/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2019-04-20 tyustli the first version. * 2019-07-15 Magicoe The first version for LPC55S6x, timeout unit is S not mS * */ #include <rtthread.h> #ifdef BSP_USING_WDT #if !defined(BSP_USING_WDT) #error "Please define at least one BSP_USING_WDOGx" #endif #define LOG_TAG "drv.wdt" #include <drv_log.h> #include "drv_wdt.h" #include <rthw.h> #include "rtdevice.h" #if defined(BSP_USING_WDT) #include "fsl_wwdt.h" struct lpc_wdt_obj { rt_watchdog_t watchdog; rt_uint16_t is_start; }; static struct lpc_wdt_obj lpc_wdt; static wwdt_config_t WWDT1_config = { /* Enable the watch dog */ .enableWwdt = true, /* Disable the watchdog timeout reset */ .enableWatchdogReset = false, /* Disable the watchdog protection for updating the timeout value */ .enableWatchdogProtect = false, /* Windowing is not in effect */ .windowValue = 0xFFFFFFU, /* Set the timeout value to the max */ .timeoutValue = 0xFFFFFFU, /* No warning is provided */ .warningValue = 0, /* Set clock frequency. */ .clockFreq_Hz = 0U, }; void WDT_BOD_IRQHandler(void) { uint32_t wdtStatus = WWDT_GetStatusFlags(WWDT); /* The chip will reset before this happens */ if (wdtStatus & kWWDT_TimeoutFlag) { /* A watchdog feed didn't occur prior to window timeout */ /* Stop WDT */ WWDT_Disable(WWDT); WWDT_ClearStatusFlags(WWDT, kWWDT_TimeoutFlag); /* Needs restart */ WWDT_Enable(WWDT); } /* Handle warning interrupt */ if (wdtStatus & kWWDT_WarningFlag) { /* A watchdog feed didn't occur prior to warning timeout */ WWDT_ClearStatusFlags(WWDT, kWWDT_WarningFlag); /* User code. User can do urgent case before timeout reset. * IE. user can backup the ram data or ram log to flash. * the period is set by config.warningValue, user need to * check the period between warning interrupt and timeout. */ } } static rt_err_t lpc_wwdt_close(rt_watchdog_t *wdt) { rt_uint32_t level; WWDT_Type *base; base = (WWDT_Type *)wdt->parent.user_data; level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); WWDT_Disable(base); rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t lpc_wwdt_open(rt_watchdog_t *wdt, rt_uint16_t oflag) { WWDT_Type *base; base = (WWDT_Type *)wdt->parent.user_data; rt_uint32_t level; level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); WWDT_Enable(base); rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t lpc_wwdt_init(rt_watchdog_t *wdt) { WWDT_Type *base; base = (WWDT_Type *)wdt->parent.user_data; /* Enable FRO 1M clock for WWDT module. */ SYSCON->CLOCK_CTRL |= SYSCON_CLOCK_CTRL_FRO1MHZ_CLK_ENA_MASK; /* Set clock divider for WWDT clock source. */ CLOCK_SetClkDiv(kCLOCK_DivWdtClk, 1U, true); WWDT_GetDefaultConfig(&WWDT1_config); /* * Set watchdog feed time constant to approximately 4s * Set watchdog warning time to 512 ticks after feed time constant * Set watchdog window time to 1s */ /* The WDT divides the input frequency into it by 4 */ WWDT1_config.timeoutValue = (CLOCK_GetWdtClkFreq() / 4) * 4; WWDT1_config.warningValue = 512; WWDT1_config.windowValue = (CLOCK_GetWdtClkFreq() / 4) * 1; /* Configure WWDT to reset on timeout */ WWDT1_config.enableWatchdogReset = true; /* Setup watchdog clock frequency(Hz). */ WWDT1_config.clockFreq_Hz = CLOCK_GetWdtClkFreq(); WWDT_Init(base, &WWDT1_config); lpc_wwdt_close(wdt); return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t lpc_wwdt_refresh(rt_watchdog_t *wdt) { WWDT_Type *base; base = (WWDT_Type *)wdt->parent.user_data; rt_uint32_t level; level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); WWDT_Refresh(base); rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); return RT_EOK; } /** * @function control wdog * * @param * wdt whick wdog used * cmd control wdog options * args argument of conrtol * @retval rt_err_t the status of control result * * @attention wdog1 is can not get left time(register not exist) and wdogs unit is seconds * */ static rt_err_t lpc_wwdt_control(rt_watchdog_t *wdt, int cmd, void *args) { RT_ASSERT(wdt != NULL); WWDT_Type *base; base = (WWDT_Type *)wdt->parent.user_data; switch(cmd) { case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_WDT_GET_TIMEOUT: { *(uint16_t *)args = WWDT1_config.timeoutValue; } break; case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_WDT_SET_TIMEOUT: { RT_ASSERT(*(uint16_t *)args != 0); WWDT1_config.timeoutValue = (CLOCK_GetWdtClkFreq() / 4) * (*(uint16_t *)args) * 2; WWDT1_config.warningValue = 512; WWDT1_config.windowValue = (CLOCK_GetWdtClkFreq() / 4) * (*(uint16_t *)args) * 2 / 4; base->TC = WWDT_TC_COUNT(WWDT1_config.timeoutValue); base->WINDOW = WWDT_WINDOW_WINDOW(WWDT1_config.windowValue); base->WARNINT = WWDT_WARNINT_WARNINT(WWDT1_config.warningValue); WWDT_Refresh(base); lpc_wwdt_close(wdt); } break; case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_WDT_KEEPALIVE: { lpc_wwdt_refresh(wdt); } break; case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_WDT_START: { lpc_wwdt_open(wdt, *(rt_uint32_t *)args); } break; case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_WDT_STOP: { lpc_wwdt_close(wdt); } break; default: return -RT_EINVAL; } return RT_EOK; } static struct rt_watchdog_ops lpc_wwdt_ops = { .init = lpc_wwdt_init, .control = lpc_wwdt_control, }; #endif /* BSP_USING_WDT */ int rt_hw_wdt_init(void) { rt_err_t ret = RT_EOK; #if defined (BSP_USING_WDT) lpc_wdt.watchdog.ops = &lpc_wwdt_ops; ret = rt_hw_watchdog_register(&lpc_wdt.watchdog, "wdt", RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR, WWDT); if (ret != RT_EOK) { LOG_E("rt device register failed %d\n", ret); } #endif /* BSP_USING_WDT */ return ret; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(rt_hw_wdt_init); #endif /* BSP_USING_WDT */