(void) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); rt_tick_increase(); /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } /******************************************************************************* * STM32F10x Peripherals Interrupt Handlers * Add here the Interrupt Handler for the used peripheral(s) (PPP), for the * available peripheral interrupt handler's name please refer to the startup * file (startup_stm32f10x_xx.s). /******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common DMA interrupt handler * * @details * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void DMA_IRQHandler_All(unsigned int channel, bool primary, void *user) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); /* invoke callback function */ if (dmaCbTable[channel].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (dmaCbTable[channel].cbFunc)(dmaCbTable[channel].userPtr); } /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common Timer1 interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles Timer1 counter overflow interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void TIMER1_IRQHandler(void) { if (TIMER1->IF & TIMER_IF_OF) { /* invoke callback function */ if (timerCbTable[1].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (timerCbTable[1].cbFunc)(timerCbTable[1].userPtr); } /* clear interrupt */ BITBAND_Peripheral(&(TIMER1->IFC), _TIMER_IF_OF_SHIFT, 0x1UL); } } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common Timer2 interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles Timer2 counter overflow interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void TIMER2_IRQHandler(void) { if (TIMER2->IF & TIMER_IF_OF) { /* invoke callback function */ if (timerCbTable[2].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (timerCbTable[2].cbFunc)(timerCbTable[2].userPtr); } /* clear interrupt */ BITBAND_Peripheral(&(TIMER2->IFC), _TIMER_IF_OF_SHIFT, 0x1UL); } } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common RTC interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles RTC counter overflow interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void RTC_IRQHandler(void) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); if (RTC->IF & RTC_IF_OF) { /* invoke callback function */ if (rtcCbTable[0].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (rtcCbTable[0].cbFunc)(rtcCbTable[0].userPtr); } } /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common even number GPIO interrupt handler * * @details * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void GPIO_EVEN_IRQHandler(void) { rt_uint16_t flag, n; rt_base_t level; /* Disable interrupt */ level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); /* Enter ISR */ rt_interrupt_enter(); /* invoke callback function */ flag = (rt_uint16_t)(GPIO->IF & 0xFFFF); for ( n = 0; flag > 0; flag = flag >> 2, n = n + 2) { if ((flag & 0x0001) && (gpioCbTable[n].cbFunc != RT_NULL)) { (gpioCbTable[n].cbFunc)(gpioCbTable[n].userPtr); } } /* clear interrupt */ GPIO->IFC = 0x5555UL; /* Leave ISR */ rt_interrupt_leave(); /* Enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common odd number GPIO interrupt handler * * @details * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void GPIO_ODD_IRQHandler(void) { rt_uint16_t flag, n; rt_base_t level; /* Disable interrupt */ level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); /* Enter ISR */ rt_interrupt_enter(); /* invoke callback function */ flag = (rt_uint16_t)(GPIO->IF & 0xFFFF) >> 1; for ( n = 1; flag > 0; flag = flag >> 2, n = n + 2) { if ((flag & 0x0001) && (gpioCbTable[n].cbFunc != RT_NULL)) { (gpioCbTable[n].cbFunc)(gpioCbTable[n].userPtr); } } /* clear interrupt */ GPIO->IFC = 0xAAAAUL; /* Leave ISR */ rt_interrupt_leave(); /* Enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common ACMP interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles ACMP edge trigger interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void ACMP0_IRQHandler(void) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); if (ACMP0->IF & ACMP_IF_EDGE) { /* invoke callback function */ if (acmpCbTable[0].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (acmpCbTable[0].cbFunc)(acmpCbTable[0].userPtr); } /* clear interrupt */ BITBAND_Peripheral(&(ACMP0->IFC), _ACMP_IF_EDGE_SHIFT, 0x1UL); } if (ACMP1->IF & ACMP_IF_EDGE) { /* invoke callback function */ if (acmpCbTable[1].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (acmpCbTable[1].cbFunc)(acmpCbTable[1].userPtr); } /* clear interrupt */ BITBAND_Peripheral(&(ACMP1->IFC), _ACMP_IF_EDGE_SHIFT, 0x1UL); } /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common USART0 TX interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles USART0 TX complete interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void USART0_TX_IRQHandler(void) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); if (USART0->IF & USART_IF_TXC) { /* invoke callback function */ if (usartCbTable[0].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (usartCbTable[0].cbFunc)(usartCbTable[0].userPtr); } /* clear interrupt */ BITBAND_Peripheral(&(USART0->IFC), _USART_IF_TXC_SHIFT, 0x1UL); } /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common USART0 RX interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles USART0 RX data valid interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void USART0_RX_IRQHandler(void) { if (USART0->IF & USART_IF_RXDATAV) { /* invoke callback function */ if (usartCbTable[1].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (usartCbTable[1].cbFunc)(usartCbTable[1].userPtr); } } } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common USART1 TX interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles USART1 TX complete interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void USART1_TX_IRQHandler(void) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); if (USART1->IF & USART_IF_TXC) { /* invoke callback function */ if (usartCbTable[2].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (usartCbTable[2].cbFunc)(usartCbTable[2].userPtr); } /* clear interrupt */ BITBAND_Peripheral(&(USART1->IFC), _USART_IF_TXC_SHIFT, 0x1UL); } /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common USART1 RX interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles USART1 RX data valid interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void USART1_RX_IRQHandler(void) { if (USART1->IF & USART_IF_RXDATAV) { /* invoke callback function */ if (usartCbTable[3].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (usartCbTable[3].cbFunc)(usartCbTable[3].userPtr); } } } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common USART2 TX interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles USART2 TX complete interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void USART2_TX_IRQHandler(void) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); if (USART2->IF & USART_IF_TXC) { /* invoke callback function */ if (usartCbTable[4].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (usartCbTable[4].cbFunc)(usartCbTable[4].userPtr); } /* clear interrupt */ BITBAND_Peripheral(&(USART2->IFC), _USART_IF_TXC_SHIFT, 0x1UL); } /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common USART2 RX interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles USART2 RX data valid interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void USART2_RX_IRQHandler(void) { if (USART2->IF & USART_IF_RXDATAV) { /* invoke callback function */ if (usartCbTable[5].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (usartCbTable[5].cbFunc)(usartCbTable[5].userPtr); } } } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common UART0 TX interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles UART0 TX complete interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void UART0_TX_IRQHandler(void) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); if (UART0->IF & UART_IF_TXC) { /* invoke callback function */ if (usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2].cbFunc)(usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2].userPtr); } /* clear interrupt */ BITBAND_Peripheral(&(UART0->IFC), _UART_IF_TXC_SHIFT, 0x1UL); } /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common UART0 RX interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles UART0 RX data valid interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void UART0_RX_IRQHandler(void) { if (UART0->IF & UART_IF_RXDATAV) { /* invoke callback function */ if (usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2 + 1].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2 + 1].cbFunc)(usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2 + 1].userPtr); } } } #if defined(EFM32_GIANT_FAMILY) /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common UART1 TX interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles UART1 TX complete interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void UART1_TX_IRQHandler(void) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); if (UART1->IF & UART_IF_TXC) { /* invoke callback function */ if (usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2 + 2].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2 + 2].cbFunc)(usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2 + 2].userPtr); } /* clear interrupt */ BITBAND_Peripheral(&(UART1->IFC), _UART_IF_TXC_SHIFT, 0x1UL); } /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common UART1 RX interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles UART1 RX data valid interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void UART1_RX_IRQHandler(void) { if (UART1->IF & UART_IF_RXDATAV) { /* invoke callback function */ if (usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2 + 3].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2 + 3].cbFunc)(usartCbTable[USART_COUNT * 2 + 3].userPtr); } } } #endif /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common LEUART0 interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles LEUART0 interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void LEUART0_IRQHandler(void) { if (LEUART0->IF & LEUART_IF_RXDATAV) { /* invoke callback function */ if (leuartCbTable[0].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (leuartCbTable[0].cbFunc)(leuartCbTable[0].userPtr); } } } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common LEUART1 interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles LEUART1 interrupt request * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void LEUART1_IRQHandler(void) { if (LEUART1->IF & LEUART_IF_RXDATAV) { /* invoke callback function */ if (leuartCbTable[1].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (leuartCbTable[1].cbFunc)(leuartCbTable[1].userPtr); } } } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Common IIC0 interrupt handler * * @details * This function handles IIC0 slave mode interrupt requests * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void I2C0_IRQHandler(void) { if ((I2C0->IF & I2C_IF_ADDR) || \ (I2C0->IF & I2C_IF_RXDATAV) || \ (I2C0->IF & I2C_IF_SSTOP)) { /* invoke callback function */ if (iicCbTable[0].cbFunc != RT_NULL) { (iicCbTable[0].cbFunc)(iicCbTable[0].userPtr); } } I2C_IntClear(I2C0, I2C_IFC_ADDR | I2C_IFC_SSTOP); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * EFM32 common interrupt handlers register function * * @details * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void efm32_irq_hook_register(efm32_irq_hook_init_t *hook) { switch (hook->type) { case efm32_irq_type_dma: dmaCbTable[hook->unit].cbFunc = hook->cbFunc; dmaCbTable[hook->unit].userPtr = hook->userPtr; break; case efm32_irq_type_rtc: rtcCbTable[hook->unit].cbFunc = hook->cbFunc; rtcCbTable[hook->unit].userPtr = hook->userPtr; break; case efm32_irq_type_timer: timerCbTable[hook->unit].cbFunc = hook->cbFunc; timerCbTable[hook->unit].userPtr = hook->userPtr; break; case efm32_irq_type_gpio: gpioCbTable[hook->unit].cbFunc = hook->cbFunc; gpioCbTable[hook->unit].userPtr = hook->userPtr; break; case efm32_irq_type_acmp: acmpCbTable[hook->unit].cbFunc = hook->cbFunc; acmpCbTable[hook->unit].userPtr = hook->userPtr; break; case efm32_irq_type_usart: usartCbTable[hook->unit].cbFunc = hook->cbFunc; usartCbTable[hook->unit].userPtr = hook->userPtr; break; case efm32_irq_type_leuart: leuartCbTable[hook->unit].cbFunc = hook->cbFunc; leuartCbTable[hook->unit].userPtr = hook->userPtr; break; case efm32_irq_type_iic: iicCbTable[hook->unit].cbFunc = hook->cbFunc; iicCbTable[hook->unit].userPtr = hook->userPtr; break; default: break; } hdl_debug("Hook Registered: type: %s, unit: %x, cbFunc: %x, userPtr: %x\n", \ hook->type, hook->unit, hook->cbFunc, hook->userPtr); } /***************************************************************************//** * @} ******************************************************************************/