/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2021-12-28 unknow copy by STemwin * 2021-12-29 xiangxistu port for lvgl * 2022-6-26 solar Improve the api required for resistive touch screen calibration * 2023-05-17 yuanjie parallel driver improved */ #include #include #include #include #include "drv_lcd.h" #include "drv_lcd_font.h" #define DRV_DEBUG #define LOG_TAG "drv.lcd" #include _lcd_dev lcddev; rt_uint16_t BACK_COLOR = WHITE, FORE_COLOR = BLACK; #define LCD_CLEAR_SEND_NUMBER 5760 #ifdef BSP_USING_ONBOARD_LCD_PWM_BL #define PWM_BL_NAME "pwm14" /* 背光PWM设备名称 */ #define PWM_BL_CHANNEL 1 /* 背光PWM通道 */ #define PWM_BL_PERIOD 500000 /* 0.5ms = 2000 Hz*/ struct rt_device_pwm *pwm_bl_dev = RT_NULL; /* PWM设备句柄 */ #else #define LCD_BL GET_PIN(F, 9) #endif /* BSP_USING_ONBOARD_LCD_PWM_BL */ #define LCD_RST GET_PIN(D, 3) #define LCD_DEVICE(dev) (struct drv_lcd_device *)(dev) struct drv_lcd_device { struct rt_device parent; struct rt_device_graphic_info lcd_info; }; static struct drv_lcd_device _lcd; // 写寄存器函数 // regval:寄存器值 void LCD_WR_REG(uint8_t regval) { LCD->_u8_REG = regval; // 写入要写的寄存器序号 } // 写LCD数据 // data:要写入的值 void LCD_WR_DATA16(uint16_t data) { LCD->_u16_RAM = data; } void LCD_WR_DATA8(uint8_t data) { LCD->_u8_RAM = data; } // 读LCD数据 // 返回值:读到的值 uint8_t LCD_RD_DATA8(void) { return LCD->_u8_RAM; } // 写寄存器 // LCD_Reg:寄存器地址 // LCD_RegValue:要写入的数据 void LCD_WriteReg(uint8_t LCD_Reg, uint16_t LCD_RegValue) { LCD->_u8_REG = LCD_Reg; // 写入要写的寄存器序号 LCD->_u16_RAM = LCD_RegValue; // 写入数据 } // 读寄存器 // LCD_Reg:寄存器地址 // 返回值:读到的数据 uint16_t LCD_ReadReg(uint16_t LCD_Reg) { LCD_WR_REG(LCD_Reg); // 写入要读的寄存器序号 return LCD_RD_DATA8(); // 返回读到的值 } // 开始写GRAM void LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(void) { LCD->_u8_REG = lcddev.wramcmd; } // LCD写GRAM // RGB_Code:颜色值 void LCD_WriteRAM(uint16_t RGB_Code) { LCD->_u16_RAM = RGB_Code; // 写十六位GRAM } // 从ILI93xx读出的数据为GBR格式,而我们写入的时候为RGB格式。 // 通过该函数转换 // c:GBR格式的颜色值 // 返回值:RGB格式的颜色值 uint16_t LCD_BGR2RGB(uint16_t c) { uint16_t r, g, b, rgb; b = (c >> 0) & 0x1f; g = (c >> 5) & 0x3f; r = (c >> 11) & 0x1f; rgb = (b << 11) + (g << 5) + (r << 0); return (rgb); } // 设置光标位置(对RGB屏无效) // Xpos:横坐标 // Ypos:纵坐标 void LCD_SetCursor(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos) { if (lcddev.id == 8552) // st7789v3 { LCD_WR_REG(lcddev.setxcmd); LCD_WR_DATA16(Xpos >> 8); LCD_WR_DATA16(Xpos & 0XFF); LCD_WR_REG(lcddev.setycmd); LCD_WR_DATA16(Ypos >> 8); LCD_WR_DATA16(Ypos & 0XFF); } } // 读取个某点的颜色值 // x,y:坐标 // 返回值:此点的颜色 void LCD_ReadPoint(char *pixel, int x, int y) { uint16_t *color = (uint16_t *)pixel; uint16_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; if (x >= lcddev.width || y >= lcddev.height) { *color = 0; // 超过了范围,直接返回 return; } LCD_SetCursor(x, y); if (lcddev.id == 0X81b3) LCD_WR_REG(0X2E); // 9341/3510/1963 发送读GRAM指令 r = LCD_RD_DATA8(); // dummy Read r = LCD_RD_DATA8(); // 实际坐标颜色 b = LCD_RD_DATA8(); g = r & 0XFF; // 对于9341/5310/5510,第一次读取的是RG的值,R在前,G在后,各占8位 g <<= 8; *color = (((r >> 11) << 11) | ((g >> 10) << 5) | (b >> 11)); // ILI9341/NT35310/NT35510需要公式转换一下 } // LCD开启显示 void LCD_DisplayOn(void) { if (lcddev.id == 0X81b3) LCD_WR_REG(0X29); // 开启显示 } // LCD关闭显示 void LCD_DisplayOff(void) { if (lcddev.id == 0X81b3) LCD_WR_REG(0X28); // 关闭显示 } #ifdef BSP_USING_ONBOARD_LCD_PWM_BL //TODO PWM14 not working // 初始化LCD背光定时器 void LCD_PWM_BackLightInit() { pwm_bl_dev = (struct rt_device_pwm *)rt_device_find(PWM_BL_NAME); if(RT_NULL != pwm_bl_dev) { /* 设置PWM周期和脉冲宽度默认值 */ rt_pwm_set(pwm_bl_dev, PWM_BL_CHANNEL, PWM_BL_PERIOD, 0); } else { LOG_E("pwm backlight error!"); } } // TODO 反初始化LCD背光定时器 // void LCD_TIM_BackLightDeinit(uint8_t value) // { // } // 设置LCD背光亮度 // pwm:背光等级,0~100.越大越亮. void LCD_BackLightSet(uint8_t value) { value = value > 100 ? 100 : value; if(RT_NULL != pwm_bl_dev) { /* 设置PWM周期和脉冲宽度默认值 */ rt_pwm_set(pwm_bl_dev, PWM_BL_CHANNEL, PWM_BL_PERIOD, (PWM_BL_PERIOD/100)*value); /* 使能设备 */ rt_pwm_enable(pwm_bl_dev, PWM_BL_CHANNEL); LOG_D("backlight %d percent", value); } else { LOG_E("backlight set error!"); } } #endif // 设置LCD的自动扫描方向(对RGB屏无效) // 注意:其他函数可能会受到此函数设置的影响(尤其是9341), // 所以,一般设置为L2R_U2D即可,如果设置为其他扫描方式,可能导致显示不正常. // dir:0~7,代表8个方向(具体定义见lcd.h) // 9341/5310/5510/1963等IC已经实际测试 void LCD_Scan_Dir(uint8_t dir) { uint16_t regval = 0; uint16_t dirreg = 0; uint16_t temp; if ((lcddev.dir == 1 && lcddev.id != 0X1963) || (lcddev.dir == 0 && lcddev.id == 0X1963)) // 横屏时,对1963不改变扫描方向!竖屏时1963改变方向 { switch (dir) // 方向转换 { case 0: dir = 6; break; case 1: dir = 7; break; case 2: dir = 4; break; case 3: dir = 5; break; case 4: dir = 1; break; case 5: dir = 0; break; case 6: dir = 3; break; case 7: dir = 2; break; } } if (lcddev.id == 0x9341 || lcddev.id == 0X5310 || lcddev.id == 0X5510 || lcddev.id == 0X1963) // 9341/5310/5510/1963,特殊处理 { switch (dir) { case L2R_U2D: // 从左到右,从上到下 regval |= (0 << 7) | (0 << 6) | (0 << 5); break; case L2R_D2U: // 从左到右,从下到上 regval |= (1 << 7) | (0 << 6) | (0 << 5); break; case R2L_U2D: // 从右到左,从上到下 regval |= (0 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (0 << 5); break; case R2L_D2U: // 从右到左,从下到上 regval |= (1 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (0 << 5); break; case U2D_L2R: // 从上到下,从左到右 regval |= (0 << 7) | (0 << 6) | (1 << 5); break; case U2D_R2L: // 从上到下,从右到左 regval |= (0 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 5); break; case D2U_L2R: // 从下到上,从左到右 regval |= (1 << 7) | (0 << 6) | (1 << 5); break; case D2U_R2L: // 从下到上,从右到左 regval |= (1 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 5); break; } if (lcddev.id == 0X5510) dirreg = 0X3600; else dirreg = 0X36; if ((lcddev.id != 0X5310) && (lcddev.id != 0X5510) && (lcddev.id != 0X1963)) regval |= 0X08; // 5310/5510/1963不需要BGR LCD_WriteReg(dirreg, regval); if (lcddev.id != 0X1963) // 1963不做坐标处理 { if (regval & 0X20) { if (lcddev.width < lcddev.height) // 交换X,Y { temp = lcddev.width; lcddev.width = lcddev.height; lcddev.height = temp; } } else { if (lcddev.width > lcddev.height) // 交换X,Y { temp = lcddev.width; lcddev.width = lcddev.height; lcddev.height = temp; } } } } } // 快速画点 // x,y:坐标 // color:颜色 static void LCD_Fast_DrawPoint(const char *pixel, int x, int y) { uint16_t color = *((uint16_t *)pixel); if (lcddev.id == 0X81b3) { LCD_WR_REG(lcddev.setxcmd); LCD_WR_DATA16(x >> 8); LCD_WR_DATA16(x & 0XFF); LCD_WR_REG(lcddev.setycmd); LCD_WR_DATA16(y >> 8); LCD_WR_DATA16(y & 0XFF); } LCD->_u8_REG = lcddev.wramcmd; LCD->_u16_RAM = color; } // 设置LCD显示方向 // dir:0,竖屏;1,横屏 void LCD_Display_Dir(uint8_t dir) { lcddev.dir = dir; // 竖屏/横屏 if (dir == 0) // 竖屏 { lcddev.width = 240; lcddev.height = 240; if (lcddev.id == 0X81b3) { lcddev.wramcmd = 0X2C; lcddev.setxcmd = 0X2A; lcddev.setycmd = 0X2B; } } else // 横屏 { lcddev.width = 240; lcddev.height = 240; if (lcddev.id == 0X81b3) { lcddev.wramcmd = 0X2C; lcddev.setxcmd = 0X2A; lcddev.setycmd = 0X2B; } } // TODO scan dir settings // LCD_Scan_Dir(DFT_SCAN_DIR); //默认扫描方向 } rt_err_t lcd_write_half_word(const rt_uint16_t da) { LCD_WR_DATA16(change_byte_order(da)); return RT_EOK; } rt_err_t lcd_write_data_buffer(const void *send_buf, rt_size_t length) { uint8_t *pdata = RT_NULL; rt_size_t len = 0; pdata = (uint8_t*)send_buf; len = length; if (pdata != RT_NULL) { while (len -- ) { LCD_WR_DATA8(*pdata); pdata ++; } } return RT_EOK; } /** * Set background color and foreground color * * @param back background color * @param fore fore color * * @return void */ void lcd_set_color(rt_uint16_t back, rt_uint16_t fore) { BACK_COLOR = back; FORE_COLOR = fore; } /** * Set drawing area * * @param x1 start of x position * @param y1 start of y position * @param x2 end of x position * @param y2 end of y position * * @return void */ void lcd_address_set(rt_uint16_t x1, rt_uint16_t y1, rt_uint16_t x2, rt_uint16_t y2) { if (lcddev.id == 0X81b3) // st7789v3 { LCD_WR_REG(lcddev.setxcmd); LCD_WR_DATA8(x1 >> 8); LCD_WR_DATA8(x1 & 0xff); LCD_WR_DATA8(x2 >> 8); LCD_WR_DATA8(x2 & 0xff); LCD_WR_REG(lcddev.setycmd); LCD_WR_DATA8(y1 >> 8); LCD_WR_DATA8(y1 & 0xff); LCD_WR_DATA8(y2 >> 8); LCD_WR_DATA8(y2 & 0xff); } LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(); // 开始写入GRAM } /** * clear the lcd. * * @param color Fill color * * @return void */ void lcd_clear(rt_uint16_t color) { uint32_t index = 0; uint32_t totalpoint = lcddev.width; totalpoint *= lcddev.height; // 得到总点数 LCD_SetCursor(0x00, 0x0000); // 设置光标位置 LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(); // 开始写入GRAM for (index = 0; index < totalpoint; index++) { LCD->_u16_RAM = color; } } /** * display a point on the lcd. * * @param x x position * @param y y position * * @return void */ void lcd_draw_point(rt_uint16_t x, rt_uint16_t y) { lcd_address_set(x, y, x, y); lcd_write_half_word(BLUE); } rt_uint16_t change_byte_order(rt_uint16_t word) { return ((word<<8)&0xff00) | ((word>>8)&0x00ff); } /** * full color on the lcd. * * @param x_start start of x position * @param y_start start of y position * @param x_end end of x position * @param y_end end of y position * @param color Fill color * * @return void */ void lcd_fill(rt_uint16_t x_start, rt_uint16_t y_start, rt_uint16_t x_end, rt_uint16_t y_end, rt_uint16_t color) { rt_uint16_t i = 0, j = 0; rt_uint32_t size = 0, size_remain = 0; rt_uint8_t *fill_buf = RT_NULL; size = (x_end - x_start) * (y_end - y_start) * 2; if (size > LCD_CLEAR_SEND_NUMBER) { /* the number of remaining to be filled */ size_remain = size - LCD_CLEAR_SEND_NUMBER; size = LCD_CLEAR_SEND_NUMBER; } lcd_address_set(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end); fill_buf = (rt_uint8_t *)rt_malloc(size); if (fill_buf) { /* fast fill */ while (1) { for (i = 0; i < size / 2; i++) { fill_buf[2 * i] = color >> 8; fill_buf[2 * i + 1] = color; } lcd_write_data_buffer(fill_buf, size); /* Fill completed */ if (size_remain == 0) break; /* calculate the number of fill next time */ if (size_remain > LCD_CLEAR_SEND_NUMBER) { size_remain = size_remain - LCD_CLEAR_SEND_NUMBER; } else { size = size_remain; size_remain = 0; } } rt_free(fill_buf); } else { for (i = y_start; i <= y_end; i++) { for (j = x_start; j <= x_end; j++)lcd_write_half_word(color); } } } /** * display a line on the lcd. * * @param x1 x1 position * @param y1 y1 position * @param x2 x2 position * @param y2 y2 position * * @return void */ void lcd_draw_line(rt_uint16_t x1, rt_uint16_t y1, rt_uint16_t x2, rt_uint16_t y2) { rt_uint16_t t; rt_uint32_t i = 0; int xerr = 0, yerr = 0, delta_x, delta_y, distance; int incx, incy, row, col; if (y1 == y2) { /* fast draw transverse line */ lcd_address_set(x1, y1, x2, y2); rt_uint8_t line_buf[480] = {0}; for (i = 0; i < x2 - x1; i++) { line_buf[2 * i] = FORE_COLOR >> 8; line_buf[2 * i + 1] = FORE_COLOR; } lcd_write_data_buffer(line_buf, (x2 - x1) * 2); return ; } delta_x = x2 - x1; delta_y = y2 - y1; row = x1; col = y1; if (delta_x > 0)incx = 1; else if (delta_x == 0)incx = 0; else { incx = -1; delta_x = -delta_x; } if (delta_y > 0)incy = 1; else if (delta_y == 0)incy = 0; else { incy = -1; delta_y = -delta_y; } if (delta_x > delta_y)distance = delta_x; else distance = delta_y; for (t = 0; t <= distance + 1; t++) { lcd_draw_point(row, col); xerr += delta_x ; yerr += delta_y ; if (xerr > distance) { xerr -= distance; row += incx; } if (yerr > distance) { yerr -= distance; col += incy; } } } /** * display a rectangle on the lcd. * * @param x1 x1 position * @param y1 y1 position * @param x2 x2 position * @param y2 y2 position * * @return void */ void lcd_draw_rectangle(rt_uint16_t x1, rt_uint16_t y1, rt_uint16_t x2, rt_uint16_t y2) { lcd_draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y1); lcd_draw_line(x1, y1, x1, y2); lcd_draw_line(x1, y2, x2, y2); lcd_draw_line(x2, y1, x2, y2); } /** * display a circle on the lcd. * * @param x x position of Center * @param y y position of Center * @param r radius * * @return void */ void lcd_draw_circle(rt_uint16_t x0, rt_uint16_t y0, rt_uint8_t r) { int a, b; int di; a = 0; b = r; di = 3 - (r << 1); while (a <= b) { lcd_draw_point(x0 - b, y0 - a); lcd_draw_point(x0 + b, y0 - a); lcd_draw_point(x0 - a, y0 + b); lcd_draw_point(x0 - b, y0 - a); lcd_draw_point(x0 - a, y0 - b); lcd_draw_point(x0 + b, y0 + a); lcd_draw_point(x0 + a, y0 - b); lcd_draw_point(x0 + a, y0 + b); lcd_draw_point(x0 - b, y0 + a); a++; //Bresenham if (di < 0)di += 4 * a + 6; else { di += 10 + 4 * (a - b); b--; } lcd_draw_point(x0 + a, y0 + b); } } static void lcd_show_char(rt_uint16_t x, rt_uint16_t y, rt_uint8_t data, rt_uint32_t size) { rt_uint8_t temp; rt_uint8_t num = 0;; rt_uint8_t pos, t; rt_uint16_t colortemp = FORE_COLOR; rt_uint8_t *font_buf = RT_NULL; if (x > LCD_W - size / 2 || y > LCD_H - size)return; data = data - ' '; #ifdef ASC2_1608 if (size == 16) { lcd_address_set(x, y, x + size / 2 - 1, y + size - 1);//(x,y,x+8-1,y+16-1) font_buf = (rt_uint8_t *)rt_malloc(size * size); if (!font_buf) { /* fast show char */ for (pos = 0; pos < size * (size / 2) / 8; pos++) { temp = asc2_1608[(rt_uint16_t)data * size * (size / 2) / 8 + pos]; for (t = 0; t < 8; t++) { if (temp & 0x80)colortemp = FORE_COLOR; else colortemp = BACK_COLOR; lcd_write_half_word(colortemp); temp <<= 1; } } } else { for (pos = 0; pos < size * (size / 2) / 8; pos++) { temp = asc2_1608[(rt_uint16_t)data * size * (size / 2) / 8 + pos]; for (t = 0; t < 8; t++) { if (temp & 0x80)colortemp = FORE_COLOR; else colortemp = BACK_COLOR; font_buf[2 * (8 * pos + t)] = colortemp >> 8; font_buf[2 * (8 * pos + t) + 1] = colortemp; temp <<= 1; } } lcd_write_data_buffer(font_buf, size * size); rt_free(font_buf); } } else #endif #ifdef ASC2_2412 if (size == 24) { lcd_address_set(x, y, x + size / 2 - 1, y + size - 1); font_buf = (rt_uint8_t *)rt_malloc(size * size); if (!font_buf) { /* fast show char */ for (pos = 0; pos < (size * 16) / 8; pos++) { temp = asc2_2412[(rt_uint16_t)data * (size * 16) / 8 + pos]; if (pos % 2 == 0) { num = 8; } else { num = 4; } for (t = 0; t < num; t++) { if (temp & 0x80)colortemp = FORE_COLOR; else colortemp = BACK_COLOR; lcd_write_half_word(colortemp); temp <<= 1; } } } else { for (pos = 0; pos < (size * 16) / 8; pos++) { temp = asc2_2412[(rt_uint16_t)data * (size * 16) / 8 + pos]; if (pos % 2 == 0) { num = 8; } else { num = 4; } for (t = 0; t < num; t++) { if (temp & 0x80)colortemp = FORE_COLOR; else colortemp = BACK_COLOR; if (num == 8) { font_buf[2 * (12 * (pos / 2) + t)] = colortemp >> 8; font_buf[2 * (12 * (pos / 2) + t) + 1] = colortemp; } else { font_buf[2 * (8 + 12 * (pos / 2) + t)] = colortemp >> 8; font_buf[2 * (8 + 12 * (pos / 2) + t) + 1] = colortemp; } temp <<= 1; } } lcd_write_data_buffer(font_buf, size * size); rt_free(font_buf); } } else #endif #ifdef ASC2_3216 if (size == 32) { lcd_address_set(x, y, x + size / 2 - 1, y + size - 1); font_buf = (rt_uint8_t *)rt_malloc(size * size); if (!font_buf) { /* fast show char */ for (pos = 0; pos < size * (size / 2) / 8; pos++) { temp = asc2_3216[(rt_uint16_t)data * size * (size / 2) / 8 + pos]; for (t = 0; t < 8; t++) { if (temp & 0x80)colortemp = FORE_COLOR; else colortemp = BACK_COLOR; lcd_write_half_word(colortemp); temp <<= 1; } } } else { for (pos = 0; pos < size * (size / 2) / 8; pos++) { temp = asc2_3216[(rt_uint16_t)data * size * (size / 2) / 8 + pos]; for (t = 0; t < 8; t++) { if (temp & 0x80)colortemp = FORE_COLOR; else colortemp = BACK_COLOR; font_buf[2 * (8 * pos + t)] = colortemp >> 8; font_buf[2 * (8 * pos + t) + 1] = colortemp; temp <<= 1; } } lcd_write_data_buffer(font_buf, size * size); rt_free(font_buf); } } else #endif { LOG_E("There is no any define ASC2_1208 && ASC2_2412 && ASC2_2416 && ASC2_3216 !"); } } /** * display the number on the lcd. * * @param x x position * @param y y position * @param num number * @param len length of number * @param size size of font * * @return void */ void lcd_show_num(rt_uint16_t x, rt_uint16_t y, rt_uint32_t num, rt_uint8_t len, rt_uint32_t size) { lcd_show_string(x, y, size, "%d", num); } /** * display the string on the lcd. * * @param x x position * @param y y position * @param size size of font * @param p the string to be display * * @return 0: display success * -1: size of font is not support */ rt_err_t lcd_show_string(rt_uint16_t x, rt_uint16_t y, rt_uint32_t size, const char *fmt, ...) { #define LCD_STRING_BUF_LEN 128 va_list args; rt_uint8_t buf[LCD_STRING_BUF_LEN] = {0}; rt_uint8_t *p = RT_NULL; if (size != 16 && size != 24 && size != 32) { LOG_E("font size(%d) is not support!", size); return -RT_ERROR; } va_start(args, fmt); rt_vsnprintf((char *)buf, 100, (const char *)fmt, args); va_end(args); p = buf; while (*p != '\0') { if (x > LCD_W - size / 2) { x = 0; y += size; } if (y > LCD_H - size) { y = x = 0; lcd_clear(RED); } lcd_show_char(x, y, *p, size); x += size / 2; p++; } return RT_EOK; } /** * display the image on the lcd. * * @param x x position * @param y y position * @param length length of image * @param wide wide of image * @param p image * * @return 0: display success * -1: the image is too large */ rt_err_t lcd_show_image(rt_uint16_t x, rt_uint16_t y, rt_uint16_t length, rt_uint16_t wide, const rt_uint8_t *p) { RT_ASSERT(p); if (x + length > LCD_W || y + wide > LCD_H) { return -RT_ERROR; } lcd_address_set(x, y, x + length - 1, y + wide - 1); lcd_write_data_buffer(p, length * wide * 2); return RT_EOK; } #ifdef PKG_USING_QRCODE QRCode qrcode; static rt_uint8_t get_enlargement_factor(rt_uint16_t x, rt_uint16_t y, rt_uint8_t size) { rt_uint8_t enlargement_factor = 1 ; if (x + size * 8 <= LCD_W && y + size * 8 <= LCD_H) { enlargement_factor = 8; } else if (x + size * 4 <= LCD_W &&y + size * 4 <= LCD_H) { enlargement_factor = 4; } else if (x + size * 2 <= LCD_W && y + size * 2 <= LCD_H) { enlargement_factor = 2; } return enlargement_factor; } static void show_qrcode_by_point(rt_uint16_t x, rt_uint16_t y, rt_uint8_t size, rt_uint8_t enlargement_factor) { rt_uint32_t width = 0, high = 0; for (high = 0; high < size; high++) { for (width = 0; width < size; width++) { if (qrcode_getModule(&qrcode, width, high)) { /* magnify pixel */ for (rt_uint32_t offset_y = 0; offset_y < enlargement_factor; offset_y++) { for (rt_uint32_t offset_x = 0; offset_x < enlargement_factor; offset_x++) { lcd_draw_point(x + enlargement_factor * width + offset_x, y + enlargement_factor * high + offset_y); } } } } } } static void show_qrcode_by_line(rt_uint16_t x, rt_uint16_t y, rt_uint8_t size, rt_uint8_t enlargement_factor,rt_uint8_t *qrcode_buf) { rt_uint32_t width = 0, high = 0; for (high = 0; high < qrcode.size; high++) { for (width = 0; width < qrcode.size; width++) { if (qrcode_getModule(&qrcode, width, high)) { /* magnify pixel */ for (rt_uint32_t offset_y = 0; offset_y < enlargement_factor; offset_y++) { for (rt_uint32_t offset_x = 0; offset_x < enlargement_factor; offset_x++) { /* save the information of modules */ qrcode_buf[2 * (enlargement_factor * width + offset_x + offset_y * qrcode.size * enlargement_factor)] = FORE_COLOR >> 8; qrcode_buf[2 * (enlargement_factor * width + offset_x + offset_y * qrcode.size * enlargement_factor) + 1] = FORE_COLOR; } } } else { /* magnify pixel */ for (rt_uint32_t offset_y = 0; offset_y < enlargement_factor; offset_y++) { for (rt_uint32_t offset_x = 0; offset_x < enlargement_factor; offset_x++) { /* save the information of blank */ qrcode_buf[2 * (enlargement_factor * width + offset_x + offset_y * qrcode.size * enlargement_factor)] = BACK_COLOR >> 8; qrcode_buf[2 * (enlargement_factor * width + offset_x + offset_y * qrcode.size * enlargement_factor) + 1] = BACK_COLOR; } } } } /* display a line of qrcode */ lcd_show_image(x, y + high * enlargement_factor, qrcode.size * enlargement_factor, enlargement_factor, qrcode_buf); } } /** * display the qrcode on the lcd. * size = (4 * version +17) * enlargement * * @param x x position * @param y y position * @param version version of qrcode * @param ecc level of error correction * @param data string * @param enlargement enlargement_factor * * @return 0: display success * -1: generate qrcode failed * -5: memory low */ rt_err_t lcd_show_qrcode(rt_uint16_t x, rt_uint16_t y, rt_uint8_t version, rt_uint8_t ecc, const char *data, rt_uint8_t enlargement) { RT_ASSERT(data); rt_int8_t result = 0; rt_uint8_t enlargement_factor = 1; rt_uint8_t *qrcode_buf = RT_NULL; if (x + version * 4 + 17 > LCD_W || y + version * 4 + 17 > LCD_H) { LOG_E("The qrcode is too big!"); return -RT_ERROR; } rt_uint8_t *qrcodeBytes = (rt_uint8_t *)rt_calloc(1, qrcode_getBufferSize(version)); if (qrcodeBytes == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for qrcode!"); return -RT_ENOMEM; } /* generate qrcode */ result = qrcode_initText(&qrcode, qrcodeBytes, version, ecc, data); if (result >= 0) { /* set enlargement factor */ if(enlargement == 0) { enlargement_factor = get_enlargement_factor(x, y, qrcode.size); } else { enlargement_factor = enlargement; } /* malloc memory for quick display of qrcode */ qrcode_buf = rt_malloc(qrcode.size * 2 * enlargement_factor * enlargement_factor); if (qrcode_buf == RT_NULL) { /* clear lcd */ lcd_fill(x, y, x + qrcode.size, y + qrcode.size, BACK_COLOR); /* draw point to display qrcode */ show_qrcode_by_point(x, y, qrcode.size, enlargement_factor); } else { /* quick display of qrcode */ show_qrcode_by_line(x, y, qrcode.size, enlargement_factor,qrcode_buf); } result = RT_EOK; } else { LOG_E("QRCODE(%s) generate falied(%d)\n", qrstr, result); result = -RT_ENOMEM; goto __exit; } __exit: if (qrcodeBytes) { rt_free(qrcodeBytes); } if (qrcode_buf) { rt_free(qrcode_buf); } return result; } #endif void lcd_fill_array(rt_uint16_t x_start, rt_uint16_t y_start, rt_uint16_t x_end, rt_uint16_t y_end, void *pcolor) { rt_uint16_t *pixel = RT_NULL; rt_uint16_t cycle_y, x_offset = 0; pixel = (rt_uint16_t *)pcolor; lcd_address_set(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end); for (cycle_y = y_start; cycle_y <= y_end;) { for (x_offset = 0; x_start + x_offset <= x_end; x_offset++) { LCD->_u8_RAM = (*pixel)>>8; LCD->_u8_RAM = *pixel++; } cycle_y++; } } void LCD_DrawLine(const char *pixel, rt_uint16_t x1, rt_uint16_t y1, rt_uint16_t x2, rt_uint16_t y2) { rt_uint16_t t; int xerr = 0, yerr = 0, delta_x, delta_y, distance; int incx, incy, uRow, uCol; delta_x = x2 - x1; // 计算坐标增量 delta_y = y2 - y1; uRow = x1; uCol = y1; if (delta_x > 0) incx = 1; // 设置单步方向 else if (delta_x == 0) incx = 0; // 垂直线 else { incx = -1; delta_x = -delta_x; } if (delta_y > 0) incy = 1; else if (delta_y == 0) incy = 0; // 水平线 else { incy = -1; delta_y = -delta_y; } if (delta_x > delta_y) distance = delta_x; // 选取基本增量坐标轴 else distance = delta_y; for (t = 0; t <= distance + 1; t++) // 画线输出 { // LCD_DrawPoint(uRow, uCol); //画点 LCD_Fast_DrawPoint(pixel, uRow, uCol); xerr += delta_x; yerr += delta_y; if (xerr > distance) { xerr -= distance; uRow += incx; } if (yerr > distance) { yerr -= distance; uCol += incy; } } } void LCD_HLine(const char *pixel, int x1, int x2, int y) { LCD_DrawLine(pixel, x1, y, x2, y); } void LCD_VLine(const char *pixel, int x, int y1, int y2) { LCD_DrawLine(pixel, x, y1, x, y2); } void LCD_BlitLine(const char *pixel, int x, int y, rt_size_t size) { LCD_SetCursor(x, y); LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(); uint16_t *p = (uint16_t *)pixel; for (; size > 0; size--, p++) LCD->_u16_RAM = *p; } int drv_lcd_init(void) { SRAM_HandleTypeDef hsram1 = {0}; FSMC_NORSRAM_TimingTypeDef read_timing = {0}; FSMC_NORSRAM_TimingTypeDef write_timing = {0}; #ifndef BSP_USING_ONBOARD_LCD_PWM_BL rt_pin_mode(LCD_BL, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); #endif /* BSP_USING_ONBOARD_LCD_PWM_BL */ rt_pin_mode(LCD_RST, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); rt_pin_write(LCD_RST, PIN_LOW); rt_thread_mdelay(100); rt_pin_write(LCD_RST, PIN_HIGH); rt_thread_mdelay(100); // FSMC_NORSRAM_TimingTypeDef Timing = {0}; /** Perform the SRAM1 memory initialization sequence */ hsram1.Instance = FSMC_NORSRAM_DEVICE; hsram1.Extended = FSMC_NORSRAM_EXTENDED_DEVICE; /* hsram1.Init */ hsram1.Init.NSBank = FSMC_NORSRAM_BANK3; hsram1.Init.DataAddressMux = FSMC_DATA_ADDRESS_MUX_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.MemoryType = FSMC_MEMORY_TYPE_SRAM; hsram1.Init.MemoryDataWidth = FSMC_NORSRAM_MEM_BUS_WIDTH_8; hsram1.Init.BurstAccessMode = FSMC_BURST_ACCESS_MODE_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.WaitSignalPolarity = FSMC_WAIT_SIGNAL_POLARITY_LOW; hsram1.Init.WrapMode = FSMC_WRAP_MODE_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.WaitSignalActive = FSMC_WAIT_TIMING_BEFORE_WS; hsram1.Init.WriteOperation = FSMC_WRITE_OPERATION_ENABLE; hsram1.Init.WaitSignal = FSMC_WAIT_SIGNAL_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.ExtendedMode = FSMC_EXTENDED_MODE_ENABLE; hsram1.Init.AsynchronousWait = FSMC_ASYNCHRONOUS_WAIT_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.WriteBurst = FSMC_WRITE_BURST_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.PageSize = FSMC_PAGE_SIZE_NONE; // /* Timing */ read_timing.AddressSetupTime = 0XF; //地址建立时间(ADDSET)为16个HCLK 1/168M=6ns*16=96ns read_timing.AddressHoldTime = 0x00; //地址保持时间(ADDHLD)模式A未用到 read_timing.DataSetupTime = 60; //数据保存时间为60个HCLK =6*60=360ns read_timing.BusTurnAroundDuration = 0x00; read_timing.CLKDivision = 0x00; read_timing.DataLatency = 0x00; read_timing.AccessMode = FSMC_ACCESS_MODE_A; //模式A write_timing.AddressSetupTime =9; //地址建立时间(ADDSET)为9个HCLK =54ns write_timing.AddressHoldTime = 0x00; //地址保持时间(A write_timing.DataSetupTime = 8; //数据保存时间为6ns*9个HCLK=54ns write_timing.BusTurnAroundDuration = 0x00; write_timing.CLKDivision = 0x00; write_timing.DataLatency = 0x00; write_timing.AccessMode = FSMC_ACCESS_MODE_A; //模式A if (HAL_SRAM_Init(&hsram1, &read_timing, &write_timing) != HAL_OK) { Error_Handler( ); } rt_thread_mdelay(100); // 尝试st7789v3 ID的读取 LCD_WR_REG(0X04); lcddev.id = LCD_RD_DATA8(); // dummy read lcddev.id = LCD_RD_DATA8(); // ID2 lcddev.id = LCD_RD_DATA8(); // ID3 lcddev.id <<= 8; lcddev.id |= LCD_RD_DATA8(); LOG_I(" LCD ID:%x", lcddev.id); // 打印LCD ID if (lcddev.id == 0X81b3) //st7789v3 { //************* Start Initial Sequence **********// /* Memory Data Access Control */ LCD_WR_REG(0x36); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x00); /* RGB 5-6-5-bit */ LCD_WR_REG(0x3A); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x65); /* Porch Setting */ LCD_WR_REG(0xB2); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x0C); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x0C); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x00); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x33); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x33); /* Gate Control */ LCD_WR_REG(0xB7); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x35); /* VCOM Setting */ LCD_WR_REG(0xBB); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x37); /* LCM Control */ LCD_WR_REG(0xC0); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x2C); /* VDV and VRH Command Enable */ LCD_WR_REG(0xC2); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x01); /* VRH Set */ LCD_WR_REG(0xC3); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x12); /* VDV Set */ LCD_WR_REG(0xC4); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x20); /* Frame Rate Control in Normal Mode */ LCD_WR_REG(0xC6); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x0F); /* Power Control 1 */ LCD_WR_REG(0xD0); LCD_WR_DATA8(0xA4); LCD_WR_DATA8(0xA1); /* Positive Voltage Gamma Control */ LCD_WR_REG(0xE0); LCD_WR_DATA8(0xD0); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x04); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x0D); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x11); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x13); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x2B); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x3F); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x54); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x4C); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x18); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x0D); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x0B); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x1F); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x23); /* Negative Voltage Gamma Control */ LCD_WR_REG(0xE1); LCD_WR_DATA8(0xD0); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x04); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x0C); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x11); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x13); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x2C); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x3F); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x44); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x51); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x2F); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x1F); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x1F); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x20); LCD_WR_DATA8(0x23); /* Display Inversion On */ LCD_WR_REG(0x21); // 开启反色 /* TearEffect Sync On */ LCD_WR_REG(0x35); // 开启TE LCD_WR_DATA8(0x00); // TE 同步方式:vsync 同步 /* Sleep Out */ LCD_WR_REG(0x11); rt_thread_mdelay(120); /* display on */ LCD_WR_REG(0x29); // 开启显示 } // 初始化完成以后,提速 if (lcddev.id == 0X81b3) //st7789v3可以设置WR时序为最快 { // 重新配置写时序控制寄存器的时序 FSMC_Bank1E->BWTR[6] &= ~(0XF << 0); // 地址建立时间(ADDSET)清零 FSMC_Bank1E->BWTR[6] &= ~(0XF << 8); // 数据保存时间清零 FSMC_Bank1E->BWTR[6] |= 3 << 0; // 地址建立时间(ADDSET)为3个HCLK =18ns FSMC_Bank1E->BWTR[6] |= 2 << 8; // 数据保存时间(DATAST)为6ns*3个HCLK=18ns } LCD_Display_Dir(0); // 默认为横屏 #ifdef BSP_USING_ONBOARD_LCD_PWM_BL LCD_PWM_BackLightInit(); LCD_BackLightSet(80); #else rt_pin_write(LCD_BL, PIN_HIGH); // 开启背光 #endif /* BSP_USING_ONBOARD_LCD_PWM_BL */ lcd_clear(WHITE); return RT_EOK; } INIT_COMPONENT_EXPORT(drv_lcd_init); struct rt_device_graphic_ops fsmc_lcd_ops = { LCD_Fast_DrawPoint, LCD_ReadPoint, LCD_HLine, LCD_VLine, LCD_BlitLine, }; static rt_err_t drv_lcd_control(struct rt_device *device, int cmd, void *args) { struct drv_lcd_device *lcd = LCD_DEVICE(device); switch (cmd) { case RTGRAPHIC_CTRL_GET_INFO: { struct rt_device_graphic_info *info = (struct rt_device_graphic_info *)args; RT_ASSERT(info != RT_NULL); // this needs to be replaced by the customer info->pixel_format = lcd->lcd_info.pixel_format; info->bits_per_pixel = lcd->lcd_info.bits_per_pixel; info->width = lcddev.width; info->height = lcddev.height; } break; } return RT_EOK; } #ifdef RT_USING_DEVICE_OPS const static struct rt_device_ops lcd_ops = { drv_lcd_init, RT_NULL, RT_NULL, RT_NULL, RT_NULL, drv_lcd_control}; #endif int drv_lcd_hw_init(void) { rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; struct rt_device *device = &_lcd.parent; /* memset _lcd to zero */ memset(&_lcd, 0x00, sizeof(_lcd)); _lcd.lcd_info.bits_per_pixel = 16; _lcd.lcd_info.pixel_format = RTGRAPHIC_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565; device->type = RT_Device_Class_Graphic; #ifdef RT_USING_DEVICE_OPS device->ops = &lcd_ops; #else device->init = NULL; device->control = drv_lcd_control; #endif device->user_data = &fsmc_lcd_ops; /* register lcd device */ rt_device_register(device, "lcd", RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR | RT_DEVICE_FLAG_STANDALONE); return result; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(drv_lcd_hw_init); #ifdef BSP_USING_ONBOARD_LCD_TEST void lcd_auto_fill(void *para) { int num = (int)para; do { lcd_clear(rt_tick_get()%65535); rt_thread_mdelay(500); } while (--num); } #include /* atoi */ void lcd_fill_test(int argc, void **argv) { static rt_uint8_t lcd_init = 0; rt_device_t lcd = RT_NULL; if (lcd_init == 0) { lcd_init = 1; lcd = rt_device_find("lcd"); rt_device_init(lcd); } if (argc == 1) { lcd_auto_fill((void *)1); } else if (argc == 3) { if (rt_strcmp(argv[1], "-t") == 0) { rt_thread_t tid = RT_NULL; tid = rt_thread_create("lcd_fill", lcd_auto_fill, (void *)atoi(argv[2]), 512, 23, 10); rt_thread_startup(tid); } } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(lcd_fill_test, lcd fill test for mcu lcd); #endif