//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define to prevent recursive inclusion #define _HAL_I2C_C_ // Files includes #include "hal_i2c.h" #include "hal_rcc.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @addtogroup MM32_Hardware_Abstract_Layer /// @{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @addtogroup I2C_HAL /// @{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @addtogroup I2C_Exported_Functions /// @{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Deinitializes the i2c peripheral registers to their default /// reset values. /// @param i2c: where n can be 1 or 2 to select the I2C peripheral. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_DeInit(I2C_TypeDef* i2c) { switch (*(vu32*)&i2c) { case (u32)I2C1: // I2C1_BASE: exRCC_APB1PeriphReset(RCC_APB1ENR_I2C1); break; case (u32)I2C2: // I2C2_BASE: exRCC_APB1PeriphReset(RCC_APB1ENR_I2C2); break; default: break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Initializes the i2c peripheral according to the specified /// parameters in the init_struct. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param init_struct: pointer to a I2C_InitTypeDef structure that /// contains the configuration information for the specified /// I2C peripheral. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_Init(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, I2C_InitTypeDef* init_struct) { u32 pclk1 = HSI_VALUE; u32 minSclLowTime = 0; u32 i2cPeriod = 0; u32 pclk1Period = 0; i2c->IC_ENABLE &= ~I2C_ENR_ENABLE; pclk1 = RCC_GetPCLK1Freq(); pclk1Period = 1000000000 / pclk1; i2cPeriod = 1000000000 / init_struct->I2C_ClockSpeed; minSclLowTime = pclk1 / init_struct->I2C_ClockSpeed ; i2cPeriod = 82 / pclk1Period; if (init_struct->I2C_ClockSpeed <= 100000) { i2c->IC_SS_SCL_LCNT = (minSclLowTime - 13 - i2cPeriod) / 2; i2c->IC_SS_SCL_HCNT = (minSclLowTime - 13 - i2cPeriod - i2c->IC_SS_SCL_LCNT); } else { i2c->IC_FS_SCL_LCNT = (minSclLowTime - 13 - i2cPeriod ) / 2 + 4; i2c->IC_FS_SCL_HCNT = (minSclLowTime - 13 - i2c->IC_FS_SCL_LCNT - i2cPeriod); } i2c->IC_CON &= ~(I2C_CR_EMPINT | \ I2C_CR_SLAVEDIS | \ I2C_CR_REPEN | \ I2C_CR_MASTER10 | \ I2C_CR_SLAVE10 | \ I2C_CR_FAST | \ I2C_CR_MASTER); i2c->IC_CON = I2C_CR_EMPINT | \ I2C_CR_REPEN | \ ((init_struct->I2C_Speed == I2C_CR_FAST) ? I2C_CR_FAST : I2C_CR_STD) | \ ((init_struct->I2C_Mode) ? I2C_CR_MASTER : 0x00); i2c->IC_INTR_MASK &= INTR_MASK; i2c->IC_RX_TL = 0x00; i2c->IC_TX_TL = 0x00; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Fills each init_struct member with its default value. /// @param init_struct: pointer to an I2C_InitTypeDef structure /// which will be initialized. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_StructInit(I2C_InitTypeDef* init_struct) { init_struct->I2C_Mode = I2C_CR_MASTER; init_struct->I2C_OwnAddress = I2C_OWN_ADDRESS; init_struct->I2C_Speed = I2C_CR_STD; init_struct->I2C_ClockSpeed = 100000; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the specified I2C peripheral. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the i2c peripheral. This parameter /// can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_Cmd(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, FunctionalState state) { (state) ? (i2c->IC_ENABLE |= I2C_ENR_ENABLE) : (i2c->IC_ENABLE &= ~I2C_ENR_ENABLE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the specified I2C DMA requests. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the I2C DMA transfer. /// This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_DMACmd(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, FunctionalState state) { if (state) { if (I2C_DMA_DIR == TDMAE_SET) i2c->IC_DMA_CR |= TDMAE_SET; else i2c->IC_DMA_CR |= RDMAE_SET; } else i2c->IC_DMA_CR &= ~(I2C_DMA_RXEN | I2C_DMA_TXEN); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Generates i2c communication START condition. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the I2C START condition generation. /// This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_GenerateSTART(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, FunctionalState state) { (state) ? (i2c->IC_CON |= I2C_CR_REPEN) : (i2c->IC_CON &= ~I2C_CR_REPEN); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Generates i2c communication STOP condition. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the I2C STOP condition generation. /// This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_GenerateSTOP(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, FunctionalState state) { u16 overTime = 3000; i2c->IC_ENABLE |= I2C_ENR_ABORT; while (i2c->IC_ENABLE & I2C_ENR_ABORT) { if (overTime-- == 0) break; } i2c->IC_CLR_TX_ABRT; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Configures the specified I2C own address2. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param addr: specifies the 7bit I2C own address2. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_OwnAddress2Config(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u8 addr) { MODIFY_REG(i2c->IC_TAR, (u16)I2C_TAR_ADDR, (u16)(addr >> 1)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the specified I2C dual addressing mode. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the I2C dual addressing mode. /// This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_DualAddressCmd(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, FunctionalState state) { (state) ? (i2c->IC_TAR |= IC_TAR_ENDUAL_Set) : (i2c->IC_TAR &= IC_TAR_ENDUAL_Reset); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the specified I2C general call feature. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the I2C General call. /// This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_GeneralCallCmd(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, FunctionalState state) { (state) ? (i2c->IC_TAR |= I2C_TAR_SPECIAL) : (i2c->IC_TAR &= ~I2C_TAR_SPECIAL); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the specified I2C interrupts. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param it: specifies the I2C interrupts sources to be enabled /// or disabled. /// This parameter can be any combination of the following values: /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_UNDER : Rx Buffer is empty interrupt mask /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_OVER : RX Buffer Overrun interrupt mask /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_FULL : Rx buffer full interrupt mask /// @arg I2C_IT_TX_OVER : TX Buffer Overrun interrupt mask /// @arg I2C_IT_TX_EMPTY : TX_FIFO empty interrupt mask /// @arg I2C_IT_RD_REQ : I2C work as slave or master interrupt mask /// @arg I2C_IT_TX_ABRT : TX error interrupt mask(Master mode) /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_DONE : Master not ack interrupt mask(slave mode) /// @arg I2C_IT_ACTIVITY : I2C activity interrupt mask /// @arg I2C_IT_STOP_DET : stop condition interrupt mask /// @arg I2C_IT_START_DET : start condition interrupt mask /// @arg I2C_IT_GEN_CALL : a general call address and ack interrupt mask /// @param state: new state of the specified I2C interrupts. /// This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_ITConfig(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u16 it, FunctionalState state) { if (it == I2C_IT_RX_FULL) I2C_ReadCmd(i2c); (state) ? SET_BIT(i2c->IC_INTR_MASK, it) : CLEAR_BIT(i2c->IC_INTR_MASK, (u16)it); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Sends a data byte through the i2c peripheral. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param dat: Byte to be transmitted.. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_SendData(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u8 dat) { i2c->IC_DATA_CMD = dat; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Returns the most recent received data by the i2c peripheral. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @retval The value of the received data. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_ReadCmd(I2C_TypeDef* i2c) { i2c->IC_DATA_CMD = I2C_DR_CMD; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Returns the most recent received data by the i2c peripheral. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @retval The value of the received data. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// u8 I2C_ReceiveData(I2C_TypeDef* i2c) { I2C_CMD_DIR = 0; return (u8)i2c->IC_DATA_CMD; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Transmits the address byte to select the slave device. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param addr: specifies the slave address which will be transmitted /// @param dir: specifies whether the I2C device will be a /// Transmitter or a Receiver. /// This parameter can be one of the following values /// @arg I2C_Direction_Transmitter: Transmitter mode /// @arg I2C_Direction_Receiver: Receiver mode /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_Send7bitAddress(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u8 addr, u8 dir) { i2c->IC_TAR = addr >> 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Reads the specified I2C register and returns its value. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param reg: specifies the register to read. /// This parameter can be one of the following values: /// @retval The value of the read register. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// u16 I2C_ReadRegister(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u8 reg) { return (*(vu16*)(*((u32*)&i2c) + reg)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Returns the last i2c Event. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @retval The last event //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// u32 I2C_GetLastEvent(I2C_TypeDef* i2c) { return (u32)i2c->IC_RAW_INTR_STAT & FLAG_Mask; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Checks whether the last i2c Event is equal to the one passed /// as parameter. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param event: specifies the event to be checked. /// This parameter can be one of the following values: /// @arg I2C_EVENT_RX_UNDER : Rx Buffer is empty event /// @arg I2C_EVENT_RX_OVER : RX Buffer Overrun event /// @arg I2C_EVENTT_RX_FULL : Rx buffer full event /// @arg I2C_EVENT_TX_OVER : TX Buffer Overrun event /// @arg I2C_EVENT_TX_EMPTY : TX_FIFO empty event /// @arg I2C_EVENT_RD_REQ : I2C work as slave or master event /// @arg I2C_EVENT_TX_ABRT : TX error event(Master mode) /// @arg I2C_EVENT_RX_DONE : Master not ack event(slave mode) /// @arg I2C_EVENT_ACTIVITY : I2C activity event /// @arg I2C_EVENT_STOP_DET : stop condition event /// @arg I2C_EVENT_START_DET: start condition event /// @arg I2C_EVENT_GEN_CALL : a general call address and ack event /// - SUCCESS: Last event is equal to the I2C_EVENT /// - ERROR: Last event is different from the I2C_EVENT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ErrorStatus I2C_CheckEvent(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u32 event) { if ((event == I2C_EVENT_RX_FULL) && (I2C_CMD_DIR == 0)) { i2c->IC_DATA_CMD = I2C_DR_CMD; I2C_CMD_DIR = 1; } return (ErrorStatus)((i2c->IC_RAW_INTR_STAT & event) == event); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Checks whether the specified I2C flag is set or not. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param flag: specifies the flag to check. /// This parameter can be one of the following values: /// @arg I2C_FLAG_RX_UNDER : Rx Buffer is empty flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_RX_OVER : RX Buffer Overrun flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_RX_FULL : Rx buffer full flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_TX_OVER : TX Buffer Overrun flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_TX_EMPTY : TX_FIFO empty flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_RD_REQ : I2C work as slave or master flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_TX_ABRT : TX error flag(Master mode) /// @arg I2C_FLAG_RX_DONE : Master not ack flag(slave mode) /// @arg I2C_FLAG_ACTIVITY : I2C activity flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_STOP_DET : stop condition flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_START_DET: start condition flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_GEN_CALL : a general call address and ack flag /// @retval The new state of I2C_FLAG (SET or RESET). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FlagStatus I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u32 flag) { if (flag & 0x8000) return ((i2c->IC_STATUS & flag) ? SET : RESET); if ((flag == I2C_FLAG_RX_FULL) && (I2C_CMD_DIR == 0)) { i2c->IC_DATA_CMD = I2C_DR_CMD; I2C_CMD_DIR = 1; } return (((i2c->IC_RAW_INTR_STAT & flag)) ? SET : RESET); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Clears the i2c's pending flags. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param flag: specifies the flag to clear. /// This parameter can be any combination of the following values: /// @arg I2C_FLAG_RX_UNDER : Rx Buffer is empty flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_RX_OVER : RX Buffer Overrun flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_RX_FULL : Rx buffer full flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_TX_OVER : TX Buffer Overrun flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_TX_EMPTY : TX_FIFO empty flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_RD_REQ : I2C work as slave or master flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_TX_ABRT : TX error flag(Master mode) /// @arg I2C_FLAG_RX_DONE : Master not ack flag(slave mode) /// @arg I2C_FLAG_ACTIVITY : I2C activity flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_STOP_DET : stop condition flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_START_DET: start condition flag /// @arg I2C_FLAG_GEN_CALL : a general call address and ack flag /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_ClearFlag(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u32 flag) { if ((flag & I2C_FLAG_RX_UNDER) == I2C_FLAG_RX_UNDER) i2c->IC_CLR_RX_UNDER; if ((flag & I2C_FLAG_RX_OVER) == I2C_FLAG_RX_OVER) i2c->IC_CLR_RX_OVER; if ((flag & I2C_FLAG_TX_OVER) == I2C_FLAG_TX_OVER) i2c->IC_CLR_TX_OVER; if ((flag & I2C_FLAG_RD_REQ) == I2C_FLAG_RD_REQ) i2c->IC_CLR_RD_REQ; if ((flag & I2C_FLAG_TX_ABRT) == I2C_FLAG_TX_ABRT) i2c->IC_CLR_TX_ABRT; if ((flag & I2C_FLAG_RX_DONE) == I2C_FLAG_RX_DONE) i2c->IC_CLR_RX_DONE; if ((flag & I2C_FLAG_ACTIVITY) == I2C_FLAG_ACTIVITY) i2c->IC_CLR_ACTIVITY; if ((flag & I2C_FLAG_STOP_DET) == I2C_FLAG_STOP_DET) i2c->IC_CLR_STOP_DET; if ((flag & I2C_FLAG_START_DET) == I2C_FLAG_START_DET) i2c->IC_CLR_START_DET; if ((flag & I2C_FLAG_GEN_CALL) == I2C_FLAG_GEN_CALL) i2c->IC_CLR_GEN_CALL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Checks whether the specified I2C interrupt has occurred or not. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param it: specifies the interrupt source to check. /// This parameter can be one of the following values: /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_UNDER : Rx Buffer is empty interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_OVER : RX Buffer Overrun interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_FULL : Rx buffer full interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_TX_OVER : TX Buffer Overrun interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_TX_EMPTY : TX_FIFO empty interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_RD_REQ : I2C work as slave or master interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_TX_ABRT : TX error interrupt (Master mode) /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_DONE : Master not ack interrupt (slave mode) /// @arg I2C_IT_ACTIVITY : I2C activity interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_STOP_DET : stop condition interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_START_DET: start condition interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_GEN_CALL : a general call address and ack interrupt /// @retval The new state of I2C_IT (SET or RESET). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ITStatus I2C_GetITStatus(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u32 it) { return ((i2c->IC_RAW_INTR_STAT & it) ? SET : RESET); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Clears the i2c interrupt pending bits. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param it: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear. /// This parameter can be any combination of the following values: /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_UNDER : Rx Buffer is empty interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_OVER : RX Buffer Overrun interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_FULL : Rx buffer full interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_TX_OVER : TX Buffer Overrun interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_TX_EMPTY : TX_FIFO empty interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_RD_REQ : I2C work as slave or master interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_TX_ABRT : TX error interrupt (Master mode) /// @arg I2C_IT_RX_DONE : Master not ack interrupt (slave mode) /// @arg I2C_IT_ACTIVITY : I2C activity interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_STOP_DET : stop condition interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_START_DET: start condition interrupt /// @arg I2C_IT_GEN_CALL : a general call address and ack interrupt /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_ClearITPendingBit(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u32 it) { if ((it & I2C_IT_RX_UNDER) == I2C_FLAG_RX_UNDER) i2c->IC_CLR_RX_UNDER; if ((it & I2C_IT_RX_OVER) == I2C_FLAG_RX_OVER) i2c->IC_CLR_RX_OVER; if ((it & I2C_IT_TX_OVER) == I2C_FLAG_TX_OVER) i2c->IC_CLR_TX_OVER; if ((it & I2C_IT_RD_REQ) == I2C_FLAG_RD_REQ) i2c->IC_CLR_RD_REQ; if ((it & I2C_IT_TX_ABRT) == I2C_FLAG_TX_ABRT) i2c->IC_CLR_TX_ABRT; if ((it & I2C_IT_RX_DONE) == I2C_FLAG_RX_DONE) i2c->IC_CLR_RX_DONE; if ((it & I2C_IT_ACTIVITY) == I2C_FLAG_ACTIVITY) i2c->IC_CLR_ACTIVITY; if ((it & I2C_IT_STOP_DET) == I2C_FLAG_STOP_DET) i2c->IC_CLR_STOP_DET; if ((it & I2C_IT_START_DET) == I2C_FLAG_START_DET) i2c->IC_CLR_START_DET; if ((it & I2C_IT_GEN_CALL) == I2C_FLAG_GEN_CALL) i2c->IC_CLR_GEN_CALL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // New Function Interface // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Configures slave address. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param addr: specifies the slave address which will be transmitted /// This parameter can be one of the following values /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_SendSlaveAddress(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, u8 addr) { WRITE_REG(i2c->IC_SAR, addr >> 1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the I2C slave mode. /// @param i2c: select the I2C peripheral. /// @param state: new state of the specified I2C interrupts. /// This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void I2C_SlaveConfigure(I2C_TypeDef* i2c, FunctionalState state) { (state) ? CLEAR_BIT(i2c->IC_CON, I2C_CR_SLAVEDIS) : SET_BIT(i2c->IC_CON, I2C_CR_SLAVEDIS); } /// @} /// @} /// @}