//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define to prevent recursive inclusion #define _HAL_UART_C_ // Files includes #include "hal_rcc.h" #include "hal_uart.h" #include "hal_gpio.h" #include "hal_dma.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @addtogroup MM32_Hardware_Abstract_Layer /// @{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///@addtogroup UART_HAL ///@{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @addtogroup UART_Exported_Functions /// @{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Deinitializes the uart peripheral registers to their /// default reset values. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_DeInit(UART_TypeDef* uart) { if(UART2 == uart) { exRCC_APB1PeriphReset(RCC_APB1ENR_UART2); } if(UART1 == uart) { exRCC_APB2PeriphReset(RCC_APB2ENR_UART1); } if(UART3 == uart) { exRCC_APB1PeriphReset(RCC_APB1ENR_UART3); } if(UART4 == uart) { exRCC_APB1PeriphReset(RCC_APB1ENR_UART4); } if(UART5 == uart) { exRCC_APB1PeriphReset(RCC_APB1ENR_UART5); } if(UART6 == uart) { exRCC_APB2PeriphReset(RCC_APB2ENR_UART6); } if(UART7 == uart) { exRCC_APB1PeriphReset(RCC_APB1ENR_UART7); } if(UART8 == uart) { exRCC_APB1PeriphReset(RCC_APB1ENR_UART8); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Initializes the uart peripheral according to the specified /// parameters in the UART_InitStruct . /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param init_struct: pointer to a UART_InitTypeDef structure /// that contains the configuration information for the /// specified UART peripheral. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_Init(UART_TypeDef* uart, UART_InitTypeDef* init_struct) { u32 apbclock = 0x00; // UART CCR Configuration MODIFY_REG(uart->CCR, UART_CCR_CHAR, init_struct->WordLength); MODIFY_REG(uart->CCR, (UART_CCR_SPB0 | UART_CCR_SPB1), init_struct->StopBits); MODIFY_REG(uart->CCR, (UART_CCR_PEN | UART_CCR_PSEL), init_struct->Parity); // UART GCR Configuration MODIFY_REG(uart->GCR, (UART_GCR_TX | UART_GCR_RX), init_struct->Mode); MODIFY_REG(uart->GCR, UART_GCR_AUTOFLOW, init_struct->HWFlowControl); //UART BRR Configuration //Configure the UART Baud Rate if (uart == UART1) { apbclock = RCC_GetPCLK2Freq(); } else { apbclock = RCC_GetPCLK1Freq(); } // Determine the UART_baud uart->BRR = (apbclock / init_struct->BaudRate) / 16; uart->FRA = (apbclock / init_struct->BaudRate) % 16; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Fills each UART_InitStruct member with its default value. /// @param init_struct: pointer to a UART_InitTypeDef structure /// which will be initialized. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_StructInit(UART_InitTypeDef* init_struct) { // UART_InitStruct members default value init_struct->BaudRate = 9600; init_struct->WordLength = UART_WordLength_8b; init_struct->StopBits = UART_StopBits_1; init_struct->Parity = UART_Parity_No; init_struct->Mode = UART_GCR_RX | UART_GCR_TX; init_struct->HWFlowControl = UART_HWFlowControl_None; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the specified UART peripheral. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the uart peripheral. /// This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_Cmd(UART_TypeDef* uart, FunctionalState state) { MODIFY_REG(uart->GCR, UART_GCR_UART, state << UART_GCR_UART_Pos); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the specified UART interrupts. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param it: specifies the UART interrupt sources to be /// enabled or disabled. /// This parameter can be one of the following values: /// @arg UART_IT_ERR: Error interrupt(Frame error,) /// @arg UART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt /// @arg UART_OVER_ERR: overrun Error interrupt /// @arg UART_IT_RXIEN: Receive Data register interrupt /// @arg UART_IT_TXIEN: Tansmit Data Register empty interrupt /// /// @param state: new state of the specified uart interrupts. /// This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_ITConfig(UART_TypeDef* uart, u16 it, FunctionalState state) { (state) ? (uart->IER |= it) : (uart->IER &= ~it); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the UART DMA interface. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param dma_request: specifies the DMA request. /// This parameter can be any combination of the following values: /// @arg UART_DMAReq_EN: UART DMA transmit request /// /// @param state: new state of the DMA Request sources. /// This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_DMACmd(UART_TypeDef* uart, u16 dma_request, FunctionalState state) { MODIFY_REG(uart->GCR, UART_GCR_DMA, state << UART_GCR_DMA_Pos); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Transmits single data through the uart peripheral. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param Data: the data to transmit. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_SendData(UART_TypeDef* uart, u16 value) { // Transmit Data WRITE_REG(uart->TDR, (value & 0xFFU)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Returns the most recent received data by the uart peripheral. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @retval The received data. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// u16 UART_ReceiveData(UART_TypeDef* uart) { // Receive Data return (u16)(uart->RDR & 0xFFU); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Checks whether the specified UART flag is set or not. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param flag: specifies the flag to check. /// This parameter can be one of the following values: /// @arg UART_FLAG_TXEMPTY: Transmit data register empty flag /// @arg UART_FLAG_TXFULL: Transmit data buffer full /// @arg UART_FLAG_RXAVL: RX Buffer has a byte flag /// @arg UART_FLAG_TXEPT: tx and shifter are emptys flag /// @retval The new state of UART_FLAG (SET or RESET). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FlagStatus UART_GetFlagStatus(UART_TypeDef* uart, u16 flag) { return (uart->CSR & flag) ? SET : RESET; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Checks whether the specified UART interrupt has occurred or not. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param it: specifies the UART interrupt source to check. /// This parameter can be one of the following values: /// @arg UART_IT_ERR: Error interrupt(Frame error,) /// @arg UART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt /// @arg UART_OVER_ERR: overrun Error interrupt /// @arg UART_IT_RXIEN: Receive Data register interrupt /// @arg UART_IT_TXIEN: Tansmit Data Register empty interrupt /// @retval The new state of UART_IT (SET or RESET). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ITStatus UART_GetITStatus(UART_TypeDef* uart, u16 it) { return (uart->ISR & it) ? SET : RESET; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Clears the uart interrupt pending bits. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param it: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear. /// This parameter can be one of the following values: /// @arg UART_IT_ERR: Error interrupt(Frame error,) /// @arg UART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt /// @arg UART_OVER_ERR: overrun Error interrupt /// @arg UART_IT_RXIEN: Receive Data register interrupt /// @arg UART_IT_TXIEN: Tansmit Data Register empty interrupt /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_ClearITPendingBit(UART_TypeDef* uart, u16 it) { //clear UART_IT pendings bit uart->ICR = it; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Selects the UART WakeUp method. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param mode: specifies the UART wakeup method. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_WakeUpConfig(UART_TypeDef* uart, UART_WakeUp_TypeDef mode) { MODIFY_REG(uart->CCR, UART_CCR_WAKE, mode); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Determines if the UART is in mute mode or not. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the UART mute mode. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_ReceiverWakeUpCmd(UART_TypeDef* uart, FunctionalState state) { MODIFY_REG(uart->CCR, UART_CCR_RWU, state << UART_CCR_RWU_Pos); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Sets the address of the UART Rx Address. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param address: Indicates the address of the UART Rx Address. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_SetRXAddress(UART_TypeDef* uart, u8 address) { MODIFY_REG(uart->RXAR, UART_RXAR_ADDR, address); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Sets the address of the UART Rx MASK. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param address: Indicates the address of the UART Rx MASK. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_SetRXMASK(UART_TypeDef* uart, u8 address) { MODIFY_REG(uart->RXMR, UART_RXMR_MASK, address); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief ENBALE or DISABLE the UART's 9bit. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the UART 9 bit. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_Enable9bit(UART_TypeDef* uart, FunctionalState state) { MODIFY_REG(uart->CCR, UART_CCR_B8EN, state << UART_CCR_B8EN_Pos); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Set the UART's 9bit Level. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the UART 9 bit. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_Set9bitLevel(UART_TypeDef* uart, FunctionalState state) { MODIFY_REG(uart->CCR, UART_CCR_B8TXD, state << UART_CCR_B8TXD_Pos); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Set the UART's 9bit Polarity. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param polarity: new state of the UART 9 bit Polarity. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_Set9bitPolarity(UART_TypeDef* uart, UART_9bit_Polarity_TypeDef polarity) { MODIFY_REG(uart->CCR, UART_CCR_B8POL, polarity); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Set the UART's 9bit Automatic Toggle. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the UART 9 bit Automatic Toggle. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_Set9bitAutomaticToggle(UART_TypeDef* uart, FunctionalState state) { MODIFY_REG(uart->CCR, UART_CCR_B8TOG, state << UART_CCR_B8TOG_Pos); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the UART Half Duplex communication. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the UART Communication. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_HalfDuplexCmd(UART_TypeDef* uart, FunctionalState state) { MODIFY_REG(uart->SCR, UART_SCR_HDSEL, state << UART_SCR_HDSEL_Pos); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Sets the specified UART guard time. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param guard_time: specifies the guard time. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_SetGuardTime(UART_TypeDef* uart, u8 guard_time) { MODIFY_REG(uart->SCR, UART_SCR_SCFCNT, guard_time << UART_SCR_SCFCNT_Pos); // Clear the UART Guard time // uart->SCR &= SCR_SCFCNT_Mask; // Set the UART guard time // uart->SCR |= (u16)((u16)guard_time << 0x04); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the UART's Smart Card mode. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the Smart Card mode. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_SmartCardCmd(UART_TypeDef* uart, FunctionalState state) { MODIFY_REG(uart->SCR, UART_SCR_SCEN, state << UART_SCR_SCEN_Pos); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables NACK transmission. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the NACK transmission. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_SmartCardNACKCmd(UART_TypeDef* uart, FunctionalState state) { MODIFY_REG(uart->SCR, UART_SCR_SCARB, state << UART_SCR_SCARB_Pos); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Transmits break characters. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_SendBreak(UART_TypeDef* uart) { SET_BIT(uart->CCR, UART_CCR_BRK); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enable or Disable Auto Baud-Rate Detection /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the UART AutoBaudRate Detection. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_AutoBaudRateCmd(UART_TypeDef* uart, FunctionalState state) { state ? SET_BIT(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_ABREN) : CLEAR_BIT(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_ABREN) ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief AutoBaudRate. /// @param uart: Select the UART or the UART peripheral. /// value: special character. /// state: ENABLE/DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UART_AutoBaudRateSet(UART_TypeDef* uart, UART_AutoBaud_TypeDef value, FunctionalState state) { CLEAR_BIT(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_ABREN); //This bit field can only be written when ABREN = 0 or the UART is disabled (UARTEN=0). if ((value == ABRMODE_FALLING_TO_RISINGEDGE1BIT) || (value == ABRMODE_STARTBIT) || (value == ABRMODE_VALUE0XFF)) { //UART measures the duration of the start bit (falling edge) to first rising edge //FORMER edge = 0 LATTER edge= 1, from fist falling edge to rising edge = one bit //___ _ _______ // |_|1 x x x x x x x| = Bxxxx xxx1 F to U = 1 start bit // MODIFY_REG(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_FORMER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT, \ UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT_MODE0 ); } else if((value == ABRMODE_FALLING_TO_RISINGEDGE2BIT) || (value == Data_FE)) { //UART measures the duration of the start bit (falling edge) to first rising edge //FORMER edge = 0 LATTER edge= 1, from fist falling edge to rising edge = two bit //___ _ _______ // |_ _|1 x x x x x x| = Bxxxx xx10 F to U = 2 // MODIFY_REG(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_FORMER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT, \ UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT_MODE1); } else if((value == ABRMODE_FALLING_TO_RISINGEDGE4BIT) || (value == Data_F8)) { //UART measures the duration of the start bit (falling edge) to first rising edge //FORMER edge = 0 LATTER edge= 1, from fist falling edge to rising edge = four bit //___ _ _______ // |_ _ _ _|1 x x x x| = Bxxxx 1000 F to U = 4 // MODIFY_REG(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_FORMER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT, \ UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT_MODE2); } else if((value == ABRMODE_FALLING_TO_RISINGEDGE8BIT) || (value == ABRMODE_VALUE0X80)) { //UART measures the duration of the start bit (falling edge) to first rising edge //FORMER edge = 0 LATTER edge= 1, from fist falling edge to rising edge = eight bit //___ _ ______ // |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|1 = B1000 0000 F to U = 8 // MODIFY_REG(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_FORMER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT, \ UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT_MODE3); } else if((value == ABRMODE_FALLING_TO_FALLINGEDGE2BIT) || (value == ABRMODE_VALUE0X55)) { //UART measures the duration of the start bit (falling edge) to next falling edge //FORMER edge = 0 LATTER edge= 0, from fist falling edge to next falling edge = two bit //___ _ ______ // |_|1|_|x x x x x x| = Bxxxx xx01 F to F = 2 0x55 and Falling to Falling // MODIFY_REG(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_FORMER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT, \ UART_ABRCR_BITCNT_MODE1); } else if((value == ABRMODE_FALLING_TO_FALLINGEDGE4BIT) || (value == ABRMODE_VALUE0XF7)) { //UART measures the duration of the start bit (falling edge) to next falling edge //FORMER edge = 0 LATTER edge= 0, from fist falling edge to next falling edge = four bit //___ _ _ _ ______ // |_|1 1 1|_|x x x x| = Bxxxx 0111 F to F = 4 // MODIFY_REG(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_FORMER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT, \ UART_ABRCR_BITCNT_MODE2); } else if((value == ABRMODE_FALLING_TO_FALLINGEDGE8BIT) || (value == ABRMODE_VALUE0x7F)) { //UART measures the duration of the start bit (falling edge) to next falling edge //FORMER edge = 0 LATTER edge= 0, from fist falling edge to next falling edge = eight bit //___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ // |_|1 1 1 1 1 1 1|_| = B0111 1111 F to F = 8 0x7F // MODIFY_REG(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_FORMER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT, \ UART_ABRCR_BITCNT_MODE3); } else { //UART measures the duration of the start bit (falling edge) to next falling edge //FORMER edge = 0 LATTER edge= 0, from fist falling edge to next falling edge = eight bit //___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ // |_|1 1 1 1 1 1 1|_| = B0111 1111 F to F = 8 0x7F // MODIFY_REG(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_LATTER | UART_ABRCR_FORMER | UART_ABRCR_BITCNT, \ UART_ABRCR_BITCNT_MODE3); } if(state == ENABLE) { SET_BIT(uart->ABRCR, UART_ABRCR_ABREN); } } /// @} /// @} /// @}